Colonial Records of Virginia Part 7

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Be it enacted by this present a.s.sembly that for laying a surer foundation of the conversion of the Indians to Christian Religion, eache towne, citty, Borrough, and particular plantation do obtaine unto themselves by just means a certaine number of the natives' children to be educated by them in true religion and civile course of life--of w^{ch} children the most towardly boyes in witt & graces of nature to be brought up by them in the first elements of litterature, so[218] to be fitted for the Colledge intended for them that from thence they may be sente[219] to that worke of conversion.

[218] as, inserted by Bancroft.

[219] sent, McDonald.

As touching the busines of planting corne this present a.s.sembly doth ordaine that yeare by yeare all & every householder and householders have in store for every servant he or they shall keep, and also for his or their owne persons, whether they have any Servants or no, one spare barrell of corne, to be delivered out yearly, either upon sale or exchange as need shall require. For the neglecte[220] of w^{ch} duty he shalbe[221] subjecte to the censure of the Govern^r[222] and Counsell of Estate. Provided alwayes that the first yeare of every newe man this lawe shall not be of[223] force.

[220] neglect, McDonald.

[221] shall be, McDonald.

[222] Governour, McDonald and Bancroft.

[223] in, McDonald.

About the plantation of Mulbery trees, be it enacted that every man as he is seatted[224] upon his division, doe for seven yeares together, every yeare plante and maintaine in growte[225] six[226] Mulberry trees at the least,[227] and as many more as he shall thinke conveniente and as his virtue[228] & Industry shall move him to plante, and that all suche persons as shall neglecte the yearly planting and maintaining of that small proportion shalbe[229] subjecte to the censure of the Governour & the Counsell of Estate.

[224] seated, McDonald.

[225] growth, McDonald.

[226] sixe, McDonald and Bancroft.

[227] leaste, McDonald and Bancroft.

[228] vertue, McDonald.

[229] shall be, McDonald.

Be it farther[230] enacted as concerning Silke-flaxe, that those men that are upon their division or setled[231] habitation doe this next[232] yeare plante & dresse 100 plantes, w^{ch} being founde a comedity,[233] may farther be increased. And whosoever do faill in the performance of this shalbe[234] subject to this punishment of the Governour[235] & Counsell of Estate.

[230] further, McDonald.

[231] settled, McDonald.

[232] next, McDonald.

[233] comodity, McDonald and Bancroft.

[234] shall be, McDonald.

[235] Gover^{nor}, McDonald.

For hempe also both Englishe & Indian, and for Englishe[236] flax & Anniseeds, we do[237] require and enjoine all householders of this Colony that have any of those seeds[238] to make tryal thereofe the nexte season.

[236] English, Bancroft.

[237] wee doe, McDonald.

[238] seedes, Bancroft.

Moreover be it enacted by this present a.s.sembly, that every householder doe yearly plante and maintaine ten vines untill they have attained to the art and experience of dressing a Vineyard either by their owne industry or by the Instruction of some Vigneron. And that upon what penalty soever the Governo^r[239] and Counsell of Estate shall thinke fitt to impose upon the neglecters of this acte.

[239] Governour, McDonald and Bancroft.

Be it also enacted that all necessary tradesmen, or so[240] many as need shall require, suche[241] as are come over since the departure of Sir Thomas Dale, or that shall hereafter come, shall worke at their trades for any other man, each[242] one being payde according to the quality[243] of his trade and worke, to be estimated, if he shall not be contented, by the Governo^r and officers of the place where he worketh.

[240] soe, McDonald.

[241] such, Bancroft.

[242] eache, McDonald and Bancroft.

[243] qualitye, Bancroft.

Be it further ordained by this General a.s.sembly, and we doe by these presents enacte, that all contractes[244] made in England between the owners of lande and their Tenants and Servantes w^{ch} they shall sende[245] hither, may be caused to be duely[246] performed, and that the offenders be punished as the Governour[247] and Counsell of Estate shall thinke just and convenient.

[244] contracts, McDonald.

[245] send, McDonald.

[246] duly, McDonald.

[247] Gover^{nr}, McDonald.

Be it established also by this present a.s.sembly that no crafty or advantagious means be suffered to be putt in practise for the inticing awaye the Tenants or[248] Servants of any particular plantation from the place where they are seatted. And that it shalbe[249] the duty of the Governo^r[250] & Counsell of Estate most severely to punishe both the seducers and the seduced, and to returne[251] these latter into their former places.

[248] &, McDonald.

[249] shall be, McDonald.

[250] Gover^{nr}, McDonald; Governour, Bancroft.

[251] return, Bancroft.

Be it further enacted that the orders for the Magazin[252] lately made be exactly kepte, and that the Magazin be preserved from wrong[253] and sinister practises, and that according to the orders of courte in Englande[254] all Tobacco and sa.s.safras be brought[255] by the Planters to the Cape marchant till suche time as all the goods[256] nowe or heretofore sent for the Magazin be taken off their handes at the prices agreed on. That by this meanes[257] the some[258] going for Englande[259] with[260] one hande, the price thereof may be uphelde[261]

the better. And to the ende that all the whole Colony may take notice of the last order of Courte made in Englande and all those whom it concerneth may knowe[262] howe[263] to observe it, we[264] holde it fitt to publishe it here for a lawe[265] among the rest of our lawes. The w^{ch}[266] order is as followeth:

Upon the 26[267] of October, 1618, it was ordered that the Magazin[268]

should continue during[269] the terme formerly prefixed, and that certaine[270] abuses now complained of should be reformed, and that for preventing of all Impositions save the allowance of 25 in the hundred proffitt, the Governo^r[271] shall have an invoice as well as the Cape Marchant, that if any abuse in the sale of the[272] goods be offered, wee,[273] upon Intelligence and due examination thereof, shall see it correctede. And for the incouragement[274] of particular hundreds, as Smythe's hundred, Martin's hundred, Lawnes' hundred, and the like, it is agreed that what comodities are reaped upon anie of these General[275]

Colonies, it shalbe lawefull for them to returne the same to their owne adventurers. Provided that the same[276] comodity be of their owne growing, w^{th}out trading w^{th} any other, in one entyre lumpe and not dispersed, and that at the determination of the jointe stocke, the goods then remaining in the Magazin[277] shalbe[278] bought by the said particular Colonies before any other goods w^{ch} shall be sente by private men. And it was moreover ordered that if the lady la warre, the Lady Dale, Captain Bargrave and the rest, would unite themselves into a settled[279] Colony they might be capable of the same priviledges that are graunted to any of the foresaid hundreds. Hitherto the order.

[252] magazine, McDonald.

[253] wronge, McDonald.

[254] England, McDonald.

[255] Sa.s.safras brought, McDonald; to be brought, Bancroft.

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