The Marne, 1914 Part 11

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103. Das Elsa.s.s von 18701932 Das Elsa.s.s von 18701932, ed. J. Rosse et. al (Colmar: Alsatia, 1936), 1:337.

104. Gaede to Friedrich II, 10 October 1914. GLA, 59 Weltkrieg 1914Schriftwechsel Gaede 316. Gaede to Friedrich II, 10 October 1914. GLA, 59 Weltkrieg 1914Schriftwechsel Gaede 316.

105. Ordre particuliere No. 18, 21 August 1914, AFGG, 1-1:69394; Joffre, 1:286. Ordre particuliere No. 18, 21 August 1914, AFGG, 1-1:69394; Joffre, 1:286.

106. See AFGG, 2:42632. See AFGG, 2:42632.

107. For a detailed eyewitness account, see General Otto Kreppel in For a detailed eyewitness account, see General Otto Kreppel in Das Bayernbuch Das Bayernbuch, 2:4951; also Rupprecht, Mein Kriegstagebuch Mein Kriegstagebuch, 1:59, 6365.

108. Letter dated 1 September 1914. GLA, S Kriegsbriefe und Kriegstagebucher 53. Letter dated 1 September 1914. GLA, S Kriegsbriefe und Kriegstagebucher 53.

109. War diary entry dated 27 August 1914. Tagebuch Rupprecht, BHStA-GH, Nachla Kronprinz Rupprecht 699. War diary entry dated 27 August 1914. Tagebuch Rupprecht, BHStA-GH, Nachla Kronprinz Rupprecht 699.

110. Wenninger to War Ministry, 31 August 1914. Berichte Ml. Bev. Wenninger, BHStA-KA, Nachla Krafft von Dellmensingen 145. Wenninger to War Ministry, 31 August 1914. Berichte Ml. Bev. Wenninger, BHStA-KA, Nachla Krafft von Dellmensingen 145.

111. WK, 1:569. WK, 1:569.

CHAPTER 4. 4. The b.l.o.o.d.y Road West: Liege to Louvain The b.l.o.o.d.y Road West: Liege to Louvain 1. D. J. Goodspeed, D. J. Goodspeed, Ludendorff: Soldier: Dictator: Revolutionary Ludendorff: Soldier: Dictator: Revolutionary (London: Hart-Davis, 1966), 1. (London: Hart-Davis, 1966), 1.

2. Cited in Sewell Tyng, Cited in Sewell Tyng, The Campaign of the Marne, 1914 The Campaign of the Marne, 1914 (New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green, 1935), 53. (New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green, 1935), 53.

3. WK, 1:10506. WK, 1:10506.

4. Jeff Lipkes, Jeff Lipkes, Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914 Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914 (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2007), 42. (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2007), 42.

5. Ibid., 90103; Maximilian v. Poseck, Ibid., 90103; Maximilian v. Poseck, Die Deutsche Kavallerie 1914 in Belgien und Frankreich Die Deutsche Kavallerie 1914 in Belgien und Frankreich (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1921), 1011. (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1921), 1011.

6. WK, 1:10910. WK, 1:10910.

7. Ibid., 108. Ibid., 108.

8. Ibid., 11113, 115. Ibid., 11113, 115.

9. Ibid., 111; Lipkes, Ibid., 111; Lipkes, Rehearsals Rehearsals, 61.

10. Joffre, 1:28687. Joffre, 1:28687.

11. Cited in Cited in Source Records of the Great War Source Records of the Great War, ed. Charles F. Horne (USA: National Alumni, 1923), 2:49.

12. BA-MA, RH 61/50220, Wilhelm Dieckmann, "Der Schlieffenplan," 5357. BA-MA, RH 61/50220, Wilhelm Dieckmann, "Der Schlieffenplan," 5357.

13. WK, 1:112. WK, 1:112.

14. John Horne and Alan Kramer, John Horne and Alan Kramer, German Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial German Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial (New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 2001), 13; Lipkes, (New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 2001), 13; Lipkes, Rehearsals Rehearsals, 110ff.

15. Erich Ludendorff, Erich Ludendorff, Meine Kriegserinnerungen 19141918 Meine Kriegserinnerungen 19141918 (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1919), 29. (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1919), 29.

16. Ibid., 29. Ibid., 29.

17. Moltke, 24. Moltke, 24.

18. Cited in Tyng, Cited in Tyng, Campaign of the Marne Campaign of the Marne, 56.

19. Research report dated 11 April 1938. BA-MA, RH 61/50739, Generalleutnant von Stein, der Generalquartiermeister der sechs ersten Kriegswochen, 7, 9. Research report dated 11 April 1938. BA-MA, RH 61/50739, Generalleutnant von Stein, der Generalquartiermeister der sechs ersten Kriegswochen, 7, 9.

