Colonial Records of Virginia Part 14

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Feb. 16th, 1623.


_At the Colledg Land._[Q]

Thomas Marlett, Christopher Branch, Francis Boot, William Browning, Walter Cooper, William Welder, Leonard More, Daniell Shurley, Peeter Jorden, Nicholas Perse, William Dalbie, Isaias Rawton, Theoder Moises, Robert Champer, Thomas Jones, David Williams, William Walker, Edward Hobson, Thomas Hobson, John Day, William Cooksey, Robert Farnell, Nicholas Chapman, Mathew Edlow, William Price, Gabriell Holland, John Wattson, Ebedmeleck Gastrell, Thomas...o...b..rne. 29

[Q] _The Colledge Land._--In "1619 Sir Edwin Sandys moved and obtained that ten thousand acres of land should be laid off for the University at Henrico, a place formerly resolved on for that purpose. This was intended as well for the colledge for the education of the Indians as also to lay the foundation of a seminary of learning for the English.", London ed., p. 163.

"On the northerly side of James river, from the falls down to Henrico, containing ten miles in length, are the public lands reserved and laid out, whereof ten thousand are for the University lands, three thousand are for the company's lands, with other lands belonging to the College."--MS. in the McDonald paper, ent.i.tled "Particulars of Land in Virginia," which was made out in 1625 or '6, the communication of the Governor in which he informs their lords.h.i.+ps that he sends it, being dated May 17, 1626. McDonald papers, Vol. I., pp. 295-307.

At the first meeting of the Burgesses (1619) the College had no representative, but at the meeting held Oct. 16, 1629, the Burgesses "For the plantations at the Colledge were Leftn't Thomas...o...b..rne and Mathew Edlowe," whose names are in the text. See Hening, Vol. I., p.


_Att the Neak of Land._[R]

Luke Boys, Mrs. Boys, Robert Halam, Joseph Royall, John Dods, Mrs. Dods, Elizabeth Perkinson, William Vincent, Mrs. Vincent, Allexander Bradwaye, his wife Bradwaye, John Price, his wife Price, Robert Turner, Nathaniell Reeve, Serjeant William Sharp, Mrs. Sharp, Richard Rawse, Thomas Sheppy, William Clemens, Ann Woodley, Thomas Harris, his wife Harris, Margaret Berman, Thomas Farmer, Hugh Hilton, Richard Taylor, _uxor_ Taylor, Joshua Chard, Christopher Browne, Thomas Oage, _uxor_ Oage, infant Oage, Henry Coltman, Hugh Price, _uxor_ Price, infant Price, Mrs. Coltman, Robert Greene, _uxor_ Greene, infant Greene.

[R] _Neak of Land._--"There is another division of the country into necks of land, which are the boundaries of the Escheators, viz: the Northern Neck, between the Patowmeck and Rappahannock rivers.

"The neck between Rappahannock and York rivers, within which Pamunkey Neck is included.

"The neck between York and James rivers," &c., &c.--Beverly, Book IV., chap. ii.

This list being made up at James city this neck might be the one nearest to that place, and therefore the last one named by Beverly would be the one referred to; but inasmuch as in this MS. list it follows immediately after the College land, and in the list of Burgesses for 1629, occupies the same position, it is not improbable that it refers to the peninsula opposite Henrico, known on all the maps of the State as Farrar's island, and which has been made an island in reality by the completion of the ca.n.a.l begun by the United States army during the late civil war and afterwards finished by the engineer department of the same, under the direction of Col. W.P. Craighill. Hening reports Serit Sharpe a Burgess for this place in 1629, and Serjeant William Sharp is named in the text as living there in 1626.

