Training the Teacher Part 22

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#1 and 2 Chronicles#

Giving matter supplementary to the preceding books; the temple ritual under David and Solomon; restoration of church and nation after captivity.


The return of the captives under Zerubbabel; the rebuilding of the temple; the second return of captives in time of Artaxerxes Longima.n.u.s and Ezra's reformation of the people.


The rebuilding of the city walls of Jerusalem under Nehemiah; reforms, civil and religious; restoration of Temple services; re-enacting of Mosaic law.


An episode in the history of the Israelites who remained in captivity, showing the overruling power of Providence.

Poetical Books


The story of Job's sufferings and patient endurance; the wisdom and power of G.o.d in dealing with him; his closing days of peace and prosperity.


A compilation of songs of praise and devotion, used especially in the public wors.h.i.+p of Jehovah.


A manual of practical rules of life setting wisdom over against the work of Solomon.


The story of a search for happiness in the things of the world, concluding with the emptiness of everything but the doing of G.o.d's will.

#Song of Solomon#

There are three views concerning the Song of Solomon or Song of Songs: (1) As a spiritual allegory, teaching G.o.d's love for Israel; (2) As an allegory with Christ as the Lover and his church as the beloved; (3) As the story of Solomon's love for the Shulamite.

The Prophetical Books

_The Major Prophets_


Prophecies against Jerusalem; a forecast of Messianic days; the relation of the Jewish nation to its enemies; the disappearance of national distinctions, and the great future of the church.


Warnings to the Jews; a survey of all nations; a promise of return from exile; prophecies regarding Egypt.


A pathetic ode, expressing Jeremiah's grief over the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple, and the miseries of slavery and famine.


Prophecies before and after the destruction of Jerusalem, exhorting to repentance; p.r.o.nouncing G.o.d's judgment on the surrounding nations; and visions of the final glory of G.o.d's people in a new Jerusalem.


The story of Daniel in Babylon, and particularly noteworthy because of its Messianic predictions.

_The Minor Prophets_


Points out the unfaithfulness of Israel; the necessity for punishment; the final restoration of Israel.


A prophetical description of locusts, drought, and invasion, with exhortation to fasting, prayer, and repentance; a promise of blessing; a warning of the destruction of Jerusalem; a foretelling of the founding of Messiah's Kingdom.


Denounces sins of nations around Israel and Judah; describes the state of the two kingdoms, and pictures the coming of the Messiah and restoration of the people.


Predicts annihilation of Edom, and contrasts it with the future restoration of Israel, who are to possess Edom and Philistia, and enjoy the promises of the Messiah.


The story of Jonah's mission to the Ninevites, his wilfulness, and G.o.d's love for the nations.


Depicts the fall of Israel and Judah; the better things to come; foretells invasions of Sennacherib and Shalmaneser, the dispersion of Israel, destruction of Jerusalem and a.s.syria, and the birthplace and kingdom of Christ.


A _consoler_ from Jehovah, foretelling the downfall of a.s.syria, and repeating Jonah's denunciations of a.s.syria.


Foretells destruction of the Chaldeans; utters song of praise for the power and mercy of Jehovah, with confidence in his mercy on his people.

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