New York Times Current History -
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Oct. 4--Russians defeat Germans at Augustowo and advance reaches Nugy Valley in Hungary; Germans make unsuccessful attacks on Ossowitz forts; Germans lured into a trap on the Niemen.
Oct. 5--Two Russian armies advance toward Allenstein; fighting near Warsaw; Russians are near Cracow; Germans fortify heights between Breslau and Cracow; Austrians claim victory over Montenegrins in East Bosnia; Servians approach Serajevo fortifications.
Oct. 6--Germans claim victories near Suwalki and Augustowo; Russian forces from the Baltic close in on Germans, and announce German retreat from positions between Wirballen and Lyck; Austrians claim victory at Uzsok Pa.s.s, but Cossacks are reported eighty miles from Budapest.
Oct. 7--Germans bring reinforcements from Konigsberg and check Russians; Russians sh.e.l.l Przemysl; Austrians report victory in Hungary near Tesco.
Oct. 8--Russians claim repulse of Germans in Russian Poland and capture of Biala; Germans deny Russian advance in Suwalki; gains by Montenegrins in Herzegovina.
Oct. 9--Russians announce reoccupation of Lyck; Przemysl reported on fire.
Oct. 10--Russians claim that Germans are retiring from Lyck; Austrians report successes throughout Galicia.
Oct. 11--Montenegrins defeat Austrians near Kalenovitch; Russians [Transcriber: original 'Rusians'] sweep through Bukoi Bukowina; Austrians rush help to Przemysl.
Oct. 12--Russians abandon siege of Przemysl and retreat from Galicia; German-Austrian army captures many prisoners.
Oct. 13--Fall of Warsaw believed near; British Consul asks for American protection; Montenegrins defeat Austrians near Serajevo.
Oct. 14--Germans report defeat of Russians at Warsaw and recapture of Lyck; Servians in Bosnia beaten back.
Oct. 15--Berlin reports advance of eight Russian army corps against Bast Prussia; account made public of how Gen. von Hindenburg lured Gen.
Rennenkampf into trap at Tennenberg; Russians report victory over Austrians south of Przemysl.
July 26--Belgium increases army to enforce neutrality.
July 27--Belgian Army mobilizes, Holland prepares to maintain neutrality.
July 28--French Army moves to frontier.
July 29--Belgium calls out reserves.
July 30--England takes defensive measures.
July 31--Belgium mobilizes.
Aug. 1--France mobilizes after Germany asks her intentions; will respect neutrality of Belgium.
Aug. 2--Germany sends ultimatum to Belgium, seizes Luxemburg, and invades France; fighting at Longwy, three German spies arrested in England.
Aug. 3--Berlin reports acts of hostility by French; England will protect French coast and defend Belgium; France promises to guard Belgian neutrality; France holds that war with Germany began automatically with invasion of her territory.
Aug. 4--England declares war on Germany as Kaiser rejects ultimatum on Belgian neutrality; Germany declares war on Belgium; attack on Liege repulsed; Germans cross French border near Mars-la-Tour and Moineville.
Aug. 5--French repulse Germans at border; many Germans killed in attack on Liege, Crown Prince bringing aid, French Army rus.h.i.+ng up.
Aug. 6--Germans take two forts at Liege; French Army coming; English coast towns arm.
Aug. 7--Rapid mobilization of French on frontier; French occupy two towns in Alsace-Lorraine; Kaiser and King of Belgium call nations to arms; Bavarians beaten by French at Marrehan; Germans enter Liege, forts still held by Belgians; Germans get armistice to bury dead.
Aug. 8--Holland guards frontier; conflicting reports of fall of Liege; French forces in Belgium; British land on Continent; French take Mulhausen after battle at Altkirch; German spies try to blow up tunnels and bridges near Paris.
Aug. 9--Germans in Alsace fall back on Neu Breisach; Kaiser leaves for front; Belgian War Minister denies capture of Liege, Germans in city but forts untaken; French and English reinforce Belgians; Governor and Bishop of Liege held as hostages; German warning of reprisals; Germans arrested in England; Holland captures and disarms Uhlans at Maastricht.
Aug. 10--France breaks off diplomatic relations with Austria; French student tells how Germans shot refugees; French patrols cover Eifel district in Germany; French open way into Alsace by capturing Bonhomme and Sainte Marie; 100 German spies put to death in Belgium; more caught; Germans forced by French to plan new campaign in Belgium; Allies claim success in cavalry encounters; Germans moving through Esch.
Aug. 11--Germans attack French frontier, take Lagarde and intrench south of Liege; Belgians retake Loncin fort; Kaiser claims victory at Liege; French Army forced back in Alsace; minor checks to Germans; German siege guns before Liege; German advance directed at gap between Verdun and Longwy.
Aug. 12--Germany tries again to negotiate with Belgium for pa.s.sage of army; Germans bombard Point-a-Mousson; Germans move on Brussels and are driven back by Belgians' left wing; Germans report victory in Alsace; Germans reported to have shot French wounded; German spies terrorize Belgium; battle near Tongres; German official says Kaiser halted attack on Liege and denies heavy losses; Germans complete bridge for siege artillery; Paris papers say Germans burned village of Affleville and shot farmers.
