The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 240

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_Thyrse._ A contracted or ovate and usually compact panicle.

_Thyrsoid._ Resembling a thyrse.

_Tomentose._ Densely p.u.b.escent with matted wool.

_Tooth._ Any small marginal lobe.

_Torose._ Cylindrical with contractions at intervals.

_Torulose._ Diminutive of Torose.

_Torus._ The receptacle of a flower.

_Transverse._ Across; in a right and left direction.

_Tri-._ In composition, three or thrice.

_Triandrous._ Having three stamens.

_Trifoliolate._ Having three leaflets.

_Trigonous._ Three-angled.

_Trimorphous._ Occurring under three forms.

_Triquetrous._ Having three salient angles, the sides concave or channelled.

_Truncate._ Ending abruptly, as if cut off transversely.

_Tuber._ A thickened and short subterranean branch, having numerous buds or eyes.

_Tubercle._ A small tuber or tuber-like body.

_Tuberiferous._ Bearing tubers.

_Tuberous._ Having the character of a tuber; tuber-like in appearance.

_Tumid._ Swollen.

_Tunicated._ Having concentric coats, as an onion.

_Turbinate._ Top-shaped; inversely conical.

_Twining._ Winding spirally about a support.

_Umbel._ An inflorescence in which a cl.u.s.ter of peduncles or pedicels spring from the same point.

_Umbellate._ In or like an umbel.

_Umbellet._ A secondary umbel.

_Umbonate._ Bearing a stout projection in the centre; bossed.

_Underleaves._ The small accessory leaves or stipules on the under side of the stem in Hepaticae.

_Undulate._ With a wavy surface; repand.

_Unguiculate._ Contracted at base into a claw.

_Uni-._ In composition, one.

_Unis.e.xual._ Of one s.e.x, either staminate or pistillate only.

_Urceolate._ Hollow and cylindrical or ovoid, and contracted at or below the mouth, like an urn.

_Utricle._ A small bladdery 1-seeded fruit; any small bladder-like body.

_Valvate._ Opening by valves, as a capsule; in aestivation, meeting by the edges without overlapping.

_Valve._ One of the pieces into which a capsule splits.

_Vascular._ Furnished with vessels or ducts.

_Veins._ Threads of fibro-vascular tissue in a leaf or other organ, especially those which branch (as distinguished from nerves).

_Ventral._ Belonging to the anterior or inner face of an organ; the opposite of dorsal.

_Ventricose._ Swelling unequally, or inflated on one side.

_Vernation._ The arrangement of leaves in the bud.

_Verrucose._ Covered with wart-like elevations.

_Versatile_ (anther). Attached near the middle and turning freely on its support.

_Vertical._ Perpendicular to the horizon; longitudinal.

_Verticillate._ Disposed in a whorl.

_Vesicle._ A small bladder or air-cavity.

_Vesicular, Vesiculose._ Composed of or covered with vesicles.

_Villous._ Bearing long and soft hairs.

_Virgate._ Wand-shaped; slender, straight and erect.

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