Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes On The American Frontiers Part 46

Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes On The American Frontiers -

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Snow fell upon the previous glare surface, and, being attended with wind, rendered the day very bl.u.s.tering and boisterous. The wind being from the west, was very strong--so strong as to blow some persons down.

The temperature at the same time was quite cold.

_20th_. Coldness continued; the thermometer stood at only 2 above zero at 8 o'clock in the morning; the west wind continuing. The air, in consequence of this depression, became colder than the water of the lake, producing an interchange of temperature, and the striking phenomenon of rising vapor. The open lake waters gave out their latent heat, like a boiling pot, till the equilibrium was restored. This singular phenomenon I had seen before in the North, and it is to be observed, in the basin of the upper lakes, some days every winter.

I received a visit from Mr. Barber. Conversation on the state of religious knowledge. Do geology and the natural sciences afford external evidence of the truth of G.o.d's word?

_21st_. Atmospheric temperature still low; the thermometer at 8 o'clock A.M. standing at 9 above zero. The harbor and straits, between the island and Point St. Ignace, frozen over; but the channel, in which, there is a strong current, between the outer edge of the harbor and Round Island, still open. Along this edge very deep water is immediately found, and these waters, under the pressure of lake causes, rush with the force of a mill-race. _22d_. The air is slightly warmer, the thermometer standing at 8 o'clock, A.M., at 16 above zero. The soldiery further request of Mr. F. to hold a Bible cla.s.s in the fort.

_23d_. The temperature still rises a few degrees, the thermometer standing at 21 at 8 o'clock, A.M. The express from the _Sault_ arrives. Prepared my mail matter and dispatched it to the office.

_24th_. The thermometer falls five degrees, standing at 16 at 8 o'clock A.M.; but in consequence of the cessation of winds at night, and acc.u.mulation of floating ice, the open districts of the lake were entirely frozen over. Kebec, the _Sault_ expressman, went off on his way to Detroit, at a very early hour, walking on the ice from about abreast of the Old Still House, direct to the main. The thermometer in the fort was observed to be, at one time during the night, at 5 below zero, denoting more intense cold than my 8 o'clock observation indicates. This is, therefore, so far, the maximum cold for January.

_25th_. A strong easterly wind broke up the ice, which was solid, as far as the Light-House, about ten miles, and again exposed the limpid bosom of the lake in that direction; but it did not disturb the straits west.

My son John began, this day, to p.r.o.nounce words having the sound of _r_, for which, agreeably to a natural organic law recognized by philologists, he has heretofore subst.i.tuted the sound of _l_.

_26th_. S. A sermon on the inefficacy of the prayer of faith without submission to G.o.d's better wisdom. I was this day set apart as an elder.

_27th_. The temperature, which has risen since the 24th, still rises, creating a perceptible change in feelings. Visited Mr. Agnew, who reached the island from the Sault yesterday.

_28th_. The harbor breaks up with a south-east wind, but the ice remains firm between the island and the main, and in the direction to Pt. St, Ignace. This wind is attended with a farther moderation of the temperature. I fell in descending the steep hill, which is exposed to the south, in coming back from a visit to Lieut. Penrose, in the fort.

This fort is what engineers call a _talus_, being, as I suppose, the exact area, very nearly, of the top of a cliff overlooking the town. It was very effective for controlling the Indians, but was found in 1812 to be commanded by a still higher point within cannon range, which was seized and fortified by the British.

This apex they made the site of Fort George; the Americans changed the name to Fort Holmes, after a gallant officer, a Kentuckian, who fell in the unsuccessful attempt of Col. Croghan to retake the island in 1814.

_29th_. The temperature still rises, and is mild for the season. Gave each of my children a new copy of the Scriptures. If these truths are important, as is acknowledged, they cannot too early know them. I visited Mr. Mitch.e.l.l.

_30th_, The temperature continues to moderate. Drove to the mission, accompanied by Mr. D., to converse, at his request, with Mr. Barber, on the unhappy topics of difference between him and Mr. F. Mr. and Mrs.

Abbott called at my house, in the interval, and were received by Mrs. S.

In the evening I attended the social prayer meeting at Mr. Dousman's.

_31st_. The sun shone clear; no snow, no high winds, but a serene and pleasant atmosphere. Visits were received from Maj. Whistler and Lieut.

Kingsbury. Conversation on the probable reception of the President's Message, etc., by our next express.

This being Mrs. Schoolcraft's birth-day, I presented her a Bible.

_Feb. 1st_. The mildness and pleasantness of the weather continued.

Drove out to Mr. Davenport's with Mrs. Schoolcraft and the children.

Davenport is a Virginian. He was one of the residents driven off the island by the events of the late war, and was on board of Commodore St.

Clair's squadron, sailing around the island, and in sight of his own home, during the expedition to recapture the island, in 1814. For his sufferings and losses he ought to have been remunerated by the Government, whom he faithfully served.

Our second express from Detroit arrived, bringing us the expected newspaper intelligence, and letters from friends. Heard of the alarming illness of my sister, in Oneida County, N.Y.

_2d_. S. A sermon on the often handled subjects of election and free grace--how G.o.d elects, and how man is free to come himself.

