Beacon Street Girls: Fashion Frenzy Part 17

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And it was. Katani suddenly had visions of pink scarves in different hues and textures hanging from the windows at Think Pink.

"It's been a 'happily ever after' weekend," Maeve said dreamily. "Everything just fell into place, even though there were some rough spots along the way."

"I know what you mean," Katani said. "If anyone ever tries to get me to model again, drag me away, p.r.o.nto!"

"At least Danny's backed off some," Charlotte said. "It was a pretty, should I say, 'sticky' trip to the museum, but it's worth it if he gives Izzy some s.p.a.ce...finally."

"Who knows?" Isabel wondered. "Poor Danny, he didn't realize that he just had to give us some s.p.a.ce and then we'd miss him."

The other girls gave good imitations of being sick. Isabel laughed. "I was kidding! But it does feel good not to worry anymore that he's going to be popping up everywhere I go."

"I still say," Charlotte murmured, "that he and Betsy are a match made in heaven."

But n.o.body else was listening. They were looking at the lovely gifts Maeve and Katani had brought back and marveling over one of the best weekends ever...

Charlotte's Journal:.

I just had to start this new journal tonight! Maeve and Katani gave it to me-it's got a great New York logo on it and a picture of the skyline-and I'm going to keep it for my secret thoughts and special this one: wouldn't it be wonderful if the BSG could go on an incredibly great adventure with my dad and me?

The truth is that as much as I loved hearing about their weekend, Maeve's letter from her grandmother was what really touched my heart. It was so sweet that we all almost cried. I'm definitely going online tomorrow to see what I can find out about Ellis Island, and the next time I'm in New York I am NOT going to miss it! It sounds like something really special. Maybe I could do an article on it for The Sentinel.

Maeve's Notes to Self:.

Re-read Maeve Reilly's letter tomorrow and any day I feel sorry for myself. She didn't feel sorry for herself, and her life was a lot harder than mine! Yeah, I have the learning disability thing, and I may always have it. But you know what? I have parents who care that I do well, tutors to help me, and great friends who remind me all the time that I mean a lot to them. So lighten up, M K-T-remember your great-grandmother and think about how you can make her proud.

Avery's Blog:.

Okay-big learning week.

# 1 lesson for me-never close the door behind you unless you check that you can unlock it first!

#1 for Katani-Being the center of attention and walking down a runway was not her thing. I could have told her that-she's happy as a clam when she's backstage taking charge! Kelley doesn't call her Miss Bossy for nothing!

So it was a great weekend. I scored an autograph from Leah Kim, my absolute favorite designer, and a Mets cap, which is great, because you can wear a Mets cap without practically getting in a fistfight with anyone at Fenway Park (except for Red Sox fans who remember Bill Buckner). Not the same with a Yankees cap!

P.S. I honestly wouldn't have missed my time with Char and Izzy at the museum, not even for that trip to New York, not even to meet Leah Kim. I have a feeling that without me along, they'd have gone bonkers in there....

To be continued...

Fas.h.i.+on Frenzy.


Book Club Buzz.

Charlotte's Word Nerd Dictionary.

Trivialicious Trivia.


What is the best way for a girl in Isabel's position to let someone know that she needs her s.p.a.ce?

Do you have an idol or hero? Who and why?

How is New York City a special place for each of the Beacon Street Girls? What is the most exciting part about New York City to you?

Do you think that Katani's decision about which Beacon Street Girl to bring on her trip was fair? Why or why not?

Why does Katani become frustrated during the trip down the Merritt Parkway?

How are field trips different from learning in the cla.s.sroom? What was your favorite field trip and why?

What do the girls learn from Sally the mechanic?

How do Maeve and Katani demonstrate their different talents and individual strengths at the fas.h.i.+on show?

What would you like to talk about on a TV interview exclusive?

How did your ancestors come to America? Did they set foot on Ellis Island, like Maeve's great-grandparents?.

Charlotte's Word Nerd Dictionary.

BSG Words.

Cling-on: (p. 109) noun-an unwanted person who follows someone around.

Swoony: (p. 220) adjective-dreamiest and most romantic Spanish Words and Phrases...

Que?: (p. 12)-What?.

Cmo ests?: (p. 107)-How are you?

Adnde va usted?: (p. 109)-Where are you going?.

