Shadow Falls After Dark: Eternal Part 36

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Chapter Thirty-six.

"Della?" Mr. Yates, her science teacher, motioned Della to come up to his desk the next morning.

Oh double d.a.m.n! Was he going to call her on s.p.a.cing out and not paying attention? Probably. But Della could hardly think about school. Her thoughts went from picking up the rogue were, to Damian Bond, to missing Chase, after only being away from him for a few hours, and realizing there was a part of her that still missed Steve.

Then there was the issue of meeting the Vampire Council. Would she learn anything? Was she completely wrong that her uncle was behind Chase being sent to check on her and Chan?

And if so, did that completely exonerate Chase from her lack of trust? And if so, would that change things between them?

"Della?" Mr. Yates said again.

Della stood up to do as Mr. Yates requested, and he added, "Go ahead and grab your books."

Her books? This reminded her of being sent to the's office. She'd only gone once, and it totally hadn't been her fault.

Scooping up her books, she walked to Mr. Yates's desk. "Yes?"

"Burnett wants to see you."

Okay, she was sort of being sent to the office. But hopefully not for something she'd done wrong. As she walked out, Miranda and Kylie gave her a wave.

All sorts of thoughts shot through Della's mind as she left the cla.s.sroom. And the worst one had Della almost hyperventilating. Had one of the bodies been identified as Natasha or Liam?

In less than a minute, Della arrived. Burnett's voice echoed from Holiday's office. Since the door was open, Della walked right in.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It's not anything terrible," Holiday said, instantly picking up on Della's emotions and standing as if to come give her one of her touches.

Della held her hand out, wanting to deal with this alone.

Burnett, having been half-sitting on Holiday's desk, stood up. "I just wanted to go over what will happen tonight at the airport."

Della let out the breath she'd been holding. "Okay." She moved the rest of the way in, plopped down on the sofa, and placed her books beside her. This was a piece of cake.

"I'll be going with you. We'll meet Chase at the airport."

Okay, the cake wasn't as sweet as Della thought. She and Chase had pre-airport plans that involved a trip to meet the Vampire Council, and she knew Burnett would balk at that.

Oh, h.e.l.l, who was she kidding, he'd do more than balk, he'd be livid.

"Uh ... why can't Chase and I take care of this on our own?"

Burnett stared down at her and his brows tightened the way they did right before he started arguing. The fact that she knew his pre-arguing expressions said a lot about their relations.h.i.+p.

"He's a known criminal with a three-page rap sheet. I wouldn't send two of my best agents out alone to pick him up. I'll be there, as well as another agent, as backup."

His tone told her he wouldn't compromise on that. "Fine, but I'll ride with Chase. He's picking me up around four this afternoon."

"The plane doesn't land until nine."

"I know," she said, not offering anything else.

"So...?" he asked.

She knew he meant "so" as in "so, what the h.e.l.l are you planning on doing until then," but she didn't plan to play. If he wanted to know, he would have to ask. Not that she would tell him. She couldn't.

"So I guess we'll see you at the airport around eight, or earlier. Just tell me where you want to meet."

He frowned. "I don't know exactly how to put this, but I don't approve of Chase."

Della knew this was where it was going, but she hadn't planned what to do about it. "I know you don't approve of him. But ... I do."

Burnett leaned back against Holiday's desk again. Holiday rose and came around to stand almost between them. No doubt, the fae could feel a pending argument brewing. She probably knew it before Della ever arrived. And that look in her eyes, almost an apology, told Della to get prepared-this conversation wasn't going to be easy.

"I don't trust him," Burnett said. "And if I remember correctly, you weren't too keen on him in the beginning, either."

"I know, but I've worked with him all this time and I've seen another side of him. Plus, I remember when Holiday wasn't so keen on you."

Burnett grimaced. "So now are you comparing you and Chase to me and Holiday?" He turned to his wife. "I thought you said there wasn't anything romantic going on?"

Holiday shook her head. "No, I told you she said they weren't having s.e.x."

Della huffed. "I'm glad you two get off on talking about my s.e.x life."

Burnett glared back at Della. "So, you're emotionally involved with Chase?"

She almost denied it, but then couldn't. "Sort of." And then feeling defensive, she added, "You're the one who a.s.signed me to work with him."

"That was before I knew he worked for the council and had info about the FRU leak."

"In his defense, he told me about it."

"He should have told us about it a long time ago."

He grew quiet, and having seen his interrogation techniques, she knew he used it to put a person on edge. And whether he meant it that way or not, it worked. She was all edge. But she wasn't backing down. She needed to meet the council.

