Forbidden Fruit Part 10

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"Oh, don't chaff me like that. Mr. Percy, it makes me fancy I can feel it even now, you almost split my poor bottom."

"Nonsense, you mean you would just like to feel it again, Pat. Now, haven't you dreamt about it every night?"

This made her blush more than ever, and I could see it was a good guess.

Jerry, the stallion pony, appeared in a very excited state.

Said George: "He's always like that when he can sniff Jenny. Shall I turn her in with him?"

"Yes, do George," said Pat: "it must be funny to see how they do it."

"Well, it's only fair," I replied, "the pony saw our spree the other day, so let her in, my boy, to please Pat and make her want a bit herself."

The little stallion greeted his mate with a very wild whinney, and his thick, black, india-rubber looking affair shot out in excitement as he wanted to mount her in an instant. I kept my eyes on Pat, whose blus.h.i.+ng face only too plainly indicated how the scene affected her.

George held the mare's head, as Jerry mounted on her rump, but the stallion's p.e.n.i.s quite failed to find the exact place of entrance, pus.h.i.+ng and pus.h.i.+ng without avail. "You must help him," said George, or he'll never get in.

"Come on, Pat," I cried, "you take hold of it and point it right for him, I'll help you, pus.h.i.+ng her forward, it's nothing to mind doing."

Her trembling fingers grasped the s.h.i.+ny black looking tool, and pointed it to the v.u.l.v.a of the little mare, who stood with her hind legs planted firmly apart, without whisking her tail; my fingers opened the slit a little, the stallion snorted, and with one plunge got in the full length of his affair, seeming to shoot his sperm at the same moment; in fact, Patty declared she quite felt the spasm shoot through the thing, which swelled and stiffened as it throbbed, the mixed emissions of the animal squirting all down the mare's thighs, as the stallion repeated his strokes; but it was quickly over, he withdrew at once and his tool hung down dripping and slimy, whilst we could see the mare's c.u.n.t opening a little and quivering from the recent excitement; both seemed satisfied, and Jenny was put back into her box at once, Patty remarking:

"What a silly business, it is so soon over, I should want it again and again: it's made me so randy for a f.u.c.k. Do have me, some one at once."

She had pulled up her skirts and was straddling over one end of the stool, frigging herself, so to oblige Patty, I quickly pushed her backwards, and got into her longing slit. The grind did not last long, both being so hot for it, so it came off in a very few strokes.

"Now," said I, drawing out, "that was only just to steady ourselves. We don't wish to be like animals, but enjoy the game properly; these short rapid f.u.c.ks give very little pleasure or satisfaction, the sensations are much too transient."

"Hey! this is the game, is it? I've been watching your goings on through that hole," said Aunt Gert, bursting in upon us. "You thought everyone had gone to church, did you? and you, Patty Thompson, behaving like that, when I always considered you such a quiet, virtuous girl.

Oh, fie! no wonder men think all girls are alike," in her pretended indignation. "Now, what am I to do? Pretty goings on for your Mamma to know of, Percy. I shall take and give you a good sound thras.h.i.+ng, now I am so thoroughly roused, and your wicked bottom shall smart, I can promise you. After that, I will settle what is to be done with that wretched brother and sister," as gripping my arm she tried to drag me away with her.

"No, no, you don't, I'm not taking any, Aunt Gert, beside you might hurt. Here you, George and Pat, just help me, and we'll serve her out for spying on us--then, perhaps she won't be fast to tell tales."

Patty had been in an awful state of fright, but now helped George and me so drag Gertie forward, shutting the stable door, which we securely bolted.

"Ah, no, how dare you?" she screamed, well knowing no one could bear the row. "Let me go: you shan't, you shan't, you little beast, Percy!"

as I tried to pull up her skirts: but we got her down on the straw, and soon exposed all her private affairs in spite of struggles and kicks, then turning her over on her face, they held her firmly, whilst I gave her lovely plumb b.u.t.tocks such a slapping that she screamed under it, begging to be let go, promising to do anything and keep our secret.

"Well, then, let George f.u.c.k you, I want to look on, and frig Patty to make her do all the ponies do."

Placing George on the stool, Patty made him lay on his back, then opening his trousers, presented his lordly p.r.i.c.k to our view. "Now, Auntie, that's your penance, to ride a c.o.c.k-horse on as fine an instrument as you could wish for. Just straddle across him, and he will hold your waist tight enough, so you can't fall off."

