Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 29

Ancient Blood: Deep Red -

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Hannah felt as if her entire body had turned to hot liquid. She moaned and clutched his head closer. One of his hands dipped between her legs as his gentle lips, moist tongue, and marvelous teeth made love to her nipple. His fingers dipped into her p.u.s.s.y, gathering moisture that he used to stroke her c.l.i.t. He ran a fingertip along the sensitive side of the hard little nub, and she s.h.i.+vered with pleasure that was almost painful.

Seraphim 's mouth left her breast as he eased his body over hers and slid his ma.s.sive c.o.c.k into her quivering p.u.s.s.y. Hannah clutched him tightly with her arms and legs, slamming her hips up to meet his downward thrust. Since the change, her body was far stronger and more durable than her human one. There had been times before when his huge c.o.c.k might have been difficult to take, had he not used extreme care when they made love. Now she wanted all he had-and as hard and fast as he could give it.

She growled, her nails sinking into his back, as his hips drove into hers. She felt the bed moving and almost giggled.

"Come here," he growled, rolling them off the bed. They landed with a thud on the floor.

Hannah might have laughed aloud had he not been pus.h.i.+ng her to a mind-shattering o.r.g.a.s.m. His movements were so powerful she realized why he'd taken them to the floor. The bed probably would have broken from the way he thrust and she bucked.

She would have screamed as climax broke over her, but Seraphim covered her mouth with his. Their teeth sank into each other's tongues and lips, and they drank of one another as their bodies throbbed in ecstasy.

Hannah lay curled beneath Seraphim's arm, feeling like she couldn't move if she wanted to. She'd felt like the most powerful creature in the world after gaining her vampiric power, but after making love with Seraphim from dawn until past noon, she was again awed by Immaculate strength.

In spite of her desire to continue making love, she'd finally fallen asleep with his teeth and c.o.c.k still hard inside her. Even now, she felt his fingertips stroking her shoulder and arm and wondered if anything could tire him.

A familiar scent touched her nose, but she was nearly asleep and didn't concentrate on it until tapping sounded on their door.

Seraphim left the bed silently, careful not to wake her. Moments later, light shone in from the hallway and she heard Seraphim whispering with Matthew.

"It's all right. I'm awake," Hannah said as she forced herself to a sitting position, pulling the sheet over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She squinted toward the doorway where Matthew stood with Seraphim. The towering doctor, groomed to perfection, looked handsome in his sleek grey suit and pink tie. Still, she found Seraphim more attractive, though his wavy hair was messy from lovemaking and he'd only dragged on boxer shorts before answering the door. Her eyes raked his long legs scattered with dark hair before glancing at Matthew who had begun to speak.

"I just thought I'd come by to see if you needed anything before the meeting," he said.

"Needed?" Seraphim asked.

"Conversation. Moral support." The young vampire shrugged. "Someone to run you out of town?"

Seraphim offered a slight smile. "You should know better than anyone running and hiding isn't the answer."

"True you can't run from yourself or your actions. I guess I just wanted you to know that no matter what you've been hiding, I don't like the idea of you being dragged before the Jury. I don't think you deserve it."

"I'm not being dragged. I've volunteered to go."

Hannah noted Seraphim's irritation, and apparently so did Matthew who nodded and folded his hands behind his back.

"I didn't meant to offend you, Seraphim. I should go, if we have nothing to say to each other."

Hannah almost wanted to call to Matthew as he walked away, sensing his concern had been genuine. Seraphim's secrecy and strange ways could almost be considered offensive, and Matthew didn't deserve that treatment after all he'd done for them.

"Matthew," Seraphim raised his voice, and moments later the doctor returned to the doorway.

"You really expect me to believe you came here out of kindness? That you don't hold any grudge after I refused to instruct you?"

Matthew's dark blue eyes held Seraphim's, and Hannah felt emotion between them. It was her first experience of closeness that could exist between vampires that wasn't exactly s.e.xual, yet somehow just as intense. Perhaps it wasn't vampire at all, but something to do with magic. Both Matthew and Seraphim were warlocks. She'd felt Seraphim's power first hand and had heard stories about Matthew.

"You're not the only pract.i.tioner in the world, Seraphim," Matthew stated. "Eventually, I'll find someone else to train with. I'm not saying I wouldn't prefer you. I'm comfortable with you, but just because you won't be my teacher doesn't mean I won't be your friend."

Hannah felt Seraphim thrust up mental barriers, though she guessed it was out of habit more than genuine desire, and it was for Matthew's sake rather than her own.

"You're wise," Seraphim told Matthew. "Thank you for coming, but there's nothing you can do."

