Theresa's Punishment Part 5

Theresa's Punishment -

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When the treatment came to cleanse her breast, she could barely bring a whimper to her lips in a hopeless entreaty for mercy. The dire exhaustion from the entire ordeal had left her near insensible. The effects of the liquids on the raw line bestowed her with temporary energy, giving plenty to scream afresh before taking back the loan of strength in addition to a hefty added fine.

In a somnolent haze she heard the hum of the device she needed most, and when she felt the styptic green aura brush her flesh, prompting vastly accelerated healing with its benign rays, she gave a minute quiver of grat.i.tude from knowing that the inquisition was at last over. However, even as the glowing halo was erasing the minor clues of her horror, gnawing concern still flourished from what manner of obscene travail awaited her in the fields.

It took mere moments for her wounded soles to be restored to their smooth, unblemished natural state, and once the tray was removed, the chains paid out their reserve of slack and returned her to the cold floor. The jaws yawned, and her languid form flopped onto the ground at Morschka's feet.

"I shall leave you to rest. You will need to regain your strength for your toil, and for when your men folk begin to stuff themselves into those delicate holes," chuckled Morschka, while prodding Theresa's s.e.x with the toe of her boot in a most disdainful fas.h.i.+on.

Chuckling impishly, the malicious woman strode from the chamber. The door hissed shut and locked, and as the automatic bolts sealed her within, the lights snapped off to plunge Theresa into absolute blindness after deeming her unworthy of their splendour.

Too tired to cry or shout, she let herself slump outward upon the hard mattress of the floor and rest. The arms of fatigued sleep rose to smother her before she was even aware of their existence.

Chapter Seven.

The deep clunk of the locks jumping back and the whistling purr of the door gliding aside to admit one of the Phed Dregakk lifted Theresa from her dreamless state. Looking up, she took in the outline of a tall form whose silhouetted features grew to clarity as the lights announced his entry.

Clothed in the sombre uniform of the agricultural overseers, he was no doubt to be the instructor who readied her for this new and unwelcome lot. His st.u.r.dy leather jerkin, gauntlets, and boots were polished to a gleaming finish like mirrors of ebony. His smooth fabric leggings emphasised his toned legs and a loose s.h.i.+rt leant him an almost n.o.ble quality. The many thonged whip that he bore was ornate and speckled with gems, while the thick pendulous strands were each tipped with a small dense knot.

The slave driver looked down at her in a.s.sessment and made no secret of his disappointment by letting the feeling display itself prominently across his elegant features.

He grabbed her wrist, hoisted her up to her feet without even a twinge of effort, and then began to pace menacingly about her. Gripping her biceps, he squeezed the muscles in appraisal and with a similar and casual indifference to her modesty, he examined her legs and tut-tutted.

"Pathetic. This is what I must set to work in the fields? I doubt you could even drag a plough more than a few paces before collapsing. Still... ' he muttered to himself, and then cupped a breast. He kneaded the flesh with no quarter allowed for delicacy and then moved his hands to her b.u.t.tocks before bringing out a gasp of shock the moment he slid his digits into her womb. The overseer parted her s.e.x and then pinched her c.l.i.toris to make her squeak.

"I suppose having you to grind themselves into will render them less unruly for a while. Very well, come with me," he demanded, and marched off at a brisk pace.

Ever since her arrival on this accursed colony, her legs had constantly been imprisoned within uncomfortable, absurdly heeled footwear, and for the first time she was fully free of them. It was a wonderful feeling, and it was as though her legs were made of air.

The overseer showed her back downstairs and out onto the main courtyard. The surfaces were warm from the smile of the midday sun, and their smooth complexion promised none of the ills that she a.s.sociated with strolling barefoot out of doors.

Her total nakedness troubled her a little, but considering the caustic nature of typical Dregakk clothing, she was not altogether bothered at the loss.

The overseer took a side path and Theresa wandered in his wake. She was relis.h.i.+ng the feel of the warmth as it saturated her skin. The torture chamber in which she had slept had numbed her to the bones with its insidious chill and the stone bed she had slumbered upon had left her cold and stiff. Her eyes were still striving to accustom themselves to the sun's glare because a night spent in total dark had rendered her woefully unprepared for even the weak daylight of this far away planet.

