Blur: A Sports Romance Part 7

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His blue eyes looked directly into my own. Mallory, business will always be business, but youll always be my little sister, and I promise you, Ill try to stay out of your love life.

I pushed his shoulder away from me with my free hand and released the back of his neck. He took a step backward and rubbed at the bruised skin.

Walk me out, I demanded, and call a cleaning service, to. This place has gotta be infested.

Giovanni walked me to the stoop outside his building, still dressed in his lounge pants and bathrobe. He kissed my cheek and gave me another hug, vowing to see me for dinner on Sunday. I waved to him as I bounded down the steps, looking back as he disappeared into the building, and then I turned and ran into a brick wall of solid muscle and towering height.

Chapter Twelve.

Adrian Who was that? I asked thickly as I held Mallory by her upper arms so that she wouldnt topple over on to the sidewalk, my blood running hot. I was watching her come down the stairs and had prepared myself for the impending impact of our bodies. She looked up at me, confused and stunned. It took her a good thirty seconds to adjust and realize that it was me she had b.u.mped into.

Adrian, what are you, how did youwhat? Her nose wrinkled as she looked up at me and squinted against the glare of the afternoon sun.

Is he the reason you wont go out with me?

Mallory looked back towards the empty stairs and then back to me, her features had transformed from shock to sadness. Yes.

So you are seeing someone else. I sighed and let my hands drop to my sides. I thought you might be, but I didnt want to believe it. Why didnt you tell me you had a boyfriend? Was that who you were screaming at? Did he hurt you? Suddenly my defenses were up. Id kill him if he had laid a finger on her.

Mallory look taken aback, then shook her head hastily. Wait, slow down a minute. Youre making my head spin. Its been a real suck-ish last twelve hours. Can we start over, please?

I bit back the frustration roiling in me just a bit longer. Yeah, yeah, as soon as you tell me you arent hurt.

She laid the flat of her hand on my chest and gazed up at me, and my heart danced. I could feel her vibration from my chest to my toes. Im not hurt.

I felt the adrenaline dump flow through me. Okay.

Adrian, how did you get here?

I looked down at her beautiful blue eyes. I took a taxi from the flower shop.

She gave me a suspicious sideways glance. You followed me? Adrian, are you spying on me now?

No! I mean, yes, kind of, but no. I let a frustrated sigh out and started over. I wasnt purposely spying on you. I mean, I know it looks that way, but really, I came to the shop to make sure you were okay and talk about what happened, why you didnt want to see me. Then I saw you storm out and peel out onto the road, and I was worried, so I grabbed a taxi. I thought you were going home, but then you came here. I looked up at the dilapidated building. Why are you here? If that guys your boyfriend, its okay, just be honest with me.

She was smiling, thoroughly amused with me.


Youre cute when you are jealous and fl.u.s.tered.

I shook my head and pursed my lips. Mallory.

Okay, Im sorry. She let her features go back to the seriousness of the situation. Come, sit down with me.

I eyed the steps. They were filthy. My hands grabbed up a folded newspaper from the top of a cover tin trash can and spread it out before we took a seat on the steps. So whats the deal? Is he like your high school sweetheart?

She laughed. Giovanni? she laughed harder, Dear G.o.d, no. As much as I hate to admit it, hes my brother.

My emotions let forth a floodgate of mixed feelings. Her brother? She had a brother? A brother who was alive. She didnt have a boyfriend. It was her family that was fighting with her like that. Why? I rode through a coaster of happiness, anger, disbelief, sorrow, and yes, jealousy. In the span of a few seconds, I was emotionally exhausted. Your brother?

Mallory nodded, looking at me from the side, her hair a jumbled s.e.xy ma.s.s on top of her head that s.h.i.+mmered in the rays of the sun.

Do you always scream at him like that?

She smirked. You heard that?

I think the whole city heard that.

She covered her face with her hands and moaned. Our relations.h.i.+p iscomplicated.

But you have one. I regretted saying that the second the words came out of my mouth.

Mallory took my hand. I know. I should be thankful I have him. Sometimes hes a real a.s.shole, and I have to remind him.

Whos older?

He is.

I nodded. Okay, now I get it. Alex was an overbearing brother sometimes too. But what happened to make you race over here like that and throw a verbal grenade at him?

She hesitated. He hasnt made the best choices in his life. I worry about him more than I should.

Hes your brother. I pointed out.

Her hand stayed in mine. I know, but I dont have to encourage his stupidity. I know hes trying to do what he thinks is right and keep up with what my father did. He wants to know Im safe and cared for. I get all that I do, she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, but G.o.d, sometimes he makes me so angry.

I nodded and squeezed her hand back, letting her know I understood.

He was the reason I said I couldnt see you. Hes always interfered with my relations.h.i.+ps. She hesitated. Well, no, thats not totally fair"sometimes he rescues me from them, so I guess he only has my best interest at heart. she shrugged.

Yeah, I think older siblings usually do. Did you get it sorted out though?

I think so. She smiled as she spoke and looked directly at me. Hes not out here kicking your a.s.s, so thats a good sign.

Ha, Id like to see him try. I laughed, but inside, I was serious. It didnt matter that he was her brother, he obviously made her upset, so much so that she nearly wrecked her car a few times getting over here.

Im sorry that we put you through that. I felt her lift my hand and kiss the back of it with her soft lips. Forgive me?

Oh kitten, theres nothing to forgive. I cupped her cheeks and kissed her lips, something I had been waiting and wanting to do since her lips left mine cold and alone at the cemetery. She didnt pull back, her mouth lingering on mine, and everything felt right in the world for that minute. Can I drive you home?

You dont have your car. Taxi, remember? She looked around, pretending to search for my Lexus.

