Helps to Latin Translation at Sight Part 99

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208 +Hasdrubal+ (son of Hamilcar) eludes Scipio and crosses the Pyrenees to join Hannibal Philopoemen, General of Achaean League 208-183

207 +Defeat and Death of Hasdrubal at the Metaurus (Nero)+

204 Scipio goes to Africa: blockades _Utica_ +Peace of Rome with Philip+ 205

203 +Hannibal recalled: leaves Italy+

202 Battle of _Zama_. Peace made ---------------------------------------- PART V.--FORMATION OF EMPIRE BEYOND ITALY, 200-183 B.C.

---------------------------------------- +200-196+ +Second Macedonian War+

197 Battle of _Cynoscephalae_ (+Flaminius+)

196 _Proclamation of the Freedom of Greece_

195 Hannibal takes refuge with Antiochus Cato (234-149)

200-191 War with Insubrian and Boian Gauls +Gallia Cisalpina a Roman Province+ (3) Antiochus in Greece 192

+191-190+ +War with Antiochus of Syria+

191 Battle of _Thermopylae_ (+Cato+)

190 Battle of _Magnesia_. (L. Scipio and Domitius) Hannibal with Prusias, King of Bithynia 190-183 PACUVIUS (220-132)

184 +Censors.h.i.+p of Cato+

183 _Deaths of Hannibal, Scipio and Philopoemen_

179 T. Semp.r.o.nius Gracchus in Spain War of Antiochus and Egypt 172-168

+171-168+ +Third Macedonian War (Perseus)+

168 Battle of _Pydna_ (+Aemilius Paulus+) Judas Maccabaeus (a treaty with Rome, 161) 166-161 TERENCE (185-159) Egypt accepts the protectorate of Rome

+149-146+ +Third Punic War (Scipio Africa.n.u.s Minor)+ _Destruction of Carthage_ LUCILIUS (180-103)

148-146 War with Andriscus (the pseudo-Philip) and the Achaeans.

_Destruction of Corinth_ (+Mummius+)

148 +Macedonia made a Roman Province+ (4) +Illyric.u.m made a Roman Province+ (5)

149-140 War with +Viriathus+, the Lusitanian Hero Judaea free from Syrian control (Simon Maccabaeus) 142

143-133 +Numantine War+

133 _Destruction of Numantia_ (Scipio Africa.n.u.s Minor) Accius (_c._ 170-90) +Roman Province in Spain+ (7) +Achaia made a Roman Province+ (8)

133 Attalus III bequeaths the Kingdom of Pergamum to Rome. This becomes the +Roman Province of Asia+ (9) ---------------------------------------- PART VI.--PERIOD OF CIVIL STRIFE IN ITALY, ETC. 133-44 B.C.

---------------------------------------- 133-121 Attempted reforms (_Leges Semp.r.o.niae_) of the Gracchi

133 Agrarian Law of +Tiberius Gracchus+ John Hyrca.n.u.s subdues Idumea and Samaria 129 Murder of Tib. Gracchus (P. Scipio Nasica) First civil bloodshed in Rome

131 _Two plebeian Consuls_ (the first time)

129 Death of Scipio Africa.n.u.s Minor (Carbo suspected)

123-2 +Tribunate of C. Gracchus+ _Roman Colony sent to Carthage_ 123

121 Death of C. Gracchus Conquest of S. Gaul. +Province of Narbonensis+ (10) +Mithridates (Pontus)+ 120-63 Afranius (_fl._ 100)

118 Death of Micipsa, King of Numidia

+111-106+ +The Jugurthine War (Metellus, Marius, Sulla)+ Conquests of Mithridates on the Black Sea 112-110

106 Jugurtha betrayed to Sulla

105 The Cimbrians defeat the Romans at _Arausio_

102 Marius defeats Teutones at _Aquae s.e.xtiae_

101 Marius (with Catulus) defeats Cimbri at _Vercellae_

100 Marius Consul a sixth time Sulla on the Euphrates 92

91 +Tribunate of M. Livius Drusus+

91-81 +The Social or Marsic War+ +Tigranes+ (_Armenia_) 95-60

90 _Lex Iulia_, granting the _civitas_ to the Italian States not in rebellion

89 Battle of _Asculum_

+88-86+ +First Civil War (between Marius and Sulla)+ ---------------------------------------- PERIOD II.--THE GOLDEN AGE OF LATIN LITERATURE, 80 B.C.-14 A.D.

---------------------------------------- 88 Sulla occupies Rome. _First invasion of Rome by a Roman army_

87-84 +Cinnan revolution+. Marius' reign of terror

+88-84+ +First Mithridatic War. (Sulla)+

88 Ma.s.sacre of Romans in Asia

86 Victory at _Chaeronea_. Sulla takes Athens Death of Marius

85 Victory at _Orchomenus_ Tigranes at war with Rome 86-85 LUCRETIUS (97-53)

84 _Peace of Darda.n.u.s with Mithridates_

+83-82+ +Second Civil War (between Marius and Sulla)+

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