Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 27

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Her soft, wet tongue flicked over the wound, and Seraphim shuddered with desire. Other than drinking blood himself, nothing felt better than a lover's tongue on a neck wound.

While she licked, he began thrusting into her magnificent p.u.s.s.y, loving its tight heat. She moaned, tearing her mouth from his neck to gasp as a second o.r.g.a.s.m built. This time he bit her just as the first wave struck. He groaned and drank, his fingers gripping the sheets beside her head. He felt her small hands roaming over his shoulders, back, and b.u.t.tocks. This time when he used the dagger, he made a deeper cut and pressured her to drink more.

With each exchange, he took more of her blood and gave her an equal amount of his. Though her heartbeat slowed, it never faltered, but instead became more powerful.

Seraphim closed his eyes, his arms crus.h.i.+ng her as their bodies rocked in a primitive rhythm, older than the Earth itself. She didn't seem to mind the tightness of his grip, as her own arms clung to him with more strength than ever before. He heard her soft moans as she lapped blood from his neck. Suddenly he felt sharp piercings of such intense pleasure that he cried out, her name hoa.r.s.e on his lips.

He smiled as intense waves of o.r.g.a.s.m almost hurled him into blackness. Her incisors had come in.

Hannah growled, a wild yet kittenish sound, and Seraphim allowed her to thrust him onto his back and straddle him, her squirming hips controlling their pa.s.sion as she drank from his neck.

"Oh, G.o.d." She pulled back suddenly. His eyes opened, and he stared into her frantic ones. She placed a hand to his neck. "I'm so sorry. It was like I couldn't control myself. I was so rough."

Seraphim smiled, his heart still throbbing with desire as he tugged her to his chest and nuzzled her throat. "Hannah, I like it rough."

"Oh. I guess being a vampire has more perks than I thought. Vampire. I'm a vampire?" She sat back on her heels and touched a finger to her teeth, feeling their sharpness. Her eyes widened. "This is unreal."

"You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen." Seraphim stood, taking her hand and guiding her to the bathroom where he positioned her in front of the mirror so she could see herself. Her eyes glowed with vampiric power, and her delicate fangs were so beautiful, though scarcely noticeable to the untrained eye.

"I don't look so different now that I'm a hybrid," she said. "Although my eyes look strange."

"Strong emotions make our eyes s.h.i.+ne."

"I've noticed yours, but it's odd seeing it on me."

"We should clean up and let Matthew know everything's all right. There's so much I want to show you, Hannah." He wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. His entire body tingled with excitement. There was so much for her to learn and experience. The hunt, seductions, increased stamina, all sorts of physical pleasure...he only prayed that everything would go well with the Network and the Originals so they could enjoy it all together.

Chapter Fourteen.

"Yo! Mama's got a new pair of fangs!" Vincent grinned as he and Trixie stepped into Jules' office and were faced with newly-vamped Hannah seated close to Seraphim.

Trixie approached Hannah who stood and accepted her hug. "You look great! I knew you'd be a gorgeous vamp!" Trixie turned to Seraphim and winked. "Glad to see you wised up."

"We're only gone a couple of days and everything changes," Vincent said, pulling an apple from his coat pocket and s.h.i.+ning it on his sweats.h.i.+rt-covered chest before taking a bite. He pointed an index finger at Hannah. "You're right. She's kinda s.e.xy like that."

Both Seraphim and Trixie growled, and Vincent laughed, holding up a hand in defense. "Yo. I was just making an observation. After all, I'm a married man."

"You can drop the Katrina and Vikenti charade," Seraphim stated. "Hannah knows all about us and the Network."

"Oh brother, you spilled your guts about everything?" Vincent raised his eyes to heaven. "I guess it's hard to keep secrets when you're doing the ultimate wild thing. That's the thing about changing a lover, isn't it? She gets to see all your thoughts."

"It's not a charade." Trixie grinned.

Vincent winked and tugged her into his arms, planting a smacking kiss on her mouth. "That's right. Say h.e.l.lo to Mrs. Dilorenzo."

"You married him ?" Seraphim's lip curled in Trixie's direction.

"Yes, I married him ," Trixie said. "Having an oversized d.i.c.k isn't every woman's first priority, you know!"

"Hey!" Vincent snapped. "What the h.e.l.l are you trying to say, Trix?"

Trixie actually blushed. "I didn't mean that you aren't up to par, Vinnie. I'm just trying to let this condescending, uncut freak here know he's not all that because of his..."

