Fast Glamour Part 20

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My gut clenched. My music was my everything. Always had been.

"You couldn't buy the kind of exposure I'm offering you. Everyone who is anyone wants an invitation to this wedding and I sent one to you."

I pursed my lips and eyed Amanda. She was smart. This tough cookie knew how to get what she wanted, she knew what b.u.t.tons to push. If I liked her, even half an inch, I would have let my wicked smile crack across my face. She knew how to work the system and it turned out she'd figured out how to work me.

"Why am I so lucky?" I asked. I leaned on the bar, close to her. So close Ryan tensed. "Don't worry, killer, I won't hurt her."

Amanda sighed and shook her head. "Because whether you want to be or not you are my brother. A Legend. My father's second son. I want my entire family at my wedding." Her eyes hammered into mine. "And that even includes you." The corners of her mouth turned up. "Especially you." Her eyes gentled with a kindness that flattened my anger at her and everything to do with the Legend family.

My nostrils flared. It was hard to remain angry at this girl, this woman I barely knew but who shared a father with me.

"Okay, Miss Hollywood. I'll be there. But you know what you're asking for, right? I don't do gentle and I don't do nice. I do me. Uncensored. Uncut. Sure you want this brother of yours at your high-end Hollywood affair?"

"I know what I want, Rhett," Amanda said. She hitched her purse higher onto her shoulder. "The question is, do you?"

"I want it all, Sis, the fame, the money, the girls."

"Sounds like my wedding could be your kind of party. We'll see you next" She turned and walked past the bikers who had obviously been trying hard to ignore the exchange they had just overheard. It was also hard to ignore her high-end Hollywood backside, protected by the hottest bad boy in Tinseltown, Ryan Sinclair.

I upended my bottle of beer. A s.h.i.+ver pulsed through my body. Next weekend I would be in way f.u.c.king deeper than I had ever dared.

The End.

About This Series.

Thanks for reading Fast Glamour. I hope you enjoyed it! Reviews help other readers find books and I appreciate all reviews, whether positive or negative. Please take a moment and write a review for Fast Glamour.

You've just read the third book in the Glamour Series. This is the full series:.

Hard Glamour.

Broken Glamour.

Fast Glamour.

Easy Glamour coming soon.

I hope you enjoy them as well!

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Book two of The Eligible Billionaires series is coming soon. Just click the link if you'd like to read an excerpt from One Night for Love.


First, thank you to my readers. I am grateful for your love and support.

This book was completed in Big Fork, Montana. A special thank you to Carol and Dennis Nelson who were the most gracious of hosts to me and my family. Also, thank you to Victoria and Karl Makinen, for the invitation and the wonderful fun.

Thank you to my agent Kristin Nelson and everyone at Nelson Literary Agency. Thank you to my editor Valerie Gray and my copyeditor Jennifer Brown. Lori Bennett, thank you for your brilliance. Angie Hodapp thank you for all your work on layout. Sarah Hansen thank you for the brilliant covers for The Glamour Series. Thank you to Julie Brazeal and AToMR Promotions.

Thank you to Los Angeles Romance Authors (LARA), Womens Fiction Writers a.s.sociation (WFWA), and Girlfriends Book Club (GBC) for the friends.h.i.+p and support.

Thank you to all the Maggie Marr Beta Readers! You make every book better.

I am blessed with so many friends and family who give me their love and support a special thank you to: Margaret L. Marr, Nancy Veskerna, Nealie Harrison, Lauren Harrison, Gavin White, Peyton Morgan, Mark Morgan, Linda and Bill Henderson, Lindsy and Mark Henderson, Dolores Henderson, Eloise and Dixie Marr, Joyce and Tom Leahy, Garrett Marr, Janet Lhuillier Gayle Leftwich, Peggy Cafferty, Paula and David, Amy and Brent Zacky, Sheryl and Steven Ross, Christine Ashworth, Maria Seager, Sylvie Fox, Melissa Lamoureaux, Sara Zarr, Tara Altebrando, Emily Lockhart, Sarah Mylnowski, Maryrose Woods, Alan Gratz, Jennifer Barnes, Ally Carter, and BOB.

Thank you to Chad and the kidlets. Because of you, my life is full of wonder and joy.

About the Author.

Maggie Marr is an attorney, author, and producer. She began her career in the entertainment industry pus.h.i.+ng the mail cart but rose to the position of motion picture literary agent. She has written for TV, film, and celebrities. Maggie has been featured on KCRW's The Business and reviewed by Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, and Romantic Times. She lives in LA with her family.

