Blur: A Sports Romance Part 6

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My brother paced back and forth, clenching and unclenching his fingers into fists. No more, Mallory Rosella He used my middle name, my mothers name, trying to intimidate me, but it only added to my fury.

Screw you Giovanni, you arent Ma or Pops. You cant tell me what to do. Im not your ward anymore. Im twenty-one, and Ill d.a.m.n well see anyone I want, when I want, where I want, and when I want. My voice was on full volume, and my frustration frazzled my brain enough to make me repeat my words. My life is none of your G.o.dd.a.m.ned business anymore, and youve made no effort to be around or even let me know where you are. So dont you dare stand there and tell me what I need to do or who I can see, Giovanni.

Giovanni took a menacing step toward me, and I backed up to the opened door of my car. He gritted his teeth and spoke through his clenched jaw. Mallory, this is too deep even for you to understand. You need to stay out of it and stay away from Maxwell, he Giovanni pounded his fist on the hood of my car. He isnt any good for you. Do you hear me? You are not to see him again.

Hot tears were streaming down my face, and in that moment I hated my brother for making me cry, for taking away a moment with our parents, and for dictating to me what my life was supposed to be, but most of all, for taking away Adrian. I knew what Id said, that he couldnt tell me who or where or when, but I knew that wasnt true, even after I spewed the words out. Normally, Id try to press my luck, but the way he looked at me scared me this time.

I didnt know how far Giovanni was in this time around, and in the time it took for him to pound his fist into my hood, I saw Mr. Alika, Leslie, and Robbie. I knew full well what could and most likely would happen to Pus.h.i.+ng Daisies if I didnt watch my step. Giovanni would have no choice, and it would be my fault. Right now, my employer and his business were safe, unlike a lot of other shops and business in this part of Elizabeth. I couldnt risk it, and that fact hit my heart like a bulldozer. I drove home straining to see through my tears.

Chapter Ten.

Adrian Three small velvet boxes of different colors and ages laid in a row on my unmade bed. A forth was in my hand. I opened the lid and heard the squeaky bra.s.s hinge. It moaned at having been unmoved for years. In its belly, on a bed of silk, I found what I was searching for. I let the delicate, dainty silver chain dangle from my fingertips. A white sapphire pendant glittered in the dim light of my bedroom lamp.

I could remember my mother wearing the necklace when I was younger. She wore it to Alexs high school graduation. She wore it to my high school graduation and my first college football game. After Alex pa.s.sed away and before I moved out on my own, she pulled me aside and gave me the velvet box that held the necklace. She told me she had intended to give it to Alex in hopes that he would give it to a special girl, fall in love, and share it with her, but she was afraid he would sell it at a p.a.w.n shop for liquor, so she held on to it for the day he got better. I recalled wiping away her tears with my fingers.

I sat there with the necklace and rubbed my fingers together, remembering the sound of her sniffing. She wanted me to take it now. Maybe one day I would meet someone special enough to love it for as many years as she had. As I looked at it, I could think of no one more special to me right now than Mallory.

Our relations.h.i.+p was new and fragile, but my heart was certain about her, and I wanted to prove it to her with a visible symbol. One that meant a lot to me, one that would be witness to anyone looking at her that we were an item; we had a commitment to one another, no matter how new it was.

I cradled the necklace back in the silk lining of the box and snapped the lid shut, placing the box on my nightstand. The other three boxes, which contained pieces from my grandparents and my own high school ring, went back into the top drawer of my bureau.

The tension in my body was demanding a release. It had been a h.e.l.l of a day. I decided to take a hot shower to relax, and then I could call Mallory and let her voice lull me into a peaceful sleep.

The steam from the shower filled the bathroom that was right off my bedroom. I could hear the low tones of the music that were coming from the miniature speaker attached to my iPad. I stripped off my jeans and boxer briefs, slipping my t-s.h.i.+rt over my head and dropping it into the small pile at my feet. I could see the lines of my chest through the steamy film that was coating the bathroom mirror. Looking at my reflection, I watched my own hand running over my chest, but in my head, it was Mallorys fingers stroking my skin, bringing me a fresh rush of sensations. I felt the surge of blood rush downward.

Opaque plastic crinkled, and metal loops and hooks sc.r.a.ped against the shower rod as I drew back the curtain and stepped into the high-pressure beads of hot water from my showerhead. It was almost perfect. The only thing that could make this moment better would be to have Mallory naked in here with me.

