Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 6

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"That's true, all right." Hannah sighed. "I am a slave, and there's not a d.a.m.n thing I can do about it-not against creatures like you."

"Not like me." He took her face in his hands, his eyes on hers. They searched her, their expression so haunted that her throat constricted with sadness for him.

"We.. .we're going to be late for dinner." She pulled away, but he held her, kissing her cheek before releasing her.

She reached for a bottle of shampoo, but he tugged it from her grasp and poured some into his hands, motioning for her to turn her back to him. Strong fingers ma.s.saged her scalp gently, and she closed her eyes, loving the sensation. He guided her beneath the faucet and rinsed her long hair.

Reaching for a cake of soap, he washed her, rubbing gentle circles over her forehead, cheeks, and nose. Soapy fingers caressed her lips and chin before moving to her neck. He washed her shoulders and arms, then paid careful attention to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Hannah sighed, her eyes closed. She'd never imagined the simple act of bathing could be so arousing. His hands moved to her b.u.t.tocks, between her legs, and over her thighs and calves. She braced one hand against the tile for balance as he lifted first one foot, then the other. It felt so strange to have a man wash her, and part of her thought she should make him stop while another never wanted the delectable shower to end.

In a smooth motion, he stood, his body sliding up hers until he backed her against the wall. His gorgeous chest was inches from her lips and she couldn't resist kissing it. He slipped the soap back into the tray, grasped her wrists, and used one hand to pin them above her head while the other cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"So beautiful, Hannah," he whispered against her lips before kissing her. "I'm not," she said when the kiss ended. "Really."

"You can't judge what I see." His fingers traced the shape of her face. "You are beautiful, Hannah."

He released her hands, and she took his face in her hands, knowing she was surrendering to him but lacking the desire to stop herself. It had been too long since she'd felt safe and cherished. Even if she was just another bimbo to him, he made her feel otherwise. "You are, too. We.. .really need to get ready for dinner."

"Are you hungry?" he smiled.

"Yes." "So am I."

Together they stepped from the shower and dried off. He finished dressing long before she did and sat on the bed waiting for her, flicking through television channels with the remote control.

When she finished applying her makeup and fixing her hair, she climbed onto the bed and slipped her arms around his neck from behind, gazing at the screen where old comedies played out in black and white.

"If you thought the phone was something, what did you think when you first saw television?" She grinned.

He switched off the T. V. and tugged her onto his lap. Her arms looped around his neck. She was about to kiss him when his eyes suddenly widened and he stood.

"What's wrong? Seraphim?"

"I don't believe it." His fists clenched. "He wouldn't!" "Who wouldn't?"

He seemed to regain his control instantly and kissed her. "Nothing. Let's go to dinner."

Seraphim grasped her hand and they left the room. In the dining room, Hannah noticed a new couple had arrived at the mansion. The man was tall and exceptionally well built, though a bit too muscular for Hannah's taste. Still, he carried the bulk well. He wore a trimmed goatee, and his short, curly hair was almost black. Deep set brown eyes beneath heavy brows seemed to notice everything. His companion was so tall that even in her low-heeled shoes, she was at eye level with the man. Long black hair framed a full, beautiful face with green eyes and painted red lips. Her body was curvaceous enough to-as the cliche went-turn saints into sinners.

Immediately, the man's eyes fixed on Seraphim. Hannah glanced up at her lover. Though he remained calm, something told her not all was well between him and this newcomer.

Sir Edward approached, the couple behind him. "Seraphim! I'd like you to meet Baroness Othman and her husband, Vikenti Valeric This is Seraphim Kellen and one of our loveliest mortals, Hannah."

"We'll have to discuss changing our to mine ." Seraphim's frigid gaze locked with Sir Edward's.

The host cleared his throat and nervously looked away. "Uh, of course."

"Pleased to meet you." The Baroness extended her hand to Seraphim who took it and bowed over it like some romantic lord from the past.

"The pleasure is mine, Baroness."

"Seraphim, it's good to see you again." Vikenti offered his hand, his voice smooth, rich, and the model of impeccable breeding.

Seraphim smiled. "No, again, the pleasure is mine, Vikenti." "You know each other?" The Baroness looked surprised.

"We met ages ago." Seraphim dropped Vikenti's hand and the two stepped back from one another.

"But it's been a long time," Vikenti said.

"Shall we sit?" Sir Edward suggested. "Dinner is about to be served."

As they followed the others to the table, Hannah reached for Seraphim's hand and thought she felt it tremble. The sensation pa.s.sed so quickly she realized she might have been mistaken. Still, something told her Vikenti's presence had affected him. In what way, she was not yet sure.

Chapter Four.

