International Language Part 23

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[8]When he came to himself. Conscious = _konsci-a_; prefix _re-_ denotes back again; suffix _-ig_ denotes becoming. [9]Free from tiredness. Tired = _lac-a_; _mal-_ denotes opposite; _-ig_ denotes causing to be. [10]Opened. To shut = _ferm-i_; to open = _malfermi_.

Longa, labora kaj preskau A long, laborious descent from sennutra malsupreniro de la the mountain-top almost without montpinto jam ne necesis, kaj la food was now no longer needful, hejmvojago trans la ebenajo and on the home journey across prosperis, tiel ke Namezo staris the plain all went well, so that baldau ree en la patrina dometo. Namezo soon stood again in his La vilaganoj kunvenis amase kaj mother's[1] cottage. The villagers multe demandis pri lia vojago, flocked in crowds[2] and asked car neniu el ili estis iam tiel many questions about his journey, malproksimen foririnta de la for none of them had ever been hejmo. Namezo cion rakontis, so far from home. Namezo told kaj montris la semon kiun li them everything, and showed the devos planti. La najbaroj komence seed which he was to plant. At kredis, ke li volas mirigi ilin, first the neighbours thought he kiel la vojagistoj amas fari, kaj was trying to astonish[3] them, ili ridis pri liaj rakontajoj. as travellers are wont to do, Sed, kiam ili vidis ke li estis and they laughed at his tales.

serioza, ili ekkolerigis kaj But when they saw that he was in volis forpreni lian semon kaj earnest, they got in a rage,[4]

detrui gin. "'_Arbo_' estas and wanted to take away his seed sensencajo," ili diris; "ne and destroy it. "A '_tree_' is povas ekzisti alia kreskajo, foolishness,"[5] they said; "no krom la rikoltoj kaj la legomoj other plant can exist, except the kiujn ni kaj niaj patroj jam crops and vegetables that we and ciam kreskigis. Estas neeble our fathers have always grown.

ke io alia kresku kaj igu pli It is impossible for anything granda." Kaj unuj diris ke li else to grow and become[6] bigger estas vana songisto, kaj aliaj than they." And some said that he ke li frenezas. Sed lia patrino was an idle dreamer, and others kuragigis lin. that he was mad. But his mother encouraged him.

[1]Mother's. Father = _patr-o_; suf. _-in_ denotes feminine; ending _-a_ makes it an adjective. [2]In crowds. Crowd = _amas-o_; ending _-e_ makes it an adverb. [3]Astonish. To wonder = _mir-i_; suf. _-ig_ makes it transitive. [4]Got in a rage. Anger = _koler-o_; pref. _ek-_ denotes beginning; suf. _-ig_ denotes becoming. [5]Foolishness.

Sense = _senc-o_; without = _sen_; suf. _-aj_ = without-sense-stuff.

[6]Become. Suf. _-ig_ is here used alone as a verb = to become.

Kaj Namezo timis por sia semo, kaj And Namezo feared for his seed, pripensis kiel li povos savi gin and thought how he could save it de la najbaroj kiam gi ekkreskos. from the neighbours when it began Kaj li eliris el la vilago nokte, to grow up. And he went out of the kaj plantis gin malproksime de village by night, and planted it ciuj domoj, apud rivereto en far away from all the houses, by mallevigo de la tero, kie oni a little stream in a hollow[1] of gin ne vidos gis gi estos tre the ground, where it would not be granda. Kaj komence li iris tien seen till it grew very big. And at nur nokte; sed, car li ne parolis first he went there only by night; plu pri sia semo, la vilaganoj but, as he said no more about his forgesis la aferon, tiel ke li seed, the villagers forgot the povis eliri el la vilago vespere matter, so that he could go out of post sia taglaboro kiam li volis, the village in the evenings after kaj neniu zorgis pri tio, kien his day's work whenever he liked, li iras. Sed li ne kuragis gin and n.o.body troubled about where transplanti apud sian dometon, he was going.[2] But he did not timante ke oni difektu gin au dare to transplant it to his own serce au malice, kaj sekve cottage, fearing that they would restis por li la granda laborado damage it in jest or malice, and iri, kiam li estis jam laca, so the hard work remained for him malproksimen por flegi gin. of going a long way to look after it, when he was already tired.

