Suncoast Society: One Ring Part 13

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Holy f.u.c.k, please dont let us have screwed this up!

She gasped something, but he couldnt understand what she said. Baby, what it is? What did we do?

Thank you, she finally managed. Over and over again, she said, Thank you, thank you They held her as she cried, not even caring that to safely wedge her between them meant they were holding each other, too. She was most important right now, and Carl was relieved to see Don felt the same way.

She took several gulps of air before finally pulling herself together. Thank you, she whispered. Thank you so much.

Are you okay? Don asked. Did we hurt you?

She rolled toward him, grabbed him, and gave him what looked like a hard, deep kiss. Then she turned back to Carl and did the same thing. Yes, a deep kiss, her tongue f.u.c.king his mouth.

Lets go out to the hot tub, she suggested. Not sure I can walk alone, but I want to snuggle with you two.

But youre okay?

She stared into his eyes, laying a hand along his cheek. Im the best Ive ever been in my whole G.o.dd.a.m.ned life. I just wish I hadnt wasted fifteen years to get here.

Only once they were in the hot tub and her brain had finally started to come down and settle back in her head again did she realize shed scared the men with her tears.

Fair enough, because her tears had caught her totally by surprise, too. She didnt know why shed cried. Relief that someone"two someones"actually wanted her the way she was, for who she was? Satisfaction?

The overwhelming wonder of caring, human contact?

She didnt know.

She settled low in the water between them. Sorry I scared you, she said.

She had her fingers laced through theirs, Carl on her right, Don on her left.

We thought wed hurt you, Don said.

You didnt hurt me, Sir.

You dont have to call us Sir when were not playing, Carl told her.

What if I want to?

She sensed the men sharing a glance over her head.

Don squeezed her hand. What are you asking?

If youre both okay with it, I want to formally be your submissive. I dont want to play with anyone but you two. I dont want to be with anyone but you. If you two are okay sharing me. Please dont make me choose between you. If its going to be a problem, tell me now before I invest any more of my heart than I already have.

We wont make you choose, Carl said.

We promise, Don added.

She took a deep, relieved breath and closed her eyes, pulling their hands up to her chest and holding them there. Thank you, she said.

They stayed in there, mostly not talking, for another twenty minutes before she started yawning. No, it wasnt super late, and she hadnt even eaten dinner yet, but she was exhausted. The men helped her get out, dried her off, and left her curled up in a blanket on the couch while they donned shorts and prepared leftovers for dinner. Then, nestled between them, she dozed off after dinner, her head in Dons lap, her feet in Carls.

Don brushed the hair away from her face. Dude, he whispered, you want to know the irony?

You finally met the woman youd be willing to risk half your s.h.i.+t on, and we have to share her.

Don smiled as he nodded. And you know what else?

You dont mind sharing her. Because I dont mind sharing her with you, either.

He looked up and met Carls gaze. How did we get into this?

Carl shrugged. I think some of Tilly and Elizas matchmaking skills have worn off on Marcia through osmosis. I couldnt imagine anyone more perfect for us than her. Im glad we waited. That was the right thing to do, even though it was a h.e.l.luva case of blue b.a.l.l.s.

I did not think she was going to take her dress off out there, Don said. I was sure shed say no or blow it off as a joke.

Im glad she didnt blow it off.

Me, either. He leaned back, resting his head against the back of the couch. Wake me up in a little while.

Where are we sleeping tonight?

Wherever she wants us to, he said. Even if were all piled together in my bed, Im cool with whatever she wants to do.

Me, too.

When she awoke a little disorientated a while later, she realized she was still on the couch On top of the men.

Oh, those were new aches and pains.

Good ones.

Really good ones.

The men awoke and sat up. Hey, Don said, leaning in to kiss her. You okay?

She nodded.

Carl arched an eyebrow at her. You sure?

She nodded.

Are we good? Don asked, indicating all three of them.

She nodded.

Then whats wrong? he asked.

She felt silly. I dont want to sleep alone, she admitted.

