Falling For The Deputy Part 16

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Mack helped Chloe out of the car. At the door he paid the cover price for both of them even as she began to protest. Hey, he was Southern. She was dressed up. His mother would kill him if he didnt pay. Inside the door, he pulled Chloe to a stop and tried to locate their table. Her scentsomething very light yet exotic, made him shut his eyes and inhale deeply.

Over there, Chloe said, startling him back to his senses. I see Hannah and the others.

The band played a line-dance tune, but few people were on the floor. It was his experience that most folks needed a jump start of liquid courage before strutting their stuff. And the night was young. Unfortunately. He didnt know how long he could take being close to this new Chloe. As they made their way between the tables, he could see Darden, Sooner and Rollins shaking their heads while they forked over several bills to Breckinridge.

Hey! She greeted Mack and Chloe with a smirk when they made it to the table. Whittaker, never let it be said I dont have faith in you.

What are you talking about?

Darden, Sooner and Rollins looked guilty.

They didnt think youd show.

The Pillar and Post hasnt been your thing for quite some time, Darden said. Its good to see you here tonight.

Breckinridge introduced her date, and Darden, Sooner and Rollins introduced their wives to Chloe. Everyone scooted over so two more could fit at the table. Mack took one look at the pitchers of beer that had already been ordered. Im going to get a pitcher of Cheerwine Cola, he said, then headed for the bar along one wall.

When he did, Breckinridge pulled Chloe and the three wives out on the floor to join the line dancing. Mack couldnt take his eyes off Chloe. Her hair coppery in the flickering light, she was the most vibrant woman in the room. And in clothing that did her body justice, she was hot.

Hed thought the proximity to alcohol was going to be the problem tonight. It wasnt. The problem was one beautiful woman he had no business getting involved with.

C HLOE HADNT HAD SO much fun in a long time. Maybe the change in her att.i.tude was the result of Faiths and Junes makeover. Or maybe the camaraderie of the deputies table lifted her spirits. Or the friendly greetings from townspeople shed met during the week.

Or maybe it was the unmistakable look of appreciation on Macks face.

Hey, nothing was going to happen. But that didnt mean she couldnt let loose and enjoy the moment. Besides, she needed to prove to him she could step out of her journalistic detachment and embrace life.

Despite his frequent sidelong glances, hed made no moves. Shed line danced with the women and even accepted some slow dances with the guys Faith had promised would ask. So much for the ankle bandage benching her. At times it appeared as if Mack might cut in, but he didnt. That was okay. Theyd put the matter of that middle-of-the-night aberration to bed, so to speak, and it was better they both finished the week on a cordial, but detached note.

So did you get your story?

Chloe, now standing in the long line to the womens restroom, turned around to see Mel, the mechanic. Its Chloe, isnt it? Mel added.

This must have been the night for transformations. In an off-the shoulder cotton top, kicky denim skirt and red cowboy boots, the self-described grease monkey was scrubbed clean and apparently ready for a good time.

Mel! Chloe exclaimed. How are you? Yes, I have a story and a half. My editors thinking of expanding it to a series.

I see youre at the deputies table. Couples. Mel gave Chloes outfit the once-over. Business or pleasure?

Omigosh, business, Chloe replied, trying to sound casual, hoping any color in her cheeks would be attributed to the barns warm interior. And dancing. Hannah Breckinridge suggested my story wouldnt be complete without observing some downtime. And Deputy Rollins is performing the next set. She looked toward the front of the line. I hope I get a chance to see it.

We can only hope Hannah needs to use the restroom. If she sees the backup, sh.e.l.l commandeer the mens room until this line disappears. Even off duty, a badge has its perks. And shes not afraid to explore them.

Chloe laughed. She could see Hannah performing such a bold but logical maneuver. She was going to miss this crowd. And the potential for real friends.h.i.+p with Hannah.

How about Whittaker? Did you ever get him to open up? Mel asked.

The opening up hed done wasnt for public consumption. For the first time this week, Chloe felt protective. The feeling surprised her.

He certainly showed me the ropes, she said with exaggerated enthusiasm. From patrol during the tornado watch to serving processes to rescuing Sarah Culpeppers cat from a tree.