Their pa.s.sage showed her the fields where the males diligently worked. Some pulled ploughs or carts, others tended crops or dug; others harvested that which was ripe by hacking down bushels for others to carry off, or by picking fruits, or unearthing roots.

The plantation was vast and incorporated numerous sources of sustenance. There were fields of crops, vines, or neatly arrayed plants and terraces of bushes. There were orchards of fructuous trees, allotments of small blooms and delicate growths, everything that was needed to run and preserve the self-sufficiency of the estate. The produce that failed to grow in the open was cultivated in large greenhouses and the interior temperatures left those working within to suffer every climate from the infernal heat of desert crops to the freezing cold needed to make arctic vegetation thrive.

After traversing an orchard of purple saplings, a small complex emerged through the mauve slashes offered by the wiry tree trunks. Squat cylinders stretched back in rows and were clearly grain stores of some description. Barn doors yawned wide to expose their innards and give the slaves a place to set down their heavy loads, be they sacks, bushels, crates, or kegs.

A row of single storey barracks with no features save their st.u.r.dy doors were the accommodation for the slaves, and from the sheer size of each, the number of residents was vast. A pang of concern struck and banished the cosy glow that the sight of such lush farmlands kindled. There was the stark realisation that she had not seen any other females on the fields, and the lack of such a gender meant that the homes were communal. How could she hope to defend her sanct.i.ty against a hall that was completely filled with toil-strengthened men? Maids had already molested her in the house and forced her into lesbian activity, the men were a.s.sured to savour the chance for heteros.e.xual gratification.

The overseer broke from the path and travelled across a barren zone to an area covered by neat rows of s.h.a.ggy bushes. The limbs were embellished with green, oval pods akin to large misshapen peas. Another professional tyrant scrutinised the meticulous endeavours of a team of slaves who drearily plucked the produce and placed it in large baskets.

"Take up a container and get picking. Only the green ones. Move it!" said the escorting overseer after pointing to a nearby trio of unused examples.

The many thin tongues of the knotted cat ate hot trenches into her back. The plexus of weals made her scamper to the collection, s.n.a.t.c.h up a basket and drop before the nearest bush where she began to swiftly pick. The throbbing lines were still pounding with vibrant life even as she began.

Without any exchange between them the other overseer moved off, leaving her under the gaze of his comrade, whose irritation at her inexperience in stripping a bush as quickly as her fellow workers had him coating her back with encouraging flogs.

Settling into the pace, Theresa found the work far more of a relief than any other caste she had been initiated into. If she could only keep up, she would be free of arbitrary torture and punishment. The overseers merely delivered a beating to maintain the regime of dominance and to keep the workers at a constant hasty pace. The growths she was picking smelled succulent, but she was determined not to eat one on the sly, for ingestion was a crime easy to spot and she did not wish to worsen her situation after only a few minutes. Perhaps if she found the means to hide such a flagrant felony she might attempt it because it would be a glorious bonus to sweeten the pill of her enslavement. She had not truly eaten for months now, and the thought of eating something with taste and substance was a tempting one.

Dolour arose however when she began to see that every one of her compeers within sight kept glancing to her with express wanting and hard, erect c.o.c.ks. Their denial of any female flesh was making them openly l.u.s.tful. None of the usual courteous niceties remained, they cared not to woo or seduce her; if the opportunity arose they would simply help themselves.

Why could she not be left alone? She would have gladly wiled away what time remained amongst these lush surroundings, free of the torture chambers and whimsical castigation, only now she had the looming threat of what would happen when night fell and she was faced with a horde of starved and debased barbarians.

As the sun began to inch its way towards the horizon, her pleasant disposition began to splinter and fall away. The nibbling worry of the impending night joined the chill that took to the air when the rays of golden sunlight grew dim and shadows lengthened across the land in the same manner as shadows of terror were creeping through her psyche.

"That's enough for today, human sc.u.m. Back to the barns," announced the overseer and freely distributed licks from his scourge to force the team onwards.

Struggling with the weight of her quarter full burden, Theresa gained above average attention. The others were untroubled that she was being singled out because it only served them to have the overseer expel his sadism on someone else rather than their own well-beaten backs.