Maggie is eternally grateful for the graciousness and support of her readers.

Please visit her Website at:



An Excerpt from One Night for Love.

One Night for Love , book two in The Eligible Billionaires series. Available in 2014 from Maggie Marr.

Chapter One.

"I want it harder," Prim said. A grunt came from behind her. "G.o.d, yes." Warmth pulsed through Prim's body. Tingles shot from her spine and into her limbs. "Yes, deeper, deeper." The warmth in her core puddled. Her muscles loosened. Her eyes closed. She soaked in the pleasure of a strong, hard, touch. To be stroked and kneaded and rubbed.

This was paradise.

"Lady got too much tension in her shoulder." Layla's hand supple with oil trailed along the fine vertebrae of Prim's neck. "Muscles still knotted in here"-her deft fingers pulsed along Prim's left shoulder-"even after six days of ma.s.sage."

Air wooshed from Prim's lungs. She opened her eyes and stared at the terra cotta tile floor beneath the ma.s.sage table. What could she say? Even with the sun, surf, and sand she couldn't forget what she was about to return to in California.

Gargantuan changes and potentially a huge mess of an existence.

"Lady's lower back is still tight." Layla's fingertips fanned out and Prim felt the heat in her core melt. Relaxation oozed through her. "Lady needs to be with a man."

Prim jerked her head from the circular cus.h.i.+on. "A what?"

"Head down," Layla pressed on the back of Prim's head. "A man. Lady, needs to be with a man to release the tension in her body."

Prim resettled her forehead and cheeks against the cus.h.i.+on. Her s.e.x life, of lack thereof wasn't something she really wished to discuss with her ma.s.seuse. Of course Layla's hands had kneaded nearly every inch of Prim's body for the last six days. The ma.s.sage, each day, was a high point of Prim's existence at La Meridian Ora at which she'd spent the last six days trying to decompress, relax, and prepare for what she would return to in L.A.

"Thought Lady would find a friend by now," Layla continued. "Every day I walk up to house and think, this is the morning pretty Lady has no more tension here." Layla's thumb dug deep into the muscle of Prim's left shoulder.

"Oooow," Prim whined. Layla's thumb hurt so good.

"Lady is pretty. She is young. She has beautiful body. Not married. No kids. She has private house, private beach at resort." With each word, Layla rubbed her hands deeper into the muscles of Prim's back. "She on holiday without man, but plenty of men at resort on holiday without a woman."

Prim closed her eyes, Layla was beginning to sound more and more like Prim's mother in London.

"So why, I ask, why has Lady, while she here, not found friend to take care of all the tension in these muscles?" Layla pulled the heavy heated towel up over Prim's back and took her strong hands and stroked down Prim's left leg.

"G.o.d, yes," Prim whispered between her teeth.

"You not answer me." Layla laughed. "Maybe Lady not know answer."

"Men are pigs." Prim said. There were two Prim wanted to gut right now.

"You're not having s.e.x." Layla said. "I feel it in your muscles. I see it in your joints. Too tight. No s.e.x."

Prim's s.e.xual frustration bubbled through her chest and replaced the relaxation that Layla's hands provided.

"I just haven't found anyone," Prim said. "No one that I want to be with."

"Don't have to keep the man, just have to use the man. Don't keep the pig for a pet, just use it for what you need."

Prim smiled. She liked the way Layla thought.

"Done," Layla said. She tickled Prim's right toes. Prim sat up and pulled the sheet around her body.

"Lady leave tomorrow?" Layla asked. She wiped her hands on a towel.

Prim nodded. "Early. I return to work on Monday."

"Maybe you get lucky tonight. With all the ma.s.sage your muscles are ready for a man. The heat will explode for you. Maybe you find one at Devils and Angels?"

Prim screwed up her face and shook her head. "Not going." She slid from the ma.s.sage table. She grasped the table with her hand. The first few steps, after a ma.s.sage, were always tough. "Leaving early tomorrow morning, spending the night here."

Layla's smile slipped from her face. "Lady must go to Devils and Angels party." Her grey hair was in a long thick braid. The skin around her eyes was etched with tiny wrinkles but Prim could neither tell Layla's heritage nor, for certain, her age. She seemed timeless. "Someone you must meet. I feel it in your body."

