Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 25

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"I haven't even known you two weeks -"

"Two weeks, two months, two thousand years. It means nothing. Love is something you either feel or you don't. You can grow to care for someone but love either exists or it doesn't. You can't make it happen if it's not there in the first place. So I'm asking do you love me?"

Her quickening heartbeat cried out to him. He sensed her discomfort as well as her arousal.

"That's a nice speech from a man who dumped me this morning."

"I had reasons for acting as I did. None of them were good. I thought they were, but I was wrong."

"And what if I answer you and you change your mind again? I'm a human being, Seraphim. I know I'm just a.. .an embryo to you, but -"

" I love you."

She drew a sharp breath and reached for her gla.s.s. He took her hand, this time not releasing it when she tried to tug away. His thumb caressed her wrist, feeling her pulse leap.

"I do love you," he said. "You're part of me now. Forever. No matter how you feel, you'll always have my love."

"It's because Trixie said she'd change me, isn't it? You want to do it because it'll be a rush for you, won't it? Mercedes told me what it's like between lovers when one changes the other."

"Yes, I want to be the one to change you." "Then afterward it will be see you later, embryo."

"No." He touched her cheek with his free hand. "Hannah, if I didn't want to share my life with you, I wouldn't have come here."

"Then why did you turn me away this morning?"

"Because I've hidden a lot for a very long time. My fear is that if our bond deepens-through the change, for example-you'll see everything inside me."

"Is that so bad?" Her hand tightened on his. "You'll see inside me, too. I'm not afraid."

"Perhaps you haven't as much to hide."

"I know what you are, Seraphim. I know most vampires have violent histories." She shook her head. "d.a.m.n it, most human beings have violent histories, or have at least done things in their past they're ashamed of."

"My life isn't entirely my own." "Tell me."

"Before I do, I need to know. Do you want me to change you? And if by chance I can't, will you still want me after someone else has?"

She smiled with disbelief. "Are you asking if I only wanted you because I thought you'd make me a vampire?"

He tilted his head slightly in question.

"Seraphim, I care for you very much. I do love you. G.o.d, that sounds crazy." She closed her eyes. "Love at first sight is some kind of fantasy."

"No. It's real. It's the only love I believe in."

"Should we make an appointment with Jules?" she asked softly, her expression almost shy.

"I already called him. He said we could stop by tonight." "Then let's go."

They stood, and Seraphim paused, tugging her close. "The song that's playing, isn't it the one you danced to at the mansion?"

She smiled, nodding. It was the one she'd performed specifically for him that night he hadn't wanted her to dance for the others.

"Dance with me?" he asked.

She nodded, allowing him to guide her to the floor. As he took her in his arms, she tilted her face to his and smiled before resting her cheek against his shoulder. Seraphim buried his face in her hair, tightening his embrace.

Less than an hour later, they sat in Jules' private office. Matthew faced them from behind the desk.

"You're definitely compatible," Matthew said. "Congratulations." "Good," Seraphim felt a combination of relief and uncertainty.

"So what's next." Hannah edged her chair closer to Seraphim's, their fingers entwined.

"Well, you can proceed at any time," Matthew said. "There is the danger that you might not survive. As a precaution I'd suggest undergoing the change here, where we can intervene if necessary."

"You mean if I drop dead," Hannah said.

Matthew nodded. "But I don't foresee that happening. We have a room right here where you'll feel very comfortable."

"Oh I'm sure," Seraphim muttered. He was a ten thousand year old vampire but he was contemplating changing his lover in a doctor's office as if they were a couple of laboratory rats. Still, if it was less risky to her, it would be worth it.

"Honestly." Matthew stood. "Let me show you the room."

Hand in hand, Seraphim and Hannah followed Matthew down the corridor where they hopped on the elevator to the sixth floor. There, Matthew brought them to a midsized room resembling a hotel room. There was a thick black carpet on the floor, a large bed covered with a black quilt and pillows, and a window overlooking the city. A door to the left opened to a bathroom and one to the right opened to the observation room where the doctor in charge could monitor the change.

"So you'll be watching?" Hannah wrinkled her nose at Matthew.

"No." He smiled. "I'll just hang out and be available should anything go wrong."

"What do you think?" She glanced up at Seraphim.

"The ritual can be performed as well?" Seraphim asked Matthew.

"Of course. I know many vampires swear by it. Whatever the couples want is fine with us."

"Ritual?" Hannah asked.

"There's a ritual that can be performed to help enforce the mental aspects of the change," Seraphim explained. "Many view it as tradition while others don't believe the change is even possible without it."

"Oh it is." Matthew folded his arms across his chest.

"You're right, of course, Matthew." Seraphim turned to the doctor. "However the phrase 'mind over matter' can be quite powerful. If the couple believes the ritual is necessary, then it is."