Following the team to the relevant locale, Theresa copied them and poured her contents into a large steaming vat before setting down the basket and heading to the barracks.

The moment she stepped onto the threshold she froze. The vast prison extended outward as a dense labyrinth of three high bunk beds, each without cover or pillow, and more frightening was the absence of the restraints that the maids had to endure. At the heads of each dangled a foot tube that stood ready to give the occupant repulsive nourishment in reward for their days efforts. The air was heavy with the scent of sweat and bodies, and wherever she looked, she could see dozens of eyes boring into her or regarding her curves. Her nude state seemed to somehow acquire embarra.s.sment and she felt her hands moving to cover herself.

Streaks of shock ran her back and made her leap inward as the overseer forced her in with a downward hack. Theresa kept her eyes on the males and began to move slowly into the maze, hoping to find a place where she could sleep and yet be able to defend herself.

Her fearful twirling only served to present her entire form for the prurient glare of the audience, and her pulse began to quicken as signs of activity in the shadows alerted her to their peaking interest.

Turning to see if any spare places lay behind her, she gave a gasp as she found a tall young man stood before her. Theresa took a step back. She was afraid of the unblinking stare affixed solely to her body and then she b.u.mped into flesh and span to see another wall of muscles and wanton l.u.s.t behind her. Terror sank in its notched fangs and she wheeled with the intention to run. The man darted forward and grabbed her hair, stopping her flight with a painful hold. Lost to trembling fright, she elbowed him in the stomach, doubling him up with a hissing exhale. The attack had been more shocked reaction than actual planned defence, and as she dithered in confused alarm, a blur of movement entered her periphery vision and lanced behind her. Brawny arms shot up under her armpits and ducked back to lock fingers about the back of her neck.

With her head twisted forward, and her arms bent painfully by the grapple, she tried to claw at her attacker but lacked the leverage to access him. The winded man moved forward and slapped her across the cheek for her resistance, jerking her head against her a.s.sailant's arms. With a throbbing cheek and trickle of red slipping from her lip, she tried to kick out at him, but after the first few faineant impacts he successfully snared her ankles and together the men drew her onto the nearest bunk as she wailed and jerked in their hold.

The grappler sat astride the head, maintaining his imprisoning hold as hands took her wrists and held them tightly. The men responsible for providing these shackles took payment for their work in the rough groping of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her ankles were pinned down to the sides, splaying her legs wide for easy access. A heavy form lowered onto her torso and shuffled into position to press her down onto the man behind. Theresa could feel his erect p.e.n.i.s pressing into the back of her spine. She could not bite the prospective a.s.sailant because her head was contorted too acutely to permit movement.

A sudden thrust penetrated her. Theresa cried out in disgust and incensed outrage. She battled her enemies with all her vain might as the caressing of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s continued and the flesh was crushed by the zeal motivating this appalling fondling.

Despite his savouring sloth, the man was finis.h.i.+ng in moments. The feel of a woman's s.e.x and his pounding desire culminated in a brief carnal session. He ceded his place to a second, who ignored her frantic cries and took her with equal enthusiasm. They seemed to be unaware of her pain and indignation, or if they were, they blanked it completely because only her openings were of consequence.

The third dove into her rear, the fourth took too long with her p.u.s.s.y and was forced aside to make way for one whose libido could no longer be held at bay and who was not so troubled at performing in front of dozens of others. After this cur filled her a.n.u.s with his issue, she began to loose count. It was certain that almost everyone in the barracks must have served themselves with her body, and she was sure many took more than one turn. Such was the queue that they could gain the sleep they required while waiting, and still afford to take her, leaving Theresa to a long night of non-stop violation. Her grapplers exchanged places so that they might take a session; and others replaced them in turn because dominating her within their brawny arms and feeling her struggle was almost as alluring a sensation as that of their forced intercourse.