20. Ein Armeefuhrer erlebt den Weltkrieg. Personliche Aufzeichnungen des Generalobersten v. Einem Ein Armeefuhrer erlebt den Weltkrieg. Personliche Aufzeichnungen des Generalobersten v. Einem, ed. Junius Alter (Leipzig: Hase u. Koehler, 1938), 3537; Keiner fuhlt sich hier mehr als Mensch ... Erlebnis und Wirkung des Weltkriegs Keiner fuhlt sich hier mehr als Mensch ... Erlebnis und Wirkung des Weltkriegs, ed. Gerhard Hirschfeld and Gerd Krumeich (Essen: Klartext, 1993), 8889.

21. Diary entries dated 8 and 11 August 1914. Diary entries dated 8 and 11 August 1914. Ein Armeefuhrer erlebt den Weltkrieg Ein Armeefuhrer erlebt den Weltkrieg, 3537.

22. Barbara Tuchman, Barbara Tuchman, The Guns of August The Guns of August (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994), 226. (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994), 226.

23. WK, 1:120. WK, 1:120.

24. Ludendorff, Ludendorff, Kriegserinnerungen Kriegserinnerungen, 31.

25. "German Letter from an Officer in the a.s.sault," undated. Cited in "German Letter from an Officer in the a.s.sault," undated. Cited in Source Records of the Great War Source Records of the Great War, 2:48.

26. emile Galet, emile Galet, Albert, King of the Belgians in the Great War: His Military Activities and Experiences Set Down with his Approval Albert, King of the Belgians in the Great War: His Military Activities and Experiences Set Down with his Approval (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1931), 126. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1931), 126.

27. WK, 1:120. WK, 1:120.

28. There is much debate on the matter. German commanders after the war argued that Liege caused them no delay. French and Belgian military histories insist on a delay of ten days. The British official history suggests a halt of "four or five days." HGW-MO, 1:35, n. 1. There is much debate on the matter. German commanders after the war argued that Liege caused them no delay. French and Belgian military histories insist on a delay of ten days. The British official history suggests a halt of "four or five days." HGW-MO, 1:35, n. 1.

29. AFGG, 1:15859; Harald van Nes, "Die 'Kavalleriedebatte' vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg und das Gefecht von Halen am 12. August 1914," AFGG, 1:15859; Harald van Nes, "Die 'Kavalleriedebatte' vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg und das Gefecht von Halen am 12. August 1914," Militargeschichte Militargeschichte 3 (1993): 2530. 3 (1993): 2530.

30. The only biography remains Artur Brabant, The only biography remains Artur Brabant, Generaloberst Max Freiherr von Hausen: Ein deutscher Soldat Generaloberst Max Freiherr von Hausen: Ein deutscher Soldat (Dresden: v. Baensch, 1926). (Dresden: v. Baensch, 1926).

31. Peter Graf Kielmansegg, Peter Graf Kielmansegg, Deutschland und der Erste Weltkrieg Deutschland und der Erste Weltkrieg (Frankfurt: Athenaion, 1968), 34. (Frankfurt: Athenaion, 1968), 34.

32. Diary entries dated 16 and 17 August 1914. Tagebucher General von Wenninger, BHStA-KA, HS 254346. Published in Bernd F. Schulte, "Neue Dok.u.mente zu Kriegsausbruch und Kriegsverlauf 1914," Diary entries dated 16 and 17 August 1914. Tagebucher General von Wenninger, BHStA-KA, HS 254346. Published in Bernd F. Schulte, "Neue Dok.u.mente zu Kriegsausbruch und Kriegsverlauf 1914," Militargeschichtliche Mitteilungen Militargeschichtliche Mitteilungen 25 (1979): 14649. 25 (1979): 14649.

33. The Kaiser and His Court: The Diaries, Note Books and Letters of Admiral Georg Alexander von Muller, Chief of the Naval Cabinet, 19141918 The Kaiser and His Court: The Diaries, Note Books and Letters of Admiral Georg Alexander von Muller, Chief of the Naval Cabinet, 19141918, ed. Walter Gorlitz (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1959), 2223.

34. WK, 1:258. WK, 1:258.

35. Ibid., 187, 259; Robert T. Foley, "Preparing the German Army for the First World War: The Operational Ideas of Alfred von Schlieffen and Helmuth von Moltke the Younger," Ibid., 187, 259; Robert T. Foley, "Preparing the German Army for the First World War: The Operational Ideas of Alfred von Schlieffen and Helmuth von Moltke the Younger," War & Society War & Society 22 (October 2004): 19. 22 (October 2004): 19.

