Theresa's Punishment Part 6

Theresa's Punishment -

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"There we are," he commented, and when he felt the required moisture from her arousal, he started to push forward.

Theresa parted on his manhood and she hissed from the slow meticulous glide of him into her accommodating body. She shuddered as she surrendered herself to him with willing and wanton commitment. Her tracts clenched to his shaft as he withdrew slightly and then recommenced his drive. The overseer took her slowly, skilfully, allowing her to delight in both her ravishment and the pain of her suspension.

He then stalled his rate and slid back so that he could once more grab his length and swirl it against her c.l.i.t. He continued this play and stared into her tear filled eyes until they screwed up and she began to grunt and moan with the onset of climax. Fighting for breath to answer the bliss, she was coerced into spending what little she had on cries when he thrust back into her. The male slapped his hands to her sides, dug his fingers into her b.u.t.tocks, and began a rapid ravishment. He dove in and out with haste, bringing himself swiftly towards e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n while she was forced to experience the long rhapsody of a drawn out o.r.g.a.s.m. The tickling play had delivered her to climax, and the deep bliss of a thrusting manhood was keeping her locked in that state. When she felt him come within her she almost blacked out from the ferocity of the sensation.

The overseer slowed and then gradually withdrew. Theresa was left twitching and scarcely awake. The s.a.d.i.s.tic pa.s.sion of a Dregakk was a refined and honed animal that had been responsible for converting her and nurturing her m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic nature. Her fellow humans were base thugs with no flare for feminine anguish and peril. How she yearned to return to the stables or the house. She wanted to be back in the rooms, impaled on Lord Eldral's exemplary c.o.c.k, or being covertly ravished by Menchev, or arbitrarily tortured by Pelakh or Setchak. Tears filled her eyes as she recalled her times with the masterly despots and she found her melancholy deep indeed at the prospect of never seeing them again or feeling their callous love.

"Not bad," commented the overseer, and stood up before her. "But you seem to be leaking, so let's get you dried off," he added with chuckle upon seeing the lines of fluid emerging from her twitching p.u.s.s.y.

Tottering on the verge of asphyxiation, her body swinging at the neck, her legs being hauled upward and being the only means to offset the weight of her own body, she watched as he hoisted her higher into the air and then slipped the chain back onto its mooring.

"I'll see you again at some point, slave," he stated, and without further attention he marched away and back to his duties.

With her oppressor gone, Theresa was left to try to figure out the full measure of her sentence. Dragging her legs down, she tried to ease the force about her neck and looked around to try to see what else might be imminent. The pleasure had faded and the pain was swiftly beginning to mount with every minute. Her spine was smarting abominably, and her neck was already raw, but she knew the Dregakk and knew that there was likely to be more to her ordeal. Her dismay grew to greater proportions when she spied the complex. The sun was reflecting upon the polished silvery domes, and one of the concave dimples in their design was casting out a brilliant spotlight of concentrated rays. As she hung and watched, the beam drew ever closer. The t.i.tanic magnifying mirror was clearly the force responsible for the charring of the tree trunk and surrounding vegetation, and at present, her body was held directly between the path of the light and the scorched zones.

Her pulse quickened as the sheet of light drew closer. She stared at it with wide eyes and her terror bloated with every millimetre the lambent veil gained towards her. The first touch of the light burned with a terrible heat and made her writhe on her bonds. The fight to escape chafed her elbows and almost dislocated her neck but there was worse to come.

The rapid pa.s.sage of the creeping beam soon had her entire torso and legs sheathed in its folds, and her skin seemed to be aflame from the scorching touch. The refraction demanded a very specific angle of light, and it soon pa.s.sed by to leave her rosy tinted frame to twitch and sway. Nevertheless, that was not the sole dent on the many buildings, and after a few minutes of recovery, another took up the refulgent emanations of the sun and drew aim upon the helpless wretch before punis.h.i.+ng her with its heat.