Other Cool Words...

Du jour: (p. 2) adjective-a French expression meaning 'of the day'; ex: soup du jour Lament: (p. 31) verb-to express sorrow or regret.

Luminous: (p. 49) adjective-full of light Listlessly: (p. 52) adverb-without energy Boisterous: (p. 66) adjective-loud, noisy, and lacking in discipline.

Garish: (p. 68) adjective-loud and flashy, gaudy Extol: (p. 72) verb-to praise highly.

Aloft: (p. 85) adjective-at a great height; in the air Sarcophagus: (p. 100) noun-a stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture Hieroglyphics: (p. 103) noun-the system of writing, such as that of ancient Egypt, which uses pictorial symbols Artillery: (p. 107) noun-supply of instruments used for purposes of attack or defense Muster: (p. 115) verb-to summon up.

Mod: (p. 139) noun-an unconventionally modern style of fas.h.i.+onable dress originating in England in the 1960s.

Lavish: (p. 141) adjective-splendid and extravagant.

Amend: (p. 148) verb-to correct Ambitious: (p. 157) adjective-having a strong desire for success or achievement Flabbergasted: (p. 158) adjective-as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise Haphazard: (p. 182) adjective-marked by great carelessness Menial: (p. 212) adjective -relating to work or a job regarded as undignified Drove: (p. 212) noun-a large ma.s.s of people moving as a body Definitions adapted from Webster's Dictionary, Fourth Edition, Random House.

Fas.h.i.+on Frenzy trivialicious trivia What interests Anna the most about the ancient Egyptians? A. Fas.h.i.+on.

B. Music.

C. Makeup D. Mummies.

Who changes the flat tire of Mr. Taylor's car? A. Sam.

B. The state trooper.

C. Mr. Taylor D. Sally.

Where does Katani go to get directions to Mich.e.l.le's apartment? A. The Teen Beat offices B. New York City tourist information booth C. A gas station off the Merritt Parkway D. A Korean deli in Greenwich Village What did Betsy Fitzgerald write about when she won an essay contest in third grade? A. Egyptian pyramids B. Egyptian cosmetics.

C. Egyptian music.

D. Egyptian G.o.ds Where does Maeve get lost when she is all alone in New York City? A. Times Square B. Central Park.

C. Greenwich Village D. The Empire State Building What is the name of the action movie starring the man who rescues Maeve? A. Hip-hop Hero B. The Swashbuckler C. Rock Nation.

D. Diminitron What happens to the model that Katani replaces? A. She chickens out B. She is fired for saying mean things about Maeve C. She gets food-poisoning D. She oversleeps.

Who made the piece of jewelry that Katani uses to save the day for Dina B? A. Katani B. Kelley C. Isabel.

D. Ms. Razzberry Pink What was Maeve's great-grandmother's job when she first came to America? A. Cleaning woman B. Nanny C. Dressmaker.

D. Baker What did Mr. Taylor buy as a New York souvenir? A. Army garb for Sam B. A bracelet for Maeve's mom C. A postcard from Ellis Island.

D. Movie posters for his theater.

ANSWERS: 1. C. Makeup 2. D. Sally 3. D. A Korean deli in Greenwich Village 4. A. Egyptian pyramids 5. A. Times Square 6. B. The Swashbuckler 7. C. She gets food-poisoning 8. B. Kelley 9. A. Cleaning woman 10. D. Movie posters for his theater.

Be sure to read all of our books:.

BOOK 1-worst enemies/best friends.

BOOK 2-bad news/good news.

BOOK 3-letters from the heart BOOK 4-out of bounds BOOK 5-promises, promises.

BOOK 6-lake rescue BOOK 7-freaked out BOOK 8-lucky charm.

BOOK 9-fas.h.i.+on frenzy BOOK 10-just kidding BOOK 11-ghost town.

BOOK 12-time's up BOOK 13-green algae and bubblegum wars.

BOOK 14-crush alert.

BOOK 15-the great scavenger hunt.

BSG Special Adventure Books:.

charlotte in paris.

maeve on the red carpet freestyle with avery katani's jamaican holiday.

isabel's texas two-step Coming soon:.

BSG SPECIAL ADVENTURE-ready! set! hawaii!.

BOOK 16-sweet thirteen.

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