The Maya Chronicles Part 9

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1. Lai u tzolan katun lukci ti cab ti yotoch Nonoual cante anilo Tutulxiu ti chikin Zuiua u luumil u talelob Tulapan [95-1]chiconahthan.

2. Cante bin ti katun lic u ximbalob ca uliob uaye yetel Holon Chantepeuh yetel u cuchulob. Ca hokiob ti petene uaxac ahau bin yan cuchi uac ahau, can ahau, cabil ahau, cankal haab catac hunppel haab, tumen hun piztun oxlahun ahau cuchie, ca uliob uay ti petene, cankal haab catac hunppel haab, tu pakteil, yetel cu ximbalob lukci tu luumilob ca talob uay ti petene Chacnouitan lae; u anoil lae 81 ---- ---- ---- 81.

3. Uaxac ahau, uac ahau; cabil ahau kuchci chacnouitan Ahmekat Tutulxiu; hunppel haab minan ti hokal haab cuchi yan.o.b chacnouitan lae; lai u habil lae ---- ---- ---- 99 anos.

4. Laitun uchci u chicpahal tzucubte Ziyan caan lae Bakhalal; can ahau, cabil ahau, oxlahun ahau, oxkal haab cu tepalob Ziyan caan ca emob uay lae; lai u habil cu tepalob Bakhalal [96-1]chuulte laitun chicpahci Chichen Itza lae ---- ---- 60 anos.

5. Buluc ahau, bolon ahau, uuc ahau, ho ahau, ox ahau, hun ahau, uackal haab, cu tepalob Chichen Itzaa, ca paxi Chichen Itza, ca bin.o.b cahtal Chanputun, ti yanhi u yotochob ah Itzaob kuyan uincob lae; lay u habil lae ---- ---- 120.

6. Uac ahau chucuc u luumil Chanputun. Can ahau, cabil ahau, oxlahun ahau, buluc ahau, bolon ahau, uuc ahau, ho ahau, ox ahau, hun ahau, lahca ahau, lahun ahau, uaxac ahau paxci Chanputun; oxlahunkal haab cu tepalob Chanputun tumenel Ytza uinicob ca talob u tzac le u yotochob tu caten; laixtun u katunil binciob ah Itzaob yalan che, yalan [96-2]aban, yalan ak ti numyaob lae; lai u habil cu [96-3]xinbal lae ---- ---- ---- 260.

7. Uac ahau, can ahau, cakal haab, ca talob u he?ob yotoch tu caten ca tu zatahob chakanputun; lay u habil lae ---- ---- ---- 40.

8. Lai u katunil cabil ahau u he?cicab Ahcuitok Tutulxiu Uxmal; cabil ahau, oxlahun ahau, buluc ahau, bolon ahau, uuc ahau, ho ahau, ox ahau, hun ahau, lahca ahau, lahun ahau; lahun kal haab cu tepalob yetel u halach uinicil chichen Itza yetel Mayalpan; lai u habil lae ---- ---- 200.

9. Lai u katunil buluc ahau bolon ahau uuc ahau, uaxac ahau, paxci u halach uinicil Chichen Itzaa tumenel u kebanthan Hunac eel; ca uch ti Chacxibchac Chichen Itzaa tu kebanthan Hunac eel u halach uinicil Mayalpan ich paae. Cankal haab catac lahunpiz haab, tu lahun tun, uaxac ahau cuchie lai u habil paxci tumenel Ahzinteyut chan yetel Tzuntec.u.m, yetel Taxcal, yetel Pantemit, Xuchueuet yetel Ytzcuat, yetel Kakaltecat; lai u kaba uiniclob lae uuctulob ah Mayelpan.o.b lae ---- ---- ---- ---- 90.

10. Laili u katunil uaxac ahau lai ca bin.o.b u paa ah Ulmil ahau tumenel u uahal uahoob yetel ah Itzmal ulil ahau lae oxlahun uu? u katunilob ca paxob tumen Hunac eel; tumenel u ?abal u natob; uac ahau ca ?oci hunkal haab catac canlahun pizi; lai u habil cu [97-1]xinbal ---- 34.