_Att West & Sherlow Hundred._[S]

John Harris, Dorothe Harris, Infants { Harris, { Harris, Thomas Floyd, Ellias Longe, William Nichollas, Roger Ratcliffe, 78 Robert Milver, Robert Parttin, Margaret Parttin, infantes { Parttin, { Parttin, Henry Benson, Nicholas Blackman, Nathanell Tattam, Mathew Gloster, Symon Surgis, Nicholas Baley, Ann Bayley, Eliner Phillips, Thomas Paulett, Thomas Baugh, Thomas Packer, Jonas Bayley, John Trussell, Christopher Beane, John Cartter, Henry Bagwell, Thomas Bagwell, Edward Gardiner, Richard Biggs, Richard Biggs, William Biggs, } Thomas Biggs, } Sons Richard Biggs, } William Askew, Henry Carman, Andrew Dudley, James Gay, Anthony Burrows, Rebecca Rosse, sons { Rosse, { Rosse, Petters, a maid.

[S] _West & Sherlow Hundred._--Sir Thomas Dale annexed to New Bermuda "many miles of champion and wood land ground in several hundreds, by the names of Nether Hundred, s.h.i.+rley Hundred," &, p. 124-'5; Smith, General Historie, 1627, p. 111. Hening names Burgesses (1629) from s.h.i.+rley Hundred island and s.h.i.+rley Hundred maine, and among the latter is the name of John Harris, which appears in the text.--Heming Vol. I., p. 138.

The name of s.h.i.+rley appears on the Fry and Jefferson map only at the place where the same is now located, opposite Bermuda Hundred, and well known as the residence of Hill Carter, Esq. A short distance below is an island not named on that map, but on modern maps as Eppes island, which we may presume was s.h.i.+rley island. We do not find the name of West in the connection except in a paper ent.i.tled John Rolfe's relation to the State of Virginia, written in 1616, in which we learn that West and s.h.i.+rley Hundred was about thirty-seven miles above James citie, which corresponds with the location above named. See Virginia Historical Register, Vol. I., p. 110.

_Att Jordan's Jorney._[T]

Siselye Jordan, Temperance Bayliffe, Mary Jordan, Margery Jordan, William Farrar, Thomas Williams, Roger Preston, Thomas Brookes, John Peede, John Freme, Richard Johnson, William Dawson, John Hely, Robert Mannell, Ann Linkon, William Besse, Mrs. Besse, Christopher Saford, _uxor_ Saford, John Caminge, Thomas Palmer, Mrs. Palmer, _fil_ Palmer, Richard English, Nathaniel Causey, Mrs. Causey, Lawrence Evans, Edward Clarke, _uxor_ Clarke, infant Clarke, John Gibbs, John Davies, 147 William Emerson, Henry Williams, _uxor_ Williams, Henry Fisher, _uxor_ Fisher, infant Fisher, Thomas Chapman, _uxor_ Chapman, infant Chapman, Edith Hollis,

[T] _Jordan's Jorney._--Hening reports William Popkton as Burgess for this place. I do not find it on Fry and Jefferson's map, but Jordan's Point is there, and this is situated a short distance below City Point and is well known by the same name at the present time.

_Att Flourdieu Hundred._

Richard Gregory, Edward Alborn, Thomas Dellimager, Thomas Hack, Anthony Jones, Robert Guy, William Strachey, John Browne, Annis Boult, William Baker, Theoder Beriston, Walter Blake, Thomas Watts, Thomas Doughty, George Deverell, Richard Spurling, John Woodson, William Straimge, Thomas Dune, John Landman, Leonard Yeats, George Levet, Thomas Harvay, Thomas Filenst, Robert Smith, Thomas Garmder, Thomas Gaskon, John Olives, Christopher Pugett, Robert Peake, Edward Tramorden, Henry Linge, Gibert Pepper, Thomas Mimes, John Linge, John Gale, Thomas Barnett, Roger Thompson, Ann Thompson, Ann Doughty, Sara Woodson, Negors, Negors, 6 Negors, Negors, Negors, Negors, Grivell, Pooley, Minister, Samuel Sharp, John Upton, John Wilson, Henry Rowinge, Nathaniell Thomas, William Barrett, Robert Okley, Richard Bradshaw, Thomas Sawell, John Bramford, Anthony, } William, } John, } Negors men.

