Falling For The Deputy Part 15

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Youre the only one left. Tanya never blamed Are you through?

No. Fire in her eyes, she sat upright with a jolt, knocking the package of frozen peas to the floor.

I know you claim to be after the facts, he said before she could go on. Getting to the truth. But what I think youre doing is poking around in other peoples lives so that you dont have to live your own.

She swung her feet to the floor, so that she was knee to knee with him. How do you figure that?

Even the clothes you wear. He pointed to her s.h.i.+rt, which had secondhand store written all over it. Theyre someone elses, not your own. You fidget when you dont have a notepad or a tape recorder or a camera in your hands. Youre fidgeting now.

No. Awkwardly she pushed up from the sofa. Im getting ready to leave.

Why? He stood, too. Clearly, we were just getting down to that honesty you love so much.

Clearly, were getting personal. And clearly, our personalities are like oil and water.

No. He said it so softly, she looked him full in the face. Were too much alike, you and I. And thats why when we get close, we pop apart. Like the same poles on two different magnets.

A glistening of tears in her eyes was her only answer, an answer she quickly dashed away with her hand. He held back from taking her in his arms and comforting her. Having no comfort for himself, what could he offer?


O H , DEAR , YOURE NOT GOING to wear that! June exclaimed with dismay. The B and B owner had come up to Chloes room ostensibly to offer fresh towels.

May I remind you, Chloe replied, surveying the only dress shed brought to Applegate and trying to keep her voice from quavering, this is not a date.

As planned, Mack and she were going to the Pillar and Post tonight. It was expected of them. Although, after having escaped from his parents farm with her dignity barely intact, she was determined to keep the evening strictly businesslike.

What had he said? That they were too much alike. Scary, scary thought.

June lay a hand on her shoulder. Chloe? Are you all right?

Y-yes. I was thinking I should make this an early night. I need to write Nonsense. Young people need fun. June looked critically at the dress laid out on the bed. Where did you get that thing?

At a great vintage boutique in Brevard.

I thought so. It will never do. I have slips from Sears s.e.xier than that. I know, I know, its not a date.

Quite frankly Chloe had never paid much attention to her appearance. If she was to be given any attention at all, she wanted it to be for her skills. What about these? she asked, pulling her silk trousers from the closet.

Too Katharine Hepburn. For goodness sake, shes my era. Come on. June dropped the towels on the bed, then dragged Chloe by the hand out of the room and down the hall. Having already been fussed over earlier by Lily Whittaker, Chloe resisted.

I wont bite, June said as she held tightly to Chloe with one hand and knocked on a guests door with the other.

A very attractive twenty-something woman answered. With curlers in her hair and a makeup kit in her hand, she appeared to be getting ready to go out, too.

Chloe Atherton, meet Faith Jackson, June said. Faith works as a pharmaceutical rep. Shes one of my regular guests when shes in the area. Chloe is a reporter in need of a makeover. You two are about the same size. Whats in your closet, Faith?

Chloe was shocked. I couldnt possibly Of course you can, Faith replied, pulling Chloe into her room. Any friend of Junes is a friend of mine. Besides, if I were home on a night, my sisters would be raiding my wardrobe.

Between us, we have five sisters, June chirped.

Im betting you have none, Faith added, looking pointedly at Chloe. Too much resistance to peeking in another womans closet.

Y-youre right. At least not a sister whod lived to raid her closet.

Poor girl. Faith began to pull clothing from an antique armoire. So where are you going tonight?

The Pillar and Post, June answered for her.

Its actually part of an a.s.signment for the Sun, Chloe explained. Im there to observe, so I dont want to stand out.

Its always been my observation, June said, that you learn more as a partic.i.p.ant.


Faith held up a moss-green skirt, cut on the bias so that it swung provocatively. Whats your a.s.signment?

A week in the life of a deputy sheriff.

Faiths eyes met Junes. Mmm-hmm, that deputy, the older woman said. Need I say more?

Faith smiled. Well, thenwere going to have to bring out the potent stuff. I wish I had my whole wardrobe here.

Hold it! Chloe threw up her hands. Im not trying to catch Deputy Whittakers attention. Im going with him and several others tonightto hear Deputy Rollins perform.

This might work, Faith said, ignoring her and laying a simple gold top with three-quarter sleeves and a rather daring neckline above the skirt on the bed. She took a skinny jeweled belt and cinched the top, then put a pair of faux leopard flats on the floor underneath the outfit. You might have to stuff toilet paper in the toes of the shoes, but otherwise how about it?

With her coloring, June said, it will look stunning. Young and fresh.

Fun, but not trampy.

Excuse me, ladies, Chloe protested. Im right in the room. Within seconds she felt like Cinderella being dressed by the mice for the ball. Off went the clothes she was wearing. On wentooh, the fabrics did feel lovely against her skin.

Now makeup, Faith said, holding aloft a small sponge and several brushes and pus.h.i.+ng Chloe into a straight-backed chair.

I dont wear makeup.

Thats why were only going to give you the lightest bit of foundation to tone down those freckles, some mascarayou have fabulous eyesand a dab of lip gloss. Faith accomplished the application with a few practiced swipes.

