Suncoast Society: One Ring Part 10

Suncoast Society: One Ring -

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Chapter Ten.

Mel sat in her car after the hearing and stared at the papers. It was late Monday afternoon, and the hearing, which had gotten b.u.mped until the afternoon, was over.

For all intents and purposes, she was single again.

All they needed was the final order, which the judge would be signing. Shed have it in a week or less.

The house would be sold, unless Mike could buy out her share of the equity. That would be handled through Eds office.

She took a deep breath and considered things. She thought shed at least cry. Something.


She went home and found the men had already returned. Which was odd, because usually they worked later than this. She grabbed a beer from the kitchen on her way through but didnt see the guys.

Instead, she headed for her room and dumped her stuff on the bed. In the several months shed lived with Don and Carl, not only had she felt more at home, more loved, more cared about than she had in the last several years with Mike, but shed felt at peace.

Theyd never made her feel like she belonged anywhere but right there.

They were more than friends.

And exactly when theyd started being that in her heart, she didnt know, but she realized she really wanted to get closer to them.

A lot closer.

Neither man had dated anyone else since shed moved in.

Maybe her attraction to them wasnt as one-sided as shed first thought.

She grabbed a quick shower, including shaving her lady parts. Ever since the first night theyd played together, she always kept herself shaved if she thought she might play with them.

Just in case.

She hoped it might soon be for more than just o.r.g.a.s.m play.

Mel pulled on a flirty little sundress shed bought a couple of weeks ago and hadnt worn yet. She thought about putting on panties under it and then thought, f.u.c.k it. If she accidentally flashed the guys, who cared?

Maybe itd interest them.

Or dump her ego even deeper into the s.h.i.+tter, but shed risk it.

She headed out to the kitchen to get herself another beer. She was working on a good buzz, the first one shed had Okay, her first buzz since college. h.e.l.l, there were a lot of things she hadnt done since she and Mike had gotten married.

Having carefree fun was at the top of that unfortunate list.

She opened the sliding gla.s.s doors out to the lanai and left them open, letting the perfectly balmy breeze coast in from outside. It was one of those rare Florida days where the temperature was perfect, the humidity was low, and the breeze was light.

They had maybe five perfect days a year like this. She wanted to enjoy it.

Mike had always groused if she left the doors and windows open. His allergies, the dust, the pollen. Why bother living inside if theyd just open the windows and doors? Might as well live in a tent.

She took a long pull off the bottle.


Staring down into the serene surface of the pool, she realized how much of herself shed given up to Mike.

Fifteen years shed never get back. Sure, shed thought they were really good years at the time, but here she was now, starting over, renting a room in a house with two guys, and she wasnt even getting laid.

G.o.ddammit! she muttered.


She jumped, spinning around. She hadnt seen Carl hunkered down in the hot tub. Oh, sorry. That wasnt directed at you. She walked over and perched on the edge, now feeling a little self-conscious that she didnt have panties on.

Thinking about Mike?

Why deny it? Yeah.

Did everything go okay today?

She sighed. It was easy. Fifteen years She snapped her fingers. Gone.

Been there, done that. Want to borrow my T-s.h.i.+rt?

She smiled. Carl could always make her smile. With his green eyes and dark-blond, nearly brown hair, he was handsome. She liked that he actually got out and did things other than housework and He worked on his car.

He actually drove places in his car. Including several times the three of them had gone to local car shows in it.

They had fun together.

They did things that didnt involve grocery shopping, work, or errands to buy stuff for the house.

They lived.

Depends on how long your T-s.h.i.+rt is. Can I wear it like a dress? She met his gaze as she took another swallow of beer.

She hoped she looked seductive. She was so d.a.m.n out of practice it was hard to tell.

He leaned over sideways, toward her, head craning to look at her. I dont know. You going to go commando when you wear it?

Heat filled her face.

When she started to brush down the hem of her sundress, he laughed. Im teasing you, sweetie.

That only deepened her blush.

He noticed.

Hey The eyebrow arched as he moved closer. Is someone feeling a little bit of a breeze downstairs?

She averted her gaze before nodding and quickly taking another swallow of beer.

He reached a hand over and, with just his thumb and forefinger, plucked the hem of her sundress and lifted it. Niiice. Good to see you all shaved down there on a non-play day.

Seems like someone requested I keep myself like that. Gawd, it felt like lava flowing through her cheeks, not blood. They usually didnt banter like this outside of playing. Always friendly, sometimes flirty, but never so blatantly s.e.xual.

Someone certainly did. He released the hem of her dress and sat back. Good girl.

When she looked, the smile he wore nearly made her come right there. How could the man do that to her? Without even touching her c.l.i.t?

h.e.l.l, both of them could do it to her.

Don walked out onto the lanai. He looked freshly showered and wore shorts and nothing else. He also carried a bottle of beer. There you all are. He walked over and leaned against the hot tub. Did I miss a staff meeting?

Check this out, Carl said. Before she could stop him, hed reached over again and lifted her sundress.

Don tipped his head to get a better view. Ooh, niiice. Good girl.

Thats what I told her.

Now her cheeks absolutely flamed. Shed be catching on fire in a minute and need to jump in the pool.

She pressed the cold bottle of beer against her right cheek, then her left one.

I think you embarra.s.sed her, Don said.

When she looked, his blue eyes twinkled with mischief. He was overdue for a haircut, and his brown locks were starting to develop a little bit of a curl to them.

h.e.l.l, she was nearly single by legal definitions, the guys were single, and she was tired of waiting for her life to happen while she waited for her memories of her life with Mike to quit dragging her down.

Thats okay. Shes our good girl. We can embarra.s.s her if we want when its just the three of us alone.

Her breath quickened. She knew this was a tipping point if she ever felt one.

And she wanted to fall.


Because she instinctively knew their arms would be waiting to safely catch her.

Because as of today, youre officially our good girl now, arent you? Carl asked.

She nodded.

Then say it, Don told her.

Her mouth went dry. She swallowed, then whispered, Im your good girl.

Don straightened and set his bottle of beer on the edge of the hot tub. Youre our good girl, huh?

She nodded.

When we ask you a question, you answer us unless we tell you not to speak. Youre our good girl?

Yes, Sir.

Do good girls do everything theyre told?

Her heart pounded in her chest. Yes, Sir.

His voice dropped, not just in volume, but in timbre, sounding like he did when they played at the club. Then our good girl better take that sundress off and show us her beautiful body.

She looked at him, into his blue eyes, and realized he wasnt kidding.

She knew she could d.a.m.n well call red, stop this right there, and end it.

She didnt want to.

She set her bottle next to Dons, reached down, and pulled her sundress off, dropping it to the pool deck next to her.


Don hadnt actually expected her to do it. He figured shed either think he was joking and blow it off, or safeword. Especially considering the emotional ride she no doubt went through today. Yes, he and Carl had discussed approaching her once her divorce was final, to see if she wanted to step things up and formalize them, but this He had not expected this.

There she stood, every inch of her gorgeous rounded curves completely exposed and bare to them. Her hazel gaze was now on the front of his shorts, which he realized were painfully tented by his erection.

Yes, hed seen her naked plenty of times before.

This was different.

This was just the three of them, alone, at home.

And she wanted to be theirs.

Carl stood and leaned over, catching her hand and drawing her close.

Put your hands at your side and keep them there, Carl ordered.

She did.

He leaned in and engulfed one pink, peaked nipple in his mouth, making her moan.

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