Im glad. Mel leaned against the rough wood planking of the barn wall and stared at Chloe with blatant skepticism. And Im glad hes here tonight. Macks good people. He needs to get back into circulation. Begin to trust again.

A bathroom stall opened up, and with a sense of having escaped, Chloe walked toward it. See you.


When Chloe made it back to the table, Deputy Rollins was already tuning his acoustic guitar. Everyone at the table had turned their chairs toward the stage, and Chloe found her seat right up against Macks. The room lights dimmed and the spotlight was Rollins.

And Mack draped his arm loosely over the back of her chair.

It wasnt a move, she told herself. He was a big man, and of course hed need to stretch. But with all the rationalization, the warmth of his arm still made it difficult to concentrate on Rollins, who had a good voice and a half-dozen original songs about love and loss and a couple of bad-a.s.s dogs.

When his set ended, their group broke into a roar of applause. Rollins looked pleased.

Suddenly the smoke and the closeness of all these genial people and the realization that in twenty-four hours she was going back to Brevard and her life of studied detachment got to Chloe. Feeling like Cinderella hearing the clock strike midnight, she stood and said, I need some fresh air.

Me, too, Hannah agreed. Ill go with you.

Although Chloe would have preferred being alone, she didnt argue.

As they pa.s.sed through the big barn door, the person in charge of admission stamped their hands so that they could get back in. Once outside, Chloe took a deep breath. Have they never heard of no-smoking laws?

Hush. This used to be tobacco country, big time. Every farmer had at least a small patch. Old ways die hard.

Chloe walked farther away from the barn in an attempt to distance herself from the party atmosphere. But the parking lot was jam-packed and appeared to be another venue for socializing and showing off new clothes and comparing restored cars. Did these people do nothing but bond and look out for each other?

Inhaling the bracing night air, Chloe kept moving. The thought of walking back to town crossed her mind.

Whats wrong? Hannah asked, putting a hand out to stop her.

Im getting a headache.

I have aspirin.

No, thanks. Sleeps the cure. Chloe hugged herself and gazed up at the canopy of stars. I guess Ill see ifsomeone can drive me home.

Youve been good for him this week.

Good for whom? Chloe spun around to face Hannah.

Mack, of course.

Ha! I havent seen him when he hasnt had steam coming out of his ears.

Hannah chuckled. Believe it or not, thats good for Mack. Until you showed up, he was like a robot. Got the job done, but without any emotion. I dont mean to sound like one of the town matchmakers, but Id like to see you come back after the article runs. I think Mack would, too.

No. Hed said they were destined to push each other apart. Chloe couldnt stop the fat, hot tear from rolling down her cheek.

Concern clouded Hannahs features. What did I say? Im sorry if I brought up a touchy subject.

Overwhelmed by the genuine care and consideration heaped on her this weekfrom June Parker to Lily Whittaker to Faith Jackson to HannahChloe couldnt speak. She thought of her less-than-effusive relations.h.i.+p with her own mother, and the tears streamed down her cheeks.

Hold it together, Hannah said, clearly worried that Chloe had lost it. Ill get Mack to take you right home.

Home was such a loaded word that itand less than three hours sleep in the past thirty-six hourssent Chloe into sobs.

Come on, Hannah commanded, pulling Chloe back toward the barn. Lets find your ride.

Hiding her face in her hands, Chloe shook her head violently. She couldnt let the other deputies see her like this.

M-Mack She meant to say he mustnt see her like this, but she choked on all but his name.

Of course. Ill get him. Hannah grasped Chloes upper arms. Dont move.

As Hannah hurried back into the barn, Chloe tried to get control of herself. People in the parking lot were starting to notice. Maybe, if she could begin to act like a sane person, she could ask one of them for a lift to the B and B. She wiped her eyes. She really, really didnt want Mack to see her like this.

Because she was not a hysterical woman.

With years of unerring guidance from her parents behind her, she capped the safety valve on her emotions. Just. But the instant she saw the crowd part and Mack rush toward her, she began to sob again.

As if the safety valve had popped and fourteen years worth of pressurized sentiment gushed out.


