Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 2

Ancient Blood: Deep Red -

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Still a p.i.s.ser, ain't ya, Lindsay, Vincent's thoughts replied. Still not as big a pain in the a.s.s as your brother, though.

A smile played around Adam Lindsay's mouth as Vincent dropped into the seat opposite him behind the gla.s.s. Their kind didn't need those stupid phones to communicate-or to make plans.

You'd better prepare yourself to work with my pain in the a.s.s brother again, Adam told him. We're pulling you out of here. The Network has a more important job for you.

Vincent's large hands clenched into fists and his teeth ground. He had been one of the Network's finest agents for over ten years. His two thousand years of experience as well a his superior fighting skill made him invaluable, especially to the Network leader, or the First Father, as Adam Lindsay was t.i.tled. Vincent considered it amazing that a vamp as young as Adam had ended up as the figurehead for the Network, but Adam and his twin Matthew Winter, were prodigies among their kind. Together, along with Vincent, they'd saved the world from one of the worst vampires ever-an Original directly from their home planet. Wherever that might be. That's what Vincent was looking for in the maximum security prisons where he'd been stationed for the past two months. One s.h.i.+t hole after another had been his life-or so it seemed. It was rumored that one of the inmates was a direct descendant of the Originals who'd tried to populate Earth so many years ago. Vincent's duty was to seek him out and try to fill in many of the gaps still bewildering Network researchers. Before this a.s.signment, Vincent had little interest in the Originals-the less he had to do with them, the better. Yet the closer he got, the more obsessed he became. It was as if some sort of mental disease had taken over and - "Vincent, are you listening to me?" Adam spoke loudly into the telephone.

"Yo," he grunted, but sent such loud thoughts that Adam winced. You can't pull me out of here, you son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h! Do you know howfriggin' close lam?

I can and I will.

You Ivy League p.r.i.c.k, Vll rip out your G.o.dd.a.m.n throat! Do you know what kind of s.h.i.+t Vve had to put up with in these friggin' mortal prisons? You pull me out before I find this guy, and Vll leave your Network so fast - Adam leaned back in his chair, a frustrating smile on his lips. d.a.m.n Adam Lindsay! It took forever for him to get ruffled, but when he did-well, even Vincent thought twice about messing with him then. Still, at the moment, Vincent could have slashed Adam's throat and drained him dry. He was getting sick of taking orders from the whipper snapper, and - Enough baiting each other. Adam leaned closer to the gla.s.s, his eyes fixed on Vincent. I need you for this new a.s.signment because iVs highest code dangerous. IVs deadly and dirty, and I need someone unscrupulous to handle it.

For the first time, Vincent began to relax. A slow smile spread over his lips and he shrugged his big shoulders to loosen the taut muscles. Don't sound so bad. I still want to find this guy Vve been tailing, though.

Are you actually starting to care about your work? Never thought Vd see that day, Dilorenzo.

Adam narrowed his eyes and Vincent fought the urge to look away. Though young, Adam had the most penetrating gaze of any vampire he'd ever known-except perhaps one, but he couldn't think about that. Not now. Such old rivals had to be put out of his mind so he could focus on the task at hand, and this new one sounded interesting.

Cut the c.r.a.p and tell me more about this job.

It's rumored someone -possesses the Flower. If he has it, then he surely knows a great deal about our past. Possibly enough to put us back in contact with the Originals - if any still exist.

"There are Originals," Vincent scoffed. "Not many, but they're still here. What about that kid Sage your brother found? He's an Original."

Sage was born here. Ym talking about placing us in contact with Originals out there -with the mother planet.

Mother planet? Vincent laughed aloud. Motherf.u.c.ker. I think you've lost your mind, kid. Been working too hard between the hospital and the Network. Either be a doctor or be the First Father. Doing both is a h.e.l.luva lot to ask anyone. Your brother has the right idea. He's shunned the Network and has his head so far up his a.s.s with his research that - I told you Matthew will be working with you on this particular job. He's probably the only person who can do what it takes to prepare you.

"Prepare me?" Vincent's humor faded, and he let his wolfish fangs slip enough to bare them to Adam. "I was born before both your daddy's daddy had his first wet dream, and he's going to prepare me ?"