She had not heard the doors being closed, but she heard them open and the overseer demand exit. The youth sinking himself into her burning rear tensed as he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed and quickly scuttled away like a rat into the darkness along with those who had been gripping her joints.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she rubbed her chafed wrists and tried to rise. Her abdomen was raw and encrusted with dried s.e.m.e.n. The mattress was damp from the seepage of her loins. They had unleashed their pent up desires freely, and as a lubricant it had served to abate the effects of friction, but the revulsion she felt as this albino slime dripped from her abdomen was far worse, and she cursed the Dregakk afresh for having killed the seed instead of blocking it at the source.

How could she hope to endure this atrocity every night? The profanity brooked no sleep and only drained her further, and it was as Setchak had prophesised - her failings here would condemn her to the Temple. In addition, they had been intent only on quick release this night. They would be more leisurely now, and seek her to perform rather than simply lie there. Physical abuse was a powerful motivator, and having seen how effectively their captors used it, no doubt the men would take up this weapon to make her their communal wh.o.r.e.

Theresa shuffled for the door and her steps were uneven. Her body was aching from the abuse and she was dizzy from lack of sleep and the horror of her ravishment. She wished she could attack her defilers, but her wavering sight and enfeebled nature would only cause her to fail in her bid for vengeance and thus the overseers would punish her.

Staggering into the main throng of slaves she saw a number of overseers moving through and selecting humans for various duties. Only once the numbers had been significantly whittled down was Theresa picked and placed with a small group destined to plough a field. With the team fully compiled, they were taken out to the large empty expanse and to the looming plough at the side.

It was a sinister and ugly piece of machinery whose arms curled forward in sculpted waves and whose blade was a spiteful tooth to gouge at the soil. The slave driver picked a pair of males to act as guides and set them to work harnessing the beasts of burden. Weighty yokes were slipped over their necks and the straps were set firmly about their bodies to keep them in place with their hands tied behind their backs. Like a carrot upon a stick, Theresa was set out in front, alone, so that her back was presented to the leering slaves behind her. A pair of slim cords was tied to her nipple rings, and these were handed to the males so they might steer the inexperienced leader of the plough.

With a brutal slash, the Dregakk set the team in motion. The human prisoners groaned against their restraints in a war of inertia and began to rake the device forward in neat lines. The overseer beat any back deemed to be lagging or not pulling its full share.

As Theresa's naked form struggled against the tethers, it proved to be an erotic enticement for the males. She could see them studying her with a fixed, mesmerised intensity while those guiding the plough took clear and great delight in tugging at her teats to make her wheel and keep the furrows straight. They did not take the opportunity to cause her any arbitrary grief, but Theresa knew that this was not by choice. If they showed any sign of sadism, then surely a jealous overseer would make them suffer for daring to indulge that which was considered the exclusive preserve of the Phed Dregakk.

Her legs began to feel like molten lead as the muscles were pushed to their full power. Her head swam from sleep deprivation and her back was pounding from repeated blows of the whip. Her foot slipped and the weight of the yoke slew her balance. She was brought to a stumble and then to a proc.u.mbent heap. The others were instantly upon her, dropping onto her back and fighting to enter her body now that it was finally within reach. Theresa wailed in aghast shock at this unexpected charge. Her look of surprise folded up into a grimace of misery and disgust as a hardened length bored into her rear. Having brought his libido to a bubbling zenith with the arousing vision of her wiggling just a few feet before him for hours on end, she felt hot fluid taint her tracts after only a few jabs. She could barely breathe because the press of bodies was readying to collapse her ribs, but still they were only fixated with her proffered rear.

The overseer rained torrential volleys into the writhing ma.s.s and drove off those who knew they stood no chance of gaining ingress but not until two more of them had introduced their c.o.c.ks to her a.n.u.s did he activate the implants.

The entire mound, including Theresa, shrieked and rolled away, writhing in torment until he decided to end the disciplining of his labourers.

For causing such a delay, the overseer placed a boot to her neck and gave her a blizzard of lashes that distended her entire back and rump with a smarting glow. The deposited loads of the males trickled out and fanned the flames of her loathing as she cavorted beneath the pinning sole. She could find pleasure in being subjugated by the Dregakk, but her own race was something she could not tolerate. Theresa was better than they were. She had lasted longer than any of these males in the wastelands and ruins of Earth. Her strength and cunning had kept her from capture, unlike these brutes. The Dregakk could be respected for their power, but these men were failures, cowards, and wimps, ones caught long before her. How dare they abuse her so!

