Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Part 3

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers -

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In the grounds outside of Building No. 10 is a large steel gallery, much shorter than Gallery No. 1, in fact, but 30 ft. in length, and much greater in diameter, namely, 10 ft. (Fig. 3, Plate X), in which electric motors, electric cutting machines, and similar apparatus, are being tested in the presence of explosive mixtures of gas and dust and with large amperage and high voltage, such as may be used in the largest electrical equipment in mines.

The investigation as to the ability of insulation to withstand the effects of acid mine waters has been very difficult and complicated. At first it was believed possible that mine waters from nearby Pennsylvania mines and of known percentages of acidity could be procured and kept in an immersion tank at approximately any given percentage of strength.

This was found to be impracticable, as these waters seem to undergo rapid change the moment they are exposed to the air or are transported, in addition to the changes wrought by evaporation in the tank. It has been necessary, therefore, to a.n.a.lyze and study carefully these waters with a view to reproducing them artificially for the purpose of these tests. Concerning the insulation, delicate questions have arisen as to a standard of durability which shall be commensurate with reasonable cost.

These preliminary points are being solved in conference with the manufacturers, and it is expected that the results will soon permit of starting the actual tests.

_Safety-Lamp Investigations._--Many so-called safety lamps are on the market, and preliminary tests of them have been made in the lamp gallery, in Building No. 17 (Fig. 2, Plate X). After nearly a year of endeavor to calibrate this gallery, and to co-ordinate its results with those produced in similar galleries in Europe, this preliminary inquiry has been completed, and the manufacturers and agents of all safety lamps have been invited to be present at tests of their products at the Pittsburg laboratory.

A circular dated November 19th, 1909, contains an outline of these tests, which are to be conducted under the direction of Mr. J. W. Paul, an experienced coal-mining engineer and ex-Chief of the Department of State Mine Inspection of West Virginia. The lamps will be subjected to the following tests:

(_a_).--Each lamp will be placed in a mixture of air and explosive natural gas containing 6, 8, and 10% of gas, moving at a velocity of from 200 to 2,500 ft. per min., to determine the velocity of the air current which will ignite the mixture surrounding the lamp. The current will be made to move against the lamp in a horizontal, vertical ascending, and vertical descending direction, and at an angle of 45, ascending and descending.

(_b_).--After completing the tests herein described, the lamps will be subjected to the tests described under (_a_), with the air and gas mixture under pressure up to 6 in. of water column.

(_c_).--Under the conditions outlined in (_a_), coal dust will be introduced into the current of air and gas to determine its effect, if any, in inducing the ignition of the gas mixture.

(_d_).--Each lamp will be placed in a mixture of air and varying percentages of explosive natural gas to determine the action of the gas on the flame of the lamp.

(_e_).--Each lamp will be placed in a mixture of air and varying percentages of carbonic acid gas to determine the action of the gas on the flame.

(_f_).--Lamps equipped with internal igniters will be placed in explosive mixtures of air and gas in a quiet state and in a moving current, and the effect of the igniter on the surrounding mixture will be observed.

(_g_).--The oils (illuminants) used in the lamps will be tested as to viscosity, gravity, flas.h.i.+ng point, congealing point, and composition.

(_h_).--Safety-lamp globes will be tested by placing each globe in position in the lamp and allowing the flame to impinge against the globe for 3 min. after the lamp has been burning with a full flame for 10 min., to determine whether the globe will break.

(_i_).--Each safety-lamp globe will be mounted in a lighted lamp with up-feed, and placed for 5 min. in an explosive mixture of air and gas moving at the rate of 1,000 ft. per min., to determine whether the heat will break the gla.s.s and, if it is broken, to note the character of the fracture.

(_j_).--Safety-lamp globes will be broken by impact, by allowing each globe to fall and strike, horizontally, on a block of seasoned white oak, the distance of fall being recorded.

(_k_).--Each safety lamp globe will be mounted in a safety lamp and, when the lamp is in a horizontal position, a steel pick weighing 100 grammes will be permitted to fall a sufficient distance to break the globe by striking its center, the distance of the fall to be recorded.

(_l_).--To determine the candle power of safety lamps, a photometer equipped with a standardized lamp will be used. The candle-power will be determined along a line at right angles to the axis of the flame; also along lines at angles to the axis of the flame both above and below the horizontal. The candle-power will be read after the lamp has been burning 20 min.

(_m_).--The time a safety lamp will continue to burn with a full charge of illuminant will be determined.

