Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 14

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"Looks like Seraphim might be getting over Nenet," Trixie told Vincent as they paused in kicking the steel pillars in the training room. Her eyes swept the thick, rock hard muscles of his s.h.i.+rtless, sweaty torso.

Wiping his forehead with his palm, he shrugged. "He'll never be over her. Trust me. I've never seen anyone hold a grudge that long. But it's about time he found another broad. Too bad she's a wh.o.r.e."

Trixie wrinkled her nose, irritated. "I get the feeling she's not one of Sir Edward's typical call girls. There's something about her."

"Yeah." Vincent shrugged. "She seems like a nice kid. He's got her wrapped though. The way she looks at him with those big cow eyes..."

"I think it's kind of sweet."

Vincent made a face. "Sweet? In this overpriced wh.o.r.e house?"

"Will you shut up!" Trixie stepped close and covered his lips with her fingertips. We're undercover, Dilorenzo!

I know. Don't worry that tight little a.s.s of yours about it, baby.

They spent the next couple of hours training, then made their way back to their room. On the second floor, they pa.s.sed a sitting room, and Vincent paused to step inside. He picked up a photo of a group of guests mingling in the dining room.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Him." Vincent pointed at the tall, muscular blond dressed impeccably in a white suite.

"What about him?"

He was the guy I was trailing from prison to prison. The son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h who knows about The Flower.

"Where are you going?" Trixie demanded as Vincent, the picture still in his grip, exited the room.

She followed him up the steps to Seraphim's room where he tapped on the door. Trixie caught Hannah's scent mingled with Seraphim's. They'd obviously been making love.

Seraphim opened the door wearing only jeans, the zipper half open, just concealing the huge c.o.c.k revealed only through the sizeable bulge in the denim. She glanced at Vincent as he caught her staring at the other man's groin.

What the h.e.l.l? She flung her thoughts at him. Men don't pretend they don't notice when a woman has a double D cup!

Vincent growled-not a sound of challenge to another male, but rather a warning to his mate. Trixie s.h.i.+vered, aroused that he considered her as such.

Seraphim didn't speak, just raised an eyebrow. The expression in his pale eyes was enough to announce his irritation at being bothered during such an intimate moment.

"Let us in," Vincent said.

"I'm involved."

Forget about the piece of a.s.s. This is business.

Trixie's eyes widened as Vincent announced his thoughts to both her and Seraphim.

Seraphim's fingers tightened on the door jam, his claws splintering wood.

Okay, sorry. That wasn't very nice of me, Vincent apologized.

To be expected from one such as you.

"You've been controlling your temper pretty well." Vincent grinned. "I'm impressed."

Seraphim forced a smile." We won't always be in this house, Vikenti."

"Yes, Vikenti, do shut up," Trixie snarled at her "husband."

"Do you have a moment?" Vincent asked, slipping easily into his veneer.

The mortal, Hannah, stood behind Seraphim, wrapped in a black robe. She stood close to him, their bodies touching. "Hi, Baroness."

"Call me Katrina, darling."

"Excuse me for a moment." Seraphim turned his penetrating eyes to Hannah. She gazed up at him, affection obvious between them. Again Trixie wondered how a woman like Hannah ended up at Sir Edward's. Perhaps it was simply her attraction to vampires? Seraphim kissed her cheek. "I won't be long."

She nodded as he grasped a s.h.i.+rt and tugged it on as he stepped into the hall.

Vincent led the way back to their room where he thrust the photo at Seraphim and pointed at the blond. "This guy was a guest here? What do you know about him?"

Seraphim's gaze swept the photo once. "He's dead."

"What the f.u.c.k do you mean dead?"

"I mean dead as in ashes to ashes dust to dust."

"How do you know? I trailed this guy through prisons all over the -"

"I know because I killed him not even a week ago."

"Killed him?" Vincent snarled, flinging the picture onto the bed and grasping his head in his hands. "G.o.dd.a.m.n b.l.o.o.d.y f.u.c.kin' h.e.l.l!"

Seraphim headed for the door, but Vincent leapt across the room and grasped his arm. Seraphim shoved him full in the chest, knocking him into the wall.

"Hey!" Trixie snapped, standing between them. "What the h.e.l.l is wrong with you two?"

"Do you have any idea who he was?" Vincent's fists clenched, his eyes gleaming with fury. "He knew about the Flower!"

"He was dangerous," Seraphim said. "He was on to us and tried to kill me. That's why our esteemed First Father, Adam Lindsay, sent you to help me. As if I needed any."

"Looks like you do, buddy, because you haven't produced the Flower yet!"

"The Flower." Seraphim smiled without a trace of humor. "As if that's our most important inheritance from the Originals."

"I think it's pretty lame, too, for vamps to be suckin' weeds when we could be drainin' blood from something that moves when you bite it, but that's not the point! It's our connection to the Originals! Do you have any idea how important -"

"No one knows better than I do what the Originals meant to us, what they can still mean to our future! I don't need a rebellious adolescent telling me!"

"I told Lindsay to watch out for you! I said you were -"

Will you both shut up! Trixie fired her thoughts at them. If anyone is listening to this conversation, we're dead!

You're hiding something. Vincent glared at Seraphim. I don't know what it is, but I can feel it. You haven't been on the level with the Network and I want to know why.

I would not endanger anyone in the Network. Seraphim said, his eyes fixed on Vincent's. I am more loyal to our kind than you will ever be. I told Lindsay not to send anyone, that I didn't need any interference. You'd better not ruin my work here, Vincent, or this time I will kill you.

Listen to me, you little s.h.i.+t, I want to meet with you outside of this place. At dawn. Same place we last met.


Good. Vincent's teeth ground as Seraphim left the room.