"Who are you calling an uncut freak?" Hannah's eyes narrowed and glowed with anger.

"Now do you see what you've done?" Trixie snapped at Vincent. "You have me arguing with a friend!"

Shock struck Vincent like a fist. "Yo. I didn't do anything!"

"Why don't we end this conversation." Seraphim stood, his hand covering Hannah's.

"That's a good idea," Trixie folded her arms across her chest and tapped her toe against a chair leg. "Sorry about the uncut freak remark. I was just getting you back for calling me a b.i.t.c.h."

"When did you call my wife a b.i.t.c.h!" Vincent growled, taking a step closer to Seraphim.

"When she came to my hotel room a few nights ago." Seraphim's eyes glittered with amus.e.m.e.nt, and Vincent knew the b.a.s.t.a.r.d was pulling his chain. Vincent backed off just for spite.

"Wait a minute." Hannah smiled at Trixie. "Are you two really married now?" Trixie nodded. "We just got back from Vegas." "Congratulations!" Hannah embraced her.

"I guess congratulations are in order." Seraphim extended his hand to Trixie who, after a moment of hesitation, shook it. "I hope he appreciates you."

"Oh, I sure do," Vincent said. "There's n.o.body like Trix."

"Oh, Dilorenzo, you say the sweetest things." Trixie pressed her body close to his and kissed him. She turned back to Hannah and Seraphim. "Do you know he gave me a trampoline as a wedding present?"

Seraphim's brow furrowed. "An unusual gift."

"Not for us." Trixie burst out laughing. Vincent couldn't help joining her, particularly when he noted the puzzled expressions on their companions' faces.

"Are you all ready for tomorrow?" Vincent asked Seraphim, his good humor fading. "Yes. I am."

Vincent wasn't sure he liked the expression on Seraphim's face, but he had no time to question him. Matthew had just stepped into the office.

"Adam wanted me to remind you the meeting with the Jury begins at eight o'clock sharp tomorrow night," Matthew said.

Seraphim nodded, and Vincent studied his old rival carefully. Usually the loony son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h was such a hothead, but at a time like this, when Vincent would like to see a touch of anger, fear, or panic, Seraphim remained frustratingly calm.

As if sensing Vincent's annoyance, Seraphim's gaze switched to him. "Are you all set for your examination?" Matthew said to Hannah. "Examination?" Trixie asked. "Nothing went wrong during her change, did it?"

Hannah shook her head, a grin tugging at her lips. Vincent guessed she was having fond memories of her "change." She said, "Everything was fine. Matthew asked if he could monitor me for a few days-just for research purposes."

"That's nice of you." Vincent cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders as he grunted with laughter. "Don't think I'd want no egghead using me as a guinea pig for no reason."

"It's all right Vincent. Studying Immaculate imbeciles isn't our top priority at the moment," Matthew said.

Vincent growled. "I don't know why I put up with you or that brother of yours. Trix, let's go huntin'."

"Sounds great to me, Dilorenzo." Together they left the office.

Outside, Trixie slipped her arm through his and rested her head against his shoulder as they walked to their rented car. "Do you think you and him will ever get along?"

"Aw, Matthew and I like to fight, but underneath I think he's pretty cool."

"I was talking about you and Seraphim."

Vincent's smile faded. "That's a tougher problem. I know he's hiding something."

"How can you tell? I've never seen such a secretive SOB in my life."

"I thought you liked him?"

"He has got certain qualities."

"And they're all in that oversized d.i.c.k," Vincent muttered.

"What is wrong with you? Why have you got such an obsession with another man's c.o.c.k?"

"I'm not obsessed with any c.o.c.k but my own!"

"Not that I blame you." Trixie squeezed Vincent's crotch before they slid into the car. "It's a beauty."

"Ain't it, though?" He grinned. "I wish I could figure out what he's hiding." "We'll all know tomorrow."

"That's true. Wait until his arrogant a.s.s is stuck in front of that Jury. They'll rip through his mind like dogs through a trash bag." Vincent felt a chill creep up the back of his neck. Like Vincent, Seraphim carried the painful memories of their shared past. Remembering Rome always unsettled him.

"You can't keep letting it get to you, Dilorenzo." Trixie squeezed his knee in a comforting gesture. "It's in the past."

"I know, baby, but some things are hard to forget. You understand what I mean."