Although pretending to be so very indignant, she did not give me much trouble to adjust her, not liking the savage pinches I gave her firm bottom, until I had had the satisfaction of seeing George's splendid affair right up her, till the hair on their parts mingled. "Now, move yourself, Auntie," I called out, giving the beautiful bottom a tremendous slap with my hand, just as she had drawn what I knew to be a deep sigh of satisfaction at feeling that grand p.r.i.c.k swelling and filling her v.a.g.i.n.a to its utmost capacity. Her b.u.t.tocks fairly jerked up under the impact of my hand, and as she came down again on his delighted pego, George clasped her round the waist so that she lay along on him, and their lips would meet. My fingers busily tickled alternately his b.a.l.l.s, or played round the clinging lips of her quim, as the spendings began to ooze out in profusion each time the p.r.i.c.k went home, enabling me to plentifully lubricate her little wrinkled nether hole, which I contemplated presently to attack, only waiting till their emotions should make her regardless of what I might be about. George heaved up beneath her, to meet every grasp of her greedy c.u.n.t, sinking down on him, as if it would eat such a delicious morsel, the uttermost bit of which it seemed eager to swallow.

With lips glued together they swived and squealed in ecstasy. Patty was beside herself at the sight of it, and seizing hold of my p.r.i.c.k wanted to suck it, which I did permit for a moment or two, for the sake of the lubrication: then whispering the dear girl what I wanted, she pointed its glistening head to Gertie's fundament, as I seized hold of my aunt's hips and pushed gently. Then, as the head got in, I felt the voluptuous contractions of the small aperture. I was mad to get in and feel my p.r.i.c.k rubbing against that of George, with only a thin membrane between them. Only those who have experienced this double enjoyment can realize the delicate and intoxicating sensations of such a moment.

"My G.o.d! Oh, Perce! You kill me with pleasure--this beats anything I ever imagined. Oh, heavens, my very life will be drawn out of me: you make me spend so, it thrills all up my spine to my brain. Ah, oh, I'm done!" as she collapsed into a state of momentary obliviousness.

Patty had been sitting on a sack of chaff, as she handled my b.a.l.l.s or postillioned me behind and covered my bottom with hottest kisses.

Seeing the climax was over with Gertie she pulled me away, saying. "Put it into me quick, it must be lovely like that, all slimy and so awfully stiff. You don't know how I do want my turn, you dear." Excited as I was, another c.u.n.t to finish in was just the thing for me, so I rolled on top of the amourous girl, and in no time was ranging up and down her luscious affair, to the great gratification of such a salacious nature.

The stiffness was almost painfully nice to me, and I lasted so well that Patty was fairly f.u.c.ked out, as well as my aunt, at the end of our encounter.

When we came to ourselves, it was only to find Gertie kissing and sucking George's member, which was again ready for action, so I placed Patty's well-b.u.t.tered affair over him for a ride, and by Gertie's help soon was able to put in behind and complete the girl's happiness, which I knew she was longing for.

After this we refreshed and adjusted ourselves, and thus finished Sunday's matinee.

Now having my darling mother, Auntie Gert, Mary, and Patty at my disposal in the house, the precocious lubricity of my nature had full swing for a time, and to reiterate the scenes of l.u.s.t I took part in would be too tedious.

Patty alone of that female quartette was a scorcher who would capture me at every possible safe opportunity, and her warm kisses on my lips always had such a magnetic influence on me they effected immediately a rise below.

However, wis.h.i.+ng for a change from such a surfeit of poking, gamahuching, &c, my thoughts turned to Phoebe and her little girls, so calling at the cottage one fine afternoon, to my surprise the door was opened by a beautiful girl of about fourteen, neatly dressed in a bright cotton frock, just short enough to display the contour of her finely shaped legs and ankles, with a ma.s.s of blue-black hair hanging over her shoulders and down her back, so I should think she might have sat on it. She was a vision of delight, and at a glance I recognised she must be a sister to Phoebe.

"Oh, don't mind me. I see your were doing up your hair. You must be Phoebe's sister--is she out?"

"Yes, sir," she replied, blus.h.i.+ng deeply: "and are you Mr. Percy from the hall, she and the girls so often speak about? They have all gone to market, but will be back to tea."

"I am sorry, because I came on purpose to enquire how she was. You know about a fortnight ago she did not seem at all right, so I have brought her a bottle of wine. I must rest myself a bit; it has been a tiring walk, and I always make myself at home here," as I walked in without being invited.

She placed a chair for me, then saying she would just tie up her hair, stepped into the back bedroom, leaving the door slightly ajar.

