A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of aLibrary Part 12

A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of aLibrary -

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=Race-horse= 798 Races, history 572 Racing 798 Radiates 593 Radiates paleontology 563 Railroad engineering 625 Railroad locomotives 621 Railroads 385 Railways, laws of 343 Rain 551 Rank 322 Rationalism 211, 155 Readers 418, 428, 438, etc.

Reading, art of 815 Reading courses 15, 16 Reading for self-education 374 Real estate law 343 Reason 155 Rebellion, Southern 973 Recipe books 640 Recreation 790 Reformation 274 Reformatory a.s.sociations 364 Reformatory inst.i.tutions 364 Reformed church 289 Regeneration 234 Regimen 613 Regulations of armies 355 Regulations of navies 359 Religion and science 215 Religion and sermons 255 Religions, Non-Christian 290 Religious anecdotes 249 Religious a.s.sociations 362 Religious biography 922 Religious education 377 Religious fiction 249 Religious inst.i.tutions 362 Religious orders 271 Religious philosophy 201 Remains 560 Rents 333 Repentance 234, 241 Reptiles 598 Reptiles paleontology 568 Republican inst.i.tutions 324 Resistance of materials 691 Resurrection 236 Retribution 237 Revealed religion 231 Revelation 231 Revenue 336 Reviews, _see_ Periodicals.

Revivals 269 Revolution, American 973 Revolution, French 944 Rhetoric 815 Rhetoric sacred 251 Rhode Island 974 Rhododendron 582 Riddles 819, 829, etc.

Riding 798 Right of search 341 Rights and liberties 342 Riots 343 Ritualism 244 River transportation 387 Rivers 551 Roads 625 Rocky mountains 557, 917 Rodentia 599 Roman antiquities 937 Roman architecture 722 Roman Catholics 282 Roman history, ancient 937 Roman history, modern 945 Roman literature 870 Roman law 348 Roman mythology 292 Roman sculpture 733 Romance 813 English 823 French 843 German 833 Italian 853 Religious 249 Spanish 863 Romanic languages 440-469 Romansh language 459 Rome, ancient 937 Rome, modern 945 Romish church 282 Rope-making 677 Rowing 797 Rubber manufactures 675 Ruminants 599 Rural architecture 728 Rural sports 796 Russia 947 Russian America 977 Russian language 497

=Sabbatarians= 289 Sabbath 263 Sabbath reform 263 Sabbath schools 268 Sacrament of baptism 264 Sacrament of Lord's Supper 265 Sacred biography 922 Sacred rhetoric 251 Sacrifices 221 Saddlery 685 Sailors 387 St. Domingo 979 Sale catalogues of books 17, 18 Salt manufacture 664 Salvation 234 Sandwich Islands 997 Sanitary commissions 364 Sanitary commissions U.S. 361 Sanitary measures 614 Sanskrit language 494 Sardinia 945 Satan 235 Satire 817 English 827 French 847 German 837 Italian 857 Latin 877 Spanish 867 Savings banks 332 Saxon language 429 Saxons 943 Scandinavia 948 Scandinavian language 498 Scandinavian literature 898 Scepticism 211 Scholastic philosophy 198 Schools 378 Schools Sunday 268 School architecture 727 School houses 727 Schools of art 707 Schools of painting 753-756 Schopenhauer's philosophy 193 Schleswig-Holstein 943 Science, Natural 500 biography of 925 Scientific societies 506 Scientific travels 508 Scotland 941 Scotch language 496 Scotch philosophy 192 Scriptures 220 Scrofulous diseases 616 Sculpture 730 Sculptors' lives 927 Seamans.h.i.+p 656, 527 Secession 342 Second advent 236 Second sight 133 Secret societies 366 Sects, Christian 280 Secular education 377 Self-culture 374 Self-education 374 Semitic languages 493 Semitic literature 893 Sensation 152 Sensational psychology 145 Sense 152 Sepulchres 718 Sepulture 614 Sermons 252-259 Serpents 598 Servants 647 Servia 949 Sewerage 614 Sewing 687 Sewing machine 687 s.e.x in education 376 s.e.xual ethics 176 s.e.xual science 618 s.e.xes 136 Shades and shadows 744 Shakers 289 Shakesperiana 822 Sheep 636 594 fossil 564 Shemitic languages 493 s.h.i.+p-building 699 626, 387 s.h.i.+pping laws 346 Shoemaking 685, 675 Shooting 799 Short-hand 653 Shrubbery 716 Siam 959 Siberia 957 Sicily 945 Sick-room 649 Sieges 355, 623 Sight 536 Sight hygiene 613 Signals 654 Sign painting 698 Silk culture 638 Silk manufacture 677 Silk worm 638, 595 Silver metal 549 Silver mines 628 Silver money 332 Sin 233 Singing 784 Sisters of Mercy 362 Skating 796 Skepticism 211 Skin diseases 616 Skye 941 Slander 177, 345 Slang 427, 437, etc.

