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= R =
rakont-i = to narrate.
ramp-i = to crawl, climb.
rapid-a = quick.
rekt-a = straight.
rem-i = to row.
renkont-i = to meet.
renvers-i = to upset, overthrow.
rikolt-o = crop.
= S =
sat-a = satisfied, full, replete.
sci-i = to know.
sed = but.
sek-a = dry.
sekv-i = to follow.
sem-o = seed.
sen = without.
sent-i = to feel.
si = self, relexive p.r.o.noun.
sid-i = to sit.
sinjor-o = sir, Mr., gentleman.
skrib-i = to write.
sol-a = alone, only.
son-o = sound.
song-o = dream.
sonor-a = sonorous.
spec-o = kind, sort.
spert-o = experience.
spir-i = to breathe.
star-i = to stand.
sterk-o = manure.
subit-a = sudden.
sufic-a = sufficient.
supr-a = upper, superior.
sven-i = to swoon.
= S =
sajn-i = to seem.
serc-i = to joke.
sip-o = s.h.i.+p.
sirm-i = to shelter.
spar-i = to save up, economize.
stel-i = to steal.
= T =
tag-o = day.
tamen = yet, nevertheless.
tegment-o = roof.
temp-o = time.
ten-i = to hold, keep.
ter-o = earth.
tial = therefore.
tiel = thus, so.
tiom = so much, so many.
tiu = that.
tra = through.
traf-i = to hit the mark.
trans = across.
tre = very.
trem-i = to tremble.
tro = too much.
tromp-i = to deceive.
trov-i = to find.
trud-i = to shove, thrust.
tuj = immediately.
tut-a = all.
= U =
-u = ending of imperative subjunctive.
-uj = suffix denoting "holder".
-ul = suffix denoting characteristic.
unu = one.
= V =
vapor-o = steam.
vek-i = to wake (trans.).
vel-o = sail.
velk-a = faded.
ven-i = to come.
venk-i = to conquer.
vent-o = wind.
ver-a = true.
vesper-o = evening.
vetur-i = to travel by vehicle (train, carriage, boat, etc.).
vi = you.
vid-i = to see.
vidv-(in)-o = widow(er).
vir-(in)-o = man (woman).
viv-i = to live.
voj-o = way.
vojag-o = voyage, journey.
vokal-o = vowel.
vol-i = to wish.