"Excuse me," I said, following her: "but may I wash my hands. You need not mind me, go on with your hair, but it can't look better than it does now."

Merely dipping my hands in the water she poured out for me, taking the towel, I remarked. "Do just leave it as it is. I shall soon be gone, but must have a kiss first," then dropping the towel. "Phoebe has always kissed me ever since I can remember, so why shouldn't you, my dear?" placing an arm round her waist.

"Oh, no, I can't. You never saw me before; I shall run into the garden unless you behave yourself, Mr. Percy," trying to get away from me, but I held her too fast. "Now don't be cross. Kissing is so nice, and you must just give me one, just one, and I'll let you go," overcoming her slight resistance and smothering that crimson face with kisses. "Now do, or I shall go on kissing you, dear, it's more than I can help. You are so nice."

"Well then, only a little one," she lisped, just touching my cheek with her lips.

"Ah, no, that isn't a good one. Why I could kiss you all over, if you had no clothes on," as one of my hands was slipped inside the bosom of her dress, having slyly unfastened one or two hooks.

"No, no? You shan't, Mr. Percy. What should I do if Phoebe was to come in?"

"But she will be two hours yet, you little goose; how can a kiss or a touch hurt you?"

Her lips met mine, and I took a long, luscious kiss, almost sucking her breath away, and my hand was in possession of one of the small firm globes of her bosom, still more increasing her confusion, as I rubbed and played with the rosy nipples and moved my hand from one to the other little strawberry tips. This could not go on in a standing posture, so I pushed her against the edge of the bed--kissing and groping till she seemed quite oblivious of what was happening to her, laying back on the coverlet in a dazed kind of state--and, devil that I was, it took no time to part her beautiful legs, which I found protected by prettily frilled drawers, which still hid the charms of her person from my groping fingers. I wanted to look, but was afraid to withdraw my kissing from her lips, for fear she might recover herself and resist my encroachments below.

My ardent p.r.i.c.k stood like a bar of ivory, impatient for a breach to be opened for his advance to the a.s.sault of her tender virginity.

Nervously my fingers pulled at the impeding linen, till they found a small opening and could touch the downy furniture of her mount, and finding the entrance to Love's Palace of Pleasure, slowly parted the velvety lips of her maiden slit. Then gently tickling the sensitive c.l.i.tty, that source of every girl's delight, made her sigh out: "Ah, oh! how nice, Mr. Percy! don't hurt me, will you--there's a dear!" as her b.u.m squirmed under the novel sensations my touches had roused and the warmth of her kisses now plainly gave her away.

Writing this, as I do after many years of varied experiences, I may remark that mere verbal appeals to any girl's sensibility have very little influence in inducing them to yield to salacious suggestions--it is the warmth of contact and lascivious touches which undo them--a few hot kisses, pressure on the bosom, and groping their love slit (even if you have to use considerable force) which make them ready to consent.

Their blood gets fired in a moment, and resist as they may, they want it and cannot help themselves; then once done, it is a very rare exception if there is not some little feeling of love towards even a ravisher; he must be a brute who provokes any feelings of aversion.

"Look here, darling, you make me love you so; I'll give you five golden sovereigns I have in my purse, only let me kiss your naked body; it's no harm, no one can see us, and so awfully jolly. Only think, all that money for your own little self, to buy nice things with, and do as you like."

"You undress me then, I'm too ashamed to do it, Percy," she said in a low voice. "Oh! you do make me feel so funny all over!"

Giving her an extra luscious kiss, I attacked hooks, b.u.t.tons, and strings, till in a jiffy she had nothing but her stockings left to adorn her figure, covering her face with her hands to hide her shame at such exposure.

Giving her no time for reflection, but taking advantage of such a state of abandon, my lips and tongue ranged all over her bosom and belly, leaving the most secret casket of all for a last _bonne bouche_, and as my tongue t.i.tillated her, beginning down at the abdomen and moving slowly till it revelled under her hairless arm-pit. She fairly quivered under the intensity of the feelings aroused: "Ah! Oh! Oh! How delicious that was, it thrills me all over, Percy, do that again with your tongue all the way up." Once more the electricity of my tongue sent vibrations of a new and sensuous pleasure through every nerve and vein of her body. She seemed beside herself, exclaiming: "Let me bite you, and kiss you, my darling. Ah, you have all your clothes still on! I want to feel your soft flesh as well as your touches, it would double the pleasure."

"Do you think so, my love? I'll soon be like you and let you do as you wish with me, as long as I can press your lovely person in my arms,"

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