Food Remedies Part 6

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Rhubarb is a wholesome and cooling spring vegetable, and may well take the place of cooked fruit when the latter is scarce. But it is generally forbidden to rheumatic and gouty patients on account of its oxalic acid. This oxalic acid is supposed to combine with the lime in the blood of the gouty person, and to form crystals of oxalate of lime, which are eliminated by the kidneys. At the same time the general health suffers. "Dr. Prout," writes Dr. Fernie, "says he has seen well-marked instances in which an oxalate of lime kidney attack has followed the use of garden rhubarb in a tart or pudding, likewise of sorrel in a salad, particularly when at the same time the patient has been drinking hard water. But chemists explain that oxalates may be excreted in the urine without having necessarily been a const.i.tuent, as such, of vegetable or other foods taken at table, seeing that citric, malic, and other organic acids which are found distributed throughout the vegetable world are liable to chemical conversion into oxalic acid through a fermentation or perverted digestion."

I think the moral of the above is: "Do not drink hard water."

Especially do not cook fruit and vegetables in hard water. They are nearly always rendered indigestible by such a process, and "vegetarianism," not the hard water, is often blamed for the sufferings of the consumers.

Rhubarb is apt to be over-valued as a "spring medicine" on account of its a.s.sociation with the Turkey rhubarb of _materia medica_. It should be thoroughly ripe before eating.

I am _not_ recommending Turkey rhubarb.


Sage is said to promote longevity, to quicken the senses and memory, and to strengthen the nerves.

Sage tea is recommended for pulmonary consumption and for excessive perspiration of the feet. A teaspoonful of dried sage, or rather more if the fresh leaves be used, is steeped in half a pint of water for twenty-four hours. A teacupful is to be taken night and morning.

Sage, like so many of the fragrant herbs, is antiseptic.


The strawberry is exceptionally wholesome on account of its being so easily digested. It is recommended for gout, rheumatism, and the stone.

Also for anaemic patients on account of the iron it contains.

H. Benjafield, M.B., advises anaemic girls to take 1 quart of strawberries per day, and when these are not obtainable several ripe bananas.


Professor Bunge declared that iron should never be taken in its mineral form, but that those who are in need of an iron tonic should take it as it exists in vegetables and fruit. To this end he especially commends spinach.

Dr. Luff puts spinach first on a list of vegetables recommended to those who suffer from gouty tendencies.

Spinach is very easily digested, and so juicy that no added water is needed in which to cook it.


The tomato, according to an American physician, is one of the most powerful _deobstruents_ (remover of disease particles, and opener of the natural channels of the body) of the _materia medica_. It should be used in all affections of the liver, etc., where calomel is indicated.

The superst.i.tion that tomatoes are a cause of cancer is absolutely without foundation. Vegetarian cancer patients who have recovered after being given up as "hopeless" by the orthodox faculty eat tomatoes freely. Another belief, strongly supported by some otherwise "advanced"

scientific men, is that tomatoes are bad for those who suffer from a tendency to gout, or uric acid disease. But this has been contradicted by others. The evil agency in the tomato is supposed to be the oxalic salt which it undoubtedly contains. But it has been shown by experiment how certain chemical compounds as obtained from plants act quite differently to the same compounds artificially prepared in the laboratory. So that the contention of those who a.s.sert that the tomato is not only harmless, but even beneficial to gouty subjects, is not unreasonable. Speaking from experience, I can only say that one of the goutiest subjects I know eats tomatoes nearly every day of his life, and continues to progress rapidly towards health.

A tomato poultice is said to cleanse foul ulcers, and promote their healing. It should be renewed frequently, and applied hot.


Turnips are anti-s...o...b..tic.

An old remedy for chronic coughs was turnip juice boiled with sugar.

The turnips were grated, the juice pressed out, and 2 ozs. candied sugar were allowed to 1 pint of juice. This was boiled until it slightly thickened. A teaspoonful to be taken several times a day.

The green turnip tops, steamed until tender, are a good "spring medicine."


The common garden thyme, used for flavouring, is credited with many virtues. It is said to inspire courage and enliven the spirits, and for this reason should be taken by melancholy persons. It is good against nervous headache, flatulence, and hysterical affections. It is antiseptic.


The walnut has been called vegetable a.r.s.enic because of its curative value in eczema. An oil obtained from the kernel has been found of great service when applied externally in cases of skin diseases. The leaves of the walnut tree are also used for the same purpose, both externally and internally. One ounce of the leaves to 12 tablespoonfuls of boiling water make a tea, half a tea-cup of which may be taken several times a day. The affected parts should also be washed with it.

Walnuts, to be well masticated, have been given to gouty and rheumatic patients with great success. About one dozen per day is the quant.i.ty prescribed. It is possible that herein lies the secret of the fact that our ancestors invariably took walnuts with their wine.

The green, unripe walnut is useful for expelling worms.


Whole wheat is a perfect food. In the form of white flour, however, it is an imperfect, unbalanced food, on account of its deprivation of the valuable phosphates which exist in the bran. Rickets and malnutrition generally are the outcome of the habitual use of white flour, unless the loss of mineral matter is counter balanced by other foods.

Only the very finest wholemeal, such as "Artox," for example, should be used for making bread, etc. The ordinary coa.r.s.e wholemeals are apt to produce intestinal irritation.

_Cracked wheat_, soaked overnight in water and boiled for a couple of hours, is a favourite prescription of American writers for habitual constipation. It may be obtained at most large "Food-Reform" stores.

_Bran Tea._

Nervous or anaemic persons will derive great benefit from a course of bran tea. It is made as follows:--To every cup of bran allow 2 cups distilled water. Well wash the bran in cold water; it is generally full of dust. Put in a saucepan with the cold distilled water, cover tightly, and boil for thirty minutes. Strain, and flavour with sugar and lemon juice to taste. Take a teacupful night and morning.

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