Forged Of Steele Bundle Part 67

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"I love you, Morgan," she whispered.

He smiled down at her. "And I love you, too. For always."

And then he eased his body into hers, closed his eyes and locked in place for a moment to absorb the intensity of the moment and to thank G.o.d for sending such a beautiful woman into his life. He then opened his eyes at the same time his body began to move. s.e.xual need combined with every deep emotion he possessed took over, and he established a rhythm that immediately sent all kinds of shudders racing through him.


He was. .h.i.t by the strongest force that could ever take down a man and literally bring him to his knees. The force of love. And he lifted her hips as another o.r.g.a.s.m hit, and when he felt her body shattering as well he screamed out her name yet again.

And he knew what the two of them were sharing went beyond temptation. It went beyond anything he knew. And it would set the stage for the wonderful love they would always share. Together.


A beautiful day in June "You may kiss your bride, Morgan."

Those were the very words Morgan had been waiting for, although he felt it had taken Reverend Givens long enough to say them. As far as he was concerned this had to have been the longest wedding ceremony on record. But as he glanced down at the beautiful woman in front of him, he knew it had been well worth it and more.

He pulled her into his arms and captured her lips in his, making another promise; one only the two of them understood. Today would begin the rest of their lives together and tonight they intended to start work on their dynasty. She had gone off the Pill months ago and tonight he would start another mission.

He pulled back when he felt a jab to his ribs and knew it had to have been Bas. Evidently the kiss had lasted longer than some people felt it should have. He smiled down into Lena's beautiful smiling face. "I love you, Mrs. Steele."

She smiled back up at him with tears s.h.i.+ning in her eyes. "And I love you, Mr. Steele."

They turned to their audience, all five hundred of their guests, and smiled as the pastor announced proudly, "I now present to everyone, Morgan and Lena Steele."

Morgan shot a glance over at Cameron, who had served as one of his groomsmen. He then looked at his cousin Vanessa, who didn't look like a happy camper. He chuckled. He would give Cameron at least until the end of the summer to finally win his stubborn cousin over.

But Morgan knew he himself had other things to worry about. Making his wife happy, making a baby, and starting his campaign at full force. He had a lot to accomplish.

But of course like always, he was a man with a plan.

Risky Pleasures Brenda Jackson [image]



Chapter 1.

Chapter 2.

Chapter 3.

Chapter 4.

Chapter 5.

Chapter 6.

Chapter 7.

Chapter 8.

Chapter 9.

Chapter 10.

Chapter 11.

Chapter 12.

Chapter 13.

Chapter 14.

Chapter 15.

Chapter 16.

Chapter 17.

Chapter 18.

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