[1]A hollow. To raise = _lev-i_; suf _-ig_ makes it intransitive; pref. _mal-_ denotes the opposite; ending _-o_ makes it a noun.

[2]Where he was going. "Where" here = "whither," therefore add _-n_, which denotes motion.

Jaroj forpasadis: Namezo Years pa.s.sed away: Namezo grew grandigis, sed lia kreskajo up,[1] but his plant would not ne volis grandigi. Multfoje grow up too. Many a time he li malesperis, vidante ke gi despaired,[2] seeing that it kvazau ne kreskadis plu, au seemed as though it had given up ke gi en somero havis velkan growing, or that it had a faded mienon. Multajn vintrojn gi look in summer. Many winters it preskau mortis per frosto. Sed nearly died of the frosts. But he li persistis, kaj ciuokaze li persevered, and in every case[3]

provis ian novan flegon, car he tried some new treatment, neniam antaue en la tuta lando for never before in the whole oni kreskigis tielan plantajon. land had any one grown[4] such a Iatempe li metis sterkon: tiam li plant. At one time he would put subdrenis la teron, cirkauhakis on manure; then he tried draining la brancetojn, au sirmis la the ground, pruning the shoots, burgonojn kontrau la ventoj. or protecting the buds against Ree, vidante ke malgrau cio la the winds. Again, seeing that arbeto ne prosperis, li pretigis in spite of all the little tree novan terajon kaj transplantis did not flourish, he prepared[5]

gin, antaue enpluginte alispecan a new soil-bed and transplanted teron. Li eksperimentis per seka, it, having first ploughed in poste per malseka, subtero: a different kind of earth. He unuvorte, li sencese penadis, experimented with dry, and then diversigante konstante la with damp, sub-soil: in short, he kondicojn gis li guste trafos. toiled ceaselessly, constantly Fine, kiam li jam de longe estis varying[6] the conditions till he plenaga, lia deziro plenumigis: should hit off the right thing.

tie, apud la rivereto staris At last, when he had long come to granda belkreska _arbo_. be a grown man,[7] his desire was fulfilled:[8] there beside the stream stood a fine big _tree_.

[1]Grew up. Big = _grand-a_; suf. _-ig_ denotes becoming.

[2]Despaired. To hope = _esper-i_; pref. _mal-_ denotes opposite.

[3]In every case. To happen = _okaz-i_; any or all = _ciu_; ending _-e_ makes it adverbial = "any-happening-ly," i.e. whatever happened. [4]Grown. To grow (intrans.) = _kresk-i_; suf. _-ig_ makes it transitive. [5]Prepared. Ready = _pret-a_; suf. _-ig_ = to make ready. [6]Varying. Diverse = _divers-a_; suf. _-ig_ = to render diverse. [7]A grown man. Age = _ag-o_; full = _plen-a_; ending _-a_ denotes adj. [8]Was fulfilled. To fulfil = _plenum-i_; _-ig_ denotes becoming.

En somero, kiam la folioj estis In summer, when it was in full plenaj, li kondukis tien kelkajn leaf, he took his friends there, amikojn, kaj ili gojis sidantaj and they rejoiced sitting in the vespere sub la fresa ombro. En cool shade at evening. In autumn autuno ili kolektis la semujojn, they collected the pods,[1] took portis ilin en la vilagon, kaj them to the village, and tried to p.e.n.i.s decidigi la vilaganojn get the villagers to plant the planti la semaron apud siaj seed by their homes, to give them dometoj, por havi sirmilon. Sed shelter. But the villagers would la vilaganoj ne volis. not have them.