"No matter what happens, when they get in your mind, don't feel you're to blame for what they take from you."

"That boy you rescued last year. The Original."


"Yes. Sage. Your parents have been raising him?"

"Brett and Mercedes have adopted him, yes."

"They're at Sir Edwards now. Is Sage close by?"

"He's staying with Jules. Why?"

"No reason."

Matthew raised his eyes skyward and forced a laugh. "Come on, Seraphim. You always have a reason, and I'm not used to being treated like I'm stupid."

"The genius, stupid?" A smile played around Seraphim's lips. "No one could ever imply that. However you are impatient."


"Then you'll have to learn patience. At least until tonight."

"Seraphim, why all the secrecy?" Hannah said. "First with me, now with Matthew."

"I have a lot to tell," Seraphim said. "And I only want to do it once."

Matthew's eyes met Hannah's and he shook his head. "G.o.dd.a.m.n, I hate it when he gets this way."

"So do I," she said.

Seraphim only smiled as he closed the door behind Matthew's retreating form.

"I think you like being a man of mystery." Hannah stood and walked to Seraphim, looping her arms around his neck.

"What gave you that idea?"

"I don't care. I still love you." She growled before nipping his throat.

"Good, because I wouldn't want to live without you."

Hannah smiled as he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed where he deposited her and stretched out beside her, stroking wisps of hair from her face.

"Seraphim." Her humor suddenly faded as she stared into his eyes and caressed his cheek. "I'm afraid for you. Everyone makes the Jury sound so terrible, and I don't want to see you hurt."

"My love." He kissed her lips then her cheek. "Believe me, I'm strong. The Jury should pray that they will be as well."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean none of us should be so secure in our own power that we place ourselves above all others. Matthew just reminded me of that."

"You like him, don't you?"

"He's a good man."

"Then why won't you teach him?"

"Hannah, please."

"You're shutting him out like you're trying to shut me out."

"I would never shut you out. I have been honest with you about everything. Any plans that have not yet been revealed will be. I promise."

"But -"

"You don't know how hard this has been for me. I've spent thousands of years in secrecy. Give me time to reveal everything in my own way. It's not that I don't love and trust you, it's that I need time to understand how this should be done. I need to find the strength in myself to do the right thing for everybody. I need -"

"Shh." She touched her fingers to his lips, sensing turmoil in him like she never had before. Thousands of years of secrecy. She couldn't comprehend it, so how could she judge him? "It's all right."

"I want to make sure it will be."

"I know regardless of what happens, you'll do what you think is best for Herm, Sheb, and the rest of us. I believe that. You've never failed me, Seraphim."

"You have no idea how much I needed to hear that." "I love you."

He gathered her in his arms and rolled onto his back. Beneath her cheek, she felt the rumble of his words in his chest as he said, "I love you, Hannah. If I exist for ten thousand years more, I will die loving you."

Chronicler's Note It is at this point in the case of Deep Red that this chronicler bore witness to the meeting between Seraphim Kellen and the Jury.

In the following segment of this record I have tried to present the facts without imposing my personal opinions on the case at hand. Any emotions and thoughts described here are only those perceived through the psychic power of the persons therein.

I, Mara Lindsay, observed the meeting as follows: The LA home of Dr. Jules Kane Dr. Kane's servants were given the night off. Six of the Network's finest Immaculate guards were stationed throughout the large bas.e.m.e.nt room where the meeting would take place. The questioning was to begin at eight o'clock sharp. Adam Lindsay (Network Leader and the First Father) arrived at seven o'clock with his brother, Matthew Winter. Though not a member of the network, Winter, due to his past and present medical offerings to the vampire community, was allowed to attend the meeting at the request of Seraphim Kellen.

Another Non-Network member present in the house was Sage Jiminez, the adopted son of agents Brett Jiminez and Mercedes Machado, and up to then, the only known living Original. Though only eleven years old, the Original child had already begun the advanced-though short-term-physical growth characteristic of Originals of his age and gave the appearance of a human teen.

Since the Network's beginnings (based in the Original's home world) the Jury consisted of six voices, three female and three male. The First Father or Mother was among those voices and enforced the decisions made jointly by all six members.

The three females arrived together at seven thirty. Marina, one of the oldest known hybrids, was a pet.i.te blond who was well aware of her beauty though she placed little emphasis on it. She had been a vampire of Atlantis, a daughter of the first generation of hybrids. Ca.s.sia was a tall, stern, gray-haired woman who had been changed in the latter part of her middle years. She had been among the first Scandinavians to settle in Iceland during the Viking age. Pilar was an attractive, heavyset blond whose full lips gleamed with brilliant red lipstick. She had lived since the golden age of Rome.

