When We Met Part 22

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TARYN LEANED INTO Angel and wrapped her arms around him. His mouth was hot and hungry against her own.

"Here I was hoping for a little more feedback on the presentation," she said, her voice teasing. "But I guess I can accept this instead."

He moved close and rubbed himself against her. She felt his rock-hard erection. "You're s.e.xy when you talk business. Or talk about anything. Or walk. Or breathe."

Feeling his arousal caused her body to respond in kind. Her belly clenched and she was instantly annoyed by all the unnecessary layers of clothing between her and the magic that was his hands on her bare skin. She glanced toward the closed door and saw he'd thoughtfully locked it.

"I'm not generally a s.e.x-at-the-office kind of girl," she murmured, pressing her lips to his jaw as he reached behind her for the zipper to her skirt.

"Me, either."

She smiled as she breathed in the scent of him. "You're thinking on the desk?"

"I am."

A s.h.i.+ver rippled through her. Tacky, she thought. But equally wonderful.

He lowered the zipper of her skirt. It fell to the floor. She was already pulling off her blouse. He took care of her bra and thong, although he left her high heels in place. Kinky, she thought with a grin.

He reached for her, but she shook her head, then waved her index finger up and down. "You're dressed. That doesn't work for me."

She pushed her computer aside, then sat on her desk and spread her legs. "I'm waiting."

She had to give Angel credit. He took about five seconds to look her over, lingering at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and between her legs. His eyes dilated, his jaw clenched, as if he were holding himself back. But once he started taking off his clothes, he moved so quickly he was a blur. Then he was naked and gathering her in his arms.

His mouth found hers and he pushed his tongue inside. At the same time he slid his erection deep into her. He filled her all the way, igniting nerve endings as he moved. She clenched around him, tightening as he withdrew. They both whimpered.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him close. He continued to kiss her, moving his tongue against hers. At the same time he cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with his hands and rubbed her tight, aching nipples. He pulled out and pushed in again, driving her closer. He dropped one hand between them. His palm was flat against her belly as he slipped his thumb down to her center and began to rub her c.l.i.t.

It was too much, she thought frantically. Their kiss, his hands, how he knew exactly how hard and fast to fill her. She drew back slightly so she could stare into his eyes. Heat burning as his muscles tightened.

She felt him getting closer, even as she climbed toward her release. But she wanted to hold back-just for a second. Just to enjoy the trembling antic.i.p.ation as she hung on the verge of- Her o.r.g.a.s.m claimed her. Every part of her shuddered and she drew in a breath to scream out her pleasure. Even as her brain warned her that was a very bad idea, considering their location, her body lost itself in release and her control slipped to the point where she just didn't care.

But as she opened her mouth, Angel silenced her with a kiss. The sound died as she rubbed her tongue against him, wanting him to feel how good it was. Then he was coming and they were straining together in mutual climax.

ANGEL WAS GLAD he'd gone on his run by himself. He didn't want to have to explain his ever-present grin. He felt relaxed, yet strong as he made his way up the mountain. d.a.m.n, he had a good time with Taryn.

He'd clocked their session in her office, and from the time he'd closed the door until they were both dressing and giggling like teenagers, all of four minutes had pa.s.sed. Under other circ.u.mstances he might have been embarra.s.sed by his lack of control, but she'd come just as quickly. She was eager and responsive-a difficult combination to resist.

He jogged past a stop sign and the road that led to the highway and was about to head east along a trail when he spotted a car at the side of the road. It was a ten-year-old import with a dent in the fender and a woman standing beside it.

Angel slowed, then came to a stop. It took him a second to place the woman. She was blonde and dressed in yoga pants and a T-s.h.i.+rt with tiny flowers all over it. Laura? Leslie? He frowned. Larissa. She worked with Taryn. Something touchy-feely, maybe?

