Demon Girl Part 11

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"What about it?"

"That was his last name; Chris. I remember now. I thought it was odd."

"Do you remember his first name by chance?"

He thought for a moment or so and replied. "Yesait was Ben. Ben Chris."

Dear G.o.d, I thought. Benjamin brought me into the hospital that day.

My thoughts were spinning as I drove home. It was getting late, and I had to rush. I could feel myself changing again. As my thoughts raced as quickly as I sped, I wondered about Benjamin again. I must have been one of his suicide-save missions, yet it went horribly wrong. He was too late.

The transformation continued to get stronger and stronger. Please not now! I must get home before I fully change!

The bones in my hands and feet were starting to break, and I could feel my wings scratching underneath the skin of my back.

Let me just make it home, dear G.o.d. G.o.d? If there is even one!

I pulled up to my apartment complex, parked the car and got out.

I ran inside and up the stairs.

Once inside, I shut the blinds and locked the doors. My metamorphosis changed me within minutes. I felt the urge to escape and fly, but I trapped myself in, hoping to control it. The room spun, and yet my body was still and stiff. I could feel myself being closed in. I tried shutting my eyes, but I could see through my eyelids. I could see through the walls too. It was like I was encased in gla.s.s, yet I could see inside the whole building.

Something caught my eye in David's apartment. In a room in the back, there were pictures pasted on the walls. As I zoomed in closer, I was shocked at what I saw. The plastered photos were of me! Some were profile shots and others were of a more disturbing nature. I couldn't make it out that easily since the room was so dark, and the photos were in black and white, but I was certain they were all of me. The one that struck me the hardest was the one where I lay there on the beach. Dear G.o.d! I thought. It was David that been watching me this whole time, but why have all these alarming pictures of me? How long had he been doing this, and why was I seeing all this now?

"Because you had to figure that out for yourself," a voice said from across the room.

I opened my eyes and saw a dark figure in the corner of my room. As he stepped into the moonlight peeking through the cracks of the blinds, I could see it was a man, yet something else entirely. It was like a projected image of a man. As the shadowed physique moved closer, I remained in shock. "Dear G.o.d! David! What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, I couldn't move. It was like he had me strapped to the bed with his eyes. His eyes began to change into a brownish yellow, and his hair changed into a salt-and-pepper gray. His face melted and moved, then formed another face.

"Or would you prefer Dad?" He laughed. He had morphed and molded himself into my father.

"Stay away from me!"I shouted. "Whoever the h.e.l.l you are?"

I crawled further back onto the bed, curling myself close against the wall. The room continued to spin. I could feel myself falling, yet I wasn't falling at all. Everything was falling apart around me.

His face kept morphing in the semi-darkness.

"Charlene." He slithered his snake-like tongue around my body.

"Let me go you, b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"Come be with me," he whispered.

"Dear G.o.d! Save me!" I screamed as his grip constricted my lungs. I could barely breathe. He was suffocating me.

As I struggled to free myself, the gla.s.s windows burst and shattered open.

"Let her go, Lucifer!"

"Benjamin!" I screamed.

The two wrestled each other as David loosened his grip and my body dropped in mid-air.

"Benjamin! Be careful!"

It was hard to see in the semi-dark room with s.n.a.t.c.hes of fluttering light, and then I heard skin slicing and blood splattering against the walls.

"Benjamin!" I called out again.

I got up quickly and turned on the light switch.

"G.o.d! No!"

I could see David hovering over Benjamin's body.

"What the h.e.l.l did you do to him?" I shouted.

I grabbed a piece of gla.s.s off the floor, cutting my hand as I held tight to the shard.

With all my might, I charged at David, slicing the shard into his stomach. I fell right through his evaporating body, and in that moment he was gone.

I crouched down over Benjamin.

"I wanted to tell youa" he said, coughing up black blood.

"Oh, G.o.d, Benawhat should I do?" I panicked, trying to pick up his body, but it was slowly forming into stone.

"You already did ita"

"Ben, please. What do you mean?"

He gave me a soulful smile and closed his eyes.

"Ben? Don't leave me! I love you!"

I held him close, clinging onto his cold, stone body, resting my face on his chest. I could no longer hear his heartbeat. Suddenly, his statuesque body began to disintegrate. Ash flew in the air, and as it settled, Benjamin's body had disappeared. He was now completely gone as I curled myself into the fetal position.

"Good-bye, my dear frienda" I said to him, sitting there crying in the pile of his ashes.

Chapter Twenty-One.

A few weeks pa.s.sed, and I was still miserable. The days melted into nights. The only thing that had changed was I moved out and into another apartment near the lake. I was drawn to it still after all this time. I missed Benjamin deeply and thought of him often. Jesse and I reconciled and became close friends. He was back with Sarah again, yet we still communicated on the computer.