D AMMIT , DID SOMEONE TRY something with you? Mack wrapped his arm around Chloes shaking shoulders and used his body to screen her from curious bystanders. h.e.l.l, she looked so lovely tonight he wouldnt put it past one of these guys to make an unwanted pa.s.s.

Did someone hit on you? he repeated, concernand, yeah, jealousyrising.

No! The one word came out a squeak, washed away in a new onslaught of tears.

The tears, coming so unexpectedly from Chloe, of all people, nearly did him in. Roughly he cleared his throat and concentrated on the next logical step.

Lets get you out of here, he said, steering her through the crowded parking lot toward his pickup.

Wh-where to?

To the B and B.

But the others Theyll think youre exhausted, he said, helping her into the truck, buckling her into her seat belt. He hoped exhaustion was the explanation. Shut your eyes. Get some rest.

She didnt. Of course not. When was the last time she did anything he asked or expected?

All the way back to Junes, she might as well have been the one driving. While his attention was drawn to her, she stared straight ahead at the road. Although shed stopped crying, the light from the dashboard made her cheeks glisten with unwiped tears. Exaggerated the dark circles under her eyes.

When he pulled in front of the inn, he left the pickup idling. Although, for a fleeting moment, he wanted to turn the engine off, carry Chloe up to her room and make sure she was safely tucked in bed.

Are you going to tell me whats wrong? he asked.

Come inside, she said.

He couldnt stop his sharp intake of breath.

To talk, Whittaker, she added with a rueful smile. Lets see if June will let us have ice cream.

Sure. Before opening his door, he met her smile with a frown, not wanting her to think he expected anything but ice cream.

Inside they found June, sleeves rolled above her elbows, tidying the kitchen. How was the Pillar and Post? she asked enthusiastically.

Smoky, Chloe replied, coming to a stop in the middle of the room with an expression on her face that said shed forgotten what she wanted.

So now youre looking for a drink? June prodded.

More like ice cream, Mack said.

But your kitchen is closed for the night, Chloe added, turning to leave.

Nonsense! June bustled toward the enormous sub-zero freezer. A cloud of condensation enveloped her head when she opened the door to examine the choices. Faith came home and ate caramel praline crunch. Apparently the hospital fund-raising banquet food was inedible. Youre left with vanilla, raspberry swirl, rocky road Rocky road. Chloe chose so quickly and so vehemently that Mack felt certain she wasnt only referring to ice cream.

Youll be lucky not to have wild dreams with this much sugar in you at this hour, June said, giving Chloe and Mack a knowing look. She plunked two heaping servings of ice cream, two sheets of paper towel and two spoons on the scarred trestle table. Bon appet.i.t! With a wave and a wink, she turned out all the lights except the night-light over the stove, then left the kitchen. The now softly, almost romantically, lit kitchen.

Not quite meeting his eyes, Chloe handed Mack a spoon, then sat at the table and dipped her own spoon into the ice cream.

What happened back at the Pillar and Post? he asked, sitting but resisting the treat.

Chloe licked ice cream off her spoon slowly. Sensuously. Although Mack doubted her conscious aim was seduction, he pushed his chair away from the table. Away from her.

This week has been an eye-opener for me, she said. I came to town to write an in-depth article on a department thats vital to the area.

I hear a but coming, he said, hanging an arm over the back of his chair, trying to remain calmdispa.s.sionate. Was she going to accuse him of stone-walling her efforts?

She tackled another large spoonful of ice cream, closed her eyes and sighed deeply before answering. But as the weeks progressed, Ive dredged up questions about myself. Doubts even.

Doubts? This woman had been sure of herself from the get-go. He leaned forward. Im not following you, he said. Doubts about your career? Your life?

She paused, her spoon in midair. The soft light from the stove backlit the curls framing her head, made her seem ethereal. Like the sad and lost haints his granny used to weave into her stories.

All of that, Chloe said, so quietly he almost thought hed imagined her speaking.

To deal withClaires death, she continued, I practiced detachment. Today, your mother, just by being motherly, made me think of my momand how weve distanced ourselves from each other. Because I felt guilty for depriving her of a daughter. But Her voice caught in her throat.

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