Trixie glanced at Vincent-Vikenti-from the corner of her eye, scarcely believing how well the boor was playing his part. As soon as they'd stepped into the mansion, he'd transformed before her eyes. He exuded the aloof att.i.tude of one born to power. His phrasing-normally crude-became cultured, his manners perfect.

Even Matthew couldn't have trained him that well in so short a time. Perhaps Vincent hadn't been lying about his exalted bloodline after all.

Trixie doubted anything could have surprised her more than Vincent's performance, until Seraphim Kellen had stepped into the room. Though they both had been told Seraphim was the agent already on the a.s.signment, Vincent had never let on they'd had history. Though both men had appeared casual and concealed even their inner-most thoughts, Trixie knew Vincent well enough to sense something about Seraphim bothered him. Peculiar in a man who seemed to be affected by nothing.

Vincent offered her his arm as they followed Sir Edward-an arrogant little p.r.i.c.k whom Trixie hated on sight-to the table. She sat across from Vincent, beside Seraphim. The little mortal, Hannah, took the seat near Vincent, and Trixie thought she appeared even more fragile next to Vincent's hulking form. At least she'd never need to worry about Vincent preferring a mortal to her. One of those delicate creatures would be crushed beneath the force of his insatiable Immaculate body. No, he needed one of his own kind for true satisfaction.

She glanced at Seraphim, wondering what he was doing with a mortal. Though he wasn't as thickly built as Vincent, he exuded strength. He must have possessed incredible restraint to enjoy the company of a human woman-without killing her, that was. Her eyes swept Seraphim and suddenly he turned to her. Quite against her will, she was dragged into pale green depths that spoke of more years than she could imagine-even after her own centuries of living. The man was definitely not her type- far too thin-yet there was something incredibly attractive about him. She glanced at his hand curved around the stem of a crystal gla.s.s. Large hands , she thought. Lots of strength.

Across the table, Vincent cleared his throat loudly. Trixie stared at him.

What the h.e.l.l are you looking at him like that for? Her lover's voice-the one she was accustomed to-sounded in her head.

Just familiarizing myself with our contact, she replied.

Yeah, right. Vm surprised you don't drop your fork on the floor just so you can lean over and get a good look at his c.o.c.k.

This is not appropriate, Vikenti. We wouldn't want other guests overhearing.

Vm trying - really trying - not to growl out loud. Don't look at him in that way. Don't tell me what I can and can't do!

"Is this your first time at the mansion?" A slim, sleazy looking woman who had been introduced as a Princess of somewhere or other fixed her eyes on Vincent.

"Yes, but we've heard so much about this place we had to visit. Isn't that right, my love?" His deep brown eyes held Trixie's and her stomach quivered. d.a.m.n, the man could turn her to jelly with a single look!

"Yes, darling. And so far, it's even more beautiful than we'd heard."

"I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time," another guest told them. "The perfect place to relax."

"It's been said you have the finest supply of beverages in the country, perhaps the world," Vincent said.

"I pride myself in keeping guests satisfied." Sir Edward smiled. "More wine, Baroness?"

"Thank you." Trixie returned his false smile as he refilled her gla.s.s.

"Seraphim, tell us how you've been enjoying yourself," Vincent said. "It's been so long since we've talked."

"Has it? Doesn't seem that way, but time does play tricks on us all-especially when you reach my age."

Trixie looked back to Seraphim. If he prided himself in being older than Vincent, he must have been absolutely ancient. "Forgive my rudeness, but how old are you, Mr. Kellen?"

Had she not seen her share of horrors, his smile might have made her uncomfortable. It was a cross between secrecy, sadness, and irresistible s.e.xuality. He held her eyes as if she was the only other person in the room. "Let's just say, Baroness, that in my youth, it wasn't uncommon for people to dwell in caves."

She uttered a short laugh. "I'm sorry, but you certainly don't appear to have crawled out of any cave."

"This conversation is fascinating." The Princess traced the rim of her dish with an extended claw. "Tell us, did you really grasp the woman of your choice by the hair and drag her to your cave?"

"Only if it seemed to please her."

G.o.dd.a.m.n, the man was a s.e.x bomb and he knew it. He used those demon eyes of his like a hypnotist used a candle flame.

"The living conditions must have been horrible." Vincent toyed with his fork. "I'm sure sleeping in some dirt-bottomed cave filled with the aroma of unwashed bodies wouldn't really appeal to you, my darling wife."

Trixie turned back to Vincent and nearly smiled. He was jealous! That was so adorable, so. . .frightening. Since he'd given her the engagement ring, she'd been concerned that they were seriously considering his impulsive proposal.

"I agree lifestyles are much more pleasant now." Seraphim stared across the table at Vincent. "It's funny how technology increases but human nature remains stagnant."

