Helps to Latin Translation at Sight Part 98

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+340-338+ +The Latin War+. Devotion of +Decius Mus I+.

Battle of Chaeronea 338 _Apelles_ (_painter_) 336 Battle of _Mt. Vesuvius_

339 _Leges Publiliae. Supremacy of Comitia Tributa_ +Alexander the Great+ 336-323

+326-304+ +Second Samnite War (C. Pontius)+ Battle of Issus 333 Menander 344-292

321 +Caudine Forks+. The Yoke Foundation of Alexandria 332

311 Appius Claudius, Censor. The _Via Appia_ Battle of Arbela 331

+311-309+ Etruscan War. First Battle at _Lake Vadimo_ Alexander's Successors } Battle of Ipsus (301) } 323-301

305 Battle of _Bovianum_

+298-290+ +Third Samnite War+ Ptolemy I (Soter) 323-285 Euclid _fl._ 300 Agathocles at Syracuse 317-289 Theophrastus _c._ 384-277

295 Battle of _Sentinum_. Devotion of +Decius Mus II+.

Demetrius Poliorcetes 308-283 Zeno, the Stoic _c._ 366-264

287 Last Secession of the Plebs Rhodes powerful 300-200 Epicurus 341-270

287 _Lex Hortensia. Legislative power of Comitia Tributa finally established_ _Political distinction between the Patricians and Plebeians now at an end_ Aetolian League 284-167 Theocritus _fl._ 280

283 Renewed Etruscan and Gallic War Achaean League 280-146 Bion and Moschus _fl._ 270 Second Battle at _Lake Vadimo_

+281-275+ +War with Tarentines and Pyrrhus+

280 Battle of _Heraclea_. Victory of the phalanx Gauls in Greece 280-278

279 Battle of _Asculum_. +Fabricius the Just+ Ptolemy II (Philadelphus) 285-247 _Septuagint_ _c._ 277

278 +Rome and Carthage allied+

277 Pyrrhus masters nearly all Sicily

275 Battle near _Beneventum_ (+M'. Curius Dentatus+) Pyrrhus returns to Epirus

273 Treaty of Rome with Egypt. _Recognition of Rome as one of the great powers_ _Aratus_ (_astronomer_) _fl._ 270

272 Pyrrhus killed at Argos. Surrender of Tarentum

266 +All Italy (south of the Apennines) Roman+ ---------------------------------------- PART IV.--THE CONTEST WITH CARTHAGE, 264-202 B.C.

---------------------------------------- +264-241+ +First Punic War+

263 +Hiero of Syracuse+ joins Rome +Hiero of Syracuse+ 269-219

261 Romans build a fleet

260 Naval victory of +Duilius+ near _Mylae_ Aratus, General of Achaean League 245 Callimachus _fl._ 260 _Columna Rostrata_

256 Naval victory of +Regulus+ at _Ecnomus_ ---------------------------------------- LATIN LITERATURE. B.C.

---------------------------------------- PROSE.

---------------------------------------- VERSE.

---------------------------------------- PERIOD I.--THE GROWTH OF LATIN LITERATURE, 250-80 B.C.

---------------------------------------- 255 Regulus defeated by Xanthippus of Sparta

250 Roman victory at _Panormus_ (Metellus)

249 Carthaginian victory at _Drepana_ (Claudius)

248-241 +Hamilcar Barca+ in Sicily Ptolemy III (Euergetes) 247-222

241 Victory of Lutatius off the _Aegates Insulae_ _Peace with Carthage_ +Sicily made a Roman Province+ (1) Livius Andronicus (_fl._ 240)

241-238 War of Carthage with her Mercenaries +Corsica and Sardinia made a Roman Province+ (2) Naevius (_fl._ 235)

236-228 +Hamilcar in Spain. Hannibal's oath+

230-229 Illyrian War. (Queen Teuta) Athens joins Achaean League 229

228 Corinth admits the Romans to the Isthmian Games +Roman to Greece+ 228 +Hasdrubal+ succeeds Hamilcar in Spain _Founds New Carthage_. The _Iberus_ (_Ebro_) fixed as the Carthaginian boundary

225-223 Gallic rising (Boii and Insubres) Reforms of Cleomenes at Sparta 226-5 Great victory near _Telamon_

222 Victory over the Insubres at _Clastidium_ Aratus and Antigonus take Sparta 221 +M. Marcellus+ wins the _spolia opima_ (3) Subjugation of Gaul south of the Alps Antiochus the Great (Syria) 224-187

221 +Hannibal succeeds Hasdrubal in Spain+

219 Hannibal takes _Saguntum_ (ally of Rome) Ptolemy IV (Philopator) 222-205

+218-202+ +Second Punic War+ Philip V (Macedon) 221-179 PLAUTUS (254-184)

218 Hannibal crosses the Alps Battles of the _Ticinus_ and _Trebia_

217 Battle of _Lake Trasimene_. Death of +Flaminius+ +Q. Fabius Maximus, Dictator+ +Philip allied with Hannibal+ 216 Fabius Pictor (_fl._ 216) ENNIUS (239-169)

216 Battle of _Cannae_. Death of +Paulus+

216-211 +Revolt of Capua+

215 Marcellus saves Nola First Macedonian War 214-205

214-212 +Siege and Capture of Syracuse by Marcellus+ +Death of Archimedes+ 212

212 P. & Cn. Scipio defeated by Hasdrubal Loss of Spain south of the Ebro Hannibal seizes Tarentum

211-206 +P. Cornelius Scipio+ (Africa.n.u.s Maior) in Spain Rome allied with Aetolians 211

210 Scipio surprises New Carthage

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