I finally told him who I was. It didn't matter to me anymore at that point. He didn't believe me at first, but then when he came to visit me again just a few days ago, I showed him my demon form. Ironically, he wasn't scared off. Instead, he confided in me he had been having dreams of me in that very form. He thought I was in danger at some point and was compelled to see me when he came to visit the first time. He explained his feelings as if they were this invisible force pulling him close to me. He also expressed his love for me, even though I was this hideous creature standing before him. He loved me inside and out and accepted my demon form, but he knew my heart was in love with another.

Our friends.h.i.+p grew over the pa.s.sing days, but it wasn't the same. I sat there at the computer, and again he reminded me. As we sent I.M.'s to each other he asked: LostWriter: Do you think you'll ever love me again like you did when we first spoke?

DemonGirl: I don't know, Jesse. I thought things would be different. You know I love you, but it's best you stay with Sarah now.

Sarah had completely recovered from the traumatic suicide attempt. She no longer had feelings of wanting to hurt herself. She and Jesse were now looking forward to the birth of her child.

LostWriter: You know I will always love you, no matter what.

DemonGirl: I know, Jesse, I know.

I got off the computer and shut it down, reminding myself I needed to go on my next mission. Delmara had come to me in the middle of the night. "Your final phase," she whispered to me as I slept. I was to save an older man from committing suicide because of the death of his wife. That man was David.

Later I found out, that night he came to me, he wasn't David, or my dad for that matter.

After doing some research on the net, I had found out that my real father pa.s.sed away years after I was born. It was the day he left my mother. There was a picture of him in an old news article, and underneath the photo was a caption. It read: Man found dead in his motel from fire.

Apparently, he had fallen asleep with a cigarette in his hand. The man who came to see me that day in Lucky's diner wasn't my father, but the devil himself, posing as him to get closer to me, just as he posed as David. The real David never even saw me as real, and because he didn't believe in G.o.d, he hadn't even acknowledged me. All the encounters I had with him were instead visions of Lucifer slowly seducing me into his realm. If I had fallen in love with the David whom Lucifer possessed, I would never again be human. Benjamin saved me from that.

I learned all this through Delmara's messages. She was trying to protect me from Lucifer. David's weak thoughts made it easy for Lucifer to enter his body and possess it. He had me fooled, but never would do again.

I now knew the difference when Lucifer was near, and could also feel his energy from far away, just as I had when he came to me in different forms. It was the same energy I felt when he was in my father's form, and the same strange energy I felt when David's form came to me. From my senses, I knew something was wrong from the very beginning.

As I stepped out of the shower, getting ready for work, I thought of Benjamin. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

My life had returned to normal, with the exception of me changing into a demon every night and saving lost souls. My goal remained; I still wanted to be human again. Delmara said it was the only way I would see my son. I knew he was okay, though, and living safely. I could feel it as I grew stronger.

There was hope for me yet.

After getting to work, I thanked Jan again for taking me back. She kept me on the morning s.h.i.+ft and said it was good to have me on board. She truly was a great boss to me. Besides, they needed me. Lucky's picked up and started to get busier as the time pa.s.sed.

I saw a young man sitting at one of my tables and felt a fluttering sensation again. I was nervous to walk up to his table and had no idea why. His face was buried in the menu.

As I walked up to him, I said, "h.e.l.lo, I'm Charlene, I'll be your waitress today."

He slowly lowered his menu and peeked at me with mirror-like eyes. His face reminded me so much of Benjamin, but how? The man was completely human. "Benjamin?"

He took the menu away from his face, smiled at me and said, "None other!"

"How? I thought you were gonea"

"Let's just say I got yet another chance."

Delmara! I thought. You brought him back for me!

"You're human again!" I said raising my voice.

"As are you!"

"What?" I looked down and noticed a change, yet it wasn't a change at all. I felt normal again, my demon senses diminished. I felt something inside me lift like my spirit could fly away, and yet I was grounded.

"How?" I asked, totally confused.

"It's a long storyawanna hear it?"

About the Author:.

Lisa was born in the U.S. and lives with her adoring husband and two beautiful kids. She has been writing extensively for the past six years.



Also from Lisa Cronkhite:.

Dreaming a Reality.

by Lisa M. Cronkhite.

eBook ISBN: 9781615723102.

Print ISBN: 9781615723119.


Novel of 36,126 words.

Katherine's disturbing dreams of a strange girl have been haunting her for weeks. Waking up restless in the middle of the night, she looks at her e-mails and reads a concerned message from John, her ex-husband. Add to this a dangerous new contact from an online dating agency, an attempt to rekindle an old love affair and some shocking news regarding her mother and Katherine's downward spiral into mental confusion is inevitable. Will she survive to come out the other side of her personal rollercoaster ride?

Also from Eternal Press:.

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