European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 6

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[=phoenicea=, Weinm. P. exp. glabrous, viscid, red; g. free, s.h.i.+ning white; s. bulbous, with red fibrils, ring fugacious.

=focalis=, Fr. P. 7-12 cm. reddish-tawny, silky, obtuse; g. almost free; s. 7-9 cm. equal, fibrillose, ring median; sp. ----.

var. _goliath_, Fr. Larger than type, s. rooting, ring almost obsolete.

=robusta=, A. and S. P. 6-8 cm. dry, rufous-bay, flesh thick; g. nearly free; s. 3-5 cm. stout, base narrowed, brownish floccose up to ring, white above; sp. ----.

Differs from _A. aurantia_ in deeply emarginate, broad, whitish gills.

[=squamea=, Barla. Smell like cuc.u.mber. P. convex then exp. reddish cinnamon, covered with brown-red scales; edge incurved; g. broad, subdecur. whitish tinged red; s. subventricose with a long tapering base, reddish-brown and scaly up to torn ring, white above; flesh-white, saffron when broken.

Allied to _Armill. robusta_ but larger.

[=Caussetta=, Barla. Smell like cuc.u.mber. P. exp. depr. dry, silky, squamulose at centre, rather viscid when moist, brick-red, edge incurved then spreading; g. broad, pale or tinged red; s. stout, narrowed at base, fibrillose and reddish up to ring, white above; flesh white, reddish when broken.

[=caligata=, Viv. Smell strong. P. exp. tawny, spotted with adpressed silky scales; g. emarginate; s. solid, with brownish concentric scales below the membranous persistent ring.

[=megalopoda=, Bres. Smell strong. P. convex, exp. or depr. even, glabrous, rather viscid, chestnut; g. crowded, whitish then straw-colour; s. brownish-squamulose up to median ring, white above; sp.

glob. 5-6.

[=luteovirens=, A. and S. All except white squamulose stem straw-colour; p. torn into squamules, greenish when mature; ring imperfect.

=aurantia=, Schaeff. P. 5-8 cm. rusty orange; g. adnexed; s. 6-8 cm.

stout, orange and concentrically squamose up to ring, white above; sp.

[=dehiscens=, Viv. P. hemispher. then depr. yellowish ochre; g.

adnexo-decur., broad; s. cylindric, scaly, viscid, ring very narrow, persistent.

=ramentacea=, Bull. P. 5-8 cm., obtuse, whitish or yellowish with darker squamules; g. adnexed becoming free; s. 3-5 cm. with brown squamules up to the oblique fugitive ring; sp. ----.

[=Ambrosii=, Bres. P. convex, exp. dry, soft, floccosely-downy, snow-white, edge append.; g. white; s. even above ring, floccose below, white; ring inferior, torn, deciduous, sp. 4-5 2.5.

[=cingulata=, Fr. P. thin umb. greyish brown, squamosely fibrillose; g.

greyish white; s. even, ring median.

[=scruposa=, Paulet. P. exp. glabrous, rough with contorted ridges, subfuscous; g. sinuato-adnate; s. solid, equal, rooting, ring firm, narrow.

[=albosericea=, Brig. White. P. exp. broadly umb., even; g. crowded; s.

silky, base tuberous, ring remote, fugacious.

=constricta=, Fr. All white. P. 3-5 cm. obtuse, dry, glabrous, silky; g.

emarginate, adnexed, or almost free; s. 3-6 cm. solid, fibrillose or squamulose, ring apical, narrow; sp.

Much stouter than _A. subcava_.

[=verrucipes=, Fr. Pure white. P. glabrous; s. with brown warts up to annular zone, ring absent; g. sinuato-adnate.

** _Gills narrowed behind, more or less decurrent, with no sinus._

[=imperialis=, Fr. P. brown with darker scales; g. deeply decurrent; ring double, sp. 12-14 5.

[=Laschii=, Fr. P. fawn colour, even, glabrous, thin ring erect; g.

crowded, white.

[=tumescens=, Viv. P. exp. even, glabrous, whitish; g. adnate, pale ochre, then tinged red; s. solid, stout, narrowed from the base, whitish, ring fugacious.

[=rhadigosa=, Fr. P. depr. moist, whitish with brownish adpressed scales at disc; g. decur., broad, white; s. short, equal, ring reflexed.

=mellea=, Vahl. P. 5-12 cm. soon expanded, yellowish-brown, squamulose, margin striate; g. slightly decurrent; s. 8-12 cm. floccose up to spreading ring, base honey-colour; sp. 9 5-6.

Mycelium forming long black strands. A destructive parasite.

=denigrata=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. obtuse, dark brown, rather viscid, spotted with droplike depressions, and with elevated warts, margin even; g.

rather decurrent; s. 4-5 cm. solid tinged brown, ring disappearing; sp.

[=morio=, Fr. P. campan.-exp. irreg. cracked, viscid, greyish brown then rufescent; g. adnate; s. solid, fibrous, ring narrow.

[=Viviani=, Fr. P. convex, glabrous, dark bay then whitish; g. adnate, pale fawn; s. elongated, white, ring narrow.

[=griseofusca=, D. C. P. convex, even, glabrous, brownish grey, discoid; g. decur.; s. equal, glabrous, ring persistent.

[=pleurotoides=, Fr. P. subexcentric, ring toothed; s. whitish with a flesh-coloured tint.

=citri=, Inz. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, sub.u.mb., even, yellow; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm., slender, ring spreading; sp. subgl. 5 4.

=subcava=, Schum. P. 3-4 cm. white, umbo brownish, striate to middle; g.

decurrent; s. equal, hollow upwards, 4-5 cm., even up to torn ring, punctate above, white; sp. ----.

Differs from _A. constricta_ by longer thinner stem, and striate pileus.

=haemat.i.tes=, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. obtuse, liver-coloured; g.

adnato-decurrent; s. 3-5 cm. coloured like pileus up to ring, whitish above; sp. 8 5.

*** _Gills adnate without a sinus._

[=laqueata=, Fr. White. P. 3-4 cm. hemispherical, obtuse, viscid when moist, smooth; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm. solid, squamulose or fibrillose below the ring, base tinged brown; sp. ----.

=mucida=, Schrad. P. 4-8 cm. soon expanded, white or grey, rugulose, glutinous; g. striately decurrent; s. 5-12 cm. base thickened, ring apical, striate, tumid; sp. 15-16 8-9.

=Jasonis=, Cke. and Ma.s.s. P. 3-5 cm., camp. then expanded, umb., yellow, disc tawny, papillate; g. adnate; s. 5-7 cm. coloured like pileus, squamulose up to torn ring; sp. 8 5 .

[=fracida=, Fr. Smell rancid. P. convex, obtuse, even, spotted, brownish-olive; g. becoming free, white; s. base narrowed, squamulose, smooth above the spreading torn ring.

[=pinetorum=, Gill. P. exp. umb. granular, pale or yellowish white, covered with reddish squamules; g. sinuato-decur., pallid; s. colour of p., squamulose up to spreading ring which is also squamulose outside.

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