36. Detailed in Lipkes, Detailed in Lipkes, Rehearsals Rehearsals, 12570, 171206.

37. Military Plenipotentiary Traugott Leuckart von Weidort to War Minister Adolph von Carlowitz, 17 August 1914. SHStA, 11250 Sachsischer Militabevollmachtigter in Berlin 71. Geheimakten A: Verschiedenes. Military Plenipotentiary Traugott Leuckart von Weidort to War Minister Adolph von Carlowitz, 17 August 1914. SHStA, 11250 Sachsischer Militabevollmachtigter in Berlin 71. Geheimakten A: Verschiedenes.

38. Diary entries dated 20 and 21 August 1914. BA-MA, N 324/11 and N 324/26, Nachla v. Einem. Diary entries dated 20 and 21 August 1914. BA-MA, N 324/11 and N 324/26, Nachla v. Einem.

39. Entry dated 19 August 1914. Joffre, 1:27778. Entry dated 19 August 1914. Joffre, 1:27778.

40. WK, 1:186. WK, 1:186.

41. Tyng, Tyng, Campaign of the Marne Campaign of the Marne, 96.

42. See Antonin Selliers de Moranville, See Antonin Selliers de Moranville, Pourquoi l'armee belge s'est-elle retiree vers la position fortifiee d'Anvers le 18 aout 1914 Pourquoi l'armee belge s'est-elle retiree vers la position fortifiee d'Anvers le 18 aout 1914 (Brussels: Dewit, 1921). (Brussels: Dewit, 1921).

43. Brand Whitlock, Brand Whitlock, Belgium Under the German Occupation: A Personal Narrative Belgium Under the German Occupation: A Personal Narrative (London: W. Heinemann, 1919), 1:81. (London: W. Heinemann, 1919), 1:81.

44. Entry dated 21 August 1914. Evelyn Princess Blucher, Entry dated 21 August 1914. Evelyn Princess Blucher, An English Wife in Berlin: A Private Memoir of Events, Politics, and Daily Life in Germany Throughout the War and the Social Revolution of 1918 An English Wife in Berlin: A Private Memoir of Events, Politics, and Daily Life in Germany Throughout the War and the Social Revolution of 1918 (London: Constable, 1920), 21. (London: Constable, 1920), 21.

45. From Horne and Kramer, From Horne and Kramer, German Atrocities German Atrocities, 3942; Lipkes, Rehearsals Rehearsals, 401ff.

46. Hugh Gibson, Hugh Gibson, A Journal from Our Legation in Belgium A Journal from Our Legation in Belgium (Toronto: William Briggs, 1917), 15559. (Toronto: William Briggs, 1917), 15559.

47. Alexander von Kluck, Alexander von Kluck, Der Marsch auf Paris und die Marneschlacht 1914 Der Marsch auf Paris und die Marneschlacht 1914 (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1920), 24. (Berlin: E. S. Mittler, 1920), 24.

48. BA-MA, RH 61/208, Franktireurkrieg in Belgien 1914; WK, 3:32829. BA-MA, RH 61/208, Franktireurkrieg in Belgien 1914; WK, 3:32829.

49. Peter Paret et al., eds., Peter Paret et al., eds., Persuasive Images: Posters of War and Revolution from the Hoover Inst.i.tution Archives Persuasive Images: Posters of War and Revolution from the Hoover Inst.i.tution Archives (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992), 25. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992), 25.

50. Horne and Kramer, Horne and Kramer, German Atrocities German Atrocities, 41.

51. Ibid., 74. Ibid., 74.

52. See See La guerre de 1914. L'action de l'armee belge pour la defense du pays et le respect de sa neu-tralite: rapport/du commandement de l'armee (periode du 21 juillet au 31 decembre) La guerre de 1914. L'action de l'armee belge pour la defense du pays et le respect de sa neu-tralite: rapport/du commandement de l'armee (periode du 21 juillet au 31 decembre) (Paris: Chapelot, 1915). (Paris: Chapelot, 1915).

53. WK, 1:408. WK, 1:408.

54. Ibid., 223; Max von Hausen, Ibid., 223; Max von Hausen, Erinnerungen an den Marnefeldzug 1914 Erinnerungen an den Marnefeldzug 1914 (Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1920), 11213. (Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1920), 11213.

55. Cited in Tyng, Cited in Tyng, Campaign of the Marne Campaign of the Marne, 100.

56. WK, 1:401, 406, 416. WK, 1:401, 406, 416.

57. GLA, 59, Nr. 365, Denkschrift der Beschiessungen der Forts 1914, General v. Bailer, 12. Bailer was with the Engineer Corps. GLA, 59, Nr. 365, Denkschrift der Beschiessungen der Forts 1914, General v. Bailer, 12. Bailer was with the Engineer Corps.

58. Galet, Galet, Albert, King of the Belgians in the Great War Albert, King of the Belgians in the Great War, 146. The German official history gives slightly different totals: six thousand soldiers, forty heavy guns, and one hundred trucks captured. WK, 1:512.

