Vegetable Teratology Part 71

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Gladiolus tristis, _Linn._, Cape of Good Hope.

Crocus aureus, _Sibth_, Europe, Asia Minor.

Susia.n.u.s, _Curt._, Asia Minor.

pusillus, _Tenore_, Italy.

vernus, _Smith_, S. Europe.

Iris sibirica, _Linn._, Europe.

Iris Kaempferi, _Siebold_, j.a.pan.


Galanthus nivalis, _Linn._, Europe.

Leucoium vernum, _Linn._, Europe.

Sternbergia lutea, _Gawl._, Europe, Asia Minor.

Hippeastrum equestre, _Herb._, S. America.

Narcissus cernuus, _Salisb._, S. Europe.

Telamonius, _Schult._, Europe.

lobularis, _Schult._ concolor, _Schult._, Portugal.

biflorus, _Curt._, Europe.

italicus, _Ker._, Italy.

incomparabilis, _Curt._, Italy.

Cypri, _Haw._, Cyprus.

Pseudo-Narcissus, _Linn._, Europe.

poeticus, _Linn._, Europe.

Jonquilla, _Linn._, S. Europe, East.

Tazetta, _Linn._, S. Europe.

poculiformis, _Salisb._, S. Europe.


Orchis Morio, _Linn._, Europe.

mascula, _Linn._, Europe.

pyramidalis, _Linn._, Europe.

Ophrys fucifera, _Linn._, Europe.

See also pp. 380, 509.


Hydrocharis Morsus ranae, _Linn._, Europe.


Asphodelus luteus, _Linn._, S. Europe.


Tulipa Gesneriana, _Linn._, Asia Minor.

sylvestris, _Linn._, S. Europe.

Scilla autumnalis, _Linn._, Europe.

nutans, _Smith_, S. Europe.

Convallaria majalis, _Linn._, Europe, America.

Polygonatum, _Linn._, Europe.

Trillium grandiflorum, _Spreng._, America.

Fritillaria Meleagris, _Linn._, Europe.

imperialis, _Linn._, Persia.

Lilium Martagon, _Linn._, Europe.

candidum, _Linn._, Syria, Persia.

Hyacinthus orientalis, _Linn._, East.

Polianthes tuberosa, _Linn._, E. India.

Hemerocallis disticha, _Don._, Nepal.

Kwanso, gardens.

fulva, _Linn._, S. Europe.


Colchic.u.m autumnale, _Linn._, Europe.

Tofieldia calyculata, _Wahl._, Europe.


Sagittaria latifolia, _Willd._, N. America.

sagittifolia, _Linn._, Europe, Asia, America.


Tradescantia virginica, _Linn._, N. America.

alba, gardens.


[564] This appendix forms a portion of a paper published in the 'Proceedings of the International Botanical Congress,' London, 1886, p.

127, and which it has been deemed advisable to reproduce with sundry additions and modifications.

[565] 'Traite des Giroflees,' per E. Chate.

[566] Leading Article in the 'Gardeners' Chronicle,' p. 74, 1866.

[567] Otto's 'Gartenzeitung,' 1866.

[568] 'Gard. Chron.,' 1843, p. 628.

[569] 'Gard. Chron.,' 1867, p. 381.--Art. "Chinese primroses."

[570] See also p. 79, fig. 36. A similar flower is figured in 'Hort.

Eystett. Ic. Arb. Vern.,' fol. 5. "Fructus nondum observatus est forta.s.sis alimento uberius in flores refuso, nullus sperari possit."

[571] See De Candolle, 'Plant. Rar. Genev.,' 1829, p. 91; and Alph. de Candolle.' Geog. Bot.,' p. 1080.

[572] See 'Gardeners' Chronicle,' 1868, p. 1113.

[573] Ibid., 1843, p. 628.

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