European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 10

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var. _multiforme_, Schaeff. P. irreg., caespitose, smaller than type.

VI. SPONGIOSA. _Pileus compact then spongy, obtuse, even, glabrous, not hygrophanous._

* _Gills not discoloured._

=Schumacheri=, Fr. P. 6-7 cm. exp. obtuse, livid grey, even, moist, edge beyond gills incurved; g. narrow, crowded, pure white; s. 6-8 cm. white, solid, fibrillosely-striate; sp. ----.

[=amicus=, Fr. P. fuscous; g. distant, white; s. bulbous, solid, white.

=patulum=, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. plane, obtuse, wavy, even, glabrous, pale grey or pallid; g. sides veined, pallid; s. elastic, equal, glabrous, 5-8 cm.; sp. 7-8 4.

=circ.u.mtectum=, Cke. and Ma.s.s. P. 5-8 cm. dry, obt. or sub.u.mb. wavy, margin incurved, downy, greenish olive then tan; g. white; s. 3-4 cm.

whitish, striate, base pointed; sp. subgl. 4-5.

[=maluvium=, Fr. P. campan.-convex, obtuse, glabrous, greenish; g.

rounded, crowded, pallid; s. solid, firm, elastic.

[=conglobatum=, Vit. Densely cl.u.s.tered. P. unequal, even, edge thin, inflexed, somewhat pruinose, blackish fuscous; g. free; s. stems solid, ventricose, subtomentose, springing densely from a common tuber.

=arcuatum=, Bull. P. 5-8 cm. brownish white then tan, exp. margin incurved, glabrous, flesh-coloured; g. arcuate, crowded, white; s. 4-6 cm. solid, fibrilloso-squamulose, pale brown, base darker, bulbous; sp.

Differs from _T. panaeolum_ in having white gills, and from _T.

melaleuc.u.m_ in having coloured flesh.

var. _cognatum_, Bull. Larger. Gilvous outside and inside or dingy tan; p. obtuse, discoid; g. tan.

_oreinum_, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, obtuse, glabrous, fuscous, even; g. rounded, free, white; s. solid, short, 2-3 cm. whitish, apex white squamulose; sp. ----.

Separated from _T. humile_ by the gills projecting beyond the margin of pileus.

=alb.u.m=, Schaeff. Entirely white, taste acrid. P. 6-9 cm. convex then depr. even, glabrous, dry, disc sometimes tinged yellow; g. rather crowded; s. 6-8 cm. narrowed upwards, solid, elastic; sp. 5-6 3.

var. _caesariatum_, Fr. P. white or yellowish, exp. fibrillosely silky, then glabrous; s. slender, fragile, apex rather mealy; g. nearly free.

[=lentum=, Post. Entirely white not becoming spotted. P. convex, unpolished and at first rather velvety, disc tinged pallid when old; g.

sinuate or subdecurr.; s. base narrowed, apex usually longitudinally costate; sp. 7.5-10 4.5-7.

[=raphanic.u.m=, Karst. Smell very strong, like radishes. P. convex, often gibbous, white, disc tinged tan; g. white; s. rooting, flocculose above; sp. glob. 3-4.

=leucocephalum=, Fr. Pure white, smell mealy. P. 3-4 cm. plane, even, moist, glabrous after silky veil has gone; g. crowded; s. 5-6 cm.

hollow, smooth, cartilaginous, tough, rooting; sp. 9-10 7-8.

_T. alb.u.m_ differs in having no smell, and _T. inamoenum_ in strong disagreeable smell and very broad gills.

** _Gills discoloured._

=acerb.u.m=, Bull. P. 7-10 cm. expanded, margin at first involute, sulcate and rugulose, viscid, whitish then tinged rufous; g. narrow rufescent; s. 5-8 cm. pale, apex squamulose; sp. subg. 5-6.

=militare=, Lasch. Smell and taste unpleasant. P. 8-15 cm. convex, gibbous, margin even, viscid, cinnamon; g. white, torn, then spotted; s.

