The Choise of Valentines Part 8

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246 _Except_, eccept; _walle_, wall.

247 _usurps_, vsurpes; _boure_, bower.

248 _undermines_, vndermines; _euerie howre_, euery hower.

249 _sly he_, slyly; _betwixt_, betwene.

250 _sucks_, suckes; _whilst_, while; _detaineth_, deteyneth.

251 _page_, lake; _stound_, sound. "Stound," a moment.

252 "tent," to search out.

253 _Courtlie Nimphs_, courtly nimphs; _be so_, are full.

254 _blynd-alluring_, blind-alluring.

255-6 Omitted in Rawl. MS.

257 _fortifies disdaine_, fortifyes disdayne; _forraine_, foraigne.

258 _And wanton-chaste deludes_, while wantons chast delude.

259 _anie_, any; _Mistris serue's_, Mistres serve.

260 _Or_, and; _(unhappie) pines and staru's_, full deeply pyne and sterue.

261-64 Omitted in Rawl. MS.

265 _womans secretarie_, woemans secretary.

266 _Lett_, let.

267 _handfulls highe_, handfulles high.

268 _plumb_, plump; _yett hauing_, and having.

269 _rhewme so feruentlie doeth raigne_, rheume soe fervently doth raine.

270 _That_, the; _gulph maie_, gulfe can; _containe_, conteyne. Here follow, in the Rawl. MS., lines 290-93 of the Petyt; lines 292-3 being also reversed in the Rawl. text.

271 _Attired_, attird; _veluet_, velvet.

272 _nourisht_, norisht; _hott_, warme; _milk_, milke. "Whott," hot.

273 _Arm'd otherwhile_, Running sometymes.

274 _more glib_, more like; _to h.e.l.l be lowe_, downe into h.e.l.l.

275 _charriot_, chariot; _rydes_, rides.

276 _The which an arme strong driuer stedfast_, An arme strong guider steadfastly him.

278 _who_, whoe; _pathes unknowne_, places vnknowne; _gate_, pace.

279 _Sometimes_, sometymes; _smoothlie slideth doune a_, smoothly slippeth downe a.

280 _Another while_, some other tymes.

281 _clammie waies_, clayey wayes; _treaddeth_, treadeth.

282 _plasheth and sprayeth_, placeth himself &; _be him nye_, standeth by.

283 _So_, soe; _iollie rider_, royall rider.

284 _Plunging and sousing_, Plungeing & sowsing; _lyke_, like.

285 _He dasht, and spurted, and he plodded_, Bedasht, bespotted, and beplotted.

286 _blinde_, foule.

287 _Fy-fy, for grief_, But free from greife; _ladies chamberlaine_, ladyes chamberlayne.

288 _not thou_, thou not: _refraine_, refrayne.

289 _reade thee_, tell the; _blab_, blabb. "Reade," warn.

290 _aduised_, advisd; _thou vainelie_, thou soe vainely.

291 Transposed in Rawl. MS. with line 292; _wilt_, shouldst.

292 _Cicelie shewe but_, Illian queene knowe; _knauerie_, bravery.

293 _Denis s.h.i.+eld_, Dennis sheild; _female sprites_, femall sprightes.

294 _Dames_, dames; _Cupid's Poet_, Cupid's poett.

295 _pennd_, pen; _storie onelie_, story onely.

296 _Who giuing suck unto a childish Elfe_, And, giving yt to such an actuall Elfe.

297 _And_, am; _discourag'd_, discoraged; _nurserie_, mistery.

298 _hir_, her; _penurie_, misery.

300 _seaventh iournie_, seauenth Iourny.

301 _want_, wantes; _hearbe's_, omitted; _and_, &; _soile_, soyle.

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