Adam's lip curled in disgust. "Yeah, and he's got his work cut out for him."


"His job is to make you respectable."

"d.a.m.n," Vincent murmured.

"Matthew is the least of your worries, however."

"What do you mean?"

"Another agent is already on the case. Due to dangerous circ.u.mstances he's encountered, we've encouraged him to leave, but he refuses."

"So why don't you just boot him where you want, like you're doing to me?" "I'm not at liberty to discuss it. I just wanted to warn you about who he is." "I don't give a s.h.i.+t. I ain't fussy." "It's Seraphim Kellen."

Vincent's stomach clenched and his lip curled. "s.h.i.+t, Lindsay! Why the h.e.l.l does it have to be him?"

"I'm sorry."


"Look, you two called a truce when he joined the Network."

"Truce." Vincent chuckled with false humor. "We've tried to kill each other every hundred years for the past two millennia."

"Vincent, if we didn't need you on this a.s.signment so badly, I wouldn't send you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Vincent leaned back in his chair. You owe me for this one, Lindsay. Big time.

"Don't talk." Vincent held up his hand in front of the tall, red-haired vampiress who greeted him at the door of her room in Casa Rosa, a vampire playground in Spain. There was a beauty shop, dancing, drinking (all blood types available), and rooms upstairs that were sprayed with disinfectant nightly. The perfect spot for a little romance after Vincent's release from prison.

Lucia moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue and ran her hands over her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s poured into a tight scarlet mini dress. The tips of her fangs glistened in the moonlit room as she stepped closer and caressed his chest. She squeezed his rock hard pecs and kissed him.

Vincent's arm circled her waist, and he pressed her close, feeling his c.o.c.k swell against the denim crotch of his jeans.

"Hmm," Lucia sighed, reaching between them and grasping a handful of his crotch. She squeezed. "It's been so long. When you called and said you were getting out of prison, I couldn't wait to get down here and give you a welcome home present. I've missed you."

"Sure. I bet the crowd of guys hanging around your place kept your heart from breaking, though."

"I just had a few-to keep from being bored."

She gasped as his arm tightened around her even more. He felt her heartbeat quicken, and her lips curled back over a beautiful set of ivory fangs. Vincent nipped her earlobe, drawing rivulets of blood, and growled, "Shut up, baby. Don't ruin the moment."

In a motion so swift even Lucia's vampiric reflexes hadn't time to react, Vincent ripped the dress from her body and flung her on the bed. He shed his own clothes and covered her body with his. Pinning her wrists above her head, he licked her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, fastening his lips on one straining nipple. He used a single fang to p.r.i.c.k the tip as he suckled.

Lucia groaned. Her fingers wove through his hair and roamed over his shoulders and back, clasping his hard muscles.

Vincent kissed his way to her other nipple and suckled it while he caressed her ribs and the gentle curve of her belly. His fingers found her c.u.n.t, already drenched for him, and his erection swelled even more. Strong fingers circled her c.l.i.t, drawing cries of desire from her lips.

Vincent glanced at her as he positioned himself above her. She was a looker, with all that long red hair, eyes closed so her lashes fluttered against her white cheeks, and that delectable arch to her neck. Her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s quivered, the nipples hard and dark red from his lips and teeth. They felt good against his chest as he thrust into her and she clutched him hard. Her fingers grasped his a.s.s, as if trying to force him deeper inside.

"Vincent! Ah, there's n.o.body like you!"

"Sure, baby," he grunted, working his hips fast as he pulled out long and slow. Not an easy task, but being an Immaculate-the most powerful of all vampires-he could go like that all night. He'd tried all night long a few times with hybrids like Lucia, but they ended up pa.s.sing out on him. Must have been the frail human half still lingering in them.

"Dig in your claws, baby," Vincent growled in her ear. Her nails sank into a.s.s then slid up his back as she wrapped her legs around him and held fast. "That's it, Luc, oh yeah."

He pulled out suddenly. Her whimpers of protest turned to screams of desire when he rolled her onto her stomach knelt over her, using one arm to pull her upward, closer, as he mounted her from behind. His teeth sank into the back of her neck, and she screamed his name as ripples of her o.r.g.a.s.m tightened on his c.o.c.k. His own heartbeat quickened, and he willed himself into submission. He wanted to prolong the first burst of pleasure.

