The Court c2

The Court -

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The Court Chapter 2

OMG, how could I be so unlucky!

Wei Cai walked angrily on a pedestrian street with no people. His heart burning with fire. It felt like he was about to emit smoke from being angry.

He thought by attending the party, he will get some fresh air, how come he would faced such matters?

Being treated as a thief was not enough, but to go as far as ……. in the presence of the future compet.i.tor and had embarra.s.sed himself.

Almost impossible to think meeting Li Jia De in court scenario, Wei Cai almost felt the urge to be killed with one blow.

Just now his anger got his head, he didn’t even call a taxi after walking out of the hotel. When he realised about his unlucky situation, he had already walked quite a distance for ten minutes.

Then, he realised that at Yang Tian neighbourhood had no sign of cars pa.s.sing by ——and can only see by the line1

He walked around for 5 or 6 minutes, and yet, he didn’t spotted any taxi shadow.
I guessed I had to walk all the way home ba?
Wei Cai secretly cried in his heart.
Suddenly, he heard from behind seems to be a car engine’s sound——

Wei Cai turned with a happy expression on his face: yet he found out that it was a pretty white in colour BMW2 car from faraway driving towards him.

So it is a private car ah!

He turned his head with disappointment. Wei Cai continued moving forward.

He felt the car moved past him, yet it stopped a dozen feet away from him. The car’s window rolled down and the driver stuck his head out.
“Hey, hop on. I’ll give you a ride.”

Wei Cai felt surprised for a moment. He watched attentively, yet that person was the one he didn’t wanted to see at this moment, Li Jia De——

How can he be here? The party has not yet finished.
“Hey, faster get on. It is very difficult to call a cab here.”

Li Jia De opened the car’s door. Seeing Wei Cai still standing there feeling hesitant, he added: “Do not dawdle la! You are not a girl, I cannot gain anything.”
Although Wei Cai felt reluctant, but when Li Jia De said that, Wei Cai also felt it’s not good looking too sticky. (if such circ.u.mstances follows after that kind of matter and yet having remarks on character being sticky3) He had no choice but to lower his head and got on the car.

Looking at him, Li Jia De spoke with a friendly tone: “I forgot to tell you to wait just now, I drove the car out and you already gone. I didn’t expect that I can catch up with you.” He had a very happy look.

Why chase me? Wei Cai felt a little puzzled.
Seeing his doubts, Li Jia De laughed. “Luo Na is an old friend of mine, those she has offended I will be responsible to give an apology.”

“Luo Na throwing a tantrum that is not sensible and had offended people yet she herself didn’t know —— you don’t need to take it personally!” Seeing Wei Cai still had anger written over his face, Li Jia De quickly added.

Wei Cai shrugged, didn’t know what to say. Frankly speaking, he wished deep in his heart to not have any contact with Li Jia De.
It is best for him not to remember my face anymore!

Knowing that this was just a wishful thinking, Wei Cai sighed in his heart secretly. He turned his head and looked at Li Jia De’s side profile. He waved his hand and said “Forget it, forget it. I won’t sulk with that Miss.”
What else can he do if he didn’t pretended to be generous?
“Have you thought about my offer yet?” Li Jia De that concentrated on driving asked.
“What offer?”
“Sue her!”

Seeing Wei Cai’s puzzled look, Li Jia De smiled and said “Luo Na that girl, it’s about time to give her a little lesson.”
“Forget it, forget it! Such a matter….. ” Wei Cai shook his head in rejection. If he sued her on court that meant he will tell the world about this matter —— how will he survived ya?

“You don’t want then there is no other way.” Seeing Wei Cai had decided to not take any means resorting to litigation, Li Jia De also didn’t want to force him. He later said “Then, where do you want to go to have a meal?”

“Ah, what meal?” Wei Cai found himself unable to pick up on this man’s way of thinking.
“To apologize to you ya! It seems like you haven’t eaten anything.” Compare to Wei Cai's tension with unfamiliar situation, Li Jia De and strangers getting along together was too much of a difference, he is very cheerful.

“No need, no need! It is fine already with you sending me home.” Wei Cai shook his head hastily.
What a joke! Trying to eat together with him, isn’t that like digging a trap and jumping into it?

“Really do not want to eat?” Li Jia De looked a bit surprised that there are people who willing to give up a free meal. He tilted his head and looked at Wei Cai strangely.

“There’s no need. Look, you can send me to **** ” By saying the road close to the dormitory, Wei Cai absolutely will not let him knew that he lived at the Procuratorate dormitory.