Right. Well, can I drive myself home in your car and take you along for the ride?

She looked at me as if I had asked for the Hope Diamond. Her hand went to her chest. You follow me down here and then expect me to let you drive my precious car around the city like you own it?

I laughed and she yelped as I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to her car at the curb. I set her down and opened the pa.s.senger side door. She climbed in and I stood there rethinking my decision to drive.

Are you getting in?

Um, I dont think I can fit in there. What is this? A clowns golf cart?

Shut up, she laughed. I love my little car, and its a Spark.

I rounded the front of the windup toy car and stuffed my body into the front seat. How do I make the squirrels start running?

She slapped at my shoulder. Stop!

I was pleasantly surprised at how much room there actually was inside the vehicle. It was deceiving from the outside. I leaned over the gears.h.i.+ft and kissed her. Im sorry. Its cute, just like you.

There was that growingly familiar blush I was starting to really adore. I laid my hand on her knee once I had s.h.i.+fted us into gear and drove to my street. I let the car idle in front of my apartment building, not wanting to let her go.

This is me.

She looked up at the nondescript brick building. It looked similar to the one next to it, and the one next to that. The only difference was the four numbers over the entry way that indicated which building was which. Mine was 1207.


If you wanted you could come upstairs, see the place.

Mallory gave me a polite smile. I really would like that, but if Im being honest Im emotionally exhausted, and Id like to soak in a hot tub and sleep for about forty-eight hours. Her laughter was sweet and honest, and I couldnt bring myself to use my charm and woo her into my bed when I knew she needed some time and some rest. My heart didnt worry that she would reject me again.

Okay, I grabbed hold of her thigh and squeezed the soft, warm skin. Tomorrow night? Dinner?

I would like that very much. And then she kissed me to seal the deal.

Chapter Thirteen.

Mallory You look amazing, gushed Leslie as she adjusted the thin strap of my dress on my bare shoulder.

I should have grabbed a sweater, I muttered as I wiggled and adjusted my b.r.e.a.s.t.s inside my strapless bra for the third time. I feel overexposed.

Leslie slapped at my hand. Stop fidgeting. You look fabulous, and if youve got it, flaunt it. Believe me, Adrian isnt going to object to this look at all. Oh wait, she interrupted herself. I brought you some of that great gloss you like. She dug around in her oversized sling bag. d.a.m.n it, I had it the other night.

I smiled at my dearest friend. She was being positive, encouraging this relations.h.i.+p without any objections. I watched her sink her arm halfway past her elbow into the s.h.i.+mmery silver bag.

Gawwwwd, where is it? Hey, why is he picking you up here?

I blushed and whispered, He said if he came to the house we may never leave. I giggled.

So hot.

Whos so hot? Me? Robbie came in to the shop with his clipboard and keys in hand.

Leslie shook her head. Hardly.

My heart broke a little for my friends. I wish they had listened when I suggested it wasnt the best idea for them to date.

Robbie stuck his tongue out and headed back to give Mr. Alika the key to the delivery van and his receipts. Oh hey, Les? Robbie tossed something from his pocket.

Leslie turned moments before a small plastic bag landed in her waiting hands.

You left that at my place last night.

I gave her a wide eyed look of surprise. Really?

Leslie opened the pink bag and pulled out the lip gloss. She waved it in front of me. Sometimes making up is the best s.e.x ever.

I wouldnt know. I laughed.

She narrowed her eyes. Try to instigate a few little tiffs every now and again, and youll be amazed how they want to treat you like the princess you are. She slapped the pink tube into my palm and closed my fingers around it. Wear it with confidence, Mal. she winked.

Thanks. I hugged her and ran as best I could in my heels to the restroom to smear the gloss over my mouth. In the mirror, I peered at my image.

My dress was filmy and flowing in a crisp green that reminded me of Adrians eyes. It dipped low on my bust line and flowed in a flattering cascade of gauzy material over my waist and hips and cut mid thigh in length. I had added a pair of black strappy heels that revealed my freshly painted toes. I purposely left my hair down, but managed to straighten it into some semblance of smooth, glossy locks. I dabbed at my lips and wiped at the corners of my lined eyes and then looked once more at my reflection.

Not too bad Not bad at all. I felt amazing, and I hoped that showed on my face.

Hey Mal, your date is here, yelled Leslie down the short hallway that led to the restroom.

I took a deep breath and blew out all the nerves. Here we go. I took my time to walk the short distance, one to make a more nonchalant entrance so I wouldnt accidentally trip and fall on my heels.

Adrian was standing at the door with perfectly styled hair, a baby blue knit v-neck s.h.i.+rt that hugged his muscles in a delicious way, and a pair of dressy yet somehow casual gray slacks. In his hands he held a single rose. I couldnt help but grin.

Why do I feel like Im going out on my first date? Should I be in by ten? I glanced at Leslie. Robbie was perched on the counter behind her smiling like a fool. I looked from each of their faces and then back to Adrian. I had the sneaky suspicion I had missed something. I whirled around, trying to see if I had accidently tucked my skirt into my panties. Then I looked at them all again. Whats going on?

Robbie waved a crisp white envelope in the air and Leslie literally squealed with delight. I looked questioningly at Adrian.

His smile was so cute and innocent. I brought you all tickets for Monday nights game.

Leslie jumped and clapped. Best boyfriend ever, she exclaimed in a sing song voice.

Leslie, I whispered in a harsh tone and gave a sideways nod and glance towards Robbie.

Robbie laughed. Yeah, Ive got to agree with her this time around. Best boyfriend without a doubt, and thanks man, I mean Adrian, really nice of you. Robbie stumbled over his words.

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