"You think so?" Vincent raised an eyebrow.

"Take slavery for instance. It still exists in mutated forms."

Sir Edward suddenly looked uncomfortable and said, "Gentlemen, let us change this morbid subject. I want my guests to come here and enjoy themselves, to remove themselves from the seriousness of life for a short while."

Vincent smiled and took a sip from his gla.s.s. "I'm afraid you'll find it difficult to turn Seraphim from his brooding-at least from what I remember of him. Perhaps we could meet later and discuss old times, Kellen?"

"Of course. Be sure to bring your lovely wife." Seraphim turned his wicked smile to Trixie.

Across the table, she thought she saw a muscle jerk in Vincent's cheek. Beside him, Hannah lowered her eyes to her plate. The girl was obviously taken with Seraphim, and even if she was just one of Sir Edward's, Trixie couldn't help feeling a bit sorry for her. It must have been simple for a mortal to be ensnared by Seraphim's charms.

At least Vincent had arranged for a meeting with the other agent in a manner that seemed perfectly innocent to onlookers. It should prove interesting.

After dinner, Trixie accepted the offer to dance with a handsome, red-haired hybrid-a bit on the young side, but what the h.e.l.l? She was there to play the part of the lascivious Baroness. Besides, any chance to further annoy Vikenti was welcome.

Her "husband" appeared deeply involved in a conversation with Seraphim. The mortal-Hannah-seemed permanently attached to the man's side. Not that Trixie blamed her-the looks flas.h.i.+ng between the two went far deeper than those between wh.o.r.e and John. In spite of her position at Sir Edward's, Hannah didn't seem like a wh.o.r.e. Trixie had known enough s.k.a.n.ks to sense the difference.

The redhead twirled Trixie, then tugged her close to his chest, gazing up at her with lovesick eyes. The man might be good-looking, but his nose was at level with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and he seemed to like the position too much. She shoved him to arm's length as they danced.

"Such strength," he purred. "Immaculate females excite me."

"How charming." Trixie forced a smile and gripped his hand so hard his face paled.

Vincent approached. "May I cut in?"

"Please." The redhead rubbed his sore hands as he hurried from the dance floor.

Trixie chuckled. If he had a tail, it would have been between his legs.

"Bullying hybrids?" Vincent slipped an arm around her waist and grasped her hand, holding her close as a slow song drifted through the room.

"All in good fun." She shrugged. He was coming on to me, Dilorenzo. I know this is supposed to be one big orgy, but I don't think I could have f.u.c.ked him even with my eyes shut.

"Just be in the mood to f.u.c.k me tonight," he whispered close to her ear. The sound of his newly cultured voice talking dirty made Trixie's legs weaken. His hand stroked her lower back, and her c.u.n.t turned to liquid. Again he spoke close to her ear, "I believe it's time for us to retire for a couple of hours."

Trixie smiled, clinging to his arm as they left the dining room and ascended the stairs to their room.

Once inside, Vincent jerked the tie off his neck and growled, his fangs exposed. "What the f.u.c.k did you think you were doing down there?"

"Excuse me?" Trixie's brow furrowed as she kicked off her heels and removed the pins from her hair, shaking out the thick black ma.s.s.

"You're playing your part a little too well. Flirting with everything in sight. Immaculate, hybrid, even the friggin' human waiters!"

That's what we're here for, Dilorenzo! If we don't fit in, we may as well kiss our a.s.signment goodbye!

a.s.signment or no a.s.signment, I don't want you messin' with Seraphim!

"So that's what this is about." Trixie grinned, folding her arms across her chest and tapping her bare foot on the floor. "You and that guy go way back, don't you? I can tell."

"Yeah. We've got some shared history, baby." Vincent unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt, revealing the expanse of his well-muscled chest. Trixie resisted the urge to run her hands all over it. She needed information before they got sidetracked.

"You're jealous of him."

"The h.e.l.l I am! I just know what he's like. Women take one look at that skinny son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h and lose control. I don't get it. There are better looking guys out there."

"It's all in the eyes." Trixie glanced at herself in the mirror, rolling her shoulders to loosen the taut muscles.

"What the h.e.l.l do you mean, in the eyes? You take a s.h.i.+t after eating too many peas and his eyes are the same sick neon green."

Trixie flung Vincent her most disgusted look. "You are a pig! How can you go from having such wonderful manners downstairs to being the same slob I've always known up here?"

"Talent, baby."

"Matthew wasted his time with you, didn't he?" Trixie wagged a finger in his face. "You know exactly how to act respectable-more than respectable. You did come from an important family in Rome, didn't you?"

Vincent held her eyes, then touched a hand to her cheek. "I don't like talking about Rome."

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