I felt my muscles twitch at the thought. If she lived here, she could join me every day. That was a thought Id never entertained with another woman. I scrubbed my hair with a rich, tingling, invigorating shampoo. I could make her breakfast in the mornings. She would have dinner ready after practice. I would buy her a flower shop of her own so that she could always be creative, without any hindrance from other people. I knew she would be an amazing business woman.

A fresh-scented body wash coated my skin and left bubbles at my feet as I woke up the nerve endings in my skin with a rough cloth. Wed climb into bed and be in one anothers arms every night. Id hold her and feel her mouth on mine. I could touch her and draw out a mult.i.tude of pleasures from within her. Hearing her whimper and moan in my head had me rock-hard under the flow of the water.

I took up the bottle of conditioner and slicked it through my hair. It was silky smooth, like the insides of Mallorys thighs. My hands slipped down the ripples of my abdomen, and my fingers encircled the swollen trunk between my own legs. My hand slipped over the taut skin with ease. I imagined Mallorys lips making that same motion. My free hand lay flat on the tile of the shower wall, holding me up while I kept my eyes closed. I could feel my knees tremble as I envisioned her whispering from on her knees how she loved the way we fit together, how she needed me every day, and when we were apart, all she did was fantasize about us making love. The surge built fast, and I didnt hold it back. I called out her name at my release and stood there shaking until the water started to turn cold. I couldnt wait to get out and call her.

With a towel swathed about my hips and my hair toweled dry, my cell phone was in my hand and I stretched my lengthy form out over my bed, pus.h.i.+ng the tangle of blankets and sheets aside so that I could be comfortable on the mattress. I punched at and propped up a few pillows behind my back and head, and when I was fully situated, I lit up the screen of my phone and scrolled for Mallorys number.

It rang a few times and went to voice mail. I could feel the corners of my mouth turn down in disappointment as I hung up. I hadnt been prepared to leave a message. I wondered where she was. It was past ten. Did she go out? Maybe she was with her friend Leslie.

The thought reminded me that I wanted to ask her if Leslie would be interested in double dating with us as Emmets date. I dialed her again, ready to leave her a s.e.xy little message for when she got back and went to bed for the evening. In my fingers, I toyed with the necklace I had extracted from the velvet box again. It was soothing to know it would soon be fastened around her neck and sparkling in her lovely cleavage.

h.e.l.lo? The soft tone of her voice on the other end of the line caught me off-guard.

Oh hey, its Adrian. I thought you were out. You didnt answer the first time. I was going to leave a message, I babbled. Hi, I finally said with a laugh, sighing and smiling, even though she couldnt see me.

Hi. I could hear heaviness in her voice, and I wondered if she had been sleeping.

Did I wake you up?

No, she sniffled. Was she upset? My heart ached to think something was wrong. Should I broach the subject? Maybe she needed to talk to someone who answered back. She was at the cemetery, like myself, talking to people who couldnt answer anything for us in reality. That said, there had been something concerning in her face then. I wondered if it had escalated.

I went with, I miss you.

I miss you too. She whispered.

I really enjoyed being with you last night and this morning. I was hoping we could go out again, maybe tomorrow? I have something Id like to give you.

The line was silent.


Im here.

I wondered if she were reconsidering our time together.

Well, what do you think? Would you like to go out with me tomorrow?

I heard an audible swallow. Id love to.

My heart jumped in my chest.

But I cant.

I was silent for a few moments as that hit me. Oh. I felt the letdown like a rock in the pit of my stomach.

She sniffled again.

Its okay, kitten. I wanted to hold her desperately. You know you can tell me anything you need to. Listening is another one of my many talents, I joked. If not tomorrow, maybe the day after, we can get sus.h.i.+, no expectations. How does that sound?

Adrian, her voice was shaking. I dont think so.

I heard a sob, and then the line went dead. I sat there, staring at my screen, dumbstruck. What the h.e.l.l had just happened? Did we not have an amazing night and emotional morning together? Werent we just kissing in the cemetery sharing some very personal details? My mind was a haze. Did she or didnt she have feelings for me? I thought they were coming through loud and clear, nothing mixed. Had I read her completely wrong?

I let my fingers dial her back. The line went straight to voice mail, and I hung up. What could have happened?

Chapter Eleven.