Okay, Don said. Then tell us what you want.

Can we all sleep in your bed tonight? Its the biggest bed.

He leaned in and kissed her again. Absolutely.

Relief flowed through her. Can we all three sleep together in your bed every night?

Is that what you want? Carl asked.

She nodded. There might be times I want to be alone with one of you, or you might want it with me, butunless I have to be out of town, please dont make me sleep alone anymore.

They engulfed her in their arms. Never again, baby, Carl promised. Unless youre traveling alone. When youre home, one or both of us will be with you.

Thank you. And I meant it. If you want to collar me, I want to be collared.

Then I think this were going to collar you, baby.

Can I ask something else?

Of course, Don said.

Theyre having the liquid nitrogen demo there. Can I get a brand?

What kind of brand?

I looked into it. They only last a couple of years, at the most. But I really want one. Two Ms, for Montgomery and Mabry, on my right a.s.s cheek.

She loved the way her two s.a.d.i.s.ts started grinning. Youre asking to be branded for your collaring?

She nodded. Its not like a tattoo or a hot brand.

Okay, Don said. We can do that.


He rested his forehead against hers. Well do anything you want to do, baby.

Chapter Twelve.

Don and Carl arranged it with Loren and Derrick. They had to do some quick online shopping and spend extra bucks for overnight s.h.i.+pping to ensure they got what they wanted, but by afternoon, theyd found and received the play collar they wanted for her to wear, as well as her formal collar.

Theyd agonized about her day collaruntil Don finally hit on the perfect solution, one that would, hopefully, make her happy.

The men agreed it made them happy.

The formal collar was easy, because they bought a stainless chainmaille necklace from their friend, Becca, a local kinky artisan who made them.

For her play collar, they ordered a hand-tooled black leather collar with a matching set of leather cuffs.

The men kept them a secret from her, to surprise her at the collaring.

Especially what was to be her day collar.

She hadnt wanted a large, formal collaring ceremony other than the branding. They invited all their friends, which was easy since most of them had already planned to attend the liquid nitrogen demo.

Before the demo began, Loren called for quiet after the men had trussed Mel up in a rope harness and had her lying on a large pillow, on her left side.

For those of you who dont know, tonight theres an extra festivity to celebrate. Don and Carl are formally collaring Mel as their submissive, in front of everyone. Take it away, boys.

Don felt b.u.t.terflies racing through him. We wont take long. Not because we dont care, but because weve waited long enough to claim her as ours, and were pretty eager to have even more fun.

Everyone laughed.

Carl took over. Thank you to Becca, for her formal collar. Its beautiful, and perfect. He held up her play collar first. This is the one youll be spending a lot of time in here and at home, he joked as he buckled it around her neck, and the cuffs around her wrists, which were tied in front of her.

Then he fastened the formal collar around her neck. This is for show, and you can wear it even in public.

Carl had told Don he wanted him to give her the day collar.

Don pulled the jewelers box from his pocket. We got sneaky, he said. We borrowed a ring of yours and took it with us. He wouldnt say itd been her old wedding band, which sat in her jewelry box on her dresser. But we picked out matching rings for all three of us, because this isnt just you agreeing to be our submissive, this is us agreeing to be your Dominants, and to protect and take care of and love you. It works both ways, and we feel we should match.

She smiled, crying as he showed her the matching bands with a twisted vine pattern covering them. He slid her ring on her left ring finger, then one onto Carls. Carl put Dons ring on him.

Then they both knelt next to her. Someone specifically requested something, Don said. Do you still want it?

She nodded. Yes, Sir. I want to wear your marks.

Loren motioned for Crawford, who was doing the demo, to come in. Hed already worked with the men ahead of time so theyd know what to do. He prepped the brand in liquid nitrogen and handed it over to them.

Don, with Carl holding Mel down, touched the brand to her right a.s.s cheek.

When he pulled it away, the double-M was clearly visible.

And that, folks, is how you make sure a subbie can get returned to you, Gilo called out, making everyone laugh.

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