Six more times the beams sheathed her, until she was sure all sensitivity had been roasted from her. Theresa was convinced that the mirrors plaguing her were no mere accidental discovery, but a purposeful construction created for this very reason, for surely there was no way that this terrible ordeal could be wrought by mistake, only by genuine desire. Her love of the Dregakk continued to fester in the corners of her mind, waiting to emerge when she was less beset by travail.

Theresa was barely conscious and fell into a light coma. She swore that if she could just get some energy back, when the chance to flee presented itself she would seize it, because anything was better than the continuing degradation of her base existence. If she could not have the Dregakk, there was no way she would put up with humans.

When she came to, night had fallen. The chill had helped to soothe her seared hide, but the collar still kept up its strangling grasp. With some measure of sleep gained, she could actually think, and her thoughts were centred about one thing - escape. She began to formulate plans, ideas, possibilities, reactions, and countermeasures for if anything went wrong. She knew how to survive in the wilderness, and had practice in evading the search parties of the Phed Dregakk. The only variable she could not account for was the Hunters. Were they more skilled than the troops this insane Theocracy had thrown at Earth? She had to a.s.sume so, but if she could avoid recapture for long enough they might think her dead from starvation or the rending of hungry beasts and thus call off their search. It was not sufficient to dissuade her from her intended course, but it was still a source of great concern.

Dangling, she treated herself to fantasies of freedom, of being lost within the deep forest, where no one could harm her again. She had been pursued, hunted, captured, tortured, and forcibly trained in the mannerisms of a maid, beast, and a labourer. She had been the vessel for rape and torture for Phed Dregakk and human, male and female alike. Now she wanted to get away from them all, no more so than because of the growing presence in the back of her head. It was that furtive section of her psyche that was eating out into her thoughts, an area her enslavers had created. It had her thinking that she deserved no better, that she really was a lowly organism - fortunate to be cared for by such a superior breed as they, one that should relish the abuse, for it was satisfying the wants of those better than her. At present, she could angrily cast away the notions sp.a.w.ned by this repugnant little tumour. At times, she could correct her outlook and bitterly regret having contemplated the heinous opinion, but the teachings of her despotic masters were being too deeply ingrained on too regular a basis to be so easily torn from their roots. Such a gradual eroding of her own will to remain defiant lent her plot increased urgency, because if she did not take flight soon, she might never garner the courage ever again. In the house and in the stables this was not too ill a fate, but to accept her lot in the barracks meant endless human usage and daily torture for that exhaustion. There was no way she would allow herself to become used to and compliant of such an end.

Attempting to rest as much as her confinement allowed, she detected a glow through her eyelids and parted them to see the sun lifting up.

Overseers converged on the barracks and opened the doors before bringing out the teeming hordes of naked, muscular workers, and allocating duties for the day at a glance.

One of the alien brutes marched over to her and unclipped the chain. He let her fall the short distance to the floor and her rear flashed with a burst of pain at the sharp and rigid landing. She flopped sideways and fell into a twisted ball.

"Hmmmm, that gives me an idea," mused the overseer.

She had not seen this Dregakk before but he obviously wanted to explore the chance to use a female labourer. He quickly lowered his trousers and hauled her back into the air. The overseer gave a sly chuckle and stretched out beneath her so that he was holding the chain and staring up at her back.

The strength of the alien breed was abnormal and was sufficient to easily keep her aloft. She could see what was coming and gave a soft purl as he lowered her down and let her sink onto his upright shaft. Her b.u.t.tocks rested on his hips and then he pulled a little and drew her up almost to the point of flight before he let her sink down again. He knew that she was too enfeebled by her sentence to move and so he leisurely made use of her in this exciting manner.

Theresa bobbed up and down with every pull and the male gave a long series of purrs while delighting in this interesting use of a slave. Theresa found the bizarre coupling pleasant but she was too tired and raw to stand a chance of o.r.g.a.s.m. With any luck, this would be her last encounter with a male c.o.c.k and so she enjoyed it as best she could.