Mallory My eyes were red-rimmed and swollen, not even a good base of concealer and makeup could hide the fact that I had not slept and had cried away most of the night. My hair was a fright of tangles and knots that I scooped into a bun at the top of my skull, and I think I might have put on the same clothes from yesterday. I was a mess, beyond death warmed over, surpa.s.sing the walking dead"I was my own special kind of zombie.

My fingers fumbled over my phone for the fifth time since I arrived at the flower shop, and it wasnt even noon yet. I was dialing Adrian, listening to his voicemail introduction and hanging up before it beeped. What could I say? Hey, I think Im falling for you, but my estranged older brother has forbidden me from ever seeing you? Hed think I was crazy, like I belonged to some weird cult of betrothed Vikings or something. I told myself he was at practice, and that was why he wasnt picking upor maybe he saw my number each time and decided I was too much work to deal with. I swiped at my puffy eyes with the back of my sweater sleeve.

Hey Mal. It was Leslie, perky, perfect, I can sleep with anyone and not be phased, have no brother to write out my lifes plan Leslie.

Hey. I turned away so she wouldnt be able to see the tears that were sliding down my cheeks again, smearing what makeup I managed slather over my haggard face. How many tears did I have left? I sniffled.

Hey, hey, she pressed, her voice became low and concerned as she instantly picked up on my vibe. Whats the matter? Did something happen with Adrian?

I shook my head.

Is it Giovanni?

My shoulders shook as I heard his name.

Oh my G.o.d, Mallory, is he okay? Is he hurt?

My anger came to the surface. No hes fine, hes just a complete a.s.shole.

She clutched her chest. Dont scare me like that, Mal, I thought hed been hurt or killed.

Id like to kill him, I snapped with pure, honest anger.

Aw, honey, its going to be okay. Youre family"family fights, thats the natural order of it. Im sure that whatever hes done, he only did it for the best.

This pushed me over the edge, and I turned on her. Leslie, hes not looking out for me, its not for the best, and its not going to be okay, I yelled, then stormed past her out of the shop and into the street. My car was parked around the corner, and I ran to it. I wanted to go home and curl up in a ball and sulk without having to think about Leslie or Robbie or the shop and what would happen to them if I tossed out everything I knew about my brother and just went for what I wanted, what I d.a.m.n well deserved. They had no idea what would happen if I turned on my brother, and that was the only thing I really wanted to do at the moment. Didnt I deserve to be happy for once?

I hit the gas pedal and heard the rubber of the tires scorch the pavement beneath them. It gave me little satisfaction to hear the destruction I was leaving behind as I drove off. My intentions had been to go home, but when I got to my street, I drove right by the house and kept going out towards the river. I knew exactly where I was headed, and the closer I got, the angrier I got, until my fists were curled up so tight around the steering wheel that my nails were digging mercilessly into my own palms.

The tires screeched once more as I slammed on my brakes and threw the gears.h.i.+ft into park. My mechanic would be cussing me up and down after all the work hed just done to fix my brakes and rotors, only for me to treat my car like it belonged in the Daytona 500. I didnt care at that point. I slammed my door and marched myself up the two flights of dimly lit, littered stairs to Giovannis apartment. My small fist pounded on the old, worn and weathered apartment door. The bra.s.s numbers had tarnished and were hanging loose. They shook and sc.r.a.pped at the wood each time the side of my clenched fist made contact with his apartment door.

Giovanni! Open up! I yelled. I could hear shuffling movement inside the apartment. Im not fooling around out here, Giovanni.

The sound of the chain sliding out of its housing and the clank of two deadbolts unlocking echoed out into the dingy hallway. I tapped my foot impatiently while staring up at a cobweb that had been spun around the shattered light bulb of the broken exit sign.

My brother finally appeared in the crack between the door and the doorframe, peering out, groggy eyed with mussed bedhead. He had slung an old bathrobe around his shoulders like a cape and lounge pants riding low on his waist, wrinkled and stained. I shoved at the door with all my body weight behind my arms and pushed my way into the apartment, taking him off-guard. Good afternoon, suns.h.i.+ne. I griped sarcastically. So happy you could drag your sorry a.s.s out of bed at the crack of noon.

What the h.e.l.l, Mallory? He combed his fingers through his unruly hair and scrubbed at the scruff on his face.

I looked about the apartment. It was a disaster. There was clothing strewn on the furniture, old pizza boxes and milkshake cups on the tables and the floor. Ashtrays that needed emptying and beer bottles were piled in an old garbage bag by the door.