Lucia had other thoughts, however. When he released her, he allowed her to shove him onto his back. Vincent smiled and closed his eyes, arching his head against the pillow. Man, he knew what was coming next!

Lucia's soft palms kneaded his steely thighs. She took as much of his long, thick c.o.c.k as she could fit into her mouth and sucked, using her fangs to nip while her tongue laved the head.

Vincent groaned, animal-like. "That's it, baby. Oh yeah, it's good to be home. So f.u.c.kin' good."

When the tip of her fang dipped into the little eye on his c.o.c.k head, Vincent exploded, hips thrusting upward, his hands gripping Lucia's hair. In the midst of red, throbbing pleasure, he wondered briefly why he'd argued with Lindsay about getting out of prison sooner.

"I still say this sucks," Vincent muttered to himself as his Harley sped down the quiet suburban road toward the home of Dr. Matthew Winter, vampire hematologist and Adam's twin brother. Though he refused to join the Network due to personal reasons, Matthew often acted as a consultant for matters of science and medicine. Today, however, his job would be different. Known for his cla.s.s and good taste, Matthew was to turn Vincent into a gentleman so he could integrate himself in a social circle he normally wouldn't have spat on.

"It's all bulls.h.i.+t," Vincent continued. "I have to go to some mansion in the middle of the friggin' desert where everyone pretends to be royalty, but everyone's s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g everyone else up the a.s.s. Then they tell me I need to learn cla.s.s. The blood of Rome runs through these veins and they try to tell me I ain't good enough."

Still, the forced change in character wasn't what bothered him most. It was the idea of having to look at Seraphim's G.o.dd.a.m.n face again. The man blamed him for something that was beyond both their control-well, maybe not. But Vincent was no more at fault for what happened than Kellen himself. Not that the nutcase would ever listen to reason. It was like Kellen had some mental barrier in that weird head of his and no one could get through it.

The Harley stopped in front of a large colonial home with impeccable landscaping. Vincent approached the front door and on impulse wiped his boots on the welcome mat. He and Matthew almost had a fight to the death the last time Vincent tracked mud on the Persian carpets spread all over the house. What the h.e.l.l was Matthew going to do when his wife squeezed out that puppy they were expecting? From what Vincent knew about kids, they made one h.e.l.l of a mess.

The door opened, and Vincent found himself looking down at Matthew's wife, Dulcie. He had to admit, she was a beauty, eight months pregnant and all. Her catlike face with its large green eyes was framed by thick, dark hair, and she wore a simple black dress accented by a string of pearls.

"Hi, Vincent." She smiled. "Matthew's waiting for you in the den." "Yeah," Vincent muttered, "I can hardly wait."

"It might not be so bad. From what I hear, there are some great perks to this particular job."

"I hear the food will be good."

"Not to mention all the s.e.x that goes on in that mansion."

"You been there?"

Dulcie glanced toward the closed door of the den and whispered, "Just once, long before I met Matthew."

"What?" A deep, male voice roared as the den door flung open. All six feet four inches of Matthew Winter loomed over his pet.i.te wife. His blue eyes looked huge with surprise. "You've been to that-hive of disease and rancid blood?"

"See what you started?" Dulcie shot Vincent an irritated look. "Matthew, we can talk about it later, okay?" She stood on tiptoe and kissed her husband's mouth, then ran her thumb over his lips to wipe away traces of her red lipstick. "Be good and try not to fight with Vincent."

"We're not here to fight. We're here to prepare." Matthew suddenly appeared to be all business as his eyes fixed on Vincent's. "He knows the importance of this a.s.signment, what it can mean not only to vampires, but to the human population."

"If you really think finding the Flower will turn vamps away from sucking mortals, you're as naive as ever, Matthew," Vincent said as he sauntered into the den and dropped into the chair behind the desk. He propped one long leg over the arm, but removed it at a growl from Matthew.

The doctor folded his arms across his chest. "It still will be a step in the right direction. Imagine, finding the plant that proves vampires were not born to be carnivorous."