Unu diris, "Arbo estas neebla."* One said, "A tree is impossible."[2]

Kaj Namezo respondis, "Arbo And Namezo answered, "A tree ekzistas. Venu kun mi, kaj mi exists. Come with me, and I will vidigos vin." show[3] you."

Sed li diris, "Arbo estas neebla." But he said, "A tree is impossible."

*For this and the following objections of the villagers, compare Part I., chap. xv., pp. 54-6.

[1]Pods. Seed = _sem-o_; suf. _-uj_ denotes that which contains.

[2]Impossible. Suf. _-ebl_ denotes possibility, and can, like all suffixes, be used by itself. _Ne-ebl-a_ = not possible. [3]Show.

To see = _vid-i_; with suf. _-ig_ = to cause to see.

Ree Namezo diris, "Se vi nur tiom Again Namezo said, "If you will da peno faros, kiom necesas por only take as much trouble[1] as eliri el la vilago, mi montros is necessary to go out of the al vi arbon, sub kiu miaj amikoj village, I will show you a tree, kaj mi sirmigas ciuvespere. under which my friends and I take Venu nur kaj provu se gi placos shelter every evening. Only just ankau al vi." come and try whether it pleases you also."

Sed li diris, "Mi ne volas eliri. But he said, "I will not go out. A Arbo estas neebla." tree is impossible."

Alia diris, "Mi vidis vian arbon, Another said, "I have seen your kaj mi trovas gin tute senutila." tree, and I consider it perfectly useless."

Kaj Namezo respondis, "Kial?" And Namezo answered, "Why?"

Kaj li diris, "Niaj patroj ne And he said, "Our fathers had no havis arbon." trees."

Namezo diris, "Niaj patroj suferis Namezo said, "Our fathers suffered pro manko de sirmado." from want of shelter."

Kaj li diris, "Tial mi ankau And he said, "Therefore I too will suferos." suffer."

Alia diris, "Ni havas ja sufice Another said, "We have enough da kreskajoj. Niaj rikoltoj kaj plants. Our crops and vegetables legomoj provizas nutrajon, kaj la provide food, and our gay flowers belaj floroj carmas la okulon. charm the eye. Another growing Alia kreskajo estus superflua." thing would be superfluous."

[1]Trouble. To try = _pen-i_; ending _-o_ makes it a substantive = trying, effort.

Kaj Namezo respondis, "Bone. Niaj And Namezo answered, "Good. The gisnunaj kreskajoj plenumas la plants we have already[1] fulfil cefajn bezonojn de la homaro. the chief needs of mankind.

Mango kaj certa ornamo estas Food and some ornament are necesajoj por la homa naturo, necessities[2] for human nature, kaj por tiuj ci uzoj ni havas and for these uses we have the rikoltojn kaj florojn. Sed la vivo crops and flowers. But life would estus pli plezura se ni estus pli be pleasanter if we were better bone sirmataj. Tiun ci apartan sheltered. This special service[3]

servon prezentas la arboj, kaj ni is done by the trees, and we can povos gui gin sen fordoni la enjoy it without foregoing the profiton de floro kaj rikolto. Ne, advantage of flower and crop.

plue, niaj rikoltoj, sirmataj Nay, more, our crops, sheltered de la montaj ventoj, pli facile from the winds that blow from the maturigos: tiel ni havos pli da mountains, will ripen[4] more tempo por la plezurigaj laboroj, easily: thus we shall have more kaj la floroj estos ankorau pli time for the work that brings belaj." pleasure,[5] and the flowers will be even more lovely."

Kaj li diris, "Tagmeze, kiam la And he said, "At noon,[6] when the suno brilas, mi kusas inter sun s.h.i.+nes warm, I lie amidst the la altstaranta greno. Tiu ci deep standing corn. This shelter sirmilo suficas. Ni havas is enough. We have plants enough.

sufice da kreskajoj. Arbo A tree is not a plant; it is a ne estas kreskajo; gi estas monster. Go to the devil!"

monstro. Iru diablon!"