(_n_).--Wicks in lamps must be of sufficient length to be at all times in contact with the bottom of the vessel in which the illuminant is contained, and, before it is used, the wick shall be dried to remove moisture.

_Mine-Rescue Methods._--Mr. Paul, who has had perhaps as wide an experience as any mining man in the investigation of and in rescue work at mine disasters, is also in charge of the mine-rescue apparatus and training for the Geological Survey. These operations consist chiefly of a thorough test of the various artificial breathing apparatus, or so-called oxygen helmets. Most of these are of European make and find favor in Great Britain, Belgium, France, or Germany, largely according as they are of domestic design and manufacture. As yet nothing has been produced in the United States which fulfills all the requirements of a thoroughly efficient and safe breathing apparatus for use in mine disasters.

At the Pittsburg testing station there are a number of all kinds of apparatus. The tests of these are to determine ease of use, of repair, durability, safety under all conditions, period during which the supply of artificial air or oxygen can be relied on, and other essential data.

In addition to the central testing station, sub-stations for training miners, and as headquarters for field investigation as to the causes of mine disasters and for rescue work in the more dangerous coal fields, have been established; at Urbana, Ill., in charge of Mr. R. Y. Williams, Mining Engineer; at Knoxville, Tenn., in charge of Mr. J. J. Rutledge, Mining Engineer; at McAlester, Okla., in charge of Mr. L. M. Jones, a.s.sistant Mining Engineer; and at Seattle, Wash., in charge of Mr. Hugh Wolflin, a.s.sistant Mining Engineer. Others may soon be established in Colorado and elsewhere, in charge of skilled mining engineers who have been trained in this work at Pittsburg, and who will be a.s.sisted by trained miners. It is not to be expected that under any but extraordinary circ.u.mstances, such as those which occurred at Cherry, Ill., the few Government engineers, located at widely scattered points throughout the United States, can hope to save the lives of miners after a disaster occurs. As a rule, all who are alive in the mine on such an occasion, are killed within a few hours. This is almost invariably the case after a dust explosion, and is likely to be true after a gas explosion, although a fire such as that at Cherry, Ill., offers the greatest opportunity for subsequent successful rescue operations. The most to be hoped for from the Government engineers is that they shall train miners and be available to a.s.sist and advise State inspectors and mine owners, should their services be called for.

It should be borne in mind that the Federal Government has no police duties in the States, and that, therefore, its employees may not direct operations or have other responsible charge in the enforcement of State laws. There is little reason to doubt that these Federal mining engineers, both because of their preliminary education as mining engineers and their subsequent training in charge of mine operations, and more recently in mine-accidents investigations and rescue work, are eminently fitted to furnish advice and a.s.sistance on such occasions. The mere fact that, within a year, some of these men have been present at, and a.s.sisted in, rescue work or in opening up after disasters at nearly twenty of such catastrophes, whereas the average mining engineer or superintendent may be connected with but one in a lifetime, should make their advice and a.s.sistance of supreme value on such occasions. They cannot be held in any way responsible for tardiness, however, nor be unduly credited with effective measures taken after a mine disaster, because of their lack of responsible authority or charge, except in occasional instances where such may be given them by the mine owners or the State officials, from a reliance on their superior equipment for such work.

Successful rescue operations may only be looked for when the time, now believed to be not far distant, has been reached when the mine operators throughout the various fields will have their own rescue stations, as is the practice in Europe, and have available, at certain strategic mines, the necessary artificial breathing apparatus, and have in their employ skilled miners who have been trained in rescue work at the Government stations. Then, on the occurrence of a disaster, the engineer in charge of the Government station may advise by wire all those who have proper equipment or training to a.s.semble, and it may be possible to gather, within an hour or two of a disaster, a sufficiently large corps of helmet-men to enable them to recover such persons as have not been killed before the fire--which usually is started by the explosion--has gained sufficient headway to prevent entrance into the mine. Without such apparatus, it is essential that the fans be started, and the mine cleared of gas. The usual effect of this is to give life to any incipient fire. With the apparatus, the more dense the gas, the safer the helmet-men are from a secondary explosion or from the rapid ignition of a fire, because of the absence of the oxygen necessary to combustion.

The miners who were saved at Cherry, Ill., on November 20th, 1909, owe their lives primarily to the work of the Government engineers. The sub-station of the Survey at Urbana, Ill., was promptly notified of the disaster on the afternoon of November 13th. Arrangements were immediately made, whereby Mr. R. Y. Williams, Mining Engineer in Charge, and his a.s.sistant, Mr. J. M. Webb, with their apparatus, were rushed by special train to the scene, arriving early the following day (Sunday).

