Historical Epochs of the French Revolution Part 22

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution -

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Herard Death...............................................+ J. Boileau Death...............................................+ G Turreau Death...............................................+ I Bourbotte Death...............................................+ G Finot Death, with discussion as to time...................D Precy Death, but not till after the const.i.tution..........O Chatelain Confinement and banishment..........................O


Deydier Death...............................................+ Merlin Death...............................................+ Gautier Death...............................................+ Royer Confinement and banishment..........................O I Mollet Confinement.........................................O


Quinette Death...............................................+ I Jean de Brie Death...............................................+

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St. Just Death...............................................+ G Beffroy Death...............................................+ Pet.i.t Death...............................................+ Fiquet Death...............................................+ Loisel Death, with discussion as to time...................D Boucheron Death, with discussion as to time...................D Condorcet, _academicien_ "The punishment of death is contrary to my "principles; I shall never vote for it. I vote "for the heaviest punishment of the penal code "which does not amount to death."................* PM Dupin, "I am of the Same opinion with Monsieur "Condorcet; that is, I vote for confinement in "chains."........................................*

Belin "I vote for death only in case of invasion "by the enemy."..................................O

[Footnote: * N.B. These two are in the report said to have voted for chains.]

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Vidalin Death...............................................+ Martel Death...............................................+ Beauchamp Death...............................................+ Chevalier "I think it my duty not to vote."...................nv


Izoard Confinement.........................................O Barety Confinement.........................................O Borel Confinement.........................................O Caseneuve Confinement.........................................O I Serres "My country, my conscience, my love of liberty, "dictate my vote for detention."....................O

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59. Ba.s.sES ALPES (DIGNE)

Maysse Death...............................................+ I Derbes Death...............................................+ la tour Savornin Death...............................................+ Peyze Death...............................................+ G Verdallin "I vote for detention, because the death of Louis "would only cause tyranny to revive."...............O Reguis Confinement and banishment..........................O


Gleizal Death...............................................+ Soubeyran "I vote for death, but not till the expulsion of "all the Bourbons.".................................O

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Gamon "I am for the same punishment, but in case of "invasion by the enemy."............................O St. Martin "I would have Louis live, because the pretensions "to royalty will be without any danger, so long as "they shall rest on his head. I am for life and "confinement."......................................O Garilhe "Every irrevocable act which is not ratified by the "people, is void. I am therefore for confinement.".O I Boissi- Confinement and transportation......................O d'Anglas Corin- Confinement and banishment..........................O Fustier


Ferry Death...............................................+ Dubois Death...............................................+ Robert Death...............................................+

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Monesson "I consent to death, provided that you first expel "all the Bourbons.".................................O Vermond "If there shall be an invasion, I vote for death."..O Bodin Banishment..........................................O Thierrier Perpetual detention.................................O Blondel Confinement; death in case of invasion..............O


Vadier Death...............................................+ B Espert Death...............................................+ P Clauzel Death...............................................+ Camp Death...............................................+ Martin Laka.n.a.l Death...............................................+ Gaston Death, with discussion as to time...................D


Courtois Death...............................................+ Robin Death...............................................+

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Garnier Death...............................................+ Rabaut "Persuaded that the ashes, from the funeral pile of St. Etienne "kings, like the ashes of martyrs, only produce "others; satisfied also that my nation ought not to "have the ferocity of the tiger which tears to "pieces, but the courage of the lion which despises, "I vote for preserving Louis as an hostage."........O G Perrin Confinement and banishment..........................O G Bonnemain Confinement and deportation.........................O Douge Confinement and deportation.........................O Pierret Confinement and deportation.........................O Duval Confinement and banishment..........................O

64. L'AUDE (CARCa.s.sONE)

Azema Death...............................................+ Girard Death...............................................+ Bonnet Death...............................................+ Ramel Death...............................................+ G

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Morin Confinement.........................................O Tournier Confinement and banishment..........................O I Marragon Death...............................................+ Peries Confinement and transportation......................O I


Camboulas Death...............................................+ Jos. Death...............................................+ la Combe Seconds Death...............................................+ Louchet Death...............................................+ Baux Death...............................................+ G.o.defroy- "Eternal justice forbids us to condemn Louis to Ysarn "to death; because it abhors aggravation, and the "making of ex-post-facto criminal laws, in order to "apply them to acts that are past. Now there is no "written law which inflicts this punishment upon "Louis for any act, before he was hurled from the "throne into a prison. I satisfy myself in voting "for confinement."..................................O

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St. Martin- Confinement and banishment..........................O Valogues Lobines Confinement and banishment..........................O Bernard Confinement and banishment..........................O St. Afrique


Duprat Death...............................................+ G Rebecqui Death...............................................+ S Barbaroux Death...............................................+ PS Bayle Death...............................................+ I Granet Death...............................................+ P Gasparin Death...............................................+ G Rovere Death...............................................+ Pelissier Death, with discussion as to time...................D Laurent Death, with discussion as to time...................D

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Durand "I see more inconvenience in the death of Louis, Maillane "than in his existence. I vote therefore for "confinement."......................................O Du Perret Confinement and banishment..........................O G


Bonnet Death...............................................+ Taveau Death...............................................+ Jouenne Death...............................................+ Dubois Death, only in case of invasion.....................O Dubais Fauchet _eveque "The convention has no right to acc.u.mulate, to intrus_ "confound, and to exercise all powers. It is the "right of tyranny alone. I may be subjected to it, "but I never will practise (sic) it. I am no "judge, and therefore can only vote for detention.".O G Vardon "I declare myself incompetent.".....................nv

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L'h.o.m.ond Confinement.........................................O Doulcet, _ponte- Confinement and banishment..........................O coulant_ Cussy "I do not think that the glory or the interest of "the French people permit them to strike a "vanquished enemy. I vote for confinement."........O G Le Got Confinement.........................................O Ph. Confinement and banishment..........................O I Belleville Dumont Confinement and banishment..........................O


Milhau Death...............................................+ La Coste Death...............................................+ I Tarrie Death...............................................+ Peuvergue "My conscience tells me that the death of Louis "would be prejudicial to the republic."............O Thibault Confinement and banishment..........................O

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