11. Uac ahau, can ahau, cabil ahau, oxlahun ahau, buluc ahau chucuc u luumil ich paa Mayapan, tumenel u pach tulum, tumenel multepal ich cah Mayalpan, tumenel Ytza uinicob yetel Ulmil ahau lae, cankal haab catac oxppel haab; yocol buluc ahau cuchi paxci Mayalpan tumenel ahuitzil ?ul tan cah Mayapan ---- ---- 83.

12. Uaxac ahau lai paxci Mayapan; lay u katunil uac ahau, can ahau, cabil ahau, lai haab, cu ximbal ca yax mani espanoles u yax ulci caa luumi Yucatan tzucubte lae oxkal haab paxac ichpaa cuchie ---- ---- ---- ---- 60.

13. Oxlahun ahau, buluc ahau uchci mayacimil ich paa yetel nohkakil; oxlahun ahau cimci Ahpula; uacppel haab u binel ma ?ococ u xocol oxlahun ahau cuchie; ti yanil u xocol haab ti lakin cuchie, canil kan c.u.mlahi pop, tu holhun zip catac oxppeli, bolon imix u kinil lai cimci Ahpula; laytun ano cu ximbal cuchi lae ca oheltab lai u xoc _numeroil anos_ lae 1536 anos cuchie, oxkal haab paxac ichpa cuchi lae.

14. Laili ma ?ococ u xocol buluc ahau lae lai ulci _espanoles_ kul uincob ti lakin, u talob ca uliob uay tac luumil lae; bolon ahau hoppci _cristianoil_; uchci caputzihil; laili ichil u katunil lae ulci yax _obispo_ Toroba u kaba; heix ano cu ximbal uchie 1544.

15. Yan cuchi uuc ahau cimci yax obispo de landa; ychil u katunil ho ahau ca yan cahi padre manii lai ano lae ---- ---- ---- 1550.

16. Lai ano cu ximbal ca cahi padre yok haa 1552.

17. Lai ano cu ximbal ca uli Oidor la ca paki Espital ---- ---- ---- ---- 1559.

18. Lai ano cu ximbal ca kuchi Doctor Quijada yax gob^or uaye ---- ---- ---- 1560.

19. Lai ano cu ximbal ca uchci chuitab lae 1562.

20. Lai ano cu ximbal ca uli Mariscal gob^or ca betab [99-1]thulub ---- ---- ---- 1563.

21. Lai ano cu ximbal ca uchci nohkakil lae 1609.

22. Lai ano cu ximbal ca hichiucal kaxob 1610.

23. Lai ano cu ximbal ca ?ibtah cah tumenel Juez Diego Pareja 1611.


1. This is the arrangement of the katuns since the departure was made from the land, from the house Nonoual, where were the four Tutulxiu, from Zuiva at the west; they came from the land Tulapan, having formed a league.

2. Four katuns had pa.s.sed in which they journeyed when they arrived here with Holon Chantepeuh and his followers. When they set out for this country it was the eighth ahau. The sixth ahau, the fourth ahau, the second ahau (pa.s.sed), four score years and one year, for it was the first year of the thirteenth ahau when they arrived here in this country; four score years and one year in all had pa.s.sed since they departed from the land and came here, to the province Chacnouitan. These were years 81.

3. The eighth ahau, the sixth ahau; in the second ahau Ahmekat Tutulxiu arrived at Chacnouitan; they were in Chacnouitan five score years lacking one year; these were years 99.

4. Then took place the discovery of the province Ziyan caan or Bakhalal; the fourth ahau, the second ahau, the thirteenth ahau, three score years they ruled Ziyan caan when they descended here: in these years that they ruled Bakhalal it occurred then that Chichen Itza was discovered. 60 years.

5. The eleventh ahau, the ninth ahau, the seventh ahau, the fifth ahau, the third ahau, the first ahau, six score years, they ruled at Chichen Itza; then they abandoned Chichen Itza and went to live at Chanputun; there those of Itza, holy men, had their houses; these were years 120.