Theresa felt him slowly stiffen with added arousal and then stolidly treat himself to a drawn out climax before he hauled her up, extracted himself from her shadow, and set her down to be untied.

Her skin glowed with a ruby sheen of inner heat, a case of sunburn far beyond any normal measure. Radiant warmth still dwelt within the tissues and the suns rays were not easily leaving the cooked hide. The discomfort of stretching added further to the after effects of her torment. Her resolve to escape strengthened instantly, for harsh caresses upon her burned skin would be an intolerable a.s.sault.

Set free, the alien brought her back and slipped her into the ma.s.s of bodies for selection. Because of her gender, emasculated condition, and distracting nature for the other slaves, she was not a prime choice, and the crowd was reduced to nothing before she was singled out and drawn into a harvesting unit.

The group of slaves followed the day's personal master out into the fields, moving along a series of dirt paths before arriving at a sea of what looked like wheat. The undulating waves caused by the breeze made the crop seem almost alive somehow, and to Theresa they beckoned her onwards, because beyond could be seen the distant wall of sporadic trees that marked the boundary of the plantation. Finally, luck was with her.

Small implements, akin to scythes in construction were laid out in readiness along with sling bags full of tethers. A few frivolous strokes urged the work force into the mesh of vegetation when the overseer declined to trouble himself with speaking aloud for the benefit of slaves when the whip was just as informative and much more gratifying to apply.

Working in pairs, one cut down the crop, the other gathered it and tied the rolls into bundles for collection at some future point. Theresa was a.s.signed the latter when a bald male brusquely shoved her aside from a cutting tool. His intent was to work out his temper upon the inanimate stalks and s.n.a.t.c.hing up the implement, he cast her a black scowl and set to work. Had he been one those who had used her? She could not place the face, but neither could she place any of the others. Her attackers where cloaked in the protective anonymity of her own fatigue and their vast numbers.

For three hours, they ate paths into the field without any break. They were finally granted a rest, but this was so their tyrant might leave and avail himself of a water supply to fill his drained canteen rather than for any consideration towards the work force.

Theresa's hands were raw from gathering the brittle stalks. The relentless shower of dull sunlight had also made her heat gnawed skin testy and resentful of any movement. Rubbing the aching flesh, she watched the overseer as he vanished upon a departing trail. This was her chance, perhaps her only one, but as she rose into a crouch and readied to dash for freedom, a hand slapped over her face. With a m.u.f.fled shout, she was dragged back by her partner. The gnarled man cast her down into a nest of crumpled stalks before grabbing her shoulders and holding her in place while trying to work his way into her.

The a.s.sault could not have come at a worse time. The overseer would return at any moment and this rape would rob her of an invaluable shot at escape. As a rigid shaft entered her s.e.x, she gnashed her teeth and clawed at the soil. Fighting his pinioning hold, she kicked her legs and bucked her torso in a bid to throw him off. Her struggles only seemed to amuse the rogue and he began to slowly ride his member in slow lunges so he might better appreciate her obvious distress.

The jagged outer edges of a rock grazed her palm. Theresa s.n.a.t.c.hed it and ripped the semisubmerged chunk from the soil before she swung it around. There was a flesh m.u.f.fled crunch, the feel of moist rivulets spattering her face, and the cur dropped weakly aside. He rolled against the sheaves and lay inert while meek trickles of red emerged from the cut in his temple.

Remorseless of the fact that she may have just killed someone, Theresa skipped to her feet. She bolted onwards, and her feet danced lightly through the obscuring curtain of wheat. The tanned reeds gashed her skin from their scratching pa.s.sage over her bounding form, and her lungs pulsated with an icy gnaw as her heart thundered and promised to detonate should she fail to slow the rabid pace. Nevertheless, her fear of being returned to her miserable existence drove her on, lending her limitless vitality in the pursuit of this freedom.

Upon clearing the field, she dashed down the first dividing avenue of a vineyard. Theresa followed the open track until she could throw herself into the untamed woodland beyond.