_3d_. Devoted to newspaper reading. In the evening attended the monthly concert.

_4th_. A small party at dinner, namely, Major Whistler, Lieut.

Kingsbury, Mr. Agnew, Mr. Stuart the elder, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Dousman, and Mr. Johnston. The weather continues mild, clear, and calm. In the evening I prepared my mail matter for the Sault, intending to dispatch it by a private express to-morrow.

_5th_. Finished and dispatched my mail for St. Mary's by two Indians, who set out at ten o'clock A.M. I received an official visit from Ossiganac, and seven men from the village of L'Arbre Croche. He stated it to be the wish of the Ottawas, to visit Was.h.i.+ngton. The reasons for such a visit arose from a desire to see the President, on the subject of their lands. Many of these lands were denuded of game. Drummond Island had been abandoned. They thought themselves ent.i.tled to compensation for it. They were poor and indebted to the traders. The settlements would soon intrude on their territories. Wood was now cut for the use of steamboats and not paid for. They had various topics to confer about.

This was, in fact, the first move of the Lake Indians, leading in the sequel to the important treaty of March 28th, 1836.

_6th_. The thermometer is again depressed, and a recurrence of easterly winds.

_7th_. The depression of temperature creates the sensation of _coldness_ after the late mild weather, although the thermometer, examined at 8 o'clock, has not fallen below 26, but six degrees below the freezing point.

I embodied Ossiganac's remarks in a letter to the Department, and also requesting the survey of the old grants under Wayne's Treaty of 1793. I likewise proposed the establishment of an Indian Academy at Michilimackinack for the Indian tribes of the upper lakes. Mackinack has peculiar facilities of access in the open months for a large circle of cognate tribes; and, in view of a future cession of the country, these tribes will possess ample means. I wrote to my sister Catharine, in the prospect of her dying of consumption; directing her mind to the great moral remedy in the intercession of Christ.

_8th_. Our third express for Detroit left this morning. The day was clear and calm, with the thermometer at 30 at 8 o'clock. I began sketching some remarks, to be transmitted to the American Lyceum, on the best mode of educating the Indians.

_9th_. S. Mild. An Indian woman was buried to-day, who has borne the character of a Christian. As her end drew near she said she did not fear to "pa.s.s through the valley of death." She appeared to be prepared to die, and had the testimony of Christians in her behalf, many of whom attended her funeral. As a general fact, the Christian Indians whom I have known, seize with great simplicity of faith on an Intercessor and his promises.

_10th_. Mild. In consequence of the protracted mildness of the weather, Indians from Thunder Bay visited the office. They spoke of the meteoric phenomenon of November. I asked the leader of the party what he thought of it. He replied that it betokened evil to the Indian race--that sickness would visit them calamitously.

In the evening the wind veered from a favorable quarter suddenly to the north, producing a strong sensation of cold.

_12th_. Dine with Kingsbury.

_13th_. Dine with Mitch.e.l.l. In the afternoon Mr. F. and Mr. D. met by appointment at my house, to endeavor to close their accounts and terminate their difficulties.

_14th_. Yesterday's effort to compromise matters between F. and D. was continued and brought to a close, so far as respected items of account; but this left unhealed the wounds caused by mutual hard thoughts, of a moral character, and for which there has seemed, to Christians, in Mr.

D., a cause of disciplinary inquiry. I felt friendly to Mr. D., and thought that he was a man whose pride and temper, and partly Christian ignorance, had induced to stand unwittingly in error. But he took counsel of those who do not appear to have been actuated by the most conciliatory views. He stood upon his weakest points with an iron brow and "sinews of bra.s.s."

_15th_. Visited Mr. Barber. Meeting in the evening at Mr. Mitch.e.l.l's.

_16th_. Snow.

_17th_. The temperature fell several degrees, and lake closed, as seen at a distance. I finished my remarks for the American Lyceum.

_18th_. Engaged in pursuing Mr. F.'s lectures, delivered at a prior time, on the character and differences between the Protestant and Romish Churches.

_19th_. The weather a.s.sumes a milder turn, and gives us rain. Messrs.

F. and D., having called on Mr. Mitch.e.l.l, renew their meeting at my house.

_20th_. Rain and thunder.

_21st_. Temperate; sinks and turns cold in the evening.

_22d_. Cold, with some snow.

_23d_. Thermometer continues to sink, and the ice is reported as having become strong everywhere.

_24th_. The third express from Detroit came in at an early hour, and my letters and papers were brought in before breakfast. During breakfast I opened a letter, announcing the death of my sister Catharine, on the 9th of January, at Vernon, N. Y.

Mr. Agnew and Mr. Chapman, who have been guests on the island, set out for the Sault. The lake is now finally and strongly closed by a covering of solid ice. Trains cross to-day, for the first time, to Point St. Ignace.

_25th_. Mr. Levake, another guest on the island, called at eight o'clock for my letters, with a view of overtaking the party who left yesterday.

_26th_. Wind west, and so strong as to drive the ice out between the harbor and the light-house, but did not affect the harbor itself, nor the straits.

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