6. In the sixth ahau the land of Chanputun was seized. The fourth ahau, the second ahau, the thirteenth ahau, the eleventh ahau, the ninth ahau, the seventh ahau, the fifth ahau, the third ahau, the first ahau, the twelfth ahau, the tenth ahau; the eighth ahau Chanputun was abandoned; thirteen score years Chanputun was ruled by the Itza men when they came in search of their houses a second time; in this katun those of Itza were under the trees, under the boughs, under the branches, to their sorrow; the years that pa.s.sed were 260.

7. The sixth ahau, the fourth ahau, two score years, (had pa.s.sed) when they came and established their houses a second time, and they lost Chakanputun; these were years 40.

8. In the katun the second ahau Ahcuitok Tutulxiu founded (the city of) Uxmal; the second ahau, the thirteenth ahau, the eleventh ahau, the ninth ahau, the seventh ahau, the fifth ahau, the third ahau, the first ahau, the twelfth ahau, the tenth ahau; ten score years they ruled with the governor of Chichen Ytza and Mayapan; these were years 200.

9. Then were the katuns eleventh ahau, ninth ahau, sixth ahau; in the eighth ahau the governor of Chichen Itza was driven out on account of his plotting against Hunac Eel; and this happened to Chac Xib Chac of Chichen Itza on account of his plotting against Hunac Eel the governor of Mayapan, the fortress. Four score years and ten years, and it was the tenth year of the eighth ahau that it was depopulated by Ah Zinteyut Chan, with Tzuntec.u.m, and Taxcal, and Pantemit, Xuchueuet and Ytzcuat and Kakaltecat: these were the names of the seven men of Mayapan 90.

10. In this eighth ahau they went to the fortress of the ruler of Ulmil on account of his banquet to Ulil ruler of Itzmal; they were thirteen divisions of warriors when they were dispersed by Hunac Eel, in order that they might know what was to be given; in the sixth ahau it ended, one score years and fourteen; the years that pa.s.sed were 34.

11. The sixth ahau, the fourth ahau, the second ahau, the thirteenth ahau, the eleventh ahau; then was invaded the land of the fortress of Mayapan by the men of Itza and their ruler Ulmil on account of the seizure of the castle by the joint government in the city of Mayapan; four score years and three years; the eleventh ahau had entered when Mayapan was depopulated by foreigners from the mountains in the midst of the city of Mayapan 83.

12. In the eighth ahau Mayapan was depopulated; then were the sixth ahau, the fourth ahau, the second ahau; during this year the Spaniards first pa.s.sed and first came to this land the province of Yucatan, sixty years after the fortress was depopulated. ---- ---- ---- ---- 60.

13. The thirteenth ahau; the eleventh ahau took place the pestilence in the fortresses and the smallpox; in the thirteenth ahau Ahpula died; for six years the count of the thirteenth ahau will not be ended; the count of the year was toward the East, the month Pop began with (the day) fourth Kan; the eighteenth day of the month Zip (that is), 9 Imix, was the day on which Ahpula died; and that the count may be known in numbers and years it was the year 1536, sixty years after the fortress was destroyed.

14. The count of the eleventh ahau was not ended when the Spaniards, mighty men, arrived from the east; they came, they arrived here in this land; the ninth ahau Christianity began; baptism took place; also in this katun came the first bishop Toroba by name; this was the year 1544.

15. In the seventh ahau died the first bishop de Landa; in the fifth katun the Fathers first settled at Mani, in the year 1550.

16. As this year was pa.s.sing the fathers settled upon the water ---- ---- ---- 1552

17. As this year was pa.s.sing the auditor came and the hospital was built ---- ---- 1559

18. As this year was pa.s.sing the first governor Dr. Quijada, arrived here ---- ---- 1560

19. As this year was pa.s.sing the hanging took place ---- ---- ---- ---- 1562

20. As this year was pa.s.sing the Governor Marshall came and built the reservoirs ---- 1563

21. As this year was pa.s.sing the smallpox occurred ---- ---- ---- ---- 1609

22. As this year was pa.s.sing those of Tekax were hanged ---- ---- ---- 1610

23. As this year was pa.s.sing the towns were written down by Judge Diego Pareja ---- 1611


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