The whip was distributed amongst the team to restore momentum, and although she frantically strove to keep ahead and upright, she was just not capable of it. Again, she collapsed, and without pause, rigid organs were jamming into her. The overseer began with the whip and even though the implant was far more effective, his temperament, like all Dregakk, favoured the personal infliction of torment.

Once the mound had been cleared to expose the weeping slave, she was dragged upright to face his irked gaze. Particles of dirt still clung to her front after the pile had crushed her into the soil.

"If this continues, the field will never be readied. Therefore, I shall have to put you in the stocks. But do not think this gets you out of tonight's party with your fellow sc.u.m. You will be put back at sundown, be a.s.sured of that," he spat, and then turned to the other slaves.

"I want two full lengths finished by the time I return, otherwise I will give you five minutes of the implants," came his terse warning, and removing Theresa from the team, he drew her away at a prompt march.

The threat hanging over the others was a severe one, and they began to continue with increased speed. Theresa hoped they failed; she wanted them to suffer for their profane crimes.

Theresa was steered through a slender vineyard and found herself following a slender path that divided a desolate field from the orchard beside it. Upon this route were set three identical contraptions. They were large pillories, wrought from a black wood that was either varnished or possessed a natural gloss. The slat to bear wrists and neck was laid flat upon two stout side struts, while the ankle board hovered a short way off the soil in a similar fas.h.i.+on. Cast to the ground beside the stocks, Theresa hung her head in apprehension as the overseer began to open the jaws of the device and ready them to accept her joints. A short while ago, she might have resisted, but the Dregakk ways had taught her the futility of such disobedience and thus she could do nothing, save brood and await her unjust sentence.

"Get up," he commanded, and when her response was too slow in his personal opinion he s.n.a.t.c.hed a nipple ring and employed it as a leash to a.s.sist her.

The ankle board was used for her to stand upon and this allowed her wrists and neck to be swallowed by the snug grooves. When her legs were tugged away, she gave a shout as her body weight fell onto the imprisoned extremities and caused the wood to bite into the flesh that was now hanging from it. Heedless of her cry, he shoved her ankles into the appropriate slots and slammed the board shut. Trapped, she dangled helplessly while the alien released the bolts at the side of the ankle slat and lowered it. The villain leant his body to the process and stretched her frame terribly before locking it into place. Added suffering was maliciously instigated when clamps were removed from beneath the lowest board. The inhuman implements were set upon lengthy springs and after hauling at the elasticity of the metal coils, the overseer brought one up to each nipple and let go. The springs hauled back with all their considerable force to make her wail at the wrenching of her tender flesh. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were twisted downward by this vehement bite and each inhale made them drag even more terribly against the springs.

Theresa hung upon the evil pillory throughout the rest of the day. Her toes were barely grazing the soil and her pain found no end. It was also heightened whenever an overseer pa.s.sed by because they would capriciously flick her implant into tumultuous activity, flog her, or tug at the springs. Each of them relished the higher pitches her scream ascended to, and it was this random brutality that kept her from up the sleep she needed so badly. The suspension made it difficult, and their pa.s.sing attention rendered it impossible.

As darkness began to creep across the plantation, the workers were ushered back to their barracks. The sight of so many made Theresa livid with worry.

The sun left the horizon and the stars emerged. After a few minutes in the cooling night, the overseer who had chosen her for his detail approached with torch in one hand to guide his steps across the belated farm.

Theresa wanted to plead for mercy, that she would do anything he wanted if only he would spare her, but her voice was long gone, and all she could do was accept her lot else suffer further for any unruly behaviour.

He set her free and grabbed her wrist. The overseer towed her away and her steps faltered slightly. She had not slept at all upon the stocks, and to her dismay, a different door was opened to admit her. Now, a fresh host of men were ready within to use her body. With a groan of misery, she was shoved forward to collapse at the entrance.

"Have fun," chuckled the villain, and slammed the door shut.

The deep resounding clunk of the locks closing and sealing her within echoed like a d.a.m.ning imprecation, and in the dull light of the interior, she spied dozens of eyes looking sleepily up and suddenly acquiring new alertness.