"You have got to stop two things." Trixie folded her arms across her chest. "First you need to stop goading him, then you need to stop letting him get to you. He's got big problems. It's like the man's shaving but there's no blade in the razor." What the h.e.l.l was the Network thinking when they took Seraphim on as an agent?

He's got experience, that's for sure , Vincent told her. He impressed the Jury, and you know all the big decisions are voted on by them. If I trusted him, I'd say there's no one better for this a.s.signment -except you and me, of course.

But you don't trust him, Dilorenzo. I don't, either. There's something weird about him. I think you're right about him hiding something. And if the guy in the picture is the one you've been trailing, how could Seraphim have killed him without finding out where the Flower is?

I'm going to find out this morning.

I'm going with you.

Bulls.h.i.+t. I don't need no baby sitter.

We're partners in this, Dilorenzo. I want to know first hand what's happening. You don't trust me to tell you? I said V m going.

"You're a pain in the a.s.s," Vincent growled, grasping her upper arm and dragging her close. "Come here." His mouth descended on hers, his tongue slipping past her lips.

"Now that's more like it." Trixie grinned, threading her fingers through his hair and unsheathing her fangs. She sank them deep into his neck, and his arms tightened around her waist until she could scarcely breathe.

"s.h.i.+t, Trix," he whispered, his pulse and breathing quickening beneath her bite.

"Ummm," she moaned lapping his delectable blood and tugging him toward the bed.

"You'll kill me before morning," he said, his voice husky.

She sank her fingers into his chest and worked them down to his crotch. She unzipped his pants and his c.o.c.k popped free. Trixie licked and kissed her way to his groin. Taking his c.o.c.k into her mouth, she used her fangs and tongue to tease him to o.r.g.a.s.m.

"What the h.e.l.l," Vincent muttered, shoving her onto the bed and s.h.i.+fting into her body in a fluid motion that nearly stole her breath. "I'd be lucky to die like this."

"d.a.m.n right," Trixie purred, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"You're a f.u.c.kin' s.e.xy b.i.t.c.h, you know that?"

"Indubitably." She giggled. "Now shut up and knock me through the floor, Vikenti!"

"Anything to please a lady," Vincent growled in her ear and slammed into her while exploring every inch of her mouth with his tongue. As she exploded in a series of prolonged beneath his skilled body, she forgot completely about the a.s.signment, the Flower, and their upcoming meeting with Seraphim. Nothing mattered except the gorgeous, muscular vamp claiming her, body and soul.

Seraphim awaited Vincent and Trixie when they arrived at the designated meeting place in the desert.

"I know you're hiding something, Seraphim," Vincent said. "I want to know what it is."

"What makes you think I'd tell you anything?"

"f.u.c.k it!" Vincent roared, his fangs elongating. He and Seraphim circled one another, and Trixie's pulse raced. This was going to be bad. Very bad.

"This isn't Rome!" Vincent continued. "Get out of the past!"

"I am the past!"

Trixie's brow furrowed. The man was nuts.

"Don't give me that bulls.h.i.+t about being a f.u.c.kin1 caveman!" Vincent stepped close to Seraphim who stood his ground, his eyes shooting sparks of vampire pa.s.sion. Trixie could actually feel his hatred and fury. Not that she didn't know Vincent could take care of himself, but she realized Seraphim could do him serious damage, regardless of who won a fight between them.

"This case is important!" Vincent growled. "I've put too much into it to let anyone or anything f.u.c.k it up!"

"You've put in time?" Seraphim laughed without a trace of humor. "You have no idea what it is to dedicate your life to a cause!"

"I know more about it than you think! When the twins and I killed the Original, you weren't around-not that I blame you. He almost killed the two of us. I saved your a.s.s then, remember?"

"I didn't ask anything of you! And I a.s.sure you, it wasn't fear that prevented me from trying to kill him alongside Adam Lindsay and the others!"

"Where the h.e.l.l were you then?" Vincent didn't wait for a reply-not that Seraphim appeared to have any intention of giving him one. "All I know is that I have a job to do, and I'm going to do it! I'm going to find The Flower and learn the secrets of our home world!"

Again Seraphim laughed. "Are you? You are such a child, Vincent! You haven't changed a bit since Rome!"

"You and Rome!" Vincent bellowed, throwing his hands in the air. "You have to get over what happened to Nenet -"

Seraphim struck Vincent in the throat in a motion so fast even Trixie almost missed it.

Vincent's hands flew to his throat and he tried to gasp, the sound strangled and painful. His foot lashed out, knocking Seraphim onto his a.s.s. Both men flew at each other, claws and fangs bared.

"Crazy son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h!" Vincent croaked, still hoa.r.s.e from the blow to the throat. His claws ripped four b.l.o.o.d.y scratches across Seraphim's chest, darkening his charcoal T-s.h.i.+rt.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing?" Trixie leapt at the men, ready to protect Vincent's back.

"Stay out of this, baby!" Vincent ordered. "This is between him and me and it has been for a couple of thou."

"He's obviously nuts, Vincent! What the h.e.l.l is your point?" "Just stay out of it!"

Trixie dropped to the sand and rolled out of the way as the men's fists and feet flew over her head.

Vincent spun, backfisting Seraphim, spraying blood from his lips. Seraphim caught Vincent's leg as he kicked and tossed him onto his back. Vincent leapt up at the same moment Seraphim dove on him, and their bodies locked.

Trixie's heart raced both from disgust and concern. Though Vincent outweighed Seraphim, the other Immaculate was an excellent fighter and wore a single minded expression. Trixie had known lots of warriors, both human and vamp, and the ones with Seraphim's expression were usually the ones who never backed down until they got what they wanted.

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