She felt like yelling her victory as she burst through the outer lying hedges so glad was she to be sprinting through forest and having cleared the last signs of Dregakk owners.h.i.+p. Nature held dominion here, and it was nature that could sustain her, hide her, shelter her, and grant her succour.

At a burbling stream, she stopped and recovered her breath. Lying on her back with her arms and legs aching, and her chest aflame from within, she gulped in air and tried to steady her meteoric pulse. After recuperating enough to permit movement, she leant down before the silvery waters and paused. She had not been permitted drink since her capture. To ingest anything, save the nutrient paste was a crime of the greatest magnitude.

With a rebellious laugh, she dropped her lips to the cool waters and guzzled freely. The chill of the liquid stripped her oesophagus of warmth and kindled a wonderful pool of cold in her vacant stomach.

Theresa offered a gasp of rapture, grabbed two handfuls of mud, and skipped over the waters like a spry nymph before she continued her run.

Weaving through the obstacles of the environment with a fluid grace, she began to smear the wet soil over her body. The mud dulled or hid the vivid rosy pink that was such a marked difference to the wilderness, and furthermore, it helped ease her burns.

Camouflaged to the best of her current ability she slowed and began to take more notice of her surroundings in case the foe were swifter in rallying their searches than antic.i.p.ated.

The descent of the sun below the woodland canopy wrought a premature dusk, and only as the shadows gathered to fill the forest floor did she consider stopping for sleep. Theresa located a hollow, dragged branches over her body, and added a thick layer of fallen leaves to hide her frame and trap the warmth. With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes and looked forward to hunting and foraging for food, real food, with a taste and substance to digest. She had not eaten for three days now, and it was strange not to be more hounded with the effects of such a fasting, but then again, her stomach was always empty. The only difference now was that her body was going without vital nutrients as well.

She had won. She was free.

Chapter Eight.

An amber comet lit up above the clouds. The glowing shooting star led a burning slash of fervid particles and screamed down toward the surface through the pale purple skies. The tail was a flickering palate of yellow and orange hues that spewed forth a sooty trail of choking black smog to completely mark every inch of its descent. A raging inferno led this incendiary column and within it could be spied the warped outlines of a Dregakk wars.h.i.+p. Its hull was crumbling as the atmosphere ripped at the craft with merciless hatred.

The shriek of the vessel while it hurtled down and pa.s.sed into the distant mountains echoed across the town like the death wail of a t.i.tan. The vessel vanished from view when it slipped behind the rocky curtain and there was a sudden flash of light.

Chunks of burning debris arced high into the air and trailed smoke in their wake before they tumbled back to the ground after their brief flight. A few seconds later the thunderclap boom of the mighty impact and the rumbling blare of the explosion finally reached Katharine's ears.

Having watched these craft shatter and mutilate her home world, Katharine thought she should be feeling some sense of joy at their destruction. Yet, all she felt was fright because the force that was annihilating the Dregakk were killing only as a last resort. Their penchant for prisoners was eclipsing even the Dregakk gusto for s.n.a.t.c.hing live trophies.

Since the Capture Mine on earth had snared her, she had been put through the cruel regime of tuition in a maid's status. Only through complete submission to the depraved whims of the Dregakk had she managed to retain this caste. Now her persecutors and fellow slaves were gone. They had been taken by the foe that was sweeping the colony world, paralysing and ferrying away all they found.

By hiding herself, she had escaped detection and therefore capture. As she had done on Earth, she had kept herself in the forests, scavenging and fleeing every sighting of the enemy. When she could, she risked entering the devastated settlements for essentials. Now she stood alone and terrified in a deserted town that only a day ago had been a thriving settlement. After she had entered under cover of night, the aliens had suddenly returned and trapped her here.

Katherine swiftly ducked into the shadows and waited as an effulgent disc cruised overhead. The resonating hum of its pa.s.sage through the atmosphere granted her the precious moments needed to evade its stare.

