Good Calories, Bad Calories Part 29

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Proceedings of the 1973 London conference: Burland et al. 1974. Salans talk: Salans et al. 1974. Horton's presentation: Horton et al. 1974 ("It is clear that...," 225). Horton added that it was probably hyperinsulinemia: Discussion period, in Burland et al. 1974:249. Yudkin gave talk: Yudkin 1974 ("reduce superfluous adiposity...," 276).

Harry Keen said: Discussion period, in Burland et al. 1974:361.

"You strictly curtail...": Tarr 1972:13.

Rating the Diets: Berland 1974 ("much to recommend it" "helpful...," 222; "the difficult-to-treat...," 220; "pay little attention...," 347). Obesity authorities would recommend: Bray 1978:254; Dwyer 1985:185.

Yudkin's "no bread, no b.u.t.ter" argument: Yudkin and Carey 1960 ("the inevitability of calories"); Yudkin 1972c. "It is highly implausible...": Yudkin 1974:274.

The High-Calorie Way: Atkins 1972.

"Dr. Pennington may be...": Barr et al. 1953:137. "trash," "potential y dangerous": Quoted in Yuncker 1962. "nutrition nonsense...": White 1962. Written by Van Ital ie: Interview, Theodore Van Ital ie. "bizarre concepts of nutrition...": Anon. 1973.

Mayer wrote: Mayer 1968 ("as aware as...," "favors fat...," 67; "tend to become...," 203). "biochemical mumbo-jumbo": Mayer 1973b.

"because that's what was being taught...": Interview, Robert Atkins. See also Atkins 1972:2124. Gordon's JAMA article: Gordon et al. 1963 ("not to produce..." "The total caloric...," 55). Atkins said attention caught: Interview, Robert Atkins.

Bloom had noted: Bloom and Azar 1963; Azar and Bloom 1963. Atkins lost twenty-eight pounds, AT&T experiment: Atkins 1972:2627.

Atkins in Vogue: Pierson 1970. Footnote. Bliss 1976:35.

"produce too much insulin": Atkins 1972:32.

"ten thousand...": Ibid.:23. Cleave as inspiration: Interview, Robert Atkins.

Third claim: Ibid. ("cruel hoax...," 95; "the balanced low-calorie diet...," 845). Bray published: Bray 1969; Bray 1970 ("The Myth of Diet").

Atkins's polemic: Atkins 1972 ("resentment...," 26; "a revolution...," 6; "Martin Luther King...," 294; "lobster with b.u.t.ter...," 3; "As long as you...," 15).

Stil man's megabest-sel er: Stil man and Baker 1967.

Fastest-sel ing book: Select Committee 1973b:iv. "chief consequence...": Yudkin 1974:27374.

Background on Van Ital ie, Stunkard, and Mayer: Stunkard 1976b:20; interviews, Albert Stunkard and Theodore Van Ital ie. Van Ital ie and White: Interview, Theodore Van Ital ie. "The Missississi River...": Interview, Gerold Grodsky.

McGovern's committee hearings on obesity: Select Committee 1977e ("Thus, what I am saying," 2056).

"denunciation": Interview, Theodore Van Ital ie. See also his testimony in Select Committee 1977e:4464.

"gross inaccuracies...": Interview, Theodore Van Ital ie. "We just despised...": Interview, Albert Stunkard.

Van Ital ie and White's critique: Anon. 1973. Mayer's column: Mayer 1973b.

"a few hundred thousand...": Interview, Theodore Van Ital ie. Van Ital ie's writings: Van Ital ie et al. 1976; Pi-Sunyer and Van Ital ie 1975; Van Ital ie 1978; Van Ital ie 1979: Van Ital ie 1980a; Van Ital ie 1980b. Fourth International Congress: Hirsch and Van Ital ie 1985. In Present Knowledge in Nutrition: Vasel i et al. 1984. No time to do research: Interview, Theodore Van Ital ie.

Van Ital ie on dietary therapy: Van Ital ie 1978 ("increasing recognition...," 610); Van Ital ie 1979; Van Ital ie 1980b:25051. Footnote. Van Ital ie 1980b:25051).