Chief Mining Engineer, George S. Rice, Chief of Rescue Division, J. W.

Paul, and a.s.sistant Engineer, F. F. Morris, learned of the disaster through the daily press, at their homes in Pittsburg, on Sunday. They left immediately with four sets of rescue apparatus, reaching Cherry on Monday morning. Meantime, Messrs. Williams and Webb, equipped with oxygen helmets, had made two trips into the shaft, but were driven out by the heat. Both shafts were shortly resealed with a view to combating the fire, which had now made considerable headway.

The direction of the operations at Cherry, was, by right of jurisdiction, in charge of the State Mine Inspectors of Illinois, at whose solicitation the Government engineers were brought into conference as to the proper means to follow in an effort to get into the mine. The disaster was not due to an explosion of coal or gas, but was the result of a fire ignited in hay, in the stable within the mine. The flame had come through the top of the air-shaft, and had disabled the ventilating fans. A rescue corps of twelve men, unprotected by artificial breathing apparatus, had entered the mine, and all had been killed. When the shafts were resealed on Monday evening, the 15th, a small hole was left for the insertion of a water-pipe or hose. During the afternoon and evening, a sprinkler was rigged up, and, by Tuesday morning, was in successful operation, the temperature in the shaft at that time being 109 Fahr. After the temperature had been reduced to about 100, the Federal engineers volunteered to descend into the shaft and make an exploration. The rescue party, consisting of Messrs. Rice, Paul, and Williams, equipped with artificial breathing apparatus, made an exploration near the bottom of the air-shaft and located the first body.

After they had returned to the surface, three of the Illinois State Inspectors, who had previously received training by the Government engineers in the use of the rescue apparatus, including Inspectors Moses and Taylor, descended, made tests of the air, and found that with the fan running slowly, it was possible to work in the shaft. The rescue corps then took hose down the main shaft, having first attached it to a fire engine belonging to the Chicago Fire Department. Water was directed on the fire at the bottom of the shaft, greatly diminis.h.i.+ng its force, and it was soon subdued sufficiently to permit the firemen to enter the mine without the protection of breathing apparatus.

Unfortunately, these operations could be pursued only under the most disadvantageous circ.u.mstances and surrounded by the greatest possible precautions, due to the frequent heavy falls of roof--a result of the heating by the mine fire--and the presence of large quant.i.ties of black-damp. All movements of unprotected rescuers had to be preceded by exploration by the trained rescue corps, who a.n.a.lyzed the gases, as the fire still continued to burn, and watched closely for falls, possible explosions, or a revival of the fire. While the heavy work of shoring up, and removing bodies, was being carried on by the unprotected rescue force, the helmet-men explored the more distant parts of the mine, and on afternoon, November 20th, one week after the disaster, a room was discovered in which a number of miners, with great presence of mind, had walled themselves in in order to keep out the smoke and heat.

From this room 20 living men were taken, of whom 12 were recovered in a helpless condition, by the helmet-men.

This is not the first time this Government mining corps has performed valiant services. Directly and indirectly the members have saved from fifteen to twenty lives in the short time they have been organized. At the Marianna, Pa., disaster, the corps found one man still alive among 150 bodies, and he was brought to the surface. He recovered entirely after a month in the hospital.

At the Leiter mine, at Zeigler, Ill., two employees, who had been trained in the use of the oxygen helmets by members of the Government's corps, went down into the mine, following an explosion, and brought one man to the surface, where they resuscitated him.

Equally good service, either in actual rescue operations, or in explorations after mine disasters, or in fire-fighting, has been rendered by this force at the Darr, Star Junction, Hazel, Clarinda, Sewickley, Berwind-White No. 37, and Wehrum, Pa., mine disasters; at Monongah and Lick Branch, W. Va.; at Deering, Sunnyside, and Shelburn, Ind., Jobs, Ohio, and at Roslyn, Wash.

_Explosives Laboratory._--The rooms grouped at the south end of Building No. 21, at Pittsburg, are occupied as a laboratory for the chemical examination and a.n.a.lysis of explosives, and are in charge of Mr. W. O.


Samples of all explosives used in the testing gallery, ballistic pendulum, pressure gauge, and other testing apparatus, are here subjected to chemical a.n.a.lysis in order to determine the component materials and their exact percentages. Tests are also made to determine the stability of the explosive, or its liability to decompose at various temperatures, and other properties which are of importance in showing the factors which will control the safety of the explosive during transportation and storage.