She had seen what the aliens were doing and now knew that she could not possibly survive, even in hiding. The aliens were stripping the planet bare, breaking down and stealing everything; every plant, every material, everything everything.

Their arcane technology obliterated all they found, shattering it into component resources for storage and transport back onto their strange craft. The world would be dead once they had finished with it, and from the scale of their grand theft, it was logical to a.s.sume that even the atmosphere would not be spared their gluttonous attention.

Another disc flew past, testifying that they were refocusing their attention on the town. Katherine decided to commence her withdrawal before the morning gave way into noon and continued packing supplies into a bag. A clatter from the back of the house caused her to instantly stop. Her senses strained against the quiet to discern confirmation that another being was nearby. Suddenly, into the doorway stepped one of the skeletal beings and it had a strange pistol levelled at her. Before she could react, the device unleashed a beam of howling white that licked her chest and instantly froze her. She could feel her body, but simply could not move it, no matter how hard she strained. The instantaneous effect proved as total as it was swift.

As a mortal statue, she stood in the room, impotent as the alien closed in and a.s.sessed her garments with black, barren eyes. Her owners kept their maids in frugal attire - a thong, cuffs on every extremity, a collar, and heeled ankle boots, all firmly and irrevocably locked in place. Its thin fingers reached up and began to rip away the attire, stripping her as her breathing quickened in fear of its intentions. Only once she was totally naked did it step back and take fresh aim with its ornate weapon, but instead of the beam, a squirt of silvery viscous sludge spat from it.

The glob slapped to her chest and clung fondly to her skin. Instantly, the gelatinous ooze began to writhe and slither across her, fanning out, smothering her body, dragging in her limbs, and then tightening. Her legs slapped together and robbed her of balance, causing her to strike the floor with a harsh thud while the translucent coc.o.o.n sealed and continued to condense. With a m.u.f.fled wail, the slick film pressed to her features and crushed her skin with its horrendous grasp.

Convulsing in her skin-tight coffin she watched as the creature stepped in and touched the pistol to her neck. Her senses began to fade and her mind plummeted into coma while the alien regarded the captive without interest or care.

A metallic glove burst through the cover and clamped about Theresa's throat. Jerked awake, she tried to scream in alarm but the cybernetic hold was strangling her with a vice like pressure that cut off all breath.

A hoisting yank hauled her from the foliage and the alien held her aloft as a trophy. The twigs and fell from her body and revealed her in full to the night. He turned her and regarded the brand on her shoulder, checking that she was the right piece of wayward property.

"I have her," he bellowed, summoning his fellows.

The Dregakk before her wore a suit of camouflage painted armour, much like that of a soldiers save that it bore many more pouches and technological trinkets that sprawled along every section. He wore no helmet, and a series of curling black tattoos rolled across one side of his face.

Suspended in mid air by the choking grip, she spied him holding a rectangular disc of opaque gla.s.s that was mounted upon a handle. To her supreme grief, a small map was projected onto the translucent circle, one where trees were reduced to small dots, and where a trio of red triangles moved towards a fourth who was virtually imprinted over a white flas.h.i.+ng cross. The realisation smashed into her thoughts with the full force of a sledgehammer, a thought that had been secretly festering for days but had successfully been ignored. Now that it had been validated, it screamed its declaration through her mind. The implant! It bore a tracking device! How could she have been so stupid? All her notions of flight had been doomed form the outset. The foul persecutors could follow her no matter where she went. Tears of sorrow gathered in her eyes. The fall from a state of euphoria at her freedom to utter despondent misery from recapture was one that had her wis.h.i.+ng only to expire.

The consummate hunter placed the tracking device back upon his belt and threw her at the floor. Theresa bounced harshly and the cus.h.i.+oned greenery countered the strength with which she had been cast.

Winded, she wheezed as three more of the armoured forms emerged silently from the undergrowth like soft breezes. They were armoured and tattooed identically, the Hunters obviously being some manner of elite sub-culture. They moved to their compeer and one of them addressed his wrist while absently examining the skies that were now filled with the first early rays of morning.