Bray's disagreements with Sims: See Sims and Danforth 1974. Bray's conference resume in the 1970s: Bray 1975; Bray 1976a; Bray ed. 1978; Bray 1979. Textbooks: Bray and Bethune 1974; Bray 1976b; Bray 1980.

Bray believed: Interview, George Bray. Bray's treatment of Young in Obesity in Perspective: Bray 1975:43. "confirmation before they...": Gwinup 1974:98.

"The data are suggestive...": Bray 1976b:31213. The report on the NIH conference: Bray 1975; Bray 1976a (research priorities and "gaps in our current knowledge," 16). Leading proponent: See, for instance, Bray and Popkin 1998; Bray and Popkin 1999.

Novin's 1977 presentation: Novin 1978 ("widespread popularity..."). Bray omitted mention: Bray 1978. Greenwood's "gatekeeper" presentation: Greenwood 1985. Hirsch ignores implications: Hirsch 1985. Footnote: Interview, Donald Novin.

Bray would routinely equate: See, for instance, Brody 1981c; Select Committee 1977c:106, 207. "highly commendable": Select Committee 1977e:206.

The MRC report: James 1977 ("commonly prescribed...," 171).

"If such diets are truly...": Quoted in Anon. 1973.

"The evergrowing list of diets...": Select Committee 1977e:101. "The proliferation...": Hirsch 1985:195.

"common factor of reducing...": Mann 1974. "instant money nutritionists": Stare 1987:x.x.x. "very lucrative...": Whelan and Stare 1983:26. Footnote. Mayer 1968:160.

The Harvard nutrition department's $5 mil ion building, and the "lead gift": Stare 1987:xvxvi. Stare as the defender of sugar and additives: Rosenthal et al. 1976. Footnote. Whelan and Stare 1983:194 ("not even remotely").

Hil 's articles in Science: Hil and Peters 1998; Hil et al. 2003. "reduce the likelihood..." and "The theory that...": Hil n.d. Hil 's conflict-of-interest statements: See, for instance, Foster et al. 2003:2089. Received $2 mil ion in "gifts" from Procter & Gamble: Information gathered via a Freedom of Information Act request to the University of Colorado in Sept. 2003. "dieter's dream": Potts 1987.

Hil received $300,000 from NIH: NIH Extramural Awards by State and Foreign Site: $5 mil ion: e-mail from Marguerite Klein, NIH program officer for the Atkins diet trial.

"A resolution...": Novin 1978:31.



Epigraph. "There is only one way...": Konner 2003:376.

Sidbury described: Sidbury and Schwartz 1975 ("rational basis" "minimum of anguish...," 66). His three-page article: Schwartz and Sidbury 1974.

Sidbury noted: Sidbury and Schwartz 1975:6667. Sidbury's diet: Ibid.:6769. Footnote. Ibid.

Dietary fat prolongs drainage of nutrients: Davidson and Pa.s.smore 1963:97.

Mayer's glucostat hypothesis: Mayer 1968:2024.

lipostatic regulation: Kennedy 1961. Set point: See Keesey 1980.

"weight loss triggers...": Stunkard 1980:9. "It is not appealing...": Quoted in Rovner 1986. Mysterious mechanism: Davis and Wirtshafter 1978.

The more fundamental criticism: This idea, and that of the settling point, are in ibid.

"black hole": Interview, Donald Novin.

"In human beings and animals...": Richter 1976:224.

Experimental observations on hunger, thirst, and palatability: Ibid. ("As a result...," 198).430 "Rats wil make every...": Ibid.:210. "Food acceptance and the urge...": Adolph 1947:122. Footnote. Rol s and Barnett 2000.

"phenomenal...": Bel isle et al. 2003. "incredibly bril iant": Interview, Stephen Woods. Le Magnen's life and career: Le Magnen 2001.

Rats ate discrete meals: See Le Magnen 1976. See also Le Magnen 1971, his seminal paper on the physiological psychology of hunger.

Two fundamental observations: Le Magnen 1971:21319. "quant.i.tative deficiencies...": Adolph 1947:122.

"Al increase or decrease...": Le Magnen 1971:220.

