The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 239

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_Squamula._ A reduced scale, as the hypogynous scales in

_Squarrose._ Having spreading and projecting processes, such as the tips of involucral scales.

_Squarrulose._ Diminutively squarrose.

_Stamen._ One of the pollen-bearing or fertilizing organs of the flower.

_Staminodium._ A sterile stamen, or any structure without anther corresponding to a stamen.

_Standard._ The upper dilated petal of a papilionaceous corolla.

_Stellate, Stelliform._ Star-shaped.

_Stem._ The main ascending axis of a plant.

_Sterile._ Unproductive, as a flower without pistil, or stamen without an anther.

_Stigma._ That part of a pistil through which fertilization by the pollen is effected.

_Stigmatic._ Belonging to or characteristic of the stigma.

_Stipe._ The stalk-like support of a pistil; the leaf-stalk of a Fern.

_Stipitate._ Having a stipe.

_Stipular._ Belonging to stipules.

_Stipulate._ Having stipules.

_Stipule._ An appendage at the base of a petiole or on each side of its insertion.

_Stolon._ A runner, or any basal branch that is disposed to root.

_Stoloniferous._ Producing stolons.

_Stoma_ (pl. _Stomata_). An orifice in the epidermis of a leaf communicating with internal air-cavities.

_Striate._ Marked with fine longitudinal lines or ridges.

_Strict._ Very straight and upright.

_Strigose._ Beset with appressed sharp straight and stiff hairs.

_Strobile._ An inflorescence marked by imbricated bracts or scales, as in the Hop and Pine-cone.

_Strophiole._ An appendage at the hilum of certain seeds.

_Style._ The usually attenuated portion of the pistil connecting the stigma and ovary.

_Stylopodium._ A disk-like expansion at the base of a style, as in Umbelliferae.

_Sub_-. A Latin prefix, usually signifying somewhat or slightly.

_Subulate._ Awl-shaped.

_Succubous_ (leaves). Having the upper margin of a leaf covered by the base of the one above.

_Succulent._ Juicy; fleshy.

_Suffrutescent._ Slightly or obscurely shrubby.

_Suffruticose._ Very low and woody; diminutively shrubby.

_Sulcate._ Grooved or furrowed.

_Superior_ (ovary). Free from the calyx.

_Suspended_ (ovule). Hanging from the apex of the cell.

_Suture._ A line of dehiscence.

_Symmetrical_ (flower). Regular as to the number of its parts; having the same number of parts in each circle.

_Synonym._ A superseded or unused name.

_Tail._ Any slender terminal prolongation.

_Terete._ Having a circular transverse section.

_Terminal._ At or belonging to the apex.

_Ternary._ Consisting of three.

_Ternate._ In threes.

_Tetradynamous._ Having four long and two shorter stamens.

_Tetragonal._ Four-angled.

_Thalamiflorous._ Having the parts of the flower hypogynous.

_Thalloid, Thallose._ Resembling a thallus.

_Thallus._ In Cryptogams, a cellular expansion taking the place of stem and foliage.

_Throat._ The orifice of a gamopetalous corolla or calyx; the part between the proper tube and the limb.

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