Listening to him, Li Jia De nodded his head and said “Isn’t that near the San Fen Yuan’s Inspectors? ”
“Hmm.” While responding in a daze, Wei Cai felt his face had gone a little red —— obviously it will be exposed sooner or later……

However, die later is better than die early ba?
The car drove by very fast, but because the dormitory and Yang Tian was located at different locations in the city, so the intersection that Wei Cai had mentioned before also needed an hour to reach.
It was very easy to get along well among men——although Wei Cai not a man with many words, but towards Li Jia De who will answered what was asked, both of them seem to talk a lot. When it was time to alight, the awkward situation between them had almost disappeared.

“I’ll treat you to eat next time!” Seeing Wei Cai exited the car, Li Jia De shouted behind him. Wei Cai who was stunned, let out a cold sweat.
Thinking that both of them didn’t need to meet each other, the troubles which were gone just now, came back to his chest again.

Aish—— tomorrow worries leave it to tomorrow to worry.
Shrugging his shoulder, Wei Cai walked towards the direction of the dormitory. The day was moving faster than Wei Cai thought.

Three days after the beginning of unfortunate event——

Director strode in with his usual big steps had entered the office and looked at Wei Cai that was completely immersed himself in the case file busily, greeted:
“Xiao Wei, come, stop for a while, I want to introduce you to someone.”
Letting out a breath, Wei Cai lifted his head—— This director always never knew when he doesn’t want to be disturbed.

“This is Judge Wu from San Zhong Yuan, this time for Yang Dong Lai case, he is in charge. ”

Wei Cai hurriedly stood up, held out his hand “h.e.l.lo!”

His eyes fell on the person behind the judge, he suddenly felt shocked. “This is lawyer Li Jia De from Jia De Law Firm. Mister Li is Director Yang Dong Lai’s counsel lawyer.” The director busily introduced.

Li Jia De apparently saw him. A surprised look was shown over his eyes, but then again it was overshadowed by the competent professional look.
“This is our heavy section Chief Wei. This time he is the prosecutor.” Director introduced them.

Quietly extending his hand, Wei Cai said “Nice to meet you, please take care of me! Call me Wei Cai will do. ”

Li Jia De smiled and shaking his hand that he tightly squeezed “Li Jia De. Please take care of me! ”

“What are you guys doing? Doing introduction until like that, same as j.a.panese people” Director laughed out loud. “Come sit in the conference room, we will discuss about Yang Dong Lai case in there” Four peoples walking towards the conference room.

Director and Judge Wu walked in front while Wei Cai and Li Jia De followed from behind.
“I didn’t expect this!” Li Jia De came over and said softly beside Wei Cai. His face shows a little playful look.

Looking at him, Wei Cai was a bit grateful for not embarra.s.sing him. He just smiled, and did not answer.

“The case this time, the city is very concerned. Although, it was a breach of discipline but I still wish both parties to respect each other. I hope at court, there won’t be any uncontrollable situation happen”

Judge Wu spoke first as they sat down.
This kind of case is the most irritating.

Wei Cai secretly thought to himself. In this so-call ‘the top concern cases’, the court is actually a decoration. All eyes swept to Li Jia De. Seeing that both of them quite agreed with each other, they could not help but to smile.

Within the two hours, it was basically just Judge Wu conveying ‘the supervisor instruction’. Wei Cai and Li Jia De only commented their thoughts at some small details and occasionally got into a little dispute. The atmosphere felt harmonious and warm.

“Then the discussion is set.”
Finally, Judge Wu spat out such a sentence. Three of them let out a breath of relief.

“Yo! It already so late!” Looking at the watch, Judge Wu exclaimed. “I still have a lunch appointment with your dean, I’ll go ahead first!”

Director also stood up at the side, “It just happen that my daughter is coming here. Why don’t you, Xiao Wei entertain Lawyer Li. The invoice will be write off by me.”

Did not waited for Wei Cai’s reply, he hurriedly left the meeting room with Judge Wu.
“I did not expect that you are a prosecutor" After two of them went out, Li Jia De sat next to Wei Cai, asked with a smile.

Nodded his head helplessly, Wei Cai felt the most annoying moment finally arrived —— next he probably be asking why I went there, after that obviously he is in the law career yet why do not resist the unreasonable search—— anyway it’s all annoying questions, he said in his heart.