As forms began to slip from the myriad cots, she turned and pounded her fists against the door. Theresa screamed at the top of her lungs and hoped that those who had placed her here might think that she was in true jeopardy and remove her. Nevertheless, the Phed Dregakk had little regard for their slave's well-being, and her shrieks went unanswered.

A score of hands s.n.a.t.c.hed her from behind and dragged her down as she bucked and fought to break free. Her efforts were a vain consideration, but at least it affirmed her to be no willing prost.i.tute for their desire.

Two men immersed themselves in her abdomen at the same time. Driving into rear and belly, they shoved with sharp jabs until they went rigid and ended with a few rhapsodic twitches of their hips. Others replaced them almost instantaneously while she hollered, her restrainers not even feeling the need to silence her cries with a hand over her wailing lips. The tide of molestation swept onward, the men picking their chosen entrance and using her as though it were a lifeless commodity, there for their entertainment.

Once the first waves had finished, a man approached and he was holding a tiny device. Totally silenced by the same surgery that had rendered her near mute, he presented the trinket to her weeping face. She could not believe what she saw - it was the activation device for the implants. Somehow, this slave had managed to commandeer and hide away one of these lethal controls. They must have been using it to gain the exquisite ecstasy of the black b.u.t.ton, a sensation beyond pleasure, but now it was clear that they had finally found a use for the other setting.

The device was rotated before her mortified gaze to ensure that she knew what it was. The male stepped back, put it to her s.e.x, and pressed the b.u.t.ton. The males holding her limbs out had to deploy all their strength to retain their grips, so violently did she buck against them when her body was charged with artificially induced agony. The shock pa.s.sed and she went limp against the clasping hands of her foes.

The implants of her oppressors had not twitched, suggesting that the control had a very limited range for its goading effect on the tiny devices within all of them, and thus they could safely torture her without risk of accidentally engaging their own internal nemesis.

Her position was changed and she was knelt before one of the bunks. The bearer of the control sat down, and two others joined him on either side. Theresa was steered closer and a hand cupped the nape of her neck while the other rested a finger upon the white b.u.t.ton. The male guided her face onto his erect p.e.n.i.s.

Theresa turned her head away, revolted, a response to which the male merely lowered the device back into proximity to her loins. Theresa whimpered at the prospect of her implant being used to gain her compliance in this f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, and it all came down to a simple choice between obeying their demands, or being savaged with infernal duress until she did what they wanted anyway.

With vision blurred from tears, she slowly opened her mouth. The man grinned with his victory and drew her down, even as Theresa found her hands being guided. The tensed digits were furled about the c.o.c.ks to her side and by rocking her hands, they explained graphically what they wished of her, and rather than face the bite of the implant, she obeyed.

Theresa handled the two men and performed orally with her eyes shut. When she felt the geyser of salty warmth spatter her mouth, she sought to back away and spit out the noxious reward for her efforts. The male had other ideas, and yanked her at the back of the neck, forcing the head of his member to the back of her throat and leaving her no alternative to swallowing.

With a retch and a lifeless gulp, she took down the small quant.i.ty, just as hot rivulets began to rain down upon her wrist and forearm.

Having seen how efficient she was, and how she was powerless to deny or injure them, others replaced the trio. They simply sat down and inserted themselves into mouth or fist as though she were some manner of organic machine.

Theresa tried to shut herself off from the event, to detach and drift into other thoughts, but it was useless. The harrowing ordeal brooked no distraction. Her arms and neck began to ache, and others saw they could still make use of her rear if they forced it up. This made her task all the more strenuous because of the awkward pose and the hands that strayed across her as her a.n.u.s was penetrated and used. When her rhythm flagged, they slapped her, goaded her on with oscillating tugs to her hair or rings, or pinched and twisted her limbs and skin until she picked up the pace they wanted of her.

None of them excused her from taking down what they deposited and the diminutive swell in her stomach was a source of vile nausea.

Several times only the awakening of the implant gave her a fresh influx of energy, even though it was a fleeting restoration that did far more to wear her out than revive her.