"Do you think it's necessary?" Hannah asked.

"Not necessary, but helpful with the mental bond. It's also very beautiful."

"So I've heard," Matthew said. "It's been explained to me, but I've never experienced it."

"No, you have a child coming in an even more traditional way. When is your wife due?"

"October." Matthew grinned, folding his arms across his chest and leaning a shoulder against the wall. "We had to wait a couple of months to tell our mortal acquaintances since they'd wonder why her delivery is so late."

"Vampires carry for approximately eleven months," Seraphim explained to Hannah.

"There's so much we have yet to learn about our kind." Matthew shook his head. "The study will never end. If only Adam could make more sense out of the memories of the First Father he absorbed after killing him. But his thoughts go so far back it's hard for one of us-especially a young one-to process all those memories."

"Your brother has done well and so have you," Seraphim said. "Just be patient."

The doctor raised an eyebrow. "Patience was never one of my virtues. I want everything done yesterday."

Seraphim smiled. "That energy will take you far, Matthew. Just remember not to let it burn you out."

"You know I believe the magical aspects of our kind can help the physical. With the right teacher, I'd learn so much more."

"You will learn," Seraphim said. "Probably sooner than you think."

"What do you mean?" Matthew pushed himself off the wall and stared into Seraphim's eyes. "Don't get cryptic on me. Not with something this important."

"Me? Cryptic?" Seraphim said.

"Good luck to you." Matthew glanced at Hannah. "With him, you're going to need it."

Hannah only smiled and slipped her arm through Seraphim's.

He gazed down at her, holding her eyes. "So what shall it be? This room or not?"

"I'd feel safer here, I think," she said.

"All right. Matthew, how soon can we start?"

The doctor shrugged. "Tonight, if you want."

Seraphim's pulse raced. Tonight. Tonight. G.o.d. His throat suddenly felt dry. "What time?" he asked calmly. "I need to make some preparations first." "Midnight?"

Seraphim glanced at Hannah. Her face had paled, and if he concentrated, he could hear her quick heartbeat. He caressed her cheek. "Don't be afraid."

"I'm not," she said. "Just nervous."

You'll love it, his thoughts touched hers. I promise .

She pressed closer to his side as they followed Matthew out of the room.

Outside, they walked hand in hand along the sidewalk. Hannah glanced up at him and said, "I'd like to go shopping. I want to wear something special tonight."

"I need to do some shopping, too. There are things I'll need for the ritual."

"What will this be like, Seraphim? Will it be like other times you've bitten me while making love?"

"Similar, except there will be an exchange of blood between us."

"Will I have to die first, like they show in vampire movies?"

"No," he smiled, "you won't have to die. Dying is a possible side effect."

Hannah looked a bit pained. "That sucks."

Seraphim couldn't control the chuckle that rose in his throat at her unintended pun.

While Hannah shopped for her own items that would make her night of change special, Seraphim visited the shop of an old acquaintance where he bought candles, incense, and the ingredients for bath salt he would mix especially for tonight. He would use his own ritual knife for the blood drawing.

Back at their hotel, Hannah watched as he prepared the bath salt and explained the ritual.

"Somehow I thought it would be more complicated," she said, kneeling beside him on the floor, her fingers sifting through the salt he used to blend with herbs and food coloring.

"Some might practice more complex religions, but mine is derived from the Originals. Do you know about them?"


"They were the first of our kind to settle on Earth."

"Wait, wait." A disbelieving smile touched her lips. "You're trying to tell me you're an alien?"

"I was born here, but the vampires who interbred with us were aliens." "So all that Roswell s.h.i.+t is true," she murmured.

Seraphim smiled. "The Originals have nothing to do with Roswell, I a.s.sure you. They haven't visited this planet in over ten thousand years."


"Because they felt humans weren't ready to accept the change responsibly." "So they just left?"

"The truth is, Hannah, they tried to wipe out any trace of their kind, but the thing about humans as well as vampires is the survival instinct is strong. That's part of what made us so appealing to the Originals. Human beings never give up, and they also have psychic ability. They're similar to Originals in many ways, except most Originals were peace loving while Human beings are often violent."

Hannah looked skeptical. "Non-violent vampires? That's a contradiction. They survive off human blood."

Seraphim shook his head. "Originals were actually vegetarian."

"Oh right," she scoffed, folding her arms across her chest. "That's why you and every other vamp I've ever slept with likes to bite me-no pun intended this time."

"I said they were vegetarian, not me ." Seraphim grinned. "I love human blood, even though it doesn't nourish me. Only hybrid blood can do that."

"Because you're an Immaculate."


"So are you human or alien?"

"I consider myself both."

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