You want coffee? My brother picked up a half-empty coffee mug and walked to the kitchen sink, dumping out the stale liquid and adding hot water that he promptly poured into his coffee maker without so much as rinsing the cup.

I grimaced. I think Ill pa.s.s on the salmonella mocha, thanks. Do you ever clean? I dont even know wheres safe to sit down.

Oh, were you planning on staying? Spot of tea, scone? His sarcasm was a match for my own.

No, actually. I came over here to tell you something. I turned, kicking a bag of fast food wrappers out of my way.

Giovanni stood between the kitchenette and the living room, his arms stretched over his head and his fingers clinging to the dingy entryway above his head that separated the two. What? I am all ears. He smirked, challenging me with his eyes. The same eyes I looked at in the mirror each morning. Giovanni and I werent too different. Standing side by side, it was easy to tell we were siblings. Other than his height and gender, there wasnt a lot different about us. Oh, and the fact that I hadnt had my nose broken a half dozen times or more. Spit it out, Mallory, I dont got all day.

I gave him a disbelieving look, then swiveled about the disgusting apartment. Seriously?

d.a.m.n it Mallory, what do you want?

I took a deep breath and got my hackles up. I want you to stay out of my business, thats what I want.

He shrugged and turned his back on me.

Giovanni, listen to me, I demanded with my small fists on my hips. You have no right to dictate to me what I can and cant do or who I can or cant see. Youve done it my whole life, and it stops now.

He rolled his eyes, and I wanted to slap him. Mal Pal, youve got no idea what youre talking about.

No, no, no, dont you do that. Dont you go to that s.h.i.+t, we arent kids anymore. I may be your little sister, but Im not the little seven-year-old you bossed around in front of your friends. I am not your Mal Pal anymore. This is not you telling me to get you a freaking slice of pizza or youll tell Ma I used her lipstick. This is my life, d.a.m.n it! My voice was shrieking, and I didnt care.

Mallory, hey. He tried to wrap me in a brotherly hug, but I pulled away.


He threw his hands up. Fine, Jesus what do you want from me?

My jaw dropped. Have you listened to one word I have said?

Yeah, no, no, no and freaking slice of pizza.

You know what, youre an a.s.shole. I dont know you anymore. Ever since Ma and Pops died and you decided to single handedly try to take over the dealings here in Elizabeth, I dont know who you are anymore. Youre trying to be mafia king extraordinaire instead of the stupid yet sometimes sweet brother that I loved. My face was red, but my jaw was set.

I dont trust you. I dont know you, and I dont think I can be around you anymore, Giovanni. If that means quitting Pus.h.i.+ng Daises so that you and your goon squad cant f.u.c.k it up, then I quit, and dont think I wont sell the house and move away, if that keeps me from your new nonsense. I was pacing and waving my wands like a complete lunatic by this point.

Ho ho ho, hold up, Mallory. His eyes were wide, and he was finally taking note of the words that were flowing like hot lava from my mouth. What makes you think I would have anything to do with ending the flower shop?

I gave him an exasperated look.

Mallory, he breathed, taking a step toward me and I stepped backward. Mal, come on. Youre my sister, my only family. I would never do something that would harm you in any way. Dont jump the shark here. Dont sell the house or leave the shop. If you dont wanna see me, fine, Ill stay out of sight, but I need you in my life. Youre my baby sister, and I love you. Im sorry if I f.u.c.ked up here, okay? He had lowered his body to a hunched position with his hands out, almost begging me to reconsider.

My heart softened. Giovanni took care of me for those first few years after our parents died. When I turned eighteen and our parents will said I was able to fend for myself, hed handed me over the house, which had been left to me, and hed signed over my trust fund without a fight. We still had Sunday dinners"every Sunday for a year when he first moved out. Then he started showing up late, then not at all. I pushed that aside. He was listening now, and thats what I wanted.

I looked down and scuffed my sneaker over the scratched and dented hardwood floor. Okay.

Okay what?

Okay, I agree. You f.u.c.ked up.

He smiled, and then he inched toward me and started to poke at me with a playful fist, making me squirm and yelp.

Okay, okay, I swatted at his hands, and then I hugged him. When I pulled away, I held him by the back of his neck digging my fingers into the skin. Giovanni, youre not going to do anything stupid, right?

He nodded and winced when my grip tightened. He knew he could fling me off him like a rag doll, but he endured and listened.

Tell me youre gonna stay out of my affairs.

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