Kaj Namezo iris al la diablo, And Namezo went to the devil, car li estis preta iri kien ajn, for he was ready to go anywhere, plivole ol daurigi paroli kun la rather than continue to talk to vilaganoj. the villagers.

Li diris, "Via diabla Mosto, la He said, "Your devilish Majesty, vilaganoj nauzadas min, kaj mi the villagers make me sick,[7] and estas laca je mia vivo. Faru el mi I am tired of[8] my life. Do with kion vi volas." me as you will."

[1]The plants we have already. Lit. our till-now plants.

[2]necessities. Necessary = _neces-a_: with suf. _-aj_ = necessary things. [3]Service. To serve = _serv-i_; ending _-o_ makes it a substantive. [4]Ripen. Ripe = _matur-a_; suf. _-ig_ denotes becoming. [5]Work that brings pleasure. Pleasure = _plezur-o_; suf. _-ig_ denotes causing to be. [6]Noon. Day = _tag-o_; middle = _mez-o_; ending _-e_ is adverbial. [7]Make me sick. To make sick = _nauz-i_; _-ad_ denotes continuation. [8]Tired of. The preposition _je_ is used when no other preposition exactly fits.

Respondis la diablo, "Mi ne The devil made answer, "I povas ion fari por vi, mizerulo! can do nothing for you, poor La vilaganoj estas venkintaj wretch![1] The villagers have min; kaj mi retiras min de la beaten me; and I am retiring from aferoj. Neniam, ec en miaj plej business. Never, even in my most eltrovemaj tagoj, mi elpensis ingenious[2] days, did I invent tiel mortigan turmenton por such a deadly[3] torment for a progresema h.o.m.o, kiel sukcesi en progressive man, as to succeed in la produkto de profitiga uzilo, producing a beneficial[4] device, kaj tiam devi penadi, por igi and then have to keep striving to siajn kunulojn alpreni gin. get his fellows[5] to adopt it.

Reiru al la vilaganoj kaj donu Go back again to the villagers, al ili miajn respektplenajn and give them my respectful komplimentojn." compliments."

Pezakore, Namezo reiris hejmen, Heavy at heart, Namezo went home kaj envoje li renkontis again, and on the way he fell vilaganaron portantan hakilojn. in with a band of villagers[6]

Li demandis kial ili portas carrying axes.[7] He asked why hakilojn. they were carrying axes.

"Por dehaki la arbon," respondis "To cut down the tree," replied la grupestro; "ni timas ke gi the leader of the band[8]; "we are etendigos sur la tutan landon. afraid that it will spread and Se oni prenos la fruktetojn kaj fill the whole land. If the people plantos ilin apud sia logejo, la take the fruits and plant them at arboj entrudos sin en la kampojn their own homes,[9] trees will kaj en la florbedojn, kaj elpusos encroach upon the fields and upon la aliajn kreskajojn." the flower-beds, and will drive out the other plants."

[1]Wretch. Misery = _miser-o_; suf. _-ul_ denotes having the quality of. [2]Ingenious. To find = _trov-i_; out = _el_; suf. _-em_ denotes propensity or apt.i.tude. [3]Deadly. To die = _mort-i_; suf. _-ig_ denotes to cause to die. [4]Beneficial. Profit-causing; suf. _-ig_.

[5]Fellows. With = _kun_; suf. _-ul_ denotes state or quality. [6]A band of villagers. Suf. _-ar_ denotes a collection. [7]Axes. To hew = _hak-i_; suf. _-il_ denotes instrument. [8]Leader of the band.

Band = _grup-o_; suf. _-estr_ enotes chief of. [9]Homes. To dwell = _log-i_; suf. _-ej_ denotes place.