"Hunter control, this is unit six, we have the target intact, please advise."

The communication device gave a soft pip as an instant reply followed.

"Hold position and activate beacon. A vehicle is being dispatched for recovery, ETA - five hours."

"Understood. Hunter unit six, out."

The alien lowered his arm and sighed.

"It seems that we have a long wait ahead of us, brothers. What do you suggest?" he asked.

"Let us give this little fool a taste of what is to come," declared the one responsible for unearthing her, and his leering glee stuck added fear into her heart.

Acting through instinct alone, she leapt up and began to run, only to be cut down from behind as all three dropped into a crouch with weapons raised and opened fire. They soaked her back with energy discharges that shut down all motor functions and caused her to sprawl into the consoling arms of a bush.

One of the Hunters dragged her out by the ankle and delivered her to where the others were tinkering upon two trees.

"Wash her first. She looks disgusting."

"Name me a human that does not?" smirked her bearer in response.

The others acknowledged the sentiment with a hearty laugh and the warrior quickly looked about. Upon spying the small pond that Theresa had intended to use for drinking water, he marched summarily over to it, took hold about her neck, and dropped her in. He dragged her frame from side to side and the layer of dirt came away in great brown clouds. The water was freezing and the initial shock of her entry caused precious quant.i.ties of air to slip from her lips. Desperately she fought to get free. She was unable to hold her breath any longer, and her face and mind were bubbling from the drowning as she watched the pond bed drift below her in even sweeps.

Theresa was lifted free and she gasped and coughed. Some small shred of motion had returned and her almost imperceptible shuddering caused the folds of hair hanging loose about her features to tremble while her body ran with trickles of water and quivered from the chill.

Still devoid of true movement, she flopped like a rag doll as they lifted her up. They tied her wrists and ankles to the trunks with cord so that she was splayed between the two trees.

As expected, whips were drawn and her implant kicked into life. Her body twitched from the internal havoc and a slight keening howl managed to slip from her lethargic larynx. Sanguinary hacks rained into her from all directions. Each of the Hunters lambasted her from their position in the formed circle of armoured giants.

The many thongs of the cats lapped at her with gusto. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her inner thighs, her back, her rear, these were their favoured locations, but the worst were those that swung upward and laid their scorching caresses to her pudenda. Each swipe left behind a heated zone and each added impact elevated that heat to new and intolerable levels.

They maintained their a.s.sault for aeons and the pain of her trial washed away her thoughts. As the neural shock began to wear off, her body began to respond more aptly to the abuses being poured so freely into it. Theresa started to cry out, to jolt and claw at the cords, her toes wiggling in the air. It was then that she started to cross over into that strange heady zone where the intensity of the pain started to become something else. It was not pain, but it was not pleasure, it was something else, a third sensation, a sensation as intense as it was frightening and addictive.

Had she deliberately deluded herself about the implant? She knew that if she escaped and was caught that she would be sent to the Temple, there to face the arcane ministrations of the Holy Order. Could that have been her subconscious goal all along? She hated the barracks. She wanted the cold enthralling misery offered by the Dregakk and not the tedious abuse of human men. The house and the stables could never be returned to, the only way she could once more immerse herself amongst the Dregakk was in the Temple.

Had her masochism sneakily hid the concept of the tracking device so that she could earn a fate in the city under the most impious masters of the Dregakk art of sadism and subjugation? Such a fate numbed her mind and could not consciously be sought, had had she unwittingly caused this fate for herself by her escape, knowing all along that she would be could and served to it?

Theresa's wails became more p.r.o.nounced and her sweat sodden writhing was a tease that drove them into whipping her harder. Each of them was trying to motivate a greater response until the forest was echoing with her screams, and her body jiggled upon the cords as though being used to conduct a vast electric current.

The coat of water she had gained was sloughed off by the lick of the lash or evaporated by her ardent suffering. The glaze of moisture that replaced it was a tormented sweat, her flesh weeping salty tears of sorrow.