The two remaining males arrived at seven forty and seven forty five. Arkin, tall and big-boned with a long blond ponytail and white/blue eyes, was the only Immaculate Jury member besides the First Father. He claimed beginnings in the bronze age. Lourdes, well-muscled with smooth dark skin and magnificent ebony eyes, was the newest Jury member, though in age he rivaled Arkin. He possessed a keen knowledge of island magic. Together, he and Arkin were the Network's most powerful psychic weapons.

By ten minutes to eight, the Jury sat at a long oak table in the bas.e.m.e.nt room, empty except for the chronicler's desk and several chairs cl.u.s.tered together for the meeting's few observers.

Seraphim Kellen was escorted by agents Vincent and Trixie Dilorenzo who then took their seats near Sage and Kellen's mate, Hannah Reed. As a newly changed vampire, Hannah had yet to gain full control over her thoughts and feelings. Her affection for her mate was as obvious as her concern. Trixie's mind reached out several times to comfort her. Until the meeting began, Vincent's thoughts prodded Seraphim's, however Kellen's mental barriers were impenetrable.

Seraphim Kellen sat before the Jury wearing black boots, jeans, and a black T-s.h.i.+rt. Arkin, Lourdes, and Pilar did nothing to conceal their disapproving thoughts regarding Kellen's attire, and Marina and Ca.s.sia watched him with interest. He obviously had no desire to impress a group who literally held his life and freedom in their hands.

At eight o'clock sharp, Adam Lindsay began the meeting. "Though this isn't a trial at this time, serious accusations have been made against you, Seraphim Kellen. It has come to our attention you have been hiding knowledge of the Flower from the Network. Do you have any comment?"

"The Flower exists."

Adam's brow furrowed. "Then why haven't you come to us? You were a.s.signed to Sir Edward's to discover whether or not this plant of our home world exists. Once you learned of it, why didn't you come to us directly?"

"The plant has existed for years. You know several such plants have been uncovered since the fall of Atlantis."

"We know of two poisonous roots and a plant that acts as antidote, however the existence of the Flower, the plant that, according to legend, can sustain vampires, has been unknown to us."

"It's existed for years, if all of you would just open your eyes. Or ask the right people."

"Does Sir Edward grow this plant?"

"He has one or two, but he doesn't grow them in the way you're thinking of. If you want a plantation, you must go further north. Try Alaska and parts of Russia."

"Alaska? Russia?" Arkin snapped.

"It's a product of the Originals' home world," Seraphim explained. "Those are the only places on Earth dark and cold enough for the plant to thrive in."

"Then the Flower -" began Pilar, but Seraphim interrupted her. "Its proper name, in rough translation, is Deep Red."

"How do you know so much about this? And when did you find out?" Lourdes demanded.

"The plant has been cultivated by an Immaculate from Atlantis, a friend of the Original Luci, better known to you as the First Father destroyed by Adam Lindsay."

"What is this vampire's name?" Marina demanded, her pale blue eyes narrowing. "I know only of one other vampire from Atlantis who still lives, besides myself, and she had no access to the Flowe.. .Deep Red."

"You're wrong about the remaining survivors, Marina." Seraphim's eyes fixed on hers. "There are others. The one who raises Deep Red is Sol, more recently called Rafe Garry."

At the mention of that name, Trixie Dilorenzo was unable to control the shock emanating from her thoughts. Her surprise only lasted a moment before she regained her composure.

"You know of him, Trixie?" Seraphim turned to her.

"It's not what you think!" Vincent growled. "She didn't know anything about that plant before we got to the mansion. Isn't that right, Trix?"

"Mr. Dilorenzo, do you think you could refrain from such outbursts?" Arkin said. "And, Seraphim, Trixie is not the one being questioned here."

"You don't want her to answer?" Seraphim asked.

"Under the circ.u.mstances, I believe she should answer," Ca.s.sia stated.

"Answer? I'm sure you all know what the b.a.s.t.a.r.d Rafe was to me," Trixie snarled. "He owned me and my mother, and he might as well have owned my father because he was as tied to that house as we were! Believe me, there was no mythical Flower on the plantation."

"No. He had workers grooming his crops in Russia back then," Seraphim told her.

"The problem isn't just the d.a.m.n plant!" Vincent stood. "Kellen is hiding something in a cave ten miles east of Sir Edward's place. It's something he's willing to risk his life to protect, and I don't buy for a minute it has anything to do with some f.u.c.kin' Original weed!"

"Mr. Dilorenzo, restrain yourself or you will be removed!" Arkin snapped. Vincent growled. "If you weren't so high up, I'd tell you to stuff it."

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