"Sed vi tute ne devos planti "But you must not plant the trees la arbojn en la kampoj kaj in the fields and flower-beds,"

florbedoj," diris Namezo. La arboj said Namezo. "Trees have a havas utilon diferencan de la different use from other plants, aliaj kreskajoj kaj oni plantos and they will be planted in quite ilin en aparta loko. Se okaze arbo separate places. If by chance a altrudos sin inter la rikoltojn, tree pushes itself in amongst the oni elradikos gin tuj, antau ol crops, it will be rooted out at gi grandigos." once, before it gets big."

"Ne, arbo estas dangera," kriis "No, trees are dangerous," cried la hakilistoj; kaj Namezo devis the men with the axes;[1] and alvoki siajn amikojn por defendi Namezo had to call up his friends la arbon. to defend the tree.

Poste Namezo iris hejmen kaj After this Namezo went home and enfermis sin en sia dometo. Lia shut himself up in his cottage.

patrino estis jam de longe morta, His mother was by this time kaj la gefratoj jam edzigis, kaj long dead, and his brother and li vivadis sole. Sed li nun ne sister[2] were now married,[3]

povis ec resti sola. Venis la and he lived all alone. But now saguloj de la vilago, kaj ili he could not even remain alone.

kriadis tra la fenestro, "Arbo The wise men of the village came estas bona ideo, sed vi kreskigis along, and they kept shouting vian arbon malprave. Lasu nin do through the window, "Trees are a flegi gin lau nia bontrovo, good idea, but you have grown your kaj ni baldau plibonigos gin, tree the wrong way. So let us look tiel ke gi estos vere alpreninda after it as we see fit, and we'll arbo." soon improve[4] it, so that it shall be a tree really fit for us to take to."[5]

[1]The men with the axes. To hew = _hak-i_; _-il_ denotes instrument; _-ist_ denotes agent. [2]Brother and sister. Prefix _ge-_ denotes both s.e.xes. [3]Were married. Husband (wife) = _edz_ (_in_) _-o_; suffix _-ig_ denotes becoming. [4]Improve. Good = _bon-a_; more = _pli_; _-ig_ denotes causation. [5]Fit to take to. To take = _pren-i_; to = _al_; _-ind_ denotes worthy.

Kaj al ili Namezo respondis And to these Namezo answered nenion. Li sciis ke li estis nothing. He knew that he had given doninta grandan parton de sia a great part of his life to making vivo por eksperimenti kaj estis experiment and had produced a produktinta belkreskan arbon, dum well-grown tree, while the clever la lertuloj nun estis vidantaj men were now seeing a tree for arbon je la unua fojo, kaj tute the first time, and were wholly malsciis la malfacilecojn kiujn ignorant of the difficulties that oni devas venki, kaj ec ne had to be overcome, and did not komprenis la demandon kiun ili even understand the question they entreprenis solvi. Sed li sciis were undertaking to solve. But ankau ke tiela konsidero estas he also knew that to clever men por lertuloj malpli ol nenio. such a consideration is less than Estis malutile argumenti kun nothing. It was no good to argue ili, car ili ne sciis ke ili ne with them, for they did not know scias, kaj tio ci estas plej that they did not know, and this malfacila lerni. Tial li lasis is the hardest thing to learn. So ilin paroladi, kaj flegis sian he let them keep on talking, and arbon kiel antaue. "Car," tended his tree as before. "For,"

li diris al si mem, "kiam la said he to himself, "when the tree arbo estos disvastiginta kaj has spread and multiplied after multobliginta lauspece tra its kind throughout the land, from la lando, per la grada sperto many men's gradual experience de multaj h.o.m.oj farigos arba there will arise a science of scienco, kaj tial ni fine ellernos trees, and thus we shall in the la plej bonan flegmanieron." end find out the best way of Ankau li pensis, "la diablo estis tending them." Also he thought, prava: la diablo estas lertulo." "The devil was right: the devil is a clever man."

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