Slating 695 Slavery 326 Slavic language 497 Slavic literature 897 Sleep 135 Sleep walking 135 Small-pox 616, 614 Soap-making 664 Social ethics 177 Social science 300 Social wors.h.i.+p 247 Socialisms 335 Societies, fine arts 706 Societies, general 60 Societies, history 906 Societies, literature 806 Societies, natural science 506 Societies, philology 406 Societies, philosophy 106 Societies, science 506 Societies, secret 366 Societies, sociology 306 Societies, theology 206 Societies, useful arts 606 Society 177 Sociology 300 Sociology biography of 923 Socratic philosophy 183 Soils 631 Solar system 523 Soldiers 355 Somnambulism 135 Songs 784 Sonnets 811, 821, etc.

Sophist philosophy 183 Sorcery 133 Soul 233 Sound 534 South Africa 968 botany 586 geography 916 South America 980 botany 588 customs and costumes 398 ecclesiastical history 278 geography 918 geology 558 history 980 statistics 318 travels 918 South Carolina 976 South seas 999 Southern States 976 Spain 946 Spanish language 460 Spanish literature 860 Spanish philosophy 196 Specie payment 332 Specifications for building 692 Specters 133 Spectroscope 535 Spectrum a.n.a.lysis 544 Speeches, _see_ Oratory.

Spherical astronomy 521 Spherical geometry 513 Spherical trigonometry 514 Spiders 595 Spinoza's philosophy 147 Spiritualism 133 Spontaneous generation 577 Sports 796 Stables 636 Stage 792 Stained gla.s.s 745 Stammering 616 Stamps 383 Standing army 355 Starch manufacture 664 Stars 523 State 320 State ethics 172 State papers 328 State rights 342 State trials 345 Statesmen, lives 923 Statics 531 Statistical methods 311 Statistics 310 Statuary 730 Statute law 343 Steam-engine 621 Steam-fitting 696 Steam-navigation 527, 656 Steam-transportation 385, 656 Steel 669 Steel engraving 762 Stenography 653 Stereotyping 655 Stereoscopes and views 776 Stethoscope 616 Stipple engraving 765 Stock, live 636 Stocks 333 Stoic philosophy 188 Stoneware 673 Storms 551 Stills 663 Strategy 355 Strawberries 634 Stringed instruments 787 Study, methods of 371 Stuttering 616 Sublime and beautiful 701 Submarine telegraph 384 Succession 323 Suffrage 324 Sugar-cane 633 Sugar manufacture 664 Sugar planting 633 Suicide 131 Sumatra 992 Summer-houses 717 Sun 523 Sunda 992 Sunday-schools 268 Supernaturalism 133 Superst.i.tion 133 Surgery 617 Surnames 929 Surveying 622 Susceptibility 157 Sweden 948 Swedenborgians 289 Swimming 796 Swine 636 Switzerland 949 Syllogism 160 Symbolism 219 Synonyms, English 424 Synonyms, French 444 Synonyms, German 434 Synonyms, Greek 484 Synonyms, Italian 454 Synonyms, Latin 474 Synonyms, Spanish 464 Syphilis 616 Syria 956 Syriac language 493 Syro-Chaldaic 493 Systematic botany 582

=Tableaux= 791 Tables, dining 643 Tables, mathematical 514 Tachygraphy 653 Tactics 355 Tailoring 687 Takigrafy 653 Tales, _see_ Romance.

