Training the Teacher Part 21

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#12.# Early in the reign of James I (1603-25) a movement was set on foot to provide a new and better English translation of the Bible.

Most of the eminent Biblical scholars of England set to work and produced in 1611 the Authorized Version of the Bible; it is a model of good English and a very faithful translation of the original texts known at that time.

#13.# Between 1611, the date of appearance of the Authorized Version, and 1870, the date of the beginning of a revision, a period of more than 250 years, scholars found a large number of very valuable ma.n.u.scripts of the Bible, older and nearer the lost originals than any hitherto known. The English language, too, in that s.p.a.ce of time, had changed in some important particulars. During this same period, several private attempts were made to give us a new and better translation than the Authorized Version. Several works were produced on the added new material of the new ma.n.u.scripts now known to scholars. In fact, there was agitation toward a new translation on the grounds of the better Hebrew and Greek texts now at hand, of the more thorough and comprehensive scholars.h.i.+p available, and of the obsolete language of the Authorized Version.

#14.# In 1870 steps were taken toward revision, and before many years both a British and American Revision Committee, made up of many of the leading British and American Biblical scholars, were at work. After ten years of most conscientious and careful effort the Revised Version of the New Testament appeared in 1881, and four years later, in 1885, the Old Testament appeared--thus completing a translation on the basis of the best ma.n.u.scripts now known to the scholarly world.

#15.# The American Revision Committee, not as conservative as the British in the retention of old terms, words and phrases, carefully revised the Revised Version and issued in 1901 The American Standard Revised Version--the best edition of the Bible in the English language.

Test Questions

1. What are the three most prominent of the editions of the Bible in English?

2. What are the two original languages of the Old Testament? The original language of the New Testament?

3. What is a special characteristic of the Hebrew language?

4. What is meant by the Septuagint?

5. Who was the great translator of the Bible into Latin? By what church was it officially adopted?

6. Into what language akin to Hebrew was the Bible translated, and through the agency of what people?

7. What versions were mainly in use in the early Christian church?

8. Who gave us the first English Bible, and when?

9. Who first translated the Bible into English from the original Bible languages?

10. Tell the story of Tyndale's version.

11. What other editions were prominent at about that time?

12. What gave Bible popularity a setback?

13. What Bibles were published during the reign of Queen Elizabeth?

14. In whose reign and by whom was the Authorized Version produced?

15. Why was a revision deemed necessary?

16. In what year did the Revised Version of the New Testament appear?

The Old Testament revision?

17. What body of men prepared the Revision?

18. Who prepared the American Standard Revised Version, and in general how does it differ from the Revised Version?

The Gist of the Books

The Old Testament--The Pentateuch


The book of beginnings--the creation; the fall of man; the beginnings of the chosen people.


The story of the _going out_ of the chosen people from Egypt to Canaan, with an account of G.o.d's dealings with his people in guiding them into national life.


Laws and ceremonies of the tabernacle for the priestly tribe of Levi, as a guide in their service.


The book of the numbering of the people on two occasions--(1) At Sinai, in the second year of the wanderings; (2) On the Jordan, in the fortieth year. Containing the story of the wanderings, from Sinai to the countries east of the Jordan.


The repet.i.tion of the Law, to the people who had been born in the wilderness, as applied to the coming life in Canaan; appointment of Joshua to succeed Moses; the account of the death of Moses.

Historical Books


The story of the Conquest of Canaan; distribution of the land; locating tabernacle at s.h.i.+loh; and death of Joshua.


The story of Israel's political and religious decline after Joshua's death. "There was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes." A history of the Judges from death of Joshua.


The link connecting the period of the Judges with the Monarchy, giving David's genealogy, and furnis.h.i.+ng many instances of faith, and of the bringing of good out of evil.

#1 and 2 Samuel#

A continuation of the history of the Judges, telling of Eli and Samuel, and the story of Saul's anointing and reign, and the rise and reign of David.

#1 and 2 Kings#

The history of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah from the death of David to the captivity. The story of the conflict between Jehovah and Baal. The life-stories of Elijah and Elisha.

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