Colonial Records of Virginia Part 4

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[101] now, McDonald.

[102] send, McDonald.

[103] 200, Bancroft.

The thirde Pet.i.tion humbly presented by this General a.s.sembly to the Treasurer, Counsell & Company is, that it may plainely be expressed in the great Comission (as indeed it is not) that the antient Planters of both sortes, viz., suche as before Sir Thomas Dales' depart[104] were come hither upon their owne chardges,[105] and suche also as were brought hither upon the Companie's coste, maye have their second, third and more divisions successively in as lardge and free manner as any other Planters. Also that they wilbe pleased to allowe to the male children, of them and of all others begotten in Virginia, being the onely hope of a posterity, a single share a piece, and shares for their issues or[106] for themselves, because that in a newe plantation it is not knowen whether man or woman be the more necessary.

[104] In the McDonaldcopy this was just written departure, then "ure"

crossed out with a pen, and the word made department. Bancroft has departure.

[105] Charges, McDonald.

[106] McDonald and Bancroft both have "wives as," instead of "issues or," the former being evidently the proper words.

Their fourth Pet.i.tion is to beseech the Treasurer, Counsell & Company that they would be pleased to appoint a Sub-Tresurer[107] here to collecte their rents,[108] to the ende that[109] the Inhabitants of this Colony be not tyed to an impossibility of paying the same yearly to the Treasurer in England, and that they would enjoine the said Sub-Treasurer not precisely according to the letter of the Charter to exacte mony of us (whereof we have none at all, as we have no minte), but the true value of the rente in comodity.

[107] Treasurer, McDonald.

[108] rentes, McDonald, Bancroft.

[109] McDonald and Bancroft both omit that.

The fifte Pet.i.tion is to beseeche the Treasurer, Counsell & Company that, towards the erecting of the University and Colledge, they will sende, when they shall thinke[110] it most convenient, workmen of all sortes, fitt for that purpose.

[110] McDonald and Bancroft omit it.

The sixte and laste is, they wilbe[111] pleased to change the savage name of Kiccowtan, and to give that Incorporation a newe name.

[111] will be, McDonald.

These are the general Pet.i.tions drawen by the Comitties out of the two former bookes w^{ch} the whole general a.s.sembly in maner and forme above[112] sett downe doe most humbly offer up and present[113] to the honourable construction of the Treasurer, Counsell and Company in England.

[112] sette, Bancroft.

[113] presente, McDonald and Bancroft.

These pet.i.tions thus concluded on, those twoe Comitties broughte me[114]

a reporte what they had observed in the two latter bookes, w^{ch} was nothing else but that the perfection of them was suche as that[115] they could finde nothing therein subject to exception, only the Governo^{rs}[116] particular opinion to my selfe in private hathe bene as touching a clause in the thirde booke, that in these doubtfull times between us and the Indians, it would beehoove[117] us not to make as[118] lardge distances between Plantation and Plantation as ten miles, but for our more strength ande security to drawe nearer together.

[114] In, McDonald, Bancroft.

[115] McDonald and Bancroft omit that.

[116] Govn^{rs}, McDonald; Gov^{rs}, Bancroft.

[117] Behoove, McDonald, Bancroft.

[118] So, McDonald, Bancroft.

At the same time, there remaining no[119] farther scruple in the mindes of the a.s.sembly touching the said great Charter of lawes, orders and priviledges, the Speaker putt the same to the question, and so it had both the general a.s.sent and the applause of the whole a.s.sembly, who, as they professed themselves in the first place most submissively thankfull to almighty G.o.d, therefore so they commaunded the Speaker to returne (as nowe he doth) their due and humble thankes to the Treasurer, Counsell and company for so many priviledges and favours as well in their owne names as in the names of the whole Colony whom they represented.

[119] Noe, McDonald.

This being dispatched we fell once more[120] debating of suche instructions given by the Counsell in England to several[121]

Governo^{rs}[122] as might be converted into lawes, the last whereof was the Establishment of the price of Tobacco, namely, of the best at 3d[123] and the second at 18d the pounde. At the reading of this the a.s.sembly thought good to send for Mr. Abraham Persey, the Cape marchant, to publishe this instruction to him, and to demaunde[124] of him if he knewe of any impediment why it might not be admitted of? His answere[125] was that he had not as yet received any suche order from the Adventurers of the[126] ---- in England. And notw^{th}standing he sawe the authority was good, yet was he unwilling to yield, till suche time as the Governo^r[127] and a.s.sembly had layd their commandment upon him, out of the authority of the foresaid Instructions as followeth:

By the General a.s.sembly.

We will and require you, Mr. Abraham Persey, Cape Marchant, from this daye forwarde to take notice, that, according to an article in the Instructions confirmed by the Treasurer, Counsell[128] and Company in Englande at a general quarter courte, both by[129] voices and under their hands[130] and the Comon seall,[131] and given to Sir George Yeardley, knight, this present governour, Decemb.[132] 3, 1618, that you are bounde to accepte of the Tobacco of the Colony, either for commodities or upon billes,[133] at three s.h.i.+llings the beste[134] and the second sorte at 18d the pounde, and this shalbe[135] your sufficient dischardge.

James citty out of the said General a.s.sembly, July 31,[136] 1619.

[120] McDonald and Bancroft insert to.

[121] Severall, McDonald.

[122] Govern^{rs}, McDonald; Gov., Bancroft.

[123] The text, which follows the De Jarnette copy, is evidently wrong.

The McDonald copy is blotted and illegible. Bancroft has 3.s. and Sainsbury's abstract the same.

[124] Demand, McDonald.

[125] Answer, McDonald, Bancroft.

[126] McDonald and Bancroft both fill the s.p.a.ce with Magazin.

[127] Gov^r, McDonald, Bancroft.

[128] Counsell, Treasurer, McDonald.

[129] McD. inserts the.

[130] handes, McD.

[131] seale, McD., Bft.

[132] Dec^r, McDonald.

[133] bills, McDonald.

[134] best, McDonald.

[135] shall be, McDonald.

[136] 31st, Bancroft.

At the same[137] the Instructions convertible into lawes were referred to the consideration of the above named Committies,[138] viz., the general Instructions to the first Committie[139] and the particular Instructions to the second, to be returned by them into the a.s.sembly on Munday morning.

[137] McDonald and Bancroft insert time.

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