While they're sleeping: Ibid.

"The rest.i.tution...": Ibid.:238. "spare": Ibid.:243.

"indirect and pa.s.sive consequences...": Le Magnen 1981:315.

Insulin is the driver: Le Magnen 1976:99100.

Several variations of the hypothesis: Le Magnen 1984; Toates and Booth 1974; Friedman and Stricker 1976.

Three propositions: Friedman and Stricker 1976 ("adequate for them...," 413).

The simplest possible explanation: Ibid. ("Hunger appears," 424). "The primitive goal": Hoebel and Hernandez 1993:43.

We're not much more complicated than insects: Hoebel and Hernandez 1993; Lepkovsky 1973. "feeding behavior removes...": Stricker 1978.

"Energy metabolism": Friedman and Stricker 1976:413.

"harmony of tissue metabolisms": Ibid.:413.

What the body regulates: Le Magnen 1984.

Le Magnen demonstrated this: Le Magnen 1981.

"It is not a paradox...": Le Magnen 1984:517.

Food availability most important to fertility: Bronson 1988:88. Body fat, as commonly believed: Frisch and McArthur 1974. Availability of metabolic fuels: Schneider and Wade 1989 and Wade and Schneider 1992.

Wade and Schneider explained: Wade and Schneider 1992:24647.

Nicotine as weight-loss drug: Filozof et al. 2004.

Excess calories not enough to explain weight gain: Perkins 1993. Rodin reported: Rodin 1987. Physical activity: Perkins 1993.

Nicotine and LPL: Chajek-Shaul et al. 1990; Perkins 1993; Sztalryd et al. 1996; Carney and Goldberg 1984. Fenfluramine and LPL: Deshaies et al.


The adjustable regulator: See Mrosovsky 1985:4546.

Woods and Porte observed: Woods and Porte 1976:274. Seasonal weight variations in hibernators: Le Magnen 1988: Florant et al. 1985.

Seasonal variations in insulin levels: Fahlen et al. 1971; Behal et al. 1984. In LPL activity: Donahoo et al. 2000. Spring and fal weight changes: See, for instance, Andersson and Rossner 1992.

"arises mainly from human...": Ramirez et al. 1989.

Le Magnen first noted: See Le Magnen 2001. "It is often said...": Pavlov 1955:109.

Rats given the choice: Le Magnen 1978. For similar experiments done by Anthony Sclafani, see Sclafani and Nissenbaum 1988.

"In evolution...": Quoted in Goleman 1989.

First wave of insulin secretion: Simpson et al. 1968. "The pancreas has no idea...": Interview, Gerold Grodsky.

"the metabolic background...": Le Magnen 1985:59. "In man...": Le Magnen 1978.

Cephalic reflexes: Pavlov 1955:24570. Nicolaidis demonstrated: Nicolaidis 1969 ("pre-adaptive"); interview, Stylianos Nicolaidis. Woods and his col eagues: Woods et al. 1977. "essential y anything...": Interview, Mark Friedman.

Idea suggested by Powley: Powley 1977 ("self-perpetuating..." "Rather than secreting...," 102).444 Rodin reported: Rodin 1980 ("major candidate...,"

232). "A feedback loop...": Rodin 1985:14.

"hunger late in the day": Sims and Danforth 1974. "developed marked anorexia": Goldman et al. 1976:166. Calories in popcorn and cheese: USDA n.d.

Footnote. Hurley and Liebman 2003.

"high levels of insulin...": Cahil 1971:785.

Subjects inevitably fal off the diet: See, for instance, Anon. 1973; Select Committee 1977b:9. Described by Kemp: Kemp 1963.

Nucleus acc.u.mbens: Hoebel et al. 1999 ("is excessively activated...," 559).

Avoiding carbohydrates lowers insulin: Grey and Kipnis 1971. "After a year...": Sidbury and Schwartz 1975:7172.

"general y be used safely...": Van Ital ie 1979. Transient hypercholesterolemia: Phinney et al. 2003. Interview, Stephen Phinney. Cited as another reason: Burros 2004b; interview, Edward Ahrens.

Kemp discussed: Kemp 1963 ("At least half of our patients...").


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