Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured -
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+Ohio Minister Cured+
I still wear my Cluthe Truss, though I am cured, as it gives me no uneasiness or discomfort.
REV. A. N. SMITH, Van Buren, Ohio.
October 19, 1911.
+Prominent Arkansas Man Quickly Cured+
It is only in justice to you, and a great pleasure to me that now after wearing your truss for 90 days, to say that I find my rupture back in place and that it does not come down without the truss. However, I have thought it best to wear it for a while longer, believing that my case, a double rupture of 50 years standing, is practically cured. I am 67 years of age, and during that time I have tried over 25 different trusses and treatments for rupture.
A. H. SOEKLAND, Ex-Postmaster of Stuttgart, Ark., and Past Department Commander G.A.R.
of Arkansas, Stuttgart, Ark.
October 13, 1911.
+Only Real Device for Rupture Made in the World+
I wish to state a few facts concerning your truss. It is the only real device for rupture made in the world. It cured me. I don't know what I would have done if I had not heard of the Cluthe Truss.
GEORGE STOREY, 17 West 4th St., Jamestown, N.Y.
November 9, 1911.
+Considers Cluthe Truss a Wonder+
The truss I purchased from you about six months ago is a wonder. It has me about cured. You can use my name whenever and wherever you wish, and I will help any person that suffers with rupture anywhere in the city of Chicago or any other city, that writes me to verify this statement.
CHARLES C. SCHMIDT, 2275 Archer Ave., Chicago, Ill.
October 3, 1911.
+Cured In Seven Months While Indulging in Athletic Sports+
I had tried several so-called trusses with poor results up to last May, when you fitted me, and I can positively state that from that day my rupture has not been down since. I indulge in athletic sports, in swimming and bathing and wore your truss in the water with no inconvenience whatever. I feel confident that I am now entirely cured of my rupture, and write this hoping that some afflicted brothers may take advantage of your grand invention. You may use the above for recommendation if you wish.
FRANK A. PLUNKETT, 25 Water St., New York City.
+Absolutely Cured by the Cluthe Truss+
About August, 1909, I began using your truss for rupture. With it life was not such a misery as all my other trusses had made it. Some months thereafter I took the truss off and found I was completely cured. And herewith greetings and heartfelt thanks, for I know your members to be great benefactors to suffering humanity.
Before I bought my Cluthe truss I was examined by two "doctors." One would cure me with the knife for $200 and $25 per week while in hospital, and the other, by injection, for $150, and he would also use some form of Spring truss.
You are at liberty to use these few words any way you wish.
D. A. ROSS, R.F.D. No. 3, Oklahoma City, Okla.
+Doctor Who Was to Operate Calls It Perfect Cure by Cluthe Truss+
I am perfectly cured by wearing one of your trusses. My rupture was as large as a goose egg, and was out all of the time. I put your truss on and kept it on for one hundred days, and when I took it off the rupture was all healed up and cured. The doctor who was going to operate on me called it a permanent cure.
CHARLES E. ROBERTS, 720 Calvert St., Rome, N.Y.
October 6, 1911.
+Proof of Permanency of Cure by Cluthe Truss+
Please send me an order blank for a friend. It may interest you and others to know that I purchased a truss of you many years ago, which cured me.
L. E. DRAKE, Bellevue, Alta, Canada.
+Cured by Cluthe Truss in 6 Months+
Your Truss is all you claim for it. I have had the truss about six months and never had any symptom of trouble since then. I am now cured and will only be too glad for you to refer anyone to me for any reference you want. I tried many other trusses with no relief. Those afflicted should not delay in getting your truss.
G. P. LA FOLLETTE, 289 Edith Ave., Memphis, Tenn.
+Blacksmith Cured While Doing His Work+
I bought one of your trusses about eight months ago and am more than pleased with results. I have worked hard-- even at horseshoeing-- every day since I put the truss on, but in spite of all that it cured me of my rupture.
+Cluthe Truss Cured This Californian 76 Years Old+
I am glad to have the opportunity of letting the public know of the benefit I received from the truss purchased from you. It is all you claim for it, for my left rupture is now cured and the one on the right side almost well. I am past 76 years old but I felt all of ten years younger from the day I commenced using your wonderful truss. I shall be indeed glad to impart to those who suffer as I did, any information I can give regarding the Cluthe Truss.
W. L. NOTLEY, 63 Pearl St., Santa Cruz, Calif.
+Now Over 81 Years Old-- Was Cured by Cluthe Truss+
My rupture is all well and the cure is complete, but I keep the truss on day and night because I am over 81 years old and might take a fit of sneezing. With many thanks for your kindness.
G. A. P. BRYANT, R.F.D. No. 1, Smyrna Mills, Maine.
+This Chicagoan Cured in 3 Months+
After I had worn your truss three months, I noticed that the rupture did not appear as formerly on retiring at night. An instance-- my cat had a fit one night, I jumped out of bed very hurriedly, grabbed the cat, rushed down two flights of stairs and threw the cat out on the porch.
When I returned to my room I thought of the truss, not having thought to put it on before going downstairs-- was overjoyed to find that there was no sign of the rupture; this was several months ago and there has been no return of the rupture since. Would be pleased to recommend the Cluthe Truss at any time.