Trixie sighed. "Sometimes when I think about Rafe and what he did, I feel like I'm still stuck in that G.o.dd.a.m.n house in Georgia. The thing is, I'm not. I'm me. Trixie. A Network agent and wife of the s.e.xiest Immaculate on the face of the earth. So f.u.c.k Rafe and anyone else who tries to belittle the woman I am today. And f.u.c.k anybody who can't see how much you've changed. You're not the snot-nosed Roman p.r.i.c.k you described to me. You're Vincent Dilorenzo -"

"The s.e.xiest Immaculate alive?" He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and flashed a grin.

"Bet your a.s.s. If Seraphim can't get out of the past, it's his problem, not yours. For his own sake he has to start living in the now. If what he did with Hannah tonight is any indication, I'd say he's starting to get on the right track."

Vincent couldn't disagree, and he had to admit he actually hoped Seraphim could find happiness with Hannah. The man had always teetered on the edge of sanity, and losing Nenet pushed him over for literally ages. Hannah appeared to have reached him in a way no one else could.

Vincent parked near a movie theater where he and Trixie bought tickets to a raunchy new flick. Movies were a great place to hunt hybrids. Many of them frequented horror flicks where most of the audience were youths filled with fanciful notions about the gothic lifestyle and the supernatural. They were easy seductions for hungry hybrid fangs.

After buying two tickets, Trixie and Vincent took seats in the back of the theater where they could look over the crowd. Outside, they'd caught the scent of hybrids and soon recognized their next meal.

Two males, one blond, one redhead, sat three rows down, their attention focused on two teen girls seated in front of them. The movie had yet to begin, and they'd already snagged the girls into conversation. Appearing no different from other young men, the hybrids had no trouble luring the girls into agreeing to meet after the movie.

"This should be good," Vincent whispered.

"You think so?" Trixie wrinkled her nose. "They look a little puny."

"Are you looking for blood or a f.u.c.k?"

Trixie shrugged. "A little of both, I guess."

"You have me to f.u.c.k, so who cares if we drink off some puny ones?"

"Are you jealous, Dilorenzo?" Trixie grinned and leaned her head against his shoulder. "I think I like that."

"Yeah?" Vincent relaxed, slipping an arm around her shoulder and holding her close. "I suppose watching you work will be a major turn-on."

"I'll do my best." She kissed his cheek.

For the next hour and a half, their attention switched from the movie to the hybrids to each other. Several times, the hybrids glanced over their shoulders at Vincent and Trixie. Vincent grinned each time, causing them to turn away. He knew the hybrids caught their scent, but by the expressions in their eyes, they had never encountered Immaculates before. Trixie and Vincent's scents were too strong for hybrids but still distinctly vampire. He enjoyed their puzzled looks and the quickening of their heartbeats.

When the film ended, the hybrids again stared at Vincent and Trixie as they followed their human prey out of the theater. The Immaculates waited until the room was empty before following the hybrids.

"What's your rush?" Vincent grasped Trixie's arm to slow her down as she hurried towards the restaurant where the hybrids had escorted the girls. "Let them have their dinner before we get to them."

"I'm hungry, Dilorenzo."

He tugged her into the dark doorway of a shop that was closed for the night and pulled her close. Cupping the back of her head in his palm, he pressed her lips to the side of his neck and said, "Then have an appetizer, baby."

Trixie's tongue lapped his neck and he felt her teeth graze his flesh, though they didn't bite. "I can't, Dilorenzo. After you they'll taste like s.h.i.+t."

Laughter rumbled in his chest. "Then maybe you can make me dessert?" She stepped away, a hand on her hip. "And what about me?"

"Oh, baby, you're better than a steak dinner with German chocolate cake for dessert."

"You are so sweet, Dilorenzo." She ran her tongue around his ear. "Thanks, baby. I...Hey! They're taking off already!"

Vincent and Trixie were grateful they weren't standing downwind as they followed the small group to a hotel, otherwise the hybrids would have realized they were being followed.

Using a touch of mind control, Vincent and Trixie convinced the desk clerk to give them the room next to the foursome.

"Wonder if they'll drain those mortals dry?" Vincent asked once they stood in their room. He listened intently to what was going on behind the wall.

The girls giggled and moaned, joined by groaning male voices.

"Can't you think of something better to do while we wait?" Trixie said, her voice husky as she undressed to her bra and thong. She stretched out on the bed.

Purring like a lion, Vincent leapt and pinned her body beneath his.

He licked her throat and grasped one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his palm, squeezing gently. As he rolled down the lace material, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s popped free. He slid down her body to taste a nipple.

"Umm, Dilorenzo," she murmured.

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