In the investigation of all explosives, the first procedure is a qualitative examination to determine what const.i.tuents are present.

Owing to the large number of organic and inorganic compounds which enter into the composition of explosive mixtures, this examination must be thorough. Several hundred chemical bodies have been used in explosives at different times, and some of these materials can be separated from others with which they are mixed only by the most careful and exact methods of chemical a.n.a.lysis.

Following the qualitative examination, a method is selected for the separation and weighing of each of the const.i.tuents previously found to be present. These methods, of course, vary widely, according to the particular materials to be separated, it being usually necessary to devise a special method of a.n.a.lysis for each explosive, unless it is found, by the qualitative a.n.a.lysis, to be similar to some ordinary explosive, in which case the ordinary method of a.n.a.lysis of that explosive can be carried out. Most safety powders require special treatment, while most grades of dynamite and all ordinary forms of black blasting powder are readily a.n.a.lyzed by the usual methods.

The examination of black blasting powder has been greatly facilitated and, at the same time, made considerably more accurate, by means of a densimeter devised at this laboratory. In this apparatus a Torricellian vacuum is used as a means of displacing the air surrounding the grains of powder, and through very simple manipulation the true density of black powder is determined with a high degree of accuracy. In Building No. 17 there is an apparatus for separating or grading the sizes of black powder (Fig. 1, Plate X).

By means of two factors, the moisture coefficient and the hygroscopic coefficient, which have been worked out at this laboratory, a number of important observations can be made on black powder, in determining the relative efficiency of the graphite coating to resist moisture, and also as a means of judging the thoroughness with which the components of the powder are mixed. The moisture coefficient relates to the amount of moisture which is taken up by the grains of the powder in a definite time under standard conditions of saturation; and the hygroscopic coefficient relates to the affinity of the const.i.tuents of the powder for moisture under the same standard conditions.

Besides the examination of explosives used at the testing station, those for the Reclamation Service, the Isthmian Ca.n.a.l Commission, and other divisions of the Government, are also inspected and a.n.a.lyzed at the explosives laboratory. At the present time, the Isthmian Ca.n.a.l Commission is probably the largest user of explosives in the world, and samples used in its work are inspected, tested, and a.n.a.lyzed at this laboratory, and at the branch laboratories at Gibbstown and Pompton Lakes, N.J., and at Xenia, Ohio.

Aside from the usual a.n.a.lysis of explosives for the Isthmian Ca.n.a.l Commission, special tests are made to determine the liability of the explosive to exude nitro-glycerine, and to deteriorate in unfavorable weather conditions. These tests are necessary, because of the warm and moist climate of the Isthmus of Panama.

_Gas and Dust Gallery No. 1._--Gallery No. 1 is cylindrical in form, 100 ft. long, and has a minimum internal diameter of 6? ft. It consists of fifteen similar sections, each 6? ft. long and built up in in-and-out courses. The first three sections, those nearest the concrete head, are of -in. boiler-plate steel, the remaining twelve sections are of ?-in.

boiler-plate steel, and have a tensile strength of, at least, 55,000 lb.

per sq. in. Each section has one release pressure door, centrally placed on top, equipped with a rubber b.u.mper to prevent its destruction when opened quickly. In use, this door may be either closed and unfastened, closed and fastened by stud-bolts, or left open. Each section is also equipped with one -in. plate-gla.s.s window, 6 by 6 in., centrally placed in the side of the gallery (Fig. 1, and Figs. 1 and 2, Plate VI). The sections are held together by a lap-joint. At each lap-joint there is, on the interior of the gallery, a 2-in. circular, angle iron, on the face of which a paper diaphragm may be placed and held in position by semicircular washers, studs, and wedges. These paper diaphragms are used to a.s.sist in confining a gas-and-air mixture.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 1.


Natural gas from the mains of the City of Pittsburg is used to represent that found in the mines by actual a.n.a.lysis. A typical a.n.a.lysis of this gas is as follows:

Volumetric a.n.a.lysis of Typical Natural Gas.

Hydrogen gases 0 Carbon dioxide 0.1 Oxygen 0 Heavy hydrocarbons 0 Carbon monoxide 0 Methane 81.8 Ethane 16.8 Nitrogen 1.3

The volume of gas used is measured by an accurate test meter reading to one-twentieth of a cubic foot. The required amount is admitted near the bottom, to one or more of the 20-ft. divisions of the gallery, from a 2-in. pipe, 14 ft. long. The pipe has perforations arranged so that an equal flow of gas is maintained from each unit length.

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