Anthony, } A Negors Woman. 224

_The rest at West and Sherlow Hundred Island._[U]

Cap^t Fackt Maddeson, Mary Maddeson, Thomas Wattson, James Wattson, Francis West, Roger Lewis, Richard Domelow, William Hatfeild, Thomas Fossett, Ann Fossett, Jenkin Osborne, William Sismore, Martha Sismore, Stephen Braby, Elizabeth Braby, Edward Temple, Daniel Vergo, William Tathill, boy, Thomas Haile, boy, Richard Morewood, Edward Sparshott, Barnard Jackson, William Brocke, James Mayro.

[U] _West and Sherlow Hundred Island._--The distinction here made seems to confirm the suggestion contained in note to West and Sherlow Hundred.

_At Chaplain's Choise._[V]

Isacke Chaplaine, Mrs. Chaplaine, John Chaplaine, Walter Priest, William Weston, John Duffy, Ann Michaell, Thomas Phillipps, Henry Thorne, Robert Hudson, Isacke Baugton, Nicholas Sutton, William Whitt, Edward Butler, Henry Turner, Thomas Leg, John Browne, John Trachern, Henry Willson, Thomas Baldwin, Allexander Sanderson, David Ellis, Sara More, Ann, a maid.

[V] _Chaplain's Choise._--This place and Jordan's Journey were represented in 1629, by Walter Price, according to Hening, and with only a fair allowance for the orthographical inaccuracies of the time and of different copyists, it is not impossible that the Walter Priest of the text is the same person. We can find no clue to its location, but it is reasonable to suppose it was near Jordan's Point.

_Att James citie and within the Corporation thereof._[W]

Sir Francis Wyatt, Gov^r Margarett, Lady Wyatt, Hant Wyatt, minister, Kathren Spencer, Thomas Hooker, John Gather, John Matcheman, Edward Cooke, George Nelson, George Hall, Lane Burtt, Elizabeth Powell, Mary Woodward, Sir George Yeardley, knight, Temperance Lady Yeardley, Argall Yeardley, 284 Frances Yeardley, Elizabeth Yeardley, Kilibett, Austen Combes, John Foster, Richard Arrundell, Susan Hall, Ann Grimes, Elizabeth Lyon, ---- Younge, negro } negro } women, Alice Davison, _vidua_, Edward Sharples, Jone Davies, George Sands, Treas^r, Capt. William Perce, Joan Perce, Robert Hedges, Hugh Win, Thomas Moulston, Henry Farmer, John Lightfoote, Thomas Smith, Roger Ruese, Allexander Gill, John Cartwright, Robert Austine, Edward Bricke, William Ravenett, Jocomb Andrews, _uxor_ Andrews, Richard Alder, Ester Evere, Angelo, a negar, Doctor John Pott, Elizabeth Pott, Richard Townsend, Thomas Leister, John Kullaway, Randall Howlett, Jane d.i.c.kinson, Fortune Taylor, Capt. Roger Smith, Mrs. Smith, Elizabeth Salter, Sara, Elizabeth Rolfe, Christopher Lawson, _uxor_ En. Lawson, Francis Fouler, Charles Waller, Henry Booth, Capt. Raph Hamor, Mrs. Hamor, Joreme Clement, Elizabeth Clement, Sara Langley, Sisely Greene, Ann Addams, Elkinton Ratclife, Francis Gibson, James Yemanson, John Pountes, Christopher Best, Thomas Clarke, Mr. Reignolds, Mr. Hickmore, _uxor_ Hickmore, Sara Ruddell, Edward Blaney, Edward Hudson, _uxor_ Hudson, William Hartley, John Sh.e.l.ley, Robert Bew, William Ward, Thomas Mentis, Robert Whitmore, Robert Channtree, Robert Sheppard, William Sawyer, Lanslott Dansport, Mathew Loyd, Thomas Ottway, Thomas Crouth, Elizabeth Starkey, Elinor, Mrs. Perry, infant Perry, Frances Chapman, George Graues, 376 _uxor_ Graues, Rebecca Snowe, Sara Snowe, John Isgrane, Mary As...o...b.., _vidua_, Benamy Bucke, Gercyon Bucke, Peleg Bucke, Mara Bucke, Abram Porter, Brigett Clarke, Abigall As...o...b.., John Jackson, _uxor_ Jackson, Ephraim Jackson, Mr. John Burrows, Mrs. Burrows, Anthony Burrows, John Cooke, Nicholas Gouldsmith, Elias Gaile, Andrew Howell, Ann Ashley, John Southern, Thomas Pasmore, Andrew Ralye, Nathaniel Jefferys, _uxor_ Jefferys, Thomas Hebbs, Clement Dilke, Mrs. Dilke, John Hinton, Richard Stephens, Wa.s.sell Rayner, _uxor_ Rayner, John Jackson, Edward Price, Osten Smith, Thomas Spilman, Bryan Cawt, George Minisy, Moyes Ston, Capt. Holmes, Mr. Calcker, Mrs. Calcker, infant Calcker, Peceable Sherwood, Anthony West, Henry Barker, Henry Scott, Margery Dawse, Mr. Cann (or Cam) Capt. Hartt, Edward Spalding, _uxor_ Spalding, _puer_ Spalding, _puella_ Spalding, John Helin, _uxor_ Helin, _puer_ Helin, infant Helin, Thomas Graye, _uxor_ Graye, Jone Graye, William Graye, Richard Younge, _uxor_ Younge, Jone Younge, Rendall Smallwood, John Greene, William Mudge, Mrs. Sothey, Ann Sothey, Elin Painter, Goodman Webb.

