Good Calories, Bad Calories Part 30

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Epigraphs. "The community of science...": Merton 1973:339. "The first principle...": Feynman 1985:343.

The four essays: Friedman 2003; Hil et al. 2003 ("energy gap," "eating 15% less"); Nestle 2003 ("consuming more food energy"); Pi-Sunyer 2003. "For most adults...": USDHHS and USDA 2005:14.

Von Noorden's argument: Von Noorden 1907a:693700. "estimate is theoretical...": Hil et al. 2003.

"No one would question...": At.w.a.ter and Benedict 1899.

"have stopped before..." and "This unending exchange...": Merton 1973:339.

"the results of their enterprise...": Kuhn 1970:163.

"Perhaps our most sensible...": Becker 1987.

ADA recommends against carbohydrate restriction: Bantle et al. 2006.

"Sick Individuals and Sick Populations": Rose 1985.

Ten or twenty pounds a year in the mid-eighteenth century: c.u.mmings 1940:236 (U.S.); Aykroyd 1967:105 (U.K.). 150 pounds: Putnam et al. 2002:8 (U.S.).

Brains run more efficiently on this fuel mixture: Cahil and Veech 2003. IOM report: IOM 2002:27580;28590 ("without having to rely...," 288).

Yudkin noted: Yudkin 1974.

NIH-funded tests of carbohydrate-restricted diets: Brehm et al. 2003; Foster et al. 2003; Samaha et al. 2003; Sondike et al. 2003; Yancy et al. 2004; Gardner et al. 2007. "the sugar and starchy elements...": Anon. 1864c.

Typical American diet of today: USDA Economic Research Service 2005.

Results of the DPP: Orchard et al. 2005; Knowler et al. 2002. Footnote. Mayer-Davis et al. 2004.

"the largest, most expensive...": Interview, John Foreyt. The goal and methodology of Look AHEAD: Look AHEAD Protocol Review Committee 2006.

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