“Where are we going to eat? Wei Cai.”
A little grateful that he did not asked some questions that he found difficult to answer, Wei Cai glanced at him and said “Anyway the one paying is the organization, we should go and have a nice meal ba!”

“The environment here is quite good!”
Found a hotel which look like luxurious, both of them sat down. Li Jia De looked around and opened his mouth.
“I do not know what are the dishes here.”
Wei Cai normally ate at the cafeteria in his workplace. Even if to treat guests, only ate at the nearby small restaurant. This hotel was actually his first time going here.

While glancing at the menu, Li Jia De asked:
“That time you go to Yang Tian is to see pretty ladies?”

“PU—”4Wei Cai who was drinking tea almost spurted a mouthful of tea at Li Jia De’s face. While apologizing and wiping the tea stains on the other person, he asked “What nonsense are you talking about?”

Beckoned the waitress to order the dishes, Li Jia De’s head got closer, a face with a bad smile “Do not pretend! Who doesn’t know Yang Tian have a lot of pretty ladies. Otherwise why you will go to a place so far without knowing anyone?”

“I ——” Wei Cai didn’t knew what to say, at that moment his face turned red.
“Wei Cai, how old are you this year ah?” Li Jia De did not pushed on, suddenly changed the topic.

“Just reached the age of 30, why?”
“What, you are older than me?” Li Jia De seems to be surprised at this answer, exclaimed aloud.

He immediately do a quick look of Wei Cai —— even though Wei Cai looks are ordinary, but it have a clean temperament. Only occasionally can be seen small details on his face that shows he is already a mature male—— but in actual fact it cannot be seen that Wei Cai is older than him by 3 years.

“The first time I saw you, I thought you are a college student.” With an awe expression on his face, he shook his head and stop measuring with his eyes.

“For men, this is not a compliment ah!” Wei Cai shook his head, laughed a little helplessly.

The food is served at this point. The topic was interrupted as both of them picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. It was the moment silent.

“30 years old and not married yet?” As he ate a little and stopped for a second, Li Jia De put down his cutlery, casually asked.

“How do you know that I’m still not married ah?” Wei Cai felt suffocated of this sore topic, asked the question out of his chest.

Li Jia De laughed naughtily and said “If you already married, why would you run to Yang Tian to see beautiful women?”

“Ha.” Wei Cai let out an embarra.s.sed smile, changed the subject and said “What about you?”

“Of course I’m also a loner.” Li Jia De did not have any expression of regret, casually said.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment. Once again, Li Jia De leaned forward as he put a serious face and asked “Hey, then do you have a girlfriend yet?”

Wei Cai felt strange about Li Jia De’s discreet tone, as if this question was very important to Li Jia De, but he still replied “Not Yet”

Looked at Li Jia De, he also added “Seeing you looked so handsome, there is certainly no shortage of girlfriend ba.”

“Not at all.” Li Jia De shook his head with a wry smile. “Come back home after studying and straight away busy with office matters, where do I have the time to find a girlfriend?”

“Really?” Wei Cai looked at him suspiciously—— Li Jia De is tall, have outstanding features, coupled with his ill.u.s.trious family background and their own superior ability, definitely a Prince Charming.

"Since we are both so miserable, then we should be close friends. Let us both become happy bachelors” Li Jia De said half-jokingly.

Wei Cai laughed at his humorous tone “Who want to be with you? I still want to have a girlfriend”

Li Jia De seemed to mind Wei Cai’s answer, hurriedly asked “Why?”
“How can there be any why—— I stand with you, all the women will run to your side.”
Wei Cai replied while glancing at his watch, lunch time was almost over.

“We settle the bills ba.” Li Jia De said with consideration as he saw Wei Cai was looking at the clock.
After settling the bills and exiting the hotel, both of them walked towards the procuratorate direction.
Entering the garage, Li Jia De drove out his BMW4, with his head out of the window, he waved at Wei Cai “Next time I treat you to eat.”

Wei Cai just smiled as he watched Li Jia De drove away.
Waiting for the elevator, Wei Cai suddenly remembered that the amount of him laughing today is enough to top the amount of last week.

Getting along with Li Jia De isn’t that terrible as what he had imagined—— thinking of this, Wei Cai slightly exposed a smile again.

Also somehow, once you get to know someone it seems like the opportunities to meet had increased.

One day, Wei Cai drove the car owned by his company back from QingPu arraignment, the sky was already half-black.

At the overhead road, he did not control well during changing lane, his car collided against the front of a white car beside his, hit the other party’s car and caused the headlights to crack.