[W] _James Citie._--This birthplace of our State, eighty miles below Richmond, is now the property of a gentleman of New York city, who has the ground cultivated. During the war the soil was thrown up into fortifications, and pieces of armor, sword hilts, calthorps, gold, silver and copper coins were found. All that remains of the city is a portion of the brick tower which belonged to the church, and which attracts the attention of travellers on the river with an interest similar to that of Mount Vernon on the Potomac. Though visited by very few persons, yet the relic-hunters have removed all of the tombstones, and have attacked what remains of the church tower.

_In the Maine._

Richard Atkins, _uxor_ Atkins, William Baker, Edward Oliver, Samuell Morris, Robert Davis, Robert Lunthorne, John Vernie, Thomas Wood, Thomas Rees, 461 Michael Batt, _uxor_ Batt, _vidua_ Tindall, Mr. Stafferton, _uxor_ Stafferton, John Fisher, John Rose, Thomas Thornegood, John Badston, Susan Blackwood, Thomas Rin_s_ton (or f), Robert Scottismore, Roger Kid, Nicholas Bullington, Nicholas Marttin, John Carter, Christopher Hall, David Ellis, _uxor_ Ellis, John Frogmorton, Robert Marshall, Thomas Snow (orig. Swnow), John Smith, Lawrance Smalpage, Thomas Crosse, Thomas Prichard, Richard Crouch, Christopher Redhead, Henry Booth, Richard Carven, _uxor_ Carven, John Howell, William Burtt, William Stocker, Nicholas Roote, Sara Kiddall, infants { Kiddall, { Kiddall, Edward Fisher, Richard Smith, John Wolrich, Mrs. Wolrich, Johathin Giles, Christopher Ripen, Thomas Banks, Frances Butcher, Henry Daivlen, Arthur Chandler, Richard Sanders, Thomas Helcott, Thomas, Griffine Greene, Thomas...o...b..urn, Richard Downes, William Laurell, Thomas Jordan, Edward Busbee, Henry Turner, Joshua Crew, Robert Hutchinson, Thomas Jones, _uxor_ Jones, Reignold, _uxor_, Richard Bridgewatter, _uxor_ Bridgewatter, Mr. Thomas Bun, Mrs. Bun, Thomas Smith, Elizabeth Hodges, William Kemp, _uxor_ Kemp, Hugh Baldwine, _uxor_ Baldwine, John Wilmose, Thomas Doe, _uxor_ Doe, George Fryer, _uxor_ Fryer, Stephen Webb.