Talmud 296 Tanning 675 Tariffs 337 Tartary 951, 959 Taste and criticism 701 Taxation 336 Taxidermy 579 Tea cultivation 633 Teachers and teaching 371 Technology, chemical 660 Teeth 611, 617 Tehuantepec 978 Telegraph 384 Telegraphy 654 Telescope 535, 522 Temperaments 137 Temperance 178 Temperature 551, 536 Templars 366 Tennessee 976 Testacea 594 Testament, New 225 Testament, Old 221 Testamentary law 349 Testimony 349 Texas 976 Textile fabrics 677 Texts, comparative 418 Texts, English 428 Texts, French 448 Texts, German 438 Texts, Greek, with notes 488 Texts, Greek, without notes 880 Texts, Italian 458 Texts, Latin, with notes 478 Texts, Latin, without notes 870 Texts, Spanish 468 Thanksgiving 244 Theater, _see_ Drama.

Theater, ethics 175 Theaters 792 Theatricals 792 Theft 345 Theism 211 Theodicy 231, 214 Theological doctrine 230 Theological essays 204 Theology 200 Theology biography of 922 Theology devotional 240 Theology natural 210 Theology practical 240 Theoretical astronomy 521 Theoretical chemistry 541 Theoretical ethics 171 Therapeutics 615 Thibet 951 Thirty-nine articles 283 Thomsonianism 615 Thought 153 Throat diseases 616 Thunder 537 Tides 521 Tiling 695 Timber 691 Tin manufacture 671 Tin mineral 549 t.i.thes 336 Tobacco 615, 178, 633 Toilet 646 Tolls 336 Tombs 718 Topographical engineering 622 Topography 910 Total abstinence 178 Toxicology 615 Tractarianism 244, 283 Tract society 362 Trade 380 Trade marks 608 Trades, mechanic 680 Trades, unions 367, 606, 331 Tragedies, _see_ Drama.

Transactions 106, 206, 306, etc.

Transcendentalism 142 Translation, Greek authors 880 Translation, Latin authors 870 Transportation 380, 656, 345 Transubstantiation 282 Transylvania 943 Trapping 639 Travels 910 Travels scientific 508 Treason 345 Treasury 352 Trees 580 Trees, ornamental 715 Trespa.s.s 345 Trials 340 Trigonometry 514 Trilobites 565 Trinity 232 Troubadours 449, 841 Trunk-making 685 Trusts and trustees 344 Tungusic language 499 Tunnels 625 Turkey 949 Turkey in Asia 956 Turkish baths 613 Turkish language 499 Turning 674 Tuscany 945 Type founding 671 Typography 655 Tyrol 943

=Understanding= 153 Uniforms 355 Unitarians 288 United States 324, 973 botany 587 customs and costumes 397 ecclesiastical history 277 geography 917 geology 557 history 973 statistics 317 travels 917 Universal History 909 Universal language 408 Universalism 288 Universities 378 University education 373 Upholstering 645 Uruguay 989 Useful arts 600 biography of 926 Usury 334 Utah 977

=Vases= 738 Vaudois 272, 949 Vegetable physiology 581 Vegetable practice 615 Vegetables 635 Vegetarianism 613 Venereal diseases 616 Venezuela 987 Venice 945 Ventilation 697 Ventriloquism 133 Vermont 974 Versification 811 Vertebrates 596 Vertebrates paleontology 566 Veterinary medicine 619 Villas 728 Violin 787 Virginia 976 Virtue 170 Vision 535 Visions and dreams 135 Vital principle 576, 612 Vocal culture 784, 815 Vocal music 784 Voice 784 Volcanoes 553 Voyages 910

=Wages= 331 Wakefulness 135 Waldenses 272, 945 Wales 942 Walks 713 Wallachian language 459 War ethics 172 War science 355-359 Warehouses 380 Warming 697 Was.h.i.+ng 648 Was.h.i.+ngton territory 977 Watch-making 681 Water, artificial ponds, etc. 714 Water colors 751 Water cure 615 Water wheels 531, 621 Water works 628 Watering-places 613 Wax flowers 745 Wealth 331 Weather 551 Weaving 677 Weights and measures 389 Welsh language 496 West Indies 979 West Virginia 976 Western States 977 Whale 599 Whale fisheries 639 Wheat 633 Whigs 324 Whigs English 323 Whist 795 Will 159 Wills 343 Wind instruments 788 Wine 663 Wisconsin 977 Wit 819, 829, 839, etc.

