Further Adventures of Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason Corner Folks Part 1

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The Further Adventures of Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason's Corner Folks.

by Charles Felton Pidgin.


Eight years ago, "Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason's Corner Folks" was published, being heralded, truthfully, as the work of an "unknown author." It met with favour from reviewers and the reading public. My pleasantest souvenirs are hundreds of letters, from personally unknown correspondents, wis.h.i.+ng to know more about "Quincy" and the other characters in my first story.

I know that few, if any, "sequels" are considered as interesting as the original work, and an author, to a certain extent, tempts fate in writing one. But if we visit friends and have a pleasant time there seems to be no reason why another invitation should not be accepted. So, if a book pleases its readers, and the characters therein become their friends, why should not these readers be invited to renew their acquaintance?

They may not enjoy themselves as much as at their first visit, but that is the unavoidable result of repet.i.tion. The human mind craves novelty, and, perhaps, the reader will find it, after all, within these pages.

C. F. P.

WIDEVIEW FARM, BELMONT, Ma.s.s. August, 1908.



When the applause had subsided, Governor Sawyer began to speak.

"My Friends and Fellow Citizens: When I stood before the representatives chosen by the people, and an audience composed of the most eminent men and women in the State, and took the oath to support the const.i.tution of my native State and that of my country, my heart was filled with what I deemed an honest pride. My fellow citizens had chosen me to fill the most exalted position in their power to bestow, and when the Secretary of the Commonwealth uttered the well-known words which your toastmaster has just repeated--G.o.d save the Commonwealth of Ma.s.sachusetts--I felt in every fibre of my body that I would be true to my oath and to the people who had shown their confidence in me.

"But the satisfaction I felt on that occasion was no greater than that which I experience to-night. I came among you entirely unknown. I have heard that some wondered whether I was a city swell, what my business was, what led me to choose your town for a vacation, and how long that vacation was to be, especially as I came in the winter when country life is popularly, but erroneously, supposed to be dull.

"By some I was welcomed,--others--I don't blame them--refused to extend to me the hand of fellows.h.i.+p. But, I liked some of your people so well--and one in particular"--all eyes were turned towards his wife, who bore the scrutiny bravely--"that I determined to stay--and I did."

Hiram Maxwell could not forget past events in which he had figured prominently and cried, "Three cheers for Quincy Adams Sawyer," which were given with a will, and accompanied by many expressions of approval in the shape of clapping of hands, pounding of canes, and stamping of thick-soled boots. The Governor continued his remarks.

"I staid so long that I might have become a voter. I did not, but besides my native city of Boston, I shall always render my allegiance to this town, which turned the current of my life into such happy channels.

"I will not weary you with a long speech."

Cries of "Go on," "We can stand it," came from all parts of the hall, and Mrs. Hawkins said to Olive Green, "He's a beautiful speaker. I could listen to him all night if it wa'n't for gettin' breakfast for my boarders. My bread didn't ris worth a cent, and I've got to git up airly and make biscuits."

His Excellency went on, "I want you to make Fernborough, the Mason's Corner of five years ago, a beautiful town--more beautiful than it is now." Make good, wide roads, don't call them streets, and have wide tires on your wagons to preserve them. Plant trees both for grateful shade and natural beauty. Support your Village Improvement Society by suggestions and contributions. Attend town meeting regularly, be economical but not stingy in your appropriations, pay good salaries and wages for honest service. Be partisans if you wish, in State and National elections, but in choosing your town servants, get the best men regardless of politics.

"Support and constantly aim to elevate the standard of education in your schools, and remember that the mother and the teacher are the makers of those who are to rule in the future.

"Do these things, and you will make Fernborough a worthy member of that galaxy of communities which represents the civic virtues and possibilities in the highest degree--our New England towns, in which the government is by the people, of the people, and for the people, and may G.o.d grant that these bulwarks of our freedom may ever be preserved."

It was decided by the committee to have a reception in the Selectmen's room. It was conveniently arranged for such a purpose, having a door at either end, besides the double one near the middle. At the request of Selectman and Toastmaster Strout, the Governor and his wife and the Countess of Suss.e.x, formerly Lindy Putnam, stood in line to greet the citizens of Fernborough.

First came Benoni Hill, who had increased in rotundity since selling his grocery store and giving up an active life.

"How much is flour a barrel?" asked Quincy as he shook hands with him.

"When I kept the store myself everything I wanted I got at wholesale, but now your partners charge me full price."

"That's right," said Quincy. "You got a good price for the store, and now we're trying to get some of it back," and he laughed heartily as he extended his hand to young Samuel Hill. His wife, the former Miss Tilly James, was with him.

"I am pleased to meet a lion-tamer," said Tilly.

"I never saw a live one," said Quincy, somewhat puzzled by the remark.

"Oh, yes, you have. Our local lion, Obadiah Strout, is as tame as a dove, and we owe it to you."

"If I remember aright, a certain Miss Tilly James aided me when I gave the first lesson."

"Oh! you mean the time you whistled 'Listen to the Mocking Bird.' I wish you had repeated it to-night."

Cobb's Twins, William and James, with their wives, were next in line.

"How's farming?" asked Quincy.

"Bill and I," said James, "spend most of our time on our own places, but we help 'Zeke and Hiram out on their hayin' an' potato diggin'."

"Samantha," said Quincy, addressing Mrs. James Cobb, "do you remember the first time I came to see Miss Putnam?"

"Oh, yes, I'd heard about you goin' round with Huldy Mason. Didn't I laugh when I showed you into Aunt Heppy's room? She did the hearin' for both of 'em, for you remember her husband, Silas, was as deaf as a stone post."

"Mrs. Putnam found out all about me before I got away. I shall never forget what she told me about her husband sitting on the ridge pole of the barn, blowing his horn, and waiting for Gabriel to come for him."

As Robert Wood came up, Quincy stepped from the line to greet him.

"Your hand ain't quite as hard as it was five years ago," said Robert.

"No, I'm out of practice. You could handle me now."

"It cost me two dollars to get my watch fixed," said Robert, irrelevantly.

"I was on time in that affair," said Quincy, conscious, when too late, that he had wasted a pun on an obtuse individual. "Are you still carpentering?"

"Yes. Lots of new houses going up, and Ben Bates and me have all we can handle. Here, Ben, come here. The Governor's askin' 'bout you."

Benjamin Bates was rather diffident, and had been holding back, but at Bob's invitation came forward.

"How d'ye do, Governor?" was his salutation. Diffidence when forced to action often verges on forwardness.

"Glad to meet you again," said Quincy. "Robert says they keep you busy."

"Yes, we don't have so many resting spells now they use donkey engines as we did when Pat or Mike had to climb the ladder."

"The march of improvement forces us all into line," said Quincy as he greeted Miss Seraphina Cotton.

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