"Kinda makes me sick." Vincent curled his lip. "It's a bad image for us. Where's the fear in vampires who live off a plant? And if we did live off plants on the home world, why the h.e.l.l do we have teeth like this?" Vincent pointed at the fangs he slipped from flesh sheaths. He was proud of his set, and had a right to be. They were gleaming white, thick at the base and tapered to needle-like points, the sort that caused the most pleasure with a bite. Those incisors were just made for s.e.x.

"Image aside, it could open up all sorts of studies for us. If this guy Sir Edward Race has the Flower, why are we not to think he might grow some of the poisons that can kill our kind, or the antidotes to cure them? This is important, Vincent."

"If it's so important, why doesn't Adam just send us Network guys bustin' in and take what he wants instead of making me work with that nutcase Kellen."

"Ah yes, Seraphim," Matthew said. "From what Jules reported to Adam, it's important that you join him at Sir Edward's as soon as possible. We have only this weekend to groom you. As for the Network 'bustin' in, it's not that simple. Many respected members of the Network go to Sir Edward for-relaxation. For the sake of relations, Adam wouldn't just go in and raid the place-unless it was a last resort. Not only that, the Flower and all Sir Edward's other secrets could be hidden anywhere in the world. We need to be careful. I, better than anyone, know the trouble that goes on when Network members are pitted against one another. I was almost destroyed for pointing out an evil member once. I have no desire to see anyone else go through what I did-even you. So when you're there, be careful."

Vincent grinned. "You sound almost like you care, genius."

Matthew shrugged. "You're a pain in the a.s.s, Vincent, but you've been a friend at times when no one else has."

"Quit it, will you, genius?" Vincent stood, forcing a smile. "I can't take this girlie stuff. Now, you've got to teach me to be a gentleman or something, right?"

"Yes. You'll be undercover when you arrive at Sir Edward's. You'll no longer be Vincent Dilorenzo, but Vikenti Valerio, an antique dealer and husband to Baroness Othman."

Vincent laughed. "Baroness Othman? Good thing she's only a figment of the imagination."

Matthew shook his head. "Why are you doing that?"

"She's real, or at least the woman playing the part of her is real. The Network thought it would be safer and appear more authentic if you were to travel to the mansion as a couple."

"You mean I'm going to be saddled with a broad while I'm working?"

"I don't think you'll exactly consider it saddled."

"Why?" Vincent snapped. "Who the h.e.l.l is she?"

"She made me promise not to say. She wants to surprise you herself."

"Surprise? I hate surprises. They're never as good as you think they'll be."

"Perhaps not, but we'd better get to work. Your 'wife' will be arriving soon so you can learn how to work together as a convincing couple."

"She's coming here today?" Vincent's curiosity piqued. "Come on, genius, just one little hint. Isn't it bad enough that I got Kellen sprung on me? Are you trying to give me one of those heart attacks humans are always b.i.t.c.hin' about?"

Matthew shook his head. "Sometimes I wonder how you get through any a.s.signments. You're so-elemental."

Vincent stood and pointed a finger in Matthew's face. "That, kid, can be a d.a.m.n good thing."

"Or it could get you killed."

Vincent spread his arms wide. "Two thousand years. Lived though all kinds of h.e.l.l and I don't have no intentions of dying soon."

"Then we'd better get to work." "Yo, I'm all ready."

"Lesson number one." Matthew strode across the room, hands folded behind his back so he reminded Vincent of an old time schoolmaster. "Never say 'yo.'"

"No yo?"

Matthew shook his head. "And you must refrain from using profanity."

"Even in the bedroom?"

The doctor closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head. "You may do whatever you like in the bedroom."

"Oh, thanks a lot, genius." Vincent raised his eyes to heaven as he wondered what kind of plain little milksop they'd hired to be his wife. She had to have something going for her, if she was a Network agent. He just hoped she could take care of herself, because he had neither the time nor the inclination to be rescuing some little girl vamp when things got too hot. And from what he heard about Sir Edward's desert abode, things were definitely going to get hot.

"All right." Matthew leaned on the rim of his desk, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "One more time. The scenario: You're entering a dining room filled with guests. What do you do?"

"First, I find the seat closest to the hopper -"

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