Now may I look? Chloe was beginning to think her ident.i.ty had been hijacked.

Not before the hair, June said, fingering a strand. What do you think, Faith? Mousse, then some scrunching to bring out the natural curl? Sit still, Chloe.

Im not used to all this concern over my appearance.

Didnt you ever play dress-up with your mothers things?

My mothers an epidemiologist at the CDC, Chloe replied as Faith worked a heavenly scented foam into her hair. Dress-up would mean wearing her lab coat.

You poor deprived child.

No. Chloe had always considered herself very lucky to have no-nonsense parents. Their logical, unemotional approach to life made her feel safe.

I think our work is done, June, Faith declared with a self-satisfied smile. She led Chloe to the tall pier mirror. Voila!

The woman staring back in the gla.s.s was herself. Only much, much better.

Those shoes have leather soles, Faith said. Good for dancing.

II wasnt planning on dancing. Chloe stuck out her leg with the bandage wrapped around the ankle. Her ankle was fine. The bandage was a visual excuse not to dance.

Youll be dancing, trust me. Faith bustled around the room, picking up articles of rejected clothing. Now, ladies, I have to pull myself together for a rubber-chicken corporate banquet in Asheville. I wish I was going out with yall instead.

Thank you. That was the only thing Chloe could think to say as the mirrors reflection showed her a woman she didnt quite recognize.

No problem. And good luck. With your story. Faith winked at June as the B and B owner shepherded Chloe back to her room.

What time is Mack picking you up?

Hes not. I told him Id meet him at the Pillar and Post.

I wouldnt advise that, June said, pulling a cell phone out of her pocket and hitting a speed-dial number. Im surprised he didnt tell youthe parking situation is terrible out there. The vacation-home crowd will be in town for the weekend. She held up her hand. Kim? Is Mack around? He is? Put him on, please. She shook her head as she waited. Mack? June. Change of plans. Chloe needs a ride to the Pillar and Post. Okay. See you in a minute.

June snapped her cell phone shut. Lucky I caught him. He was on his way out the door.

Lucky, sure. Ms. Parker, youre incorrigible. Chloe had to turn away, grab a tissue, pretend to blow her nose because she was quite overcome at the way this communitys women had so thoroughly embraced her.

Incorrigible? June asked with a laugh. Why, its one of my better qualities. And you are simply gorgeous.

Chloe felt gorgeous. It was a dangerous feeling.

I NCHES FROM A CLEAN getaway. Mack climbed the B and Bs front steps and felt uncomfortably like a suitor.

The day had not gone well. Chloe had said some things that had shaken him. Was he holding himself back from moving on? The thought had plagued him.

Are you going to come in or should I come out?

He found himself standing on the stoop and staring through the screen door atChloe?

In the soft light of the hallway, she was breathtakingly beautiful. In one very s.e.xy outfit. He was unprepared for the pure physical jolt that shot through him.

This whole evening was not a good idea.

Ill come out, she said, making the decision for him and stepping through the doorway with a new air about her. A new femininity. A disconcerting sensuality.

He was going to have his hands full keeping the guys off her tonight.

Not that it was any of his concern, but she had a job to do. Her story. Tonight Rollinsprimarily, hopefullywas that story. Although Chloe wasnt carrying either her notebook or her tape recorder.

I hope you dont mind riding in the pickup, he said.

She ducked her head almost shyly, and he regretted that she might think he was alluding to last night. Hey, it runs better than the Yugo, she replied.

He walked her to the truck. h.e.l.l, he might as well open the door for her. One corner of her mouth tilted in amus.e.m.e.nt.

What? he asked, not ready for the answer.

I was remembering my first day in town. The first hour. You werent quite so gallant.

Drop it, Atherton, he muttered as he walked around to the drivers side. Against his better judgment, hed promised his mother hed take care of Chloe tonight.

Not that she needed taking care of.

Next to him on the bench seat, she sat with her legs crossed. The skirt she wore showed them off, unlike the granny dress shed worn the first day or those baggy trousers. Even the bandage around her ankle was provocative. Hinting at a tender spot he knew lay under that self-possession.

What was her game tonight?

So, he said when theyd pa.s.sed the outskirts of town and still hadnt broken the awkward silence, hows the article coming?

My minds running a mile a minute.

Have you at least figured out your direction?

Its evolving, she replied. Hey, what time is the sheriffs welcome-home party tomorrow?


So she played with the hem of her skirt do you get some extra vacation time when hes back?

I dont take vacation.

Some extra sleep time?

I dont sleep.

Me, neither.

As the conversation came to an abrupt halt, he wondered what kept her awake at night. No, he knew. Her sister had to be as daunting as his buddy. Grief saddled with guilt was a toxic combo. Fourteen years, shed said. Hed only had a year and a half.

Finally, after hed counted 137 guardrails, the Pillar and Post came into view. A large, converted barn that housed a regular dance band along with local acts, the place was already hopping, the parking lot full to overflowing. Many of the cars sported out-of-state tags. Newcomers. Weekenders. The deputies who were off tonight had promised to arrive early and snag a table. Rollins was set to go on at nine.

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