But even though he knew who she was, he couldn't be sure she had the same information about him. He slowed to a walk and kept his arms loose in an attempt to look as nonthreatening as possible.

"Hi," he said. "I'm Angel. I work for CDS in town. Car trouble?"

Larissa smiled at him. "So you're the mysterious Angel. I've heard all about you. Nice to finally meet you."

They shook hands. He glanced at the car.

"What's the problem?"

Larissa sighed. "I'm transporting a couple of endangered snakes to a reptile refuge in the desert. I was going to take the interstate through the mountains. I thought it would be a pretty drive."

She mentioned several wildflowers that were in bloom and how important wildflowers were to the ecosystem. Angel waited patiently.

When she paused for breath, he motioned to her car. "Why did you stop?"

"Oh, right. I'm not exactly a snake person. I know they're people, too, but I prefer things with fur. So when I happened to glance over and realized the lid wasn't completely secure on the container, I sort of freaked out. I think one of them is loose in the car." She held out her cell phone. "I was just about to call Jack."

For a second he thought about letting her do just that. Taryn had warned him Larissa was a do-gooder who loved to drag everyone into her projects. Here was a living demonstration. But in truth he had no problem with snakes, and how long could it take to capture one in a car?

"I'll take care of it," he said. "Did you secure the lid before you got out?"

Larissa shook her head. "I kind of screamed and stopped the car. The keys are still in the ignition."

He held in a smile. "If you're afraid of snakes, why did you agree to drive them anywhere?"

"Someone had to. They need a home."

Yup, a do-gooder. Taryn was right-Larissa was trouble. But once he got the snake or snakes back in their container, not his problem.

He moved toward the car. "Do you know if they bite?" He opened the door and moved into the vehicle.

"I'm not sure. Oh, and someone mentioned they might be venomous."

"I TOLD YOU," Taryn said firmly. "I was extremely clear. But did you listen?"

If Angel hadn't been feeling as if something had clubbed him with the side of a mountain, he would have enjoyed the fussing. But right now he was having trouble focusing and his body ached, as if he was getting the worst flu ever.

"Yeah, you said," he admitted.

He was in a bed, which meant he wasn't still on the side of the road. But he didn't remember much about the trip. He saw the IV connected to his arm and knew the bed he was in wasn't his.

"Hospital, right?" he asked.

"Yes, you're in the hospital. You were bitten by a venomous snake, which is totally ridiculous."

"I feel like c.r.a.p," he told her. "How about some sympathy?"

"I'm not sure you deserve it." But she sat next to him on his bed as she spoke and she put a cool cloth on his forehead.

"I thought Larissa was kidding," he admitted, the events from earlier that day coming back to him. The snake, the bite, Larissa calling for an ambulance. "I did get the snake back in the container."

"Yes, you did. Larissa is very appreciative and she feels guilty."

He looked at Taryn. "You're going to yell at her, aren't you?"

"Over and over again."

"It's not her fault."

She stroked the side of his face. "You're defending her? She was transporting venomous snakes without proper precautions and she could have died. You could have died. If she's crossing state lines, I'm sure there must be a permit, but did she bother? No. She loves her causes and sometimes she doesn't think."

"I'm okay." He put his hand on top of hers. "You can be intimidating. Go easy on her."

Taryn glared at him. "I can't believe you're acting like this. You could have died."

"But I didn't."

Her fierceness was kind of nice, he thought as he did his best to ignore the throbbing throughout his body. Her touch helped. The gentleness of her hands. He wasn't surprised that Taryn had a caring side-he knew that while she complained about "the boys" she would do anything to protect them. However, he hadn't expected that he would find himself the subject of her concern.

Consuelo appeared in the doorway. "You have a couple of visitors," she said.

He stared at his roommate. "What are you doing here?"

She shrugged. "I heard what happened. I couldn't believe you were that stupid. I came to make fun of you."

Defiant words, but he saw the concern in her eyes. "I'm touched."