"You a.s.signed me to work this case with him and I plan to finish this case with him."

"And then?" he asked.

And then? The question bounced around her head and heart. "I don't know."

Burnett ran a hand over his face. "Fine. But there are some things you need to know up-front."

She nodded. And she saw Holiday grimace as if she knew what was coming.

"After this case, if you continue to see Chase, your career with the FRU is over."

Della felt the blow to her gut. The pain shot up to her throat and it tightened. She had expected to have a fight on her hands with Burnett about Chase, but she never expected this.

All her hopes, her dreams she'd worked so hard for since coming to Shadow Falls, were sitting on the chopping block.

"You would do that?" she asked, and it took everything she had not to cry.

"No." Complete honesty deepened his voice and he shook his head. "The FRU will do it."

She t.i.tled her head up and didn't bat an eyelash for fear a tear would fall. "Then I guess, after this case is over, I have a choice to make."

Making it clear she planned on meeting Chase, she stood to leave. Burnett caught her arm. "It's not me doing this, Della."

Hate the message, not the messenger, her heart said. Never mind that the messenger knew how badly she wanted this. That since working her first case with the FRU, she knew it was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

"I believe you," she said, but couldn't deny it hurt like h.e.l.l. She pulled away and tore off to her cabin. She had a lot to think about.

Della's phone dinged with a text fifteen minutes before three. Chase had arrived early. His message read he'd wait for her in his car. Did he sense he was unwelcome in Shadow Falls? Had Burnett confronted him?

She wouldn't put it past the camp leader.

She walked out the gate, noting Burnett looking out the window. Her breath caught at the sight of him. Then she saw Holiday appear at his side. Probably to touch him so he'd calm down. Maybe she should have let Holiday touch her, too.

Della tried not to feel guilty about disappointing Burnett, but she pretty much failed. She tried not to be angry, but she flunked out on that as well. How would Burnett feel if someone tried to blackmail him into turning his back on someone?

Someone he cared about.

Someone who very well could turn out to be a part of his life forever.

And yes, that's how she felt about Chase. Part of her believed the ties between them couldn't be cut. Another wanted to bring out a pair of scissors.

The sight of Chase standing beside his car, watching for her, melted her regret about disappointing Burnett, but not much of her anger.

Chase wore his, looking cool and collected in jeans and a long-sleeved, light green s.h.i.+rt. Even with his on, she felt his gaze touch hers. Felt it pulling her to him, reading her, needing her.

He needed her.

She hadn't really sensed that before, but she did now. He needed her. The feeling made the ache in the center of her chest spread.

"What's wrong?" He walked toward her.

So Burnett hadn't given him the lowdown.

She stepped away when he reached out for her and headed for the car.

"Della?" he asked.

She looked at him. "What isn't wrong?" she asked, prolonging having to tell him. Or trying to decide if she needed to tell him.

"I could name a few things," he said and moved closer. "The sky's blue. It's not raining. We're going to ride with the top down, and I got you some more hair-band things. Later, we're going to pick up one bad-a.s.s were who I'm thinking is going to lead us to Liam and Natasha. Top off that with ... you, other than appearing upset, look s.e.xy as h.e.l.l."

His gaze lowered. "I love those jeans on you, by the way. You were wearing those the first time I saw you at Shadow Falls." He paused a second and raised his eyes. "And I get to spend the whole afternoon with you."

He moved a little closer and ran a finger down her cheek. "And that, Miss Tsang, is what isn't wrong."

She caught his finger. "Why are you always touching my face?"

He grinned. "Because other parts are still off-limits to me."

Chapter Thirty-seven.

Della growled and hopped in the car. But her face tingled where he'd touch it.

Chase moved around the car, opened the door, and with ease and style, lowered himself into the driver's seat. "Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you drive?"

"No," she said.


"Scared I can't do it? No. Scared I'll get another ticket? Yes."

He studied her then leaned back in his seat, lowering his to look right at her. "What's wrong?"

"You already asked that once."

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" he said sarcastically, pus.h.i.+ng his back up and folding his arms. "But I don't seem to recall you answering."

Della looked back at the gate and envisioned Burnett stepping out. "Let's go," she said.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"Let's go and I'll tell you." Or maybe she would.

He started the car and the motor purred, loud but smooth and powerful. He drove into the street.

"Start talking," he said, his voice only slightly raised over the sound of the engine and rush of wind. Thanks to their super hearing, conversation with the top down wasn't impossible.

"Burnett and another agent are going to meet us at the airport."

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