Witchcraft 133 Woman, education 376 Woman, suffrage 324 Wood engraving 761 Wood manufactures 674 Wool 636 Wool manufactures 677 Working 331 Wors.h.i.+p 246-248 Writing 651 Writing short-hand 653

=Xylography= 655

=Yachting= 797 Year books 313 Yellow fever 616 Young men's a.s.sociation 362

=Zend= 295 Zend Avesta 295 Zodiac 521 Zoology 590 Zoophytes 593 Zoroaster 295


The t.i.tles of the subject catalogue are exact transcriptions of the t.i.tle page, neither amended, translated, or in any way altered, except that mottoes, t.i.tles of authors, repet.i.tions, or matter of any kind not essential to a clear t.i.tular description, are _omitted_. Omissions of mottoes are indicated by three stars (* * *); of other matter by three dots (...). The phraseology, spelling, and punctuation of the t.i.tle are exactly copied; but capitals are given only to proper names and adjectives, and initial words of sentences. Any additions needed to make the t.i.tle clear are supplied and enclosed by brackets.

After the t.i.tles, are given in order: the place of publication; the year; the year of copyright, if different, in brackets; the edition; the number of volumes, or of pages if in only one volume; the ill.u.s.trations, maps, plates, or portraits; and the size nearest in the arbitrary scale, regardless of the fold of the sheet. This scale gives the heights in decimeters. Square and oblong books have the size prefixed by _sq_. or _ob_. Books 1 decimeter high are called 32; 1.5 deci., 16; 2 deci., 12; 2.5 deci., 8; 3 deci., 4; and all others are marked simply by the nearest height, i.e. a book marked 4 is between 3.5 and 4.5 decimeters high. In books having more than one pagination the number of pages is indicated by giving the last number of each pagination connected by a +; an added + indicates additional matter unpaged.

These imprint entries give the facts regardless of the t.i.tle page, and are left blank only when they can be ascertained neither from the book itself or other sources.

The contents of volumes are given when on t.i.tle pages, or when necessary to properly identify the volume, but no a.n.a.lysis is attempted. Necessary notes are given at the bottom of the subject card after the imprint entries.

Duplicates are simply marked copy 2, copy 3, etc., and bear the same cla.s.s and book number, but editions of the same book distinct in character are catalogued separately.

In all the catalogues, books are entered under the _surnames_ of authors when known; under the _initials_ of author's names, when these only appear, the last initial being put first; under the _pseudonyms_ of the writers, when the real names are not ascertained; under the names of _editors_ of collections; under the names of _countries, cities, societies,_ or other _bodies_ which are responsible for their publication; under the _first word_ not an article of the t.i.tles of periodicals and of anonymous books the names of whose authors are not ascertained. _Commentaries_ with the text, and _translations_ are entered under the heading of the original work, but commentaries without the text are entered under the name of the _commentator_. The Bible or any part of it in any language is entered under the word _Bible_. Books having more than one author are entered under the first named on the t.i.tle.

In the headings of t.i.tles, the names of authors are given in their vernacular form. In English and French surnames beginning with a prefix (except the French de and d') the name is recorded under the prefix. In other languages and in French names beginning with de and d', the name is recorded under the word following the prefix. Compound surnames are entered under the first part of the name. n.o.blemen and ecclesiastical dignitaries are entered under their family names, but _sovereigns, princes, oriental writers, friars, persons canonized_, and all other persons known _only_ by their first name, are entered under this first name.

The catalogue is not a biographical dictionary, so only gives the names of authors with sufficient fullness to distinguish them from each other in practical use.