Okay. A little too much voodoo with the ma.s.sage. Prim reached for the envelope she'd prepared and handed it to Layla. "I can't thank you enough for this week. You've made my body feel," Prim pulled the sheet tighter around her body. "Well you've made my body feel better than it has in years."

"Eighteen months," Layla said. "It's been almost eighteen months since you've been with a man."

"How do you-?"

"You still not believe what my fingers feel? I can feel it all in your muscles, in your bones. We carry the body through life and life, it infiltrates all of the body." Layla said the words as if it all was obvious. "You go tonight. You meet someone take away the tension these hands can't reach." Layla reached for her bag of oils and hefted it over her shoulder. "You go."

"Not going," Prim said, again, and followed Layla toward the door. "But thank you."

"You are going," Layla said a smile plastered to her face. "The man who will take the tension from you will be there. You will find him tonight."

Prim's smile remained fixed to her face. Perhaps it was the language barrier. She'd had similar conversations with Layla over the course of the last six days and instead of arguing or trying to explain Prim had simply nodded and smiled. The last one was when Prim emphatically denied that she would go snorkeling but then she....had?

Layla's smile remained in her lips as she descended the front stairs. She raised her hand and waved over her shoulder. "Lady have fun time tonight. More fun than the last 18 months."

Prim closed the door behind Layla. She was not going to the party at the resort's disco tonight. She'd already scheduled an early dinner and she had to pack. Her flight left for Los Angeles early and the car was scheduled to pick her up before sunrise. She walked to the open French doors. The surf pounded the sh.o.r.eline. A breeze gently lifted her hair from her shoulders. Beautiful. Luxurious. Glorious. Relaxing.

The muscle in her left shoulder tightened. How was that pain happening already? Layla had worked on Prim's body ninety minutes a day for six days. How could there still be tension in any part of Prim's body. She reached her hand to her shoulder and rubbed. Because of two men in Los Angeles. Two men that she'd left behind. One a seller and one a buyer who had forever changed the carefully crafted landscape of Prim's life.

Monday she would return to an office fundamentally changed by the sale of Ryan Murphy's beloved Metro Media to the near recluse and old codger of a man: William Rhodes. If only Prim's best friend Meg had managed to convince Cole to buy Metro Media. Prim could be happy working for her best friend's husband. But Cole didn't bite. No he was too smart for that. Prim knew the financial details of the deal between her former boss Ryan and her soon-to-be boss Mr. Rhodes, and she was still uncertain how Ryan had managed to get the purchase price he did for Metro. And why would a seventy-year old man who'd made his money in steel suddenly have an interest in a media company?

Prim closed her eyes. A breath of fresh air tinged with salt entered her lungs. She opened her eyes and exhaled. The black rocks on the edge of the sh.o.r.eline created a protected and private cove for her own enjoyment.

She still had twelve hours of paradise. Twelve hours without the changes that would inhabit her life for the next three months, until she finished her commitment on the transition team and earned her very healthy bonus. She'd heard that proving one's worth to William Rhodes was a near impossibility. He was one tough customer and an even tougher boss. She'd scoured the knowledge of her former B-school mates trying to determine whether she should tough out the buy-out or leap before the sale. Ryan had begged her to stay and for a guaranteed bonus and a limited engagement of ninety days she'd agreed to remain at Metro Media for a while.

Prim dropped the sheet that she'd wrapped around her body to the ground and stepped out onto the deck. Her beach was private. The resort offered this privacy for an exorbinant fee but Prim had paid it. She'd needed the privacy and the time alone after the shock that she'd just experienced at work. She hadn't thought Ryan would ever sell his beloved Metro Media. And to retire? Who retired at thirty-three? Even after the tragedy of Paloma's pa.s.sing, Prim had thought that Ryan would eventually come back to lead Metro Media. But Ryan wasn't coming back. Instead he was selling, and he had been more than a little cagey about what he planned to do with all his time and his hundreds of millions.

Prim had needed this privacy to prepare herself. She needed to be alone to think and to process the inevitable changes she'd confront when she returned to work on Monday. Prim stretched her arms up over her head and let the sun warm every inch of her skin. She hadn't been naked on her beach the entire time she'd been in Tahiti. Not once. But today was the last day. Why not be wild? Why not be free? Why not go to the Devils and Angels party at the disco tonight? After six days of sun, surf, and sand, she deserved to be tension free.

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About Fast Glamour Part 20 novel

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