Colonial Records of Virginia Part 10

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[338] Fact, McDonald.

[339] In the McDonald copy this and the paragraph next preceding are transposed.

That no man may go above twenty miles from his dwelling-place, nor upon any voiage whatsoever shalbe absent from thence for the s.p.a.ce of seven dayes together w^{th}out first having made the Governo^r[340] or comaunder of the same place acquainted therw^{th},[341] upon paine[342]

of paying twenty s.h.i.+llinges[343] to the publique uses of the same Incorporation where the party delinquent dwelleth.

[340] Governour, McDonald, Bancroft.

[341] therewith, McDonald, Bancroft.

[342] penalty, McDonald.

[343] s.h.i.+llings, Bancroft.

That noe man shall purposely goe to any Indian townes, habitations or places of resort[344] w^{th}out leave from the Governo^r[345] or comaunder[346] of that place where he liveth, upon paine of paying 40^s to publique uses as aforesaid.

[344] resorte, McDonald, Bancroft.

[345] Gover^{nr}, McDonald; Governour, Bancroft.

[346] comander, McDonald; comand^r, Bancroft.

That no man living in this Colony, but shall between this and the first of January nexte ensuing come or sende to the Secretary of Estate[347]

to enter his own and all his servants' names, and for what terme or upon what conditions they are to serve, upon penalty of paying 40^s to the said Secretary of Estate.[348] Also, whatsoever M^{rs} or people doe[349] come over to this plantation that within[350] one month of their arrivall (notice being first given them of this very lawe) they shall likewise resorte to the Secretary of Estate[351] and shall certifie him upon what termes or conditions they be come hither, to the ende that he may recorde their grauntes and comissions, and for how long time and upon what conditions[352] their servants (in case they have any) are to serve them, and that upon paine of the penalty nexte above mentioned.

[347] State, McDonald.

[348] State, McDonald.

[349] do., Bancroft.

[350] w^{th}in, McDonald.

[351] State, McDonald.

[352] In the McDonald copy, from the word conditions, in the third line above, to this point are omitted.

All Ministers in the Colony shall once a year, namely, in the moneth of Marche, bring to the Secretary of Estate a true account of all Christenings, burials and marriages, upon paine, if they faill, to be censured for their negligence by the Governo^r[353] and Counsell[354] of Estate; likewise, where there be no ministers, that the comanders of the place doe supply the same duty.

[353] Governour, McDonald, Bancroft.

[354] Councill, McDonald.

No man, w^{th}out leave of the Governo^r, shall kill any Neatt cattle whatsoever, young or olde, especially kine, Heyfurs or cow-calves, and shalbe[355] carefull to preserve their steeres[356] and oxen, and to bring them to the plough and such profitable uses, and w^{th}out having obtained leave as aforesaid, shall not kill them, upon penalty of forfaiting the value of the beast so killed.

[355] shall be, McDonald, Bancroft.

[356] steers, McDonald.

Whosoever shall take any of his neighbours' boates, oares, or canoas w^{th}out leave from the owner shalbe held[357] and esteemed as a felon and so proceeded againste;[358] tho[359] hee that shall take away by violence or stelth any canoas or other thinges from the Indians shall make valuable rest.i.tution to the said Indians, and shall forfaict, if he be a freeholder, five pound; if a servant, 40^s, or endure a whipping; and anything under the value of 13^d[360] shall be accounted Petty larceny.

[357] helde, McDonald, Bancroft.

[358] against, McDonald, Bancroft.

[359] also McDonald, Bancroft.

[360] ob., McDonald.

All ministers shall duely read divine service, and exercise their ministerial function according to the Ecclesiastical lawes and orders of the churche[361] of Englande, and every Sunday in the afternoon[362]

shall Catechize suche as are not yet ripe to come to the Com.[363] And whosoever of them shalbe[364] found negligent or faulty in this kinde shalbe subject to the censure of the Govern^r and Counsell of Estate.

[361] Church, McDonald.

[362] afternoone, McDonald.

[363] comunion, McDonald, Bancroft.

[364] shall be, McDonald.

The Ministers and Churchwardens shall seeke to presente[365] all unG.o.dly disorders, the comitters wherofe[366] if, upon goode[367] admonitions and milde reprooff,[368] they will not forbeare the said skandalous offenses,[369] as suspicions of whordomes,[370] dishonest company keeping with weomen and suche[371] like, they are to be presented and punished accordingly.

[365] prevente, McDonald.

[366] whereof, McDonald, Bancroft.

[367] good, McDonald, Bancroft.

[368] reproofe, McDonald.

[369] offences, McDonald.

[370] wh.o.r.edoms, McDonald.

[371] such, McDonald.

If any person after two warnings, doe[372] not amende[373] his or her life in point[374] of evident suspicion of Incontincy[375] or of the comission[376] of any other enormous sinnes,[377] that then he or shee be presented by the Churchwardens and suspended for a time from the churche by the minister. In w^{ch} Interim if the same person do[378]

not amende and humbly submit[379] him or herselfe to the churche, he is then fully to be excomunicate and soon after a writt or warrant to be sent[380] from the Govern^r[381] for the apprehending of his person ande seizing on[382] all his goods. Provided alwayes, that all the ministers doe meet[383] once a quarter, namely, at the feast of S^t Michael the Arkangell, of the nativity of our saviour, of the Annuntiation of the blessed Virgine, and about midsomer, at[384] James citty or any other place where the Governo^r[385] shall reside, to determine whom it is fitt to excomunicate, and that they first presente their opinion to the Governo^r[386] ere they proceed to the acte of excomunication.

[372] do., Bancroft.

[373] amend, Bancroft.

[374] pointe, McDonald.

[375] Incontinency, McDonald, Bancroft.

[376] commission, McDonald.

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