A chunk of the paint on the front of the car also got sc.r.a.ped off.
c.r.a.p! This month salary is gone.
Getting off the car, seeing the other party car head have that familiar blue white symbol, he’s a little stupefied.

The car door opened, the driver angrily got off, “Hey, how do you drive?”

“Eh, how come it’s you?” The surprised driver asked when he realized it was Wei Cai.

When he heard somewhat familiar voice, Wei Cai raised his head. If the man was not Li Jia De, who else could it be.

Why every time he met this man there was always misfortune—— Wei Cai secretly cried in his heart.

“Sorry, I got distracted just now. And the front of your car also——” Wei Cai indefensible, his voice also gentle.

“Forget it, forget it.” When Li Jia De saw him, his heart throbbed, waved his hand.
“I still owe you a meal last time, you treat me to another meal to treat it as the car repair fees.”

“How is that possible?” Wei Cai knew original BMW repairs fees was definitely not cheap, what nerve let him eat for such a loss.

“Or please be mercy the next time on court?” Half-joking tone, Li Jia De approached and threw his hand over Wei Cai shoulder.
“That I cannot do——It will be a violation of discipline.” Wei Cai hold a serious look, but his nose smelled a faint of aroma.

“You are so disgusting, still use perfume when you’re a man.” Wei Cai shoved him with a smile, he was not used to have physical contact with people who are not familiar to him.

Dumbfounded by his childish words, Li Jia De said “ Hey, now you owe me a favour eh, still dare to blame me?”

“Yes yes yes. Where do you want to eat?” Wei Cai immediately remembered the current situation, with a tone of asking for forgiveness, asked.

“Ah, let me think about it —— where is the most expensive food to eat around here?” Li Jia De made a deliberate look and caused Wei Cai to laugh again.

After finding a place to park the crashed BMW, both of them hopped on Wei Cai’s car.

Drove around looking for a place to eat, but Li Jia De was either picky on the poor environment, or that restaurant food was no good.

Seeing that past half an hour was gone, Wei Cai secretly felt his tummy was a bit hungry, but Li Jia De was still disliking this and that.

“Oii, where exactly do you want to go and eat?”

Finally, Wei Cai could not withstand any longer, parked the car at the side of the road. He was somewhat snappy when he asked Li Jia De.

“Hey, do you live alone in the dormitory?” yet Li Jia De displayed a happy look on his face, asked in a tone of excitement.

“Yes ah.” A little confused the purpose of this question, Wei Cai nodded his head.

“Then I want to eat the food you cook.” Saying that had left Wei Cai in utter surprise, yet Li Jia De showed a natural expression.

“What?” Although he knew how to cook some dishes, but not to eat at a hotel yet chose to eat his home-cooked bachelor meals, Li Jia De’s choice was really unbelievable.

Seeing that Wei Cai didn’t reject, Li Jia De became more excited “Good? I want to eat braised prawn, also braised eggplant, and……” Listening to him listing all the requested food, Wei Cai felt his stomach got hungrier than before.

“No other way, today is yours to decide.” Since the offender is himself, Wei Cai had no choice but to agree.
“I’m so happy!” Li Jia De revealed a bright smile, totally can’t see that he was the highly caliber lawyer from the industry.

After going to the supermarket to buy the ingredients, both of them returned back to Wei Cai’s dormitory.

“The layout is quite good.” Sitting on the big sofa, Li Jia De looked around at the single room surrounding, while laughing.

“Stay here a long time ma ”

Wei Cai’s room and the s.p.a.ce in that home gave almost the same feelings, fresh and simple.

“You sit down and make yourself comfortable, I’ll go and cook” Wei Cai took the ingredients to the kitchen while looking back.

“I can help you.” Li Jia De stood up from the sofa, followed into the kitchen.

After quite a while, three dishes and a soup were on the table. Wei Cai felt he was about to deflate in hunger.

Seeing Li Jia De took a shrimp with the chopstick and put it inside his mouth. Wei Cai felt a bit nervous—— after all this meal was to apologize to him, if the food’s taste is bad, it will be too embarra.s.sing.
“En5! Delicious!” Li Jia De revealed the childish smile again.
Wei Cai also laughed along, felt a bit relaxed.
The two men who were miserably hungry ate the result of their hard work.

The small room atmosphere became warm and soft.
People are really social animals ah!

It had always been Wei Cai eating his own cooking alone. When he experienced this atmosphere of happiness, he secretly sighed deep in his heart.

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About The Court c2 novel

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