59. Letter dated 20 August 1914. SHStA, 11356 Generalkommando des XII. Reservekorps 139. Letter dated 20 August 1914. SHStA, 11356 Generalkommando des XII. Reservekorps 139.

60. Keiner fuhlt sich hier mehr als Mensch Keiner fuhlt sich hier mehr als Mensch, 10102.

61. Letter dated 23 August 1914. SHStA, 11372 Militargeschichtliche Sammlung Nr. 105. Letter dated 23 August 1914. SHStA, 11372 Militargeschichtliche Sammlung Nr. 105.

62. The following from Horne and Kramer, The following from Horne and Kramer, German Atrocities German Atrocities, 3536.

63. Report dated 24 August 1914. SHStA, 11356 Generaldommando des XII. Reservekorps 139. Report dated 24 August 1914. SHStA, 11356 Generaldommando des XII. Reservekorps 139.

CHAPTER 5. 5. Deadly Deadlock: The Ardennes Deadly Deadlock: The Ardennes 1. WK, 1:354. WK, 1:354.

2. Ibid., 36667. Ibid., 36667.

3. Dated 13 August 1914. AFGG, 1:16566; and 1-1:24041; Joffre, 1:269. Dated 13 August 1914. AFGG, 1:16566; and 1-1:24041; Joffre, 1:269.

4. Ibid., 1:26668; Anthony Clayton, Ibid., 1:26668; Anthony Clayton, Paths of Glory: The French Army, 191418 Paths of Glory: The French Army, 191418 (London: Ca.s.sell, 2003), 4647. (London: Ca.s.sell, 2003), 4647.

5. Sewell Tyng, Sewell Tyng, The Campaign of the Marne, 1914 The Campaign of the Marne, 1914 (New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green, 1935), 19192. (New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green, 1935), 19192.

6. AFGG, 1:163. AFGG, 1:163.

7. Cited in Gabriel Rouquerol, Cited in Gabriel Rouquerol, La bataille de Guise La bataille de Guise (Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1921), 110. (Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1921), 110.

8. Charles Lanrezac, Charles Lanrezac, Le plan de campagne francais et le premier mois de la guerre (2 aout3 sep-tembre 1914) Le plan de campagne francais et le premier mois de la guerre (2 aout3 sep-tembre 1914) (Paris: Payot, 1921), 77. (Paris: Payot, 1921), 77.

9. Instruction particuliere No. 10, 15 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:30708. Instruction particuliere No. 10, 15 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:30708.

10. Instruction particuliere No. 13, 18 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:42425. Instruction particuliere No. 13, 18 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:42425.

11. AFGG, 1-1:529; Joffre, 1:27376; Robert A. Doughty, AFGG, 1-1:529; Joffre, 1:27376; Robert A. Doughty, Pyrrhic Victory: French Strategy and Operations in the Great War Pyrrhic Victory: French Strategy and Operations in the Great War (Cambridge, MA, and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005), 65. (Cambridge, MA, and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005), 65.

12. AFGG, 1-1:598; Joffre, 1:289. AFGG, 1-1:598; Joffre, 1:289.

13. Hew Strachan, Hew Strachan, The First World War The First World War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 1:225. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 1:225.

14. Joffre to Messimy, 21 August 1914. AFGG, 1:205. Joffre to Messimy, 21 August 1914. AFGG, 1:205.

15. Barbara W. Tuchman, Barbara W. Tuchman, The Guns of August The Guns of August (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994), 258. (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994), 258.

16. AFGG, 1:50304. Joffre, 1:27071, speaks bravely of "covering" the BEF's movements. AFGG, 1:50304. Joffre, 1:27071, speaks bravely of "covering" the BEF's movements.

17. Charles J. Huguet, Charles J. Huguet, Britain and the War: A French Indictment Britain and the War: A French Indictment (London: Ca.s.sell, 1927), 51; AFGG, 1:50405. (London: Ca.s.sell, 1927), 51; AFGG, 1:50405.

18. Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: His Life and Diaries Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: His Life and Diaries, ed. C. E. Callwell (London: Ca.s.sell, 1927), 1:164. French chose to leave these discussions with Joffre and Lanrezac out of his memoirs: 1914 1914 (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1919), 3436. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1919), 3436.

19. AFGG, 1:509. AFGG, 1:509.

20. HGW-MO, 1:10. HGW-MO, 1:10.

21. Tyng, Tyng, Campaign of the Marne Campaign of the Marne, 369.

22. Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, 1:165.

23. AFGG, 1:474. AFGG, 1:474.

24. Ibid., 1:479. Ibid., 1:479.

25. Ibid., 1:484ff. Ibid., 1:484ff.

26. Lanrezac to Joffre, 22 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:729. "L'armee W" refers to the BEF guarding Lanrezac's left flank. Lanrezac to Joffre, 22 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:729. "L'armee W" refers to the BEF guarding Lanrezac's left flank.

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