"Later you're going to be hit," she grumbled, and turned away.

Taryn stood and s.h.i.+fted to the chair by the bed as Bailey and Chloe walked into the hospital room. Chloe was all big eyes. She'd gone pale and her freckles stood out. As she saw him in the hospital bed, her eyes filled with tears. Not knowing what else to do, he held out his arms.

"Hey, kiddo."

She rushed at him. He wrapped his arms around her, amazed at how small she felt. But fierce. She hung on as if she would never let go.

"I was scared," she whispered against his chest. "I thought you were going to die."

Bailey smiled apologetically. "I told her you were going to be fine, but she needed to see for herself. I'm sorry we're intruding."

"You're not," Angel told her. "It's okay."

"It's just..." Bailey paused. "Because of her dad."

Angel touched Chloe's chin until she looked at him. "Chloe, your dad was a hero. I'm just a guy who got bit by a snake. It was dumb on my part. But the doctors took care of me and I'm going to be okay."

Chloe sniffed. "Did it hurt?"

"A lot."

"Is the snake okay?"

"Yes. It wasn't his fault. He was being a snake. That's why we have to learn to respect nature. I was trying to help the snake, but he didn't know." He paused. "I'm not going to die."

She pressed her lips together and nodded, then started to cry again. He hugged her close. Taryn surprised him by moving to Bailey and holding on to the other woman. Consuelo shook her head and walked toward the doorway.

"No one is hugging me," she said firmly before ducking out into the corridor.

TARYN GLARED AT Jack, who sat in one of her visitor chairs. He showed no sign of budging, which meant he was planning to stay through her meeting with Larissa.

"This has nothing to do with you," she told him.

"Sure it does. You're going to get mad. You don't get mad often, so people forget what you're like. But I know what's going to happen. You'll get verbal and eviscerate Larissa, who already feels bad enough. Then she'll cry and run off."

"You're protecting her?" Taryn asked, putting her hands on her hips. "You know what happened."

"I do. She was wrong. It's okay to say she's wrong. It's not okay to make her feel worse than she does. I don't want her quitting."

"Which is really what this is about. How you'd be put out if she were gone."

"You'd miss her, too."

Something Taryn could grudgingly admit. "I'm not going to fire her or try to get her to quit. But she has to stop, Jack. At least this part of it."

"I know." The words came from the doorway.

Taryn glanced up and saw Larissa walking into the office. She looked as pale as Chloe had the day before, but without the freckles. She'd pulled her long blond hair back into a ponytail and had on jeans and a T-s.h.i.+rt. There were shadows under her eyes, and her mouth was down-turned.

She walked into Taryn's office and sat next to Jack. She swallowed before speaking. "I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I never wanted anyone to get hurt. You have to know that."

"I do," Taryn said, finding it difficult to stay angry now that she saw how upset Larissa was. "But you can't keep doing this."

Larissa nodded. "You're right. It's one thing to rescue b.u.t.terflies, but dangerous or venomous animals are different. I don't have the training." Tears filled her eyes. "It's just when they called, they made the situation sound desperate."

"They always do," Taryn grumbled.

Jack shot her a look, then rubbed Larissa's back. "You were trying to help. It's your thing."

"She didn't help Angel," Taryn snapped. "And it's not the first time. Remember those fighting dogs she kept at your place? You had to move to a hotel. This is more of the same."

Jack started to speak, but Larissa shook her head. "She's right. I put Angel in the hospital. If we'd been farther away from a doctor, he might have died and it's my fault." She swallowed again, then straightened. "I have to look at what I'm doing and be more responsible. I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted," Taryn said, not wanting to torture her friend. "Please tell me you get it."

"I do. I promise. I can't say I'll stop helping, but I'll be more careful in the future."

Jack shot Taryn a warning glance, as if to say they'd gone far enough. Taryn nodded.

"That's what I needed to hear," she said, then stood. "I'm not mad."

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