Names in =full face type= are the ruling headings under which the books are entered in the various catalogues. Entries not beginning with this type are in addition to the first or main entry, and are made under the names of _translators, editors, commentators, continuators_, etc., as partic.i.p.ators in the authors.h.i.+p; also in the case of books having more than one author, or having both generic and specific t.i.tles, or published by societies or other bodies, and having also the name of the individual author. These additional entries are made in order to carry out the plan of the Authors' Catalogue, which aims to give under each author's name all his works which the library contains.

The works of an author known by more than one name are given all together, under the form of name chosen. Any other name or t.i.tle by which he may be known, if it differs in the first three letters, is entered in its alphabetical place, followed by the word _see_ and the name under which the books are entered. Such cross references have no t.i.tles given under them, but are simply guides to the name chosen.

A single dash indicates the omission of the preceding heading; a subsequent dash indicates the omission of a subordinate heading or of a t.i.tle. A dash connecting numbers signifies _to and including_; following a number it signifies _continuation_. A ? following a word or entry signifies _probably_. Brackets enclose words added to t.i.tles or changed in form.

The German diphthongs a, o, u are written, ae, oe, ue.

Dates are all given in years of the common calendar, and Arabic numerals are uniformly used for all numbers.


The Subject Catalogue on large cards can be used to advantage only with the aid of the _Cla.s.sification_ or _Index_. To find what the library has on any given subject, get from the Index the cla.s.s number of that subject. Under this number in the Subject Catalogue will be found the full t.i.tles of the books, with imprints, cross references, and notes. The cla.s.s number, by which the cards are arranged, is given in the upper left corner and immediately under it is the book number. Any other cla.s.s number given in the left hand margin refers to another subject of which the book also treats. When the cla.s.s number at the top is followed by an additional figure in brackets, the subject as given in the printed scheme has been subdivided in arranging the cards. This subdivision will be found on the first card of the catalogue which bears this cla.s.s number.

These figures in brackets determine the arrangement of the t.i.tles in the Catalogue, but on the shelves, in the Shelf Catalogue, and in calling for and charging books, they are entirely disregarded. Thus a book numbered 942(7).14 would be in the Catalogue among the 942 cards arranged by the figure in brackets as though it were a decimal, but it would be called for as 942.14, the brackets indicating that the final cla.s.sing was limited to the Catalogue and was not extended to the shelves. If a fourth figure is added without brackets, the final cla.s.sing is extended to the shelves as well as to the catalogue, and all the figures must be used in calling for the book. In such cases the added figure is treated as a decimal in the arrangement, though the decimal point is not written.

The last card which bears any cla.s.s number, gives under that number, followed by the word SEE the call numbers of other books which treat of the same subject, but are cla.s.sed elsewhere. General cross references are also made in many cases without specifying individual books, as from _Commerce_ as a question of SOCIAL SCIENCE (380) to _Commerce_ as a USEFUL ART, Book-keeping Business Manuals, etc. (650). In such cases there is a card under 380 marked SEE 650, and under 650 there is a card marked SEE 380. From whatever stand-point a subject is approached, the cross references guide at once to the same subject treated in its other relations. These cross references both general and specific are often accompanied by brief notes, characterizing the books to which reference is made.

There will be found at the beginning of many cla.s.s numbers, a card noting the most reliable books on that subject, and the best of the articles in periodicals, transactions, and collected works with the volume and page where they may be found. It is hoped to give special prominence to these notes for the guidance of readers, and they will be added as rapidly as other duties allow.

Many subjects will have no sub-section cards at the beginning; some will have no reference cards at the end; and some may have no t.i.tles given under the number. The scheme provides a place for books on all subjects, whether the library has them or not, so where no t.i.tles are given under a cla.s.s number it shows that the library has as yet no books on that subject.

Articles in periodicals and transactions, separate volumes of sets and collections which are located together, _if catalogued_ are put under their proper subject number, but no _book number_ is given with it. The call number of the book, where they may be found, is always given in the margin preceded by the word IN. In the same way special chapters in books will sometimes be catalogued, _e.g._ a card marked 338 IN 331-27, would mean that in the 27 books on 331, _Capital and Labor_, there was a chapter on 338, _Production_.

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