7-11 cm. solid, squamulose, pallid, base subbulbous; sp. ----.

Differs from _T. civile_ in strong smell and spotted gills.

=civile=, Fr. P. 6-8 cm. soft, soon exp. glabrous, moist, pale yellow brown, cuticle separable; g. crowded, white then yellowish; s. 5-8 cm.

solid, soft, fragile, fibrillosely squamulose, whitish; sp. ----.

=duracinum=, Cke. P. 5-8 cm. convex, gibbous, even, dry, s.h.i.+ning, grey with olive tinge; g. arcuate, grey; s. 4-6 cm. reticulately squamulose above, striate below, greyish white; sp. ----.

[=irinum=, Fr. P. spongy-compact, convex then plane, moist, obsoletely innately virgate, flesh-colour then pale, edge even, pruinose; crowded, narrow, quite entire, greyish then lurid; s. solid, subbulbous, reticulately fibrillose.

=personatum=, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. regular, obtuse, even, glabrous, margin invol. and downy, tan or with a lilac tinge; g. rounded-free, crowded, broad, violet then dingy; s. 5-7 cm. solid, stout, dingy purple, villose; sp. 8-10 5-6.

Flesh of stem white. In _T. nudum_ tinted violet.

=saevum=, Gillet. P. 6-9 cm. convex then plane, buff, margin naked, flesh thick; g. crowded, narrow, pallid; s. 2-3 cm. long, 2 cm. or more thick, purple, slightly squamulose; sp. 7 5.

Differs from _T. personatum_ in the short, stout, squamulose stem, and absence of purple tint on gills.

[=glaucocanum=, Bres. P. rather soft, convex, exp. glabrous, edge involute subflocculosely pruinose, glaucous-grey; g. closely crowded, greyish violet, easily separating; s. solid, fibrillosely striate, apex subsquamulose, base bulbous, colour of p.; sp. 6 3.

=nudum=, Bull. Whole fungus violet at first. P. 5-8 cm. soon exp. often wavy, flesh thin; g. narrow, becoming rufescent; s. 5-8 cm. equal, elastic, rather mealy; sp. 7 3.5.

Flesh of stem tinted violet. In _T. personatum_ white.

[=violaceonitens=, Bagl. P. convex, umb. dusky violet, s.h.i.+ning, edge wavy, rugulosely sulcate; g. crowded, dingy white; s. solid, stout, base narrowed, colour of p.

=cinerascens=, Bull. P. 5-8 cm. convex, even, glabrous, white then greyish; g. dingy, easily separating from flesh; s. 4-6 cm. solid, equal, glabrous; sp. ----.

=panaeolum=, Fr. P. 6-8 cm. convex then almost plane, dusky grey with a grey bloom, often spotted; g. grey with rufous tinge; s. 3-5 cm. solid, fibrous-striate, greyish; sp. subgl. 5-6.

var. _calceolum_, Sterb. P. spongy, deformed, thin, soft, exp. edge incurved, sooty-grey or reddish-grey; g. smoky; s. excentric, fusiform, very short.

=cnista=, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. exp. moist, glabrous, pale tan or whitish, margin incurved, naked, even; g. white, veined, reddish when bruised; s.

3-5 cm. solid, glabrous, white; sp. 9-10 4.

Differs from _T. panaeolum_ in p. not becoming grey.

=fallax=, Peck. P. 2-3 cm. soon plane, yellow, disc darker, even; g.

becoming yellowish; s. 2.5 cm. yellow, hollow; sp. 4-5 3.

VII. HYGROPHANA. _Pileus thin, sub.u.mbonate, hygrophanous._

* _Gills whitish, not spotted._

=melaleuc.u.m=, Pers. P. 3-7 cm. convex then plane, umb. blackish then paler, glabrous; g. emarginate adnexed, white; s. 5-8 cm. equal, elastic, whitish with dark fibrils; sp. 10 4-5.

_Coll. stridula_ much resembles this sp. but has a brownish stem. _T.

arcuatum_ has flesh tinged brown. _T. oreinum_ has apex of stem squamulose.

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