The endless rain culminated in a final tempestuous volley and then left her to lie slack against her restraints. Theresa's head lolled back and she quivered and mewled. She was floating on rhapsodic waves and her senses were reeling while her body continued to course with the havoc of the whipping.

The reddened skin of her burned hide had given one of them a diabolic idea, and drawing up a lens, he caught the suns weak rays and steered them onto her. Theresa's teeth snapped shut and she roared through a tensed jaw when the white hot spot lingered upon her nipple. She fought the pull of her trammels and swung to keep the spot from lingering overlong and raising the temperature of a chosen location to intolerable levels, but the alien followed her wriggles with skill and kept the burning speck to the tender flesh.

Theresa yowled and squealed while the alien drew the dot over both b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He then dawdled in her armpits and inner thighs, and then the cruellest touches were applied to her p.u.s.s.y. The pain that spilled from the scorching of such soft and vulnerable parts of her anatomy made her insane with agony, so much so that they had to desist for fear of her dislocating her limbs.

The Hunters took her down and put her on all fours before they looped twin nooses about the base of her hanging b.r.e.a.s.t.s. They tightened them until she yelled and then the others began to tie her wrists to her ankles. The third wound the coils along the engorged b.r.e.a.s.t.s to form a compressive mesh that made the soft flesh bulge around it before heading back to the base and tying the knot off. As they cast the spare length over a branch, Theresa's eyes widened in horror, and suddenly she was battling to slip her restraints with utmost effort.

The Dregakk laughed and pulled at the ropes. Her struggles disappeared into a tense spasm and she cast her head back to squall. The ropes wrenched at her chest and hauled her from her knees in jolts so she might swing upon the terrible bonds.

Theresa was sure her flesh could not withstand this, that the tissues would rip, but to her dismay, her body could handle the use of her cleavage in such a heinous manner, although the pain emanating from the afflicted areas was beyond all acceptance.

In the haze of her suffering, she vaguely became aware that the stalkers of slaves had settled to wait, each of them now dining upon her screams. Hanging by her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she howled and sobbed. Any movement of her agony-wracked form further elevated the duress but she could not stay still against such invidious suspension.

The excruciating trial left her delirious and wild, unable to think or plead, only wail from the brutal peak of anguish they had deserted her on. Suddenly she spied a form before her and he was holding up a control with two stark b.u.t.tons on.

Theresa's heart went cold as an armoured finger loitered on the white b.u.t.ton but then another hand dropped onto it to halt him.

"No. If you use the pain, she'll be left frozen in suffering and won't jiggle. Use the other one, and make her bounce and punish herself."

The alien grinned at the notion and moved his finger aside. There was a click and she felt her internal monster rouse into life. Sumptuous allconsuming ecstasy rushed through her and made her thrash madly. Her body seemed to melt from her bones because of the rapture, and unknown to her captors, the rhapsody was infinitely enhanced by the fact that her o.r.g.a.s.mic throes were bringing further mayhem to her bound and squeezed b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

The only clue she had as to the pa.s.sage of time came when the forest floor erupted under the route of a savage wind. The gale threw up the fallen twigs and leaves as a sleek craft settled through a gap in the lush roof and signalled the end of her five-hour ordeal. The implant fell quiet and the anguish of her breast suspension was all she had to occupy her. Even with the end in sight she had to pray and promise to herself that it would end soon, that if she could just hold on a few more minutes, it would end. Without the ecstasy, her flesh was unable to withstand another second of this malignant bondage.

The vehicle slowed and stopped upon an invisible cus.h.i.+on. It hovered motionless as the roused banks of debris fluttered back to the ground. A Hunter raised his forearm and fired. The candescent bolt ripped into the overhanging branch that served as a gallows to hold Theresa aloft. It severed the ropes amidst a bright cough of fire and smouldering chunks, and as the smoke rolled up to reveal a jagged crater in the bark, Theresa struck the floor with a loud thud directly before the two awaiting Hunters.

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