Aug. 13--England declares war on Austria; Belgians beat off Germans in two-day fight; Namur defenses strengthened; battles at Diest, Haelen, and Eghezee; Germans shoot woman accused of attempt to blow up Alsatian tunnel; British, French, and Belgians charge cruelties by German troops; report that Germans hold Diest; German guns reported wrecked by fire from Liege forts; French report severe defeat of Germans by counter-attack at Pont-a-Mousson; Swiss report that Germans lost 10,000 in Alsace; Swiss disarm German troops; Italy's troops guard Alpine
Aug. 14--Germans ma.s.s to attack Allies and move toward Brussels; bombardment of Liege renewed; attempt to storm Pontisse fails; British Commander French and French Gen. Joffre meet at headquarters; French and Belgian forts exchange officers; French win in battle in Vosges Mountains.
Aug. 15--Armies of Germany and Allies face each other on 248-mile battle front; French storm three towns and retake Thann in Alsace; battling at Liege forts continues; Germans said to have shot innocent people in Linsmeau for slaying an officer.
Aug. 16--Fighting at Mulhausen renewed; French take offensive along line from Luneville to Saarburg; clash near Dinant; Germans damage Vise; general advance of French on eastern frontier; South Belgium barricaded; Belgian cyclists fight strong German force; rumor that Austrians are in Belgium.
Aug. 17--French forces sweep on toward Stra.s.sburg; desultory fighting clears ground between Germans and Allies; Belgians say Germans torture prisoners; Belgian seat of Government moved to Antwerp.
Aug. 18--British force lands in France; German advance on Brussels checked; Germans evacuate Saarburg; French take two batteries; Germans start second fire in Vise.
Aug. 19--Fighting near Altkirch; Paris prepares for eventualities; Allies fall back and may quit Brussels; Germans occupy Louvain; French report further advance into Alsace; Germans retake Ville.
Aug. 20--French reoccupy Mulhausen, but are checked in Lorraine; other French gains in Alsace; German cavalry occupies Brussels; Belgian Army retires on Antwerp; French victory near Luneville; Germans defeat Belgians at Aerschot.
Aug. 21--French withdraw from Lorraine; Germans rush through Brussels, capture Ghent, levy war taxes on Brussels and Liege, and will try to seize Ostend; England says tax levy is violation of Hague treaty; German a.s.sault on Namur begins; report of German vengeance on town of Tongres; Antwerp, new seat of Government, prepares for defense; Germans hold Audun-la-Roman and continue to cross the Meuse.
Aug. 22--French deny German report of victory between Metz and the Vosges; Germans continue bombardment of Namur forts and face Allies on twenty-mile front to Charleroi; main force is aimed at Lille; battle between English and Germans at Waterloo; French close in on Colmar; fight between German and English cavalry at Colmar; fear that Belgian cities may not be able to pay indemnity; Germans accused of shooting Burgomaster and citizens of Aerschot without provocation.
Aug. 23--Allies take offensive against Germans along 150-mile line from Mons to Luxemburg; Belgian commander blows up one Liege fort; others hold out; French repel three days' attack on Mulhausen intrenchments; France protests to Hague against use of dumdum bullets by Germans.
Aug. 24--Allies fall back before German attack on Belgium; report that Namur has fallen; account made public of battle at Charleroi; Germans, led by Crown Prince in Lorraine, pursue French beyond Longwy; success of force headed by Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria at Luneville, Blamont and Cirey; French defeated at Neuf-chateau by forces under Grand Duke Albrecht of Wurttemberg; Germans begin another attack on Mulhausen; English cavalry brigade defeated by Germans south of Brussels; Germans set fire to Hussigny and resume fire at Liege.
Aug. 25--Battle on new 200-mile-line between Germans and Allies; Germans capture five Namur forts and are attacking others; French withdraw from Alsace to frontier; Allies gain to the south; Germans levy tax on Brabant; report that Lorrainers betrayed French troops to Germans.
Aug. 26--Allies fall back a short distance in Belgium; Belgian success at Malines; French claim success near Nancy and Luneville; report that Lille is abandoned; big battle in Lorraine; Germans fire houses in Liege; Berlin announces British rout at Maubeuge.
Aug. 27--Germans take Longwy and all Namur forts; British-French line falls back on right flank; French reoccupy Lille; details given out of fighting at Mons; Germans take Malines and tax Tourant and Charleroi; announcement of German bombardment of Malines; Paris prepares for possible siege.
Aug. 28--Austria declares war on Belgium; Belgians retake Malines and advance to Brussels; Germans defeat Allies along entire line; report that fall of Namur was due to heavy fog; Germans sack and burn Louvain; art treasures destroyed.
Aug. 29--German force withdrawn from Belgium to meet Russians; French right wins at Guise, left reinforced but repulsed; Germans march on La Fere; Allies evacuate Boulogne; account made public of the heroic defense of Longwy; details given out of fall of Namur; Germans blow up bridges on railway from Antwerp to frontier; French bayoneted company of Germans accused of treachery; Military Governor of Paris orders destruction of houses obstructing forts' fire.
Aug. 30--French left wing again driven back; Allies' lines reinforced; Germans recalled to Brussels to hold city; French reported successful near Amiens.