_In James Island._

John Osbourn, _uxor_ Osbourn, George Pope, Robert Cunstable, William Jones, _uxor_ Jones, 547 John Johnson, _uxor_ Johnson, infants { Johnson, { Johnson, John Hall, uxor Hall, William Cooksey, _uxor_ Cooksey, infant Cooksey, Alice Kean, Robert Fitts, _uxor_ Fitts, John Reddish, John Grevett, _uxor_ Grevett, John West, Thomas West, Henry Glover, Goodman Stocks, _uxor_ Stocks, infant Stocks, Mr. Adams, Mr. Leet, William Spence, _uxor_ Spence, infant Spence, James Tooke, James Roberts, Anthony Harlow, Sara Spence, George Shurke, John Booth & Robt. Bennett.

_The Neck of Land._

Mr. Kingsmeale, _uxor_ Kingsmeale, infants { Kingsmeale, { Kingsmeale, Raph Griphin, Frances Compton, John Smith, John Filmer, Edward, a negro, Thomas Sulley, _uxor_ Sulley, Thomas Harwood, George Fedam, Peter Staber, Thomas Popkin, Thomas Sides, Richard Perse, _uxor_ Perse, Allen, his man, Isabell Pratt, Thomas Allnutt, _uxor_ Allnutt, John Paine, Roger Redes, Elinor Sprad.

_Over the River._

John Smith, _uxor_ Smith, infant Smith, John Pergo, Richard Fenn, William Richardson, Robert Lindsey, Richard Dolfemb, John Bottam, John Elliott, Susan Barber, Thomas Gates, _uxor_ Gates, Percevall Wood, Anthony Burrin, William Bedford, William Sands, John Proctor, Mrs. Proctor, Phettiplace Close, Henry Home, Richard Home, 627 Thomas Flower, William Bullocke, Ellias Hinton, John Foxen, Edward Smith, John Skimer, Martine De Moone, William Naile, Thomas Fitts, Elizabeth Abbitt, Alice Fitts.

_At the Plantation over against James Cittie._[X]

Capt. Samuel Mathews, Benjamin Owin, Rice Ax^r Williams, John, a negro, Walter Parnell, William Parnell, Margaret Roades, John West, Francis West, _vidua_, Thomas Dayhurst, Robert Mathews, Arthur Gouldsmith, Robert Williams, Morice Loyd, Aron Conway, William Sutton, Richard Greene, Mathew Haman, Samuell Davies, John Thomas, John Docker, Abram Wood, Michaell Lupworth, John Davies, Lewis Baly, James Daries, Alice Holmes, Henry Barlow, Thomas b.u.t.ton, Edmond Whitt, Zacharia Crispe, John Burland, Thomas Hawkins, Thomas Phillips, Paul Reinolds, Nicholas Smith, Elizabeth Williams, Hugh Cruder, Edward Hudson, Robert Sheppard, Thomas Ottawell, Thomas Crouth, Robert Bew, John Russell, Robert Chantry, George Rodgers, Lanslott Damport, John Shule, Nathaniell Loyd, William Sawyer, William Ward, William Hartley, Jereme Whitt, Livetenant Purfrey, Edward Grindall, Mr. Swift, William Hames, George Gurr, Henry Wood, John Baldwine, John Needome, William Bricks, Nicholas Thompson, John Dency, Erasmus Cartter, John Edwards, 704 George Bayley, George Sparke, Nicholas Comin, Nicholas Arras, Marttin Turner, John Stone, infant, Davy Mansfield, John Denmarke, Elizabeth Rutten, Goodwife Bincks, A servant of Mr. Moorewood's.

[X] _At the Plantation over against James Citie._--Hening reports as Burgesses (after James Citty) for the other side of the water, Capt.

John West, Capt ffelgate; as John West's name appears in the text under this head, we presume the places are identical and refer to probably some place on the opposite side of the James river not more definitely designated.

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