When the doors opened and the roar of the overseers called for them to emerge and commence another day's toil, Theresa sobbed in abject misery. How could she face another day of work? This existence of labourer and carnal commodity was a h.e.l.l worse than any other experience thus far. Yet, if she failed them, she would be suspended from the scathing arms of the pillory once more, and that was a peril she had no pressing wish to face again.

Theresa pushed her exhausted frame onwards and meandered out into the light. The tang of the night's fare still lingered on her taste buds. Their a.s.sault had not even paused to allow her food, and though the sludge the Dregakk served was not really filling in any normal sense, its absence had her feeling even weaker and more light headed because of the forsaken nutrients.

Selected for picking work, she hefted her basket and followed the rest of her work mates to the field they were to strip it of roots. She had barely begun when she started to totter and fall, and although the overseer whipped her felled form with all his vigour, he could not bring her to continue the task. Vexed by this feebleness he drew her away towards the barracks, semidragging the stolid frame by a limp wrist so that her body etched shallow grooves in the dirt tracks.

They stopped before a crooked tree. The bark of its squat trunk was blackened and charred, even though the rest of it was lush and bristling with life. A cogged pulley had been screwed into the underside of a stout branch and the ring allowed a silvery chain to pa.s.s over it. The twin lengths descended either to catch a hook in the dark trunk or to grip a wide leather collar that had an array of locks to prevent unauthorised escape a set of st.u.r.dy manacles were connected to rings in the side by short chains and a set of fetters were placed over a stubby low hanging branch.

Theresa was sat upon the gra.s.s and the rapid dance of the overseer's fingers installed the collar about her throat to perch her head atop its rigid sides. Sealed within, she watched impotently as he gathered the fetters from the branch and to her surprise, he used them to lock her elbows behind her back.

Theresa gave a whimper when the overseer leaned a knee painfully onto her thigh to hold it there so he might grab her ankle and use his considerable brawn to lift it up and catch in what she had mistaken for a wrist cuff. The limb dropped against the short chain to the side of her collar and was left hauled up in front of her torso. She cavorted and strained but could do nothing while he doomed her other ankle. Left balanced on her aching rear, she hauled at the elbow cuffs and her fingers clawed at her torso in an attempt to reach the leather bands that were keeping her legs bent uncomfortably up.

The overseer grabbed the chain, removed it from the hook, and Theresa howled when he started to draw her up. The chain hauled at the back of her collar and she left the ground. Her own weight hung from her collar and made breathing difficult. Only by pulling with her legs could she lift a little of her body's burden and gain easier respiration. She sobbed and croaked in mortal panic at the stringency of her containment.

The overseer stopped suddenly and paused. Theresa thought that he might be about to show her mercy and so her imploring grunts and whinnies became all the more drastic.

"You know, I've never had a labourer before. You're the first female I've seen condemned out here. Maybe I shouldn't be so hasty in deserting you," he mused, and then hooked a chain link back over the anchor to leave her cavorting body dangling a foot from the ground.

The overseer approached and knelt down before her. Theresa continued to wriggle and find some way to lessen her ordeal but there was none, she was doomed to this hateful suspension. Her legs pulled and made her hindquarters bob and sway, and it was this enticing dance that further caught the iniquitous eye of the overseer.

The overseer unfastened his trousers and removed a rapidly swelling member. Kneeling before her, he took hold of the chain rising from the back of her neck and grabbed his c.o.c.k. The tumescent tip was used to stroke the lips of her s.e.x and Theresa continued to wriggle and groan.

"Oh hush now, there's worse to come yet," he stated, and moved in closer to her so that his chest brushed the back of her abused legs.

Theresa stared at his impa.s.sive features and suddenly found herself deploying her hidden nature in her defence. The fact that a Dregakk was doing this to her soothed her greatly and the feel of his c.o.c.k rubbing against her hanging p.u.s.s.y was no small delight after all the hordes of her own kind that had used her. She wanted to be owned and ruled by these sultry beings, not crudely abused by her own subjugated race.

Slowly, her motions of rebellion began to subside and she wheezed hesitantly for breath against her bonds. The hypoxia of her confinement and the warm sun caressing her form were